Knees Became Stiff PREPARING THE PEAR Flv« Year* of Severe R heum atism The cure of Henry J . Goldstein, 1« j Barton Street, Boston, Mass., is anoth- M A N Y D IF F E R E N T W A Y S O F | er victory by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, j This great medicine has succeeded In C O O K IN G F R U IT . many cases where others have utterly 1 failed. Mr. Goldstein says: " I suf- [ fered from rheumatism five years, it kept me from business and caused ex- j eructating pain. My knees would be- Splendid Dish When Stewed, but Many Variations In Serving Are ] come as stiff as steel. I tried many ! medicines without relief, then took Possible— Pear Dumplings Al­ j Hood's Sarsaparilla, soon felt much ways a Welcome Delicacy. better, and now consider myself en- I tirely cured. I recommend Hood’s.” Get It today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called The possibilities of pears, which are S arsatab s. now In season, are apt to be over­ looked by many cooks whose only Idea Shoes of Snake Skin, In connection with this favorite des­ Shoes made of snake skin are worn sert fruit Is a dish of stewed pears. by many ultra fashionable English Hard green pears that are unfit for women this year. eating raw will do for a compote. Make a sirup of sugar and water and D o Y ou U se E y e S o lv e ? A pply only from A septic T ubes to Into this put the pears, which should I P re v e n t Infection. M urine E ye Salve In be peeled and halved. Flavor the | T u b es— New Size 25c. M urine E ye L iq­ uid 25c-50c. E ye B ooks in each Pkjf. sirup with a small piece of vanilla bean or a few cloves and color a Wisdom of Loti. pretty pink with a few drops of Let us be kind if we wish to be re­ cochineal. Stew the fruit until tender. gretted.—Pierre Loti. Strain and reduce the sirup, which should be poured over the pears Just sending the compote to table. FREEDOM FROM before A compote of pears ts the basis of pear meringue. Whisk the whites of COLDS* HEADACHES to a stiff froth and add powdered INDIGESTION*SOUR STOMACH cggB sugar In the proportion of a table­ ’BILIOUSNESS* CONSTIPATION spoonful of sugar to one white of egg. and other ill«, due to an inactive condi- Spread the meringue over the com­ pote and bake until the meringue ts a I lion of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, pale brown ; may be obtained most pleasantly and Pear dumplings are popular with most promptly by using Syrup of Figs those who know this delicacy. The ' and Elixir of Senna. H is not a new pear, which is peeled and cored. Is ln a light pastry and baked and untried remedy, but is used by wrapped apple dumplings. For pear frit­ millions of well-informed families through­ like ters the batter should be rich, the ad­ out the world to cleanse and sweeten dition of a little cream being a great and strengthen the system whenever a Improvement Pears a la marquise make a dainty laxative remedy is needed. dish. Cook a cupful of rice ln two When buying note the full name cupfuls of milk, with a tablespoonful of the Company—California Fig Syrup of sugar, the grated rind of half a Co.,—printed on every package of the lemon and a teaspoonful of butter. Thicken with the yolks of two eggs 1 genuine beaten, Dll a buttered border ; Regular price 50* per bot one size only. well mold and bake for ten minutes. Turn For sale by all leading druggists. out on a serving dish, fill the center THE ORIGINAL and GENUINE with stewed pears sprinkled with S Y R U P «f FI GS^ nc l sugar «nd cover with sweetened cream and serve. i E L I X I R « / S Et f NÄ - whipped For spiced pears wash one-half peck ■ v I S MANUFACTURED BY C A LIFO R N IA FIG SYRUPCO F in e s t in Q u a l:t y . L a r g e s t in V a r ie ty They meet every requirem ent for cleaning an< polishing shoes of ail kinds and colors. of Seckel pears, prick with a fork and cook ln boiling water, to cover, until soft. Take out carefully, put In a stone Jar and pour over the follow­ ing sirup: Mix one pound of white sugar, one and one-half cupfuls of vinegar and one and one-half table­ spoonfuls each of whole cloves and stick cinnamon, broken In pieces. Bring to the boiling point and let sim­ mer three minutes. Cover Jar and let stand two days Drain off sirup, bring to the boiling point, let simmer three minutes and pour over fruit; re­ peat, In the Jar keep a muslin bag ln which are tied two tablespoonfuls each of whole cloves and stick cinnamon. The Right W a y In A ll cases o f DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC., Of All Horses, Brood Mares, Colts, Stallions, is to “ SPOHN T H E M ” On th eir tongues or in th e feed p u t Spohn’a Liquid Compound. Give th e remedy to a 11 of them . I t acts on th e blood and glands. I t rou ts th e disease by expelling the disease germ s. It wards off th e trou ­ ble, no m atter how they a re “exposed.” A bsolute­ ly free from any thing injurious. A child can safe­ ly take it. 60 cents and $1.00; $5.00 and $10.00 the dozen. Sold by d ruggists, harness dealers, or sent express paid by th e m anufacturers. Special Agents Wanted SPOHN MEDICAL CO. Chemists and Bacteriologists GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A. Be Cured In Your Own Home Rheum atism , Stom ach and c.ur®d l”'rrnan,‘,lT ln *W t tlme ,nd •* «"•!> hr “*- Lung: troubles, Skin Diseases testimonials and H toratun. * trial p arka». S esata. Address LANG’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN MINERAL WONDER COMPANY 1.0 0 2 231 Main S tn e t. PORTLAND. OKKCON. Futile. Teacher — Tommy, what is the meaning of the word futility? Tommy—I don’t know exactly, but as an example it would be trying to tickle a turtle’s back with a chicken feather.—Youngstown Telegram. The Extreme Threat. At the finish of a “ neighborly” quarrel: “ By jove, if you don’t stop trying to make me angry, I’ll get my wife a new hat and then you will have to buy one for yours.”—Toledo Blade. Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles M uch sickness starts w ith weak stom ach, and consequent poor, im poverished blood. N ervous and pale-people lack Hood, rich, red blood. T heir stom achs need invigorating for, after all, a man can be no stronger than his stom ach. A rem edy that m akes the stom ach strong and the liver active, m akes rich reu blood and overcom es and drives out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole m ulti­ tude of diseases. G e t r i d o f y o a r S t o m a c h W e a k n e ss a n d L i v e r L a z in e s s b y t a k in g a c o u rs e o f D r . P ie r c e ’ s G o ld e n M e d ic a l D is c o v e r y — th e Q re a t S t o m a c h R e s to r a tiv e , L iv e r i n v l i o r a t o r a n d B l o o d IS le a n s e r, Y ou can 't afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for “ G olden Medical Discov c ry ,” which is a m edicine o p in o w n co m po sitio n , having e com plete list of ingredients in plain English on its bot­ tle-w rapper, sam e being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate Stomach, L iver and Bowels, P oetical Age of W om en. A Philadelphia paper affirms that :he poetical age of women thirty, when they begin to love conscien- .lously. Is A FOR SIMPLE HOME REMEDY LUMBAGO. RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY TROUBLE Salgrene in an old and teat«! remedy for almost all kinds and all classes of disease. Two part« j Salgrene and four p arts Olive Oil makes an inval­ uable remedy for Lumbago, Kidney Trouble and J Rheumatism . It is especially recommended In cases of Kidney Trouble, as it contains absolutely j no alcohol, alcohol being an irrita n t to the kid* neys. TRY IT. Y G IL T E D G E the only ladles shoe dresslnj r ia l positively contains OIL. Blacks ami Polish» ladies’ and children’s boots and shoes, eliin ei w ith o u t ru b b in g . 2.V. “ French Oloss,’’ ltNs. D A N D Y combination for cleaning and polishing all kinds of nisset or tan shoes, 25c. “Star” size, IOC ELITE combination for gentlem en who taki pride in having their shoes look A 1. Restore! color and lustre to all black shoes. Polish w ith a brush or cloth, 25c. BABY ELITE size 10c. I If your dealer does not keep the kind you warn send us his address and the prlco lu stamps to a full size package. W HITTEM ORE BROS. A CO., 9 0 -2 6 A lb a n y S t., C a m b r id g e . M a s« The Oldest and Largest M anufacturers o Shoe Polishes in the World . L in im e n t FOR RHEUMATISM. Mr*. O liva H untington. Norton*, O re., any*: ” I consider your M exican M ustang Lin im ent the best of linim ents. I have used it for different ailm ents and it alw ays g a re satisfa»-tory results. It is especially g»>od in cases of Inflam m atory Rheum a­ tism and all form s of lam eness.” 25c. 50c. $1 a bottle et Drug St G es'l Store* VV. L. DOUG •2.50, *3.00, *3.50 & *4.00 SHOES Men and Women wear W.L. Doug las shoes because they are the best shoes produced in this country For the price. Inaist upon hav­ ing them. Take no other make. T H E ST A N D A R D O F Q U A L ITY OVER 30 Y E A R S The assurance that goes with an estab­ lished reputation n your assurance in buying W . L Douglas shoes. . - If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.LDouglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they are w a r­ ra n te d to hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than any other make for the price T h e g *n e n , u | in e h a stam ve W . L on v e i n l u l T n i u n l i l l MnM, price p ed If you cannot obtain W L. I>naglaa eh«*-* in JPnr *r*'wn, write for catalog, ffhoe* *#nt direct from factory to wearer, ail charges I prepaid W .L. kO lbL A i aaarh IL. edeb are I M l FOR Apple Dumplings. Three apples, rather tart, pare, halve and core. Crust: two cups of flour, one heaping teaspoon baking powder, pinch of salt two heaping tablespoons fresh lard or butter, sweet milk to make a dough. 81ft flour, bak­ ing powder, and salt together, cut in shortening, and with a mixing spoon stir ln the milk. Roll to about one- fourth Inch thickness and wrap half of apple and place in rather deep pan. Take four cups of sugar, one ta­ blespoon flour, one tablespoon butter, and nutmeg to flavor; mix together and add one quart boiling water, stir­ ring while adding, then pour over dumplings ln pan and bake one-half to three-quarters of an hour ln rather hot oven. Baste with the sauce around dumplings when half done and let bake a nice brown. Serve with cream, either whipped of plain. These splendid. p o sitiv e ly o u t w es* PA IK * o f o r d in a ry hoya*i fn*t C*or L U vs* t mc • S to m a c h out of o rd e r? B o w e ls W e a k ? TAKE A COURSE OF THE BITTERS At Once It will do you good Cream of Tartar Biscuits. One quart flour, 2 teaspoons cream tartar, 1 of soda dissolved In milk, Plnleee Hat for Women. little butter rubbed In the flour, milk A pinless hat for women hooka enough to mix. Stir with a knife, around the head with hooka and eye*. then knead, roll and cut. Apricot Bavarian Cream. Coughs of Children Cover a half box of gelatine with a half pint of cold water and let eoak a half hour. Presa a pint of treab apricot* through a colander, first a tewing and sweetening to taste. 8tlr the gelaUne over boiling water until dissolved. Whip a pint of double Especially night coughs. Na­ cream to a stiff froth. Add the gela­ tine to the apricots, mix and turn ture needs a little help to quiet Into a tin pan. Stand the pan In an­ the irritation, control the in­ other filled with cracked Ice and stir flammation, check the progress constantly until It begins to thicken. of the disease. Our advice is Add ibe whipped cream and stir until — give the children A yer’s thoroughly mixed. Cherry Pectoral. Ask your Mock Angel Food. doctor if this is his advice also. Sift four times: One cup sugar, one He knows best. Do as he says. cup flour, three teaspoons baking | •h oar formula« powder, pinch of salt Add to the Ws feudali * above one cup of milk bested to boil­ from ourw U loiaN ing point Beet well, add flavoring, W* urg« yon to then pat In white of three eggs beaten \ oor.t'j :« your dootor stiff. Fold, bat do not stir eggs In Daks In regular angel food cake tin If yoti think constipation la of trifling (kind with bole In center) until It doee . Just ask your doctor. He not adhere to broorastraw. Have oven consequence. will disabuse you r f thu notion in short very bot until cake has risen, then ( order. “ Correct it, st o n c e !“ he will cool It by degree« until cake la done ] •sy. Then ask hi.n shout Aret’s Pills. liver pill, all vegetable. Leave In pan and turn at once upside . — A mild MmAm t»v tfc* J . C. A /W Oo., U « S U . . down to coot “ Insure in sure in su ran ce ’* Above are the prize winning tradem ark and m otto. Winner of the $50 prize for tradem ark !• J. O .Sm ith, Hotel Ellsworth, Denver. Oolo. Winner of the prize for motto I* Burl Arm­ strong. East Third South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. The judges of the contest were: A. M. j Uenerai Manager of the flail Lake Tribune and Telegram; W W. Armstrong. President of the National Copper Bank of Halt Lake City (no relation to the motto prize winner); J H. Crltchlow, M anager of Western Fuel Co., Salt Lake City. An many designs and mottos wsrs submit- cd in competition that ths fudges found ft Impossible to arrive at a decision by October 14, and therefore asked and received an ex­ tension of time The CONTINENTAL Is a strong W estsm company, devoted to the upbuilding of the W«*‘t It writes a policy which pays In case * of sickness or accident, as well aa combining I many other attractive polrita. Watch the Continental grow# Continental Life Insurance & Investment Company W . H. C unningham . G eneral M anager Horn« off tea, M eC ornick Bldg.« B alt Lake “ Insure In sure insurance.” Take nut • policy TODAY In ths Continental Llfs. S . I K I W I I M , Gsnsral Agent 8 3 4 * . Y am hill l l r w l , Peritene, Ore.