G “ Windy Jim” Classified Advertising of Forest Grove Press WANTED TO B U Y - N i c e young team o f black or gray horses suitable to drive to hearse; weight 1100 lbs. to 1150; write with description and price. t2 W. E. Regg, Beaverton, Ore. WANTED: A girl that can do plain cooking for the Forest Grove Sanatorium. Phone 221. If you are thinking o f build­ ing a house or barn the Press is in a position to figure on your materials and we be­ lieve we can save you from 10 to 25%. See us—and save the money. Dr. Semones. Oculist ¡^a n d Homeopathic A 3 Physician, 217 First 4 Wanted party who will invest St, Ind. Phone 311, Forest Grove. small amount and take charge of Miller the Druggist will make commercial fruit dryer. Press. a general reduction on standard remedies. For Sale Real Estate LOST—Saturday evening a small cameo brooch. Finder please 160 acres good timber. Will return to Press office. trade for business property. Press office M iscellaneous FOR S A L E - A Columbia Graph- ophone with a dozen records CHEAP for cash or instalments. Graphophone has been used a short time. Call at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. Dr. Tucker has moved his of fice co the upstairs of the build­ ing next Anderson’ s store, tf Dr. Semones, the Home Ocu list, is prepared to correct your eye troubles. 217 First St. Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable A new line of beautiful, senti­ shampoo. Scalp treatment a mental and comic post cards just j specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184; arrived at the Forest Grove residence and office 232 Pacific Pharmacy. Hurry before the avenue. tf choicest are taken. tf Why pay ten dollars for a map FOR SALE Choice yearling which merely shows Washington Cotswold rams Choice year­ County, when you can get one ling Angora bucks, all from on a larger scale showing every­ imported sires. E d w a k d L. thing from the Willamette River N a y l o r , Phone Inti. 185, For­ west to the west boundary of the est Grove, Oregon. tf county, size 50x67 inches for FOR SALE Light set double $7.50, or a pocket size 24x33 in. work harness in good repair for for $2. Get it o f your bookseller sale cheap. or address T. S. Wilkes & Son, tf v J. B. M a t t h e w s . Hillsboro, Oregon. (By C. E. Dixon) Scenic Theater The new clerk looked over at Windy Jim with a scowl as the latter deposited a dripping um­ brella behind the stove and drev, Service—7:45 to 9;00 a chair up close among the circle Three Shows Every Saturday—7:30, 8:40, 9:50 o f old timers. “ Hello Cy,” he Matinee--2:30 p. m. Saturday said, as he spread out the palms of his hands towards the red-hot Daily change with best films procurable coal consumer. “ Why, hullo Clean and U p -to-D a te ! Windy, is it rainy outside?” “ Rainy? Wall I reckon so. Re­ minds me o f a time me an’ an­ other feller was out in the Yal- NSURANCE lerstone Park—” “ Out vvhar?” queried Cy Mullins, as he missed COMPANY the stove hearth with a wad of M U T U A L FIRE chewin’ gum (the “ old timers” had to quit using Star and Horse­ PRINCIPAL OFFICE. FOREST GROVE, OREGON shoe when the new clerk came to town.) “ Out in the Yallerstone Park yer mutton-head.” "Say, Will Save You More Than 25 Per Cent Windy, what makes ye alius call me a mutton-head?” “ Cause ye j look so sheepish, Cy. “ Me an’ j another feller was out thar an’ ! we lowed tew make camp on the 1 ‘Continental Divide,’ but it got! tew dark so we rolled our blank- j v r> Jw V C J a ets about tew miles from the top. We didn’t roll in ’ til after dark cause the meeskeeters were tew W . F. H A R T K A M P F thick. Won o f ’ em set on a log Wholesale and Retail an’ I hit him with afou'r-year-old club ’an drove his bill clean thru the log. Long thru the nite it V etch Seeds, all kinds o f grass 3eed, Grey Seed Oats, Rink W inter W h ea t rained purty hard an’ we thought ( Hay and Feed the skeeters would be all in. They were all in tew—in the mud jest as we hoped fer—an’ every i HEADQUARTERS won of ’ em hed on a pair o f long for top rubber boots. “ Say, gimme j Milburn Wagon*, Milwaukee a chew o f gum, will ye Cy.” Motion Photo Exhibitions Advertise in and get your Job Printing of ' Orest Gi ove ? Program of School Meeting. Mowers and Bindeva Plymouth B:nder Twine and The world over Rexall Reme The following program will be | F or Sale M iscellaneous dies sold under a guarantee. Pi­ given at the meeting o f the ^ F o r sale or lease, 10 to 40 acres oneer Drug Store. Chas. Miller, Washington County Teachers’ j ln(1 Phone 50x Forest Grove. Ore Plop. hop land. Press office. Association at Verboort, Satur- The fishing privileges on(Hoff- FOR SALE Cheap team of light man) City Park and adjoining drivers. Come and see them. Music by Association „ The “ ST ,Famil>' lfind o f J. N. Hoffman have been F. E. S m i t h , Dilley, Ore. Box 32. Roil Call, answered by a quota- Sewung Machine that can be pro- T h e W e e k ly O reg on ia n tion from an American author, duced. Made in both ROTARY sed and paid for by John Hos- Patronize home industry by Supplementary Reading in Pri- and VIBRATOR styles, — and — .3 No fishing will be per­ buying Oregon and Victor Hour. mary grades—Elsie Winters, The rotary makes both LOCK Forest G ro v e Press mitted. J ohn H oskins , tf Build up yout home and home Eighth gradeexaminations—Mrs. and CHAIN stitch. The latest M. C. Case. Complete line of Rexall reme­ institutions with home patron­ up to the minute steel attach­ One \ear, $ 1 .5 0 Spelling—R. L. Wann. age. C r e s c e n t M i l l s . dies at the Pioneer Drug Store. ments with each machine. Sold N oon . on easy payments. Send name Program by Verboort School. Resolution He was a newspaper publisher Address J. Sherman Wallace, of and address for our beautiful H. T. catologue free. and lay ill. The doctor came, McMinnville. Pope Photo Gallery put his ear to his breast and said; WHEREAS there has been or­ R ecess . Mrs. Winifred Gunton White Sewing Machine Co. “ All that troubles you, my dear ganized in the City of Hillsboro, Solo—Miss Anna Taylor, 2nd Street sir, is that your circulation is Oregon, a Washington County Course o f Study (arithmetic) — 1640 Market St O regon Hillsboro, 0 . M. Gardner. and Hillsboro Development bad.” Business Session. San Francisco, California “ Circulation bad, Doctor?” League for the purpose of ex­ Meeting o f Committees. Bring in your K o d a k w o r k to - ploiting the resources of Wash­ shrieked the man as he shot up­ Parents and teachers are in- ington County and advertising day, you can g e t it te m o ito w right in bed. “ Why man, we | vited to come and have a good J.C. Kuralti oe n er a l A uctioneers her wonderful and abundant ad­ have the largest circulation in school day. Teachers coming on E.I. Kuralti n otarial work vantages, and the R. R. will come to Forest the county.” WHEREAS the law provides that Grove and be conveyed from ESTABLISHED 1885 the CÓunty Court o f each County there, leaving about 8:45 A. M. Bring your course o f study. in Oregon may appropriate funds C o m m i t t e e . REAL ESTATE,COLLECTIONS to assist in such purposes: MONEY TO LOAN ALL KINDS OF THEREFORE be it resolved by National Apple Show German spoken in the office the Commercial Club of Forest Monumental W o rk PHONES Grove, that its members earnest­ Bell, Main 346 Ind. City 344 To Spokane and return for the ly request the County Court o f Estimates given on First- OREGON Class Work and Stock Only Washington County, Oregon, to National Apple Show for $15.95, HILLSBORO. appropriate from the general via the Oregon Electric Railway 264-66 Fourth St. Opposite City Hall funds o f the County generous and North Bank Road. Tickets PORTLAND, OREGON * r D assistance to said organization will be sold Nov. 22. and 23, good r ain 8564 A 1115 to return until Dee. Notrans- rOTGSt ufOVC I \ 6 S l 3 U t ( i n t De<\ 2. Notrans for said purpose. “ The Inland On motion to above resolution fer in Portland. Empire Express,” the only day O re g o n E lectric T im e C ard was unanimously adopted and a f/Ve A re Dropping copy train on any line leaves Portland thereof ordered sent to the LEAVES A R R IV E S You a Word of Advice About County Court o f Washington 9:55 a. m. arriving Spokane 9:45 W e h a ve on sale O lym pia P o r t la n d a t P o r t la n d p. m., giving a delightful trip County Oregon, and also a copy and Eastern O ysters : : : 6:55 a m 7:35 a m Colds and Grip. sent to the Washington County through the gorge o f the Cas­ 8:30 a m • 9:45 a m 10:50 a m 11:50 a m and Hillsboro Development cade Mountains and along the 1:15 p m 2:25 p m At the first indication o f wonderful Columbia and Snake Try us once and if we League. 3:30 p m 4:40 p m having a cold or grip get a Rivers. "The North Bank Lim­ 6:00 p m 7:25 p m please you tell others; A. E. S cott , Pres. 8:30 p m 9:20 p m a box of Our “Godd Health ited” leaves Portland 7:00 p. m. if not tell us. A. G. Hoffmaa, Sec. 11:25 p m 11:00 p m Cold Tablet*,’’ a few doses arrives Spokane 6:55 a. m. of which will relieve you. See the greatest apple exhibit L ocated on P acific A v en u e LEAVES A R R IV E S H. Challacombe is out on the F ore*t G ro v e F ore*t G r o v e Juat try for your«elf and see farm with his son, A. J. Challa­ o f the year and enjoy the E-NAK- 6:20 a m 8:05 a m if they don’ t do all that we combe. He has been showing OPS carnival. 9:40 a in 8:30 a m N. L. Atkins, Agt., claim. Our tablet* cure 12:02 p m 10:35 a m the boys how to dig “ spuds.” 2:27 p m 1 : l o p iti It Forest Grove, Ore. other* and they’ll cure you. 4:42 p m 3:25 p m Pacific Avenue, 30 acres good hop or 7:15 p m 6:10 p m 9:38 p m 8:05 p m prune land, near town. Will FOR SA L E —Gray mare, good 12:30 a m 9:53 p m Buys and Sells Second Forest Grove Pharmacy worker, age 7 *years, weight 1300 sell in tracts to suit purchaser lbs., with foal by French Jack. TMI U P T O O A T * O . U S S I f T t Trains laarr North Bank Statino in Portland Hand Goods .* .* 1* m inuta. aarHar than vh a d u lr Easy terms Will sell cheap. Vi. C. Freeman. PaoNBS Bell *31 led. Ml Little Money All Trains Daily See Press Office F a K C D C L IV K N Y Phone 51 Oak Hill. Dealer in Flour and Feed K u r a l t i Bros. Portland Warble Works and Oyster House L. J. Re e c h e r ,