Real Estate Transfers SUMMONS. ALW AYS PLEASED L,.. \ * V 0 That's the verdict of those who patronize OUR GROCERY O u r Stock Is C om plete O ur Clerks A re Courteous Our Prices A re Low Let Us Please You, Too H. T. Giltner Ind. Phone 701 Pac. States 2 6 Main Street Forest Grove AOMiNISTBATOR’S NOTICE In the County Court o f the State of Oregon, for Washington County. In the matter o f thees-i late o f William M. Legal Notice. David, deceased.; The undersigned administrator hav­ ing filed his final report in the above entitled case and his petition for dis­ charge as administrator, and the Court having fixed a day for hearing upon said petition and report, notice is here­ by given to all interested parties that in accordance with said order, the first day o f December, 1911, at the hour o f ten o ’ clock A. M., at the County Court Room in the Court House at the City o f Hillsboro, Washington County, Ore­ gon, is set as the time and place for hearing upon said petition and final re­ port and all persons having objections thereto will present same at that time and place. CHAS. VAN DOREN, Administrator o f the estate of William M. David, Deceased. Dated at Forest Grove, Oregon, this 23rd day of October, 1911. , H o l l is & G r a h a m , 11-23 Attorneys. SUMMONS. In The Circuit Court o f The State o f Oregon for Washington County. Nancy I. Pearson Plaintiff vs. Humphrey Pearson Defendant To Humphrey Pearson the above named defendant: In the name o f the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publi­ cation of this summons, to-wit: On or oefore the expiration o f six weeks next from and after the date o f first publi­ cation of this summons; the first publi- cat'on thereof being on Oet. 19, 1911, and if you fail to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: That the mar­ riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved; that plaintiff have care and con­ trol of Ruth Pearson and Wm. Pear­ son, minor children of plaintiff and de­ fendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may appear equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication Lv order o f Hon. R. O. Stevenson, County Judge o f Washing­ ton Countv, Oregon, which order was made at Hillsboro, Oregon, October 18, 1911. - M. B. B ump , 11-30 Attorney for plaintiff. ! In the Circuit Court of the State of ! Oregon, for Washington County. The following list of transfers Plaintiff was furnished by the Wilkes Alice Willie vs. The unknown heirs o f W. L. Halsey, Bros. Abstract and Title Co., of deceased, and o f Helen E. Halsey, Hillsboro. deceased wife of said W. L. Halsey, deceaseu; also all other persons or A W Marks to Ella Marks, parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the lots 22 & 23 bl. 3, Garden Tracts real estate described in the complaint Add. Hillsboro $10. herein. Defendants E L Abbott et ax to R C To the unknown heirs of W. L. Hal­ sey, deceased, and of Helen t . Ualsey, Vought, et ux, part bl. 1 Finn­ deceased, wife o f said W. L. Halsey, eys add. Hillsboro $1850. deceased; also all other persons or par­ ties unknown claiming any right, title, W W McEldowney et ux, to G estate, lien or interest in the real es­ tate described in the complaint herein, H Baldwin part bl. 6 Forest the above named defendants: In the name o f the State o f Oregon, Grove $3000. you and each of you are hereby re­ Henry Harrington et ux to quired to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed against you in the above Wm. Behrmann 106.08 acres sec | entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed in 10 1 n 3 $14,000. \ the order for publication of this sum- I mons, to-wit: On or before the ex- B L Jones et ux to Percy Weik 1 piration o f six weeks next, from and NJ lot 6 bl. 4 Oak Grove Add. after the date of first publication of this summons, the date o f said first Hillsboro $125. publication thereof being on October 26, 1911, and if you fail so to appear Lucy Davis to G W Peters et and answer for want thereof, the i ux part lot 1 bl. 38 Forest Grove j plaintiff will apply to the court for the I relief prayed for in her said complaint, $2250. to-wit: Ttiat plaintiff, Alice Willie, be ad­ America Burwitz to Sarah V judged and decreed to be the owner in Schofield lots 2 & 3 bl. 19 Cornel­ fee simple o f all the following bound- j ed and described real property, situat­ ius $225. ed in the County of Washington and Rosa Stover et ux to G C Combs State o f Oregon, to-wit: All of Lot No. 7, *>f and in Block No. part lot 9 bl. 1 Oak Grove Add. | 4, o f and in the Town (now city) of Cornelius, Washington County, Oregon, Hillsboro $900. j and that it be decreed that you and eech of you and all persons claiming by, H A Lytle et ux to Harry T. ■ through or under you or either or any Challacombe lots 4 & 5 bl. 4 Tal­ of you he forever barred and precluded from claiming or attempting to claim, bots Add.. Cornelius $175. asserting or attempting to assert any Karl Brookman et ux to Emil interest, right, title, claim or lien in, to or upon said premises or any part or Brookman 40 acres sec 5, 3 S 1, parcel thereof adverse to the title of the plaintiffs therein and thereto; and $500. that plaintiff have such other and N W King et ux to Joseph Lee further relief as to the court may ap­ pear just and equitable. .84 acre Wm Stokes Cl 1 N 3, This summons is served upon you by publication by order of Hon. R. O. $1300. Stevenson, County Judge of Washing- R F Feemster et ux to Union ton County, Oregon, which order was made and dated Oct. 26, 1911, at Hills­ Security Co, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 boro, Oregon. M. B. B um p , 12-7 Attorney for Plaintiff. FINAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned Administrator has filed his final report in the matter o f the estate o f F. M. White, deceased, and the County Court o f Washington County, state o f Oregon, has set Saturday, Dec­ ember 2nd, 1911, at 10 o ’clock A. M. o f said day, as the day o f final hearing o f said report, and therefore all persons interested in said estate or having objections to such final report will make their appearance at such date and file such objections, otherwise the estate will be finally closed of record. The first publication o f this notice being November, 2nd, 1911. 11-30 FRANCIS WHITE Administrator of the estate o f F. M. White, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Tualatin Valley Acres. $10. Pioneer Educational Society to the Roman Catholic Archbishop o f the Diocese of Oregon lots 3 & 4, block B, Steel’ s Add Beav­ erton, $10. Hillsboro Garden Tracts to A J Kelley lot 14 block 11 Garden Tracts Add Hillsboro, $350. Herman Metzger to David Hoskins, ot 4 block 27, Metzger Acre Tracts, $350. You Think T h a t it w o u ld b e t o o b o ld a n a sse rtio n to m a k e w h e n w e sa y that w e can for us s a v e you 25 Per Cent on Your Winter Clothing SUCH AS MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS AND OVER COATS W e Will Do It W e h a v e a fu ll a n d c o m p le te s to c k now , and it w ill b e to y o u r in terest to lo o k it o v e r . Hoflman & Allen Company P. U. Orche»tra to Tour. J. S. L o y n e s & S on . Undertakers Under the leadership of P ro ­ fessor Frank T. Chapman, head o f the Conservatory of Music, the Varsity Orchestra, together F o re st G r o v e , O r e g o n . with soloists and a reader, is ar­ ranging to tour several towns in Funeral Chapel and Family Eastern Oregon during the Parlor in Connection Christmas vacation. On De­ cember 13 the club will appear in Forest Grove. The same week Phone Ind. 7 5 2 Pacific State 4 5 and entertainment wijl be held in Portland. Points under con­ sideration are Hood River, The Dalles, Pendleton, La Grande, PROFESSIONAL Hermiston, Heppner and Baker DIRECTORY City. The orchestra numbers 12 pieces. The members are: Pro­ fessor Chapman, director; Miss Lowell, Miss Kessl, E. I). Clapp, H. J.Turner,Chas. Walker, C. Os­ Embalming—Funeral Directing trander, Professor Heibel, Ed-; ward Livingston, William Liv­ ingston, Charles McNeil and Earl (Successors to V. H. Limber.) 'CL* House. Soloists will be Miss A. W. NELSON, Mgr. Goldie Peterson, Miss Leah Slus- Pacific AS. Independent >'42 - Oregon ser, Dwinell Clapp and P. B. Ar­ Forest Grove rant. Funeral Directing & Embalming UNDERTAKING Forest Grove Undertake ^o. Mattie J. Barnes et ux to Lil­ ly L Barnes lots 2 & 3, block 4 Jury List Drawn for Circuit Court Oak Grove Add, Hillslioro, $1.00. W . M. Langley & Son Law yers Petronella Joosten to Frank Sheriff*,Hancock and Clerk Bail­ Reh 23.76 acres, sec 21, 1 N 3, ey have.drawn the following ju r­ Forest Grove, Ogn. ors to report Nov. 27, at the fall $ 1000 . t rm o f circuit court: Herman e up W . P. Dyke Walter Hannan et ux to Chas Kanina and Franklin D uglily, ( s to oklln R Stephens, tract in sec 4, 2 N 4, N. Hillsboro: John E. Bailey, A ttom cy-at-LaW o the C. O. Roe and Frank Miller, S. $ 200 . and 55.18 Forest Grove; Rudolp Hunziker, N otary 'Public C oun James C Jones et ux to Oscar Chas. Schamburg and Aug i t Oregon Bunday, lot 12, block 1 Branford Ratzlaff, East Butte;Casner Ken - [ Forest Grove lie, Reedville; Joseph McCormick Add Forest Grove, $10. and Henry Brock. S. Tualatin; | Hollis & Graham Laura A. Porter et ux to C B Walter Hess and S. T. Coe. Ens Stokes lot 2 block 19, Forest Cedar; J. T. Young, S Hillsboro; A ttom eys-at-Law N. C. Lilly and E. J. Myres, Grove, $1.00. Gales Creek; W. H. Heisler, Dn- August Paulson to Charles ley; Joshua Marsh and J. E. Forest Grove, Ogn. Anderson et ux 39.29 acres sec Iteeves, Cornelius; John M. Over- holtzer, East Butte; Leander 22. 1 S 1, $1. # S. N. Hoffman Chowning, Dilley; William C. A ttorn ey-a t-L ov W H Hampton et ux to J L Jackson, Columbia; J. T. Croeni, EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY Simpson, tract 3 block 1, North Beaverdam; W. H. Lyda and Ben Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Dooley, Banks; Clyde L. Leedy, Hillslioro Acres, $10. Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove East Butte; J. W. Cline, S. For­ J L Simpson et ux to C L est Grove; Harry Russell, Gaston; Stodghill part lot 10 block 1 Robert McCracken and Milton H. W . Vollmer, M. D. Tucker & Stewart Add to Hills­ Cole, N. Forest Grove. J. C. Bills, Washington. boro, $10. Physician and Surgeon Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon, Oct. 31, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Jerry J. Christner whose post office address is Room 4 Cambridge Bldg., Cor. 3d and Morrison St., Portland, Oregon, did, on the 8th day o f May, 1911, file in this office Sworn Statement and Applicat­ ion. No. 03045, to purchase the N E \4 S W’ l 4 . Section 12, township 2 North, Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the pro­ visions o f the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the‘ ‘Timber and Stone Law ,” at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, the timber estimated 110,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $10.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support o f his application and sworn statement on the 18th day o f January, 1912, before the Register and Receiver o f the United States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affi­ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the County Court of the State of davit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. Oregon, for Washington County. H. F. HIGBY, Register In the matter of the es-j Ottilie Stein to E D Kerr et ux tate of Frederick W’il- Legal Notice, lot 9 block 2 Thomas Add Hills­ liam David, deceased. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned administrator hav­ boro, $350. Notice is hereby given that the un­ ing filed his final report in the above entitled case and his petition for dis­ dersigned has been duly appointed by Wm M Hart et al to A M the County Court of Washington Coun­ charge as administrator, and the Court Steams, 160 acres. Sec 14, 2 N 5, ty, Oregon, as Administrator of the having fixed a day for hearing upon said petition and report, notice is here­ estate of Nicholas A. Easly, deceased, $ . by given to all interested parties that and therefore all persons having bilfe | in accordance with said order, the first against said estate will present them, Robt Trouton et ux to J J Rus­ day of December, 1911, at the hour of properly verified according to law, to sel. Its 16, 46, 47, 48, Cornelius me at the office of Langley k Son, in j ten o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in the Court House at the City of Forest Grove, Oregon et al, $8600. Dated Nov. 9th, 1911. Hillsboro, Washington County, Ore­ W. M. EASLY, gon, is set as the tiige and place for United States Cashier Co to Administrator of the estate of hearing upon said petition a no final re­ Nicholas A. Easfy, deceased. Thos Bilyeu, 35.14 acres, Sec 6, port and all persons having objections thereto will present same at that time L a n g l e y k S o n , Attorneys. I S 2, $10. and place. CHAS. VAN DOREN Locals The Oregon Electric road has Administrator of the estate of of Frederick William David, established a camp at Harrisburg FOR SALE—Eggs for setting; Deceased. Dated at Forest Grove. Oregon, this best strain Rhode Island Reds; where work will be rushed o n 23rd day of October, 1911. the new bridge across the W illa m ­ 15 for $1.50. Frank Watrous, Hours k G r a h a m , tf Gales Creek. ette. 11-23 Attorneys. 10 Carnegie Refuses Request Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Word was received at Forest Ind. Phones Grove the last of the week that O ffice 2 3 3 Andrew Carnegie will not in­ Residence 2 1 2 crease his original offer of $20,000 for a Carnegie library at Pacific D R . C .E . W A L K E R University. He offered $20,000 on the terms that the institution Osteopathic Physician raise an additional $20,000. Friends of the University secured Treatment by Special Appoint­ $30,000 and had hoped to get an ment Only additional $10,000 from Mr. Car­ negie. W .Q . Tucker, M. D. The University of Oregon re­ quires 1200 cords <