Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 09, 1911, Image 8

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Classified Advertising of Forest Grove Press
For Sale Miscellaneous
Ice cream freezers and refrige­
rators at C. L. Hinman’ s.
Subscribe for Magazines at
The Book Store
Complete line o f Rexall reme­
dies at the Pioneer Drug Store.
(Continued from last week)
Teamsters use bullock carts
For sale or lease, 10 to 40 acres
LOST—Saturday evening a small here, The bullocks have a pro­
hop land. Press office.
cameo brooch. Finder please nounced hump at the back of
Patronize home industry by
the neck.
The. carts are two­
return to Press office.
buying Oregon and Victor Flour.
wheeled. The load and the yoke
Build up youi home and home
FOR SALE—Light set double are so adjusted that the weight
institutions with home patron­ work harness in good repair for
comes on top o f the neck in front
age. C resoent M ills .
sale cheap.
o f the hump. A callous is form­
For Sale—A fine line of up to
J. B. M atthew ' s .
ed here. Loads of good size are
date refrigerators and ice cream
Wanted party who will invest moved, but the animals look
freezers at C. L. Hinman’ s.
amount and take charge of strong and healthy.
FOR SALE—A Columbia Graph-
houses are thatched with palm
ophone with a dozen records
leaves. Overcoats to shed the
CHEAP for cash or instalments.
Miller the Druggist will make rain are made o f the same mater­
Graphophone has been used a a general reduction on standard
ial. All drinking water has to
short time. Call at the Forest remedies.
be filtered.
Grove Pharmacy.
The English governor resident
Dr. Semones
FOR SALE—Vetch seed, phone
217 First Street
here is a Presbyterian. He is a
Ind. Phone 311. staunch friend o f our mission
491 or see M. S. Allen.
tf ,
A new line o f beautiful, senti­
The fishing privileges on (Hoff­ work. In more than one case he
mental and comic post cards just man) City Park and adjoining has conferred with Bishop Old­
arrived at the Forest Grove land o f J. N. Hoffman have been ham on government matters and
Pharmacy. Hurry before the leased and paid for by John Hos­ has taken his advice.
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1910.
choicest are taken.
kins. No fishing will be per­
left Singapore at about
FOR S A L E -C hoice
yearling mitted. J o h n H o s k in s ,
6:30 this morning. On the hills
Cotswold rams—Choice year­
If you are thinking o f build­
to our right were large fields of
ling Angora bucks, all from
ing a house or barn the Press
pineapples. We passed frown­
imported sires. E d w a r d L.
is in a position to figure on
ing fortifications at the entrance
N aylor , Phone Ind. 185, For­
your materials and we be­
to the harbor. For the first time
est Grove, Oregon.
lieve we can save you from
we saw what is called a glassy
10 to 25%. See us—and save
sea. The sea was like a great
For Sale Real Estate
the money.
pane of plate glass. The shin­
FOR SALE—Six room plaster­ WANTED: 5 or 10 acres o f good ing o f the sun on it made an at­
ed cottage in South Forest Grove. land suited for nursery, to rent tractive sight. A shark was kind
Lot, 100 foot front, 200 feet deep,
good lawn, young fruit trees and or buy on terms, close in to enough to show himself to us to­
small fruit, hen house and park. Forest Grove on railroad. W. day. Many small islands cover-
A bargain. Terms: part cash, Schaumann, 761 ¡Marshall St. ered with cocoanuts groves, ba­
time on balance. Inquire at 326 Portland.
nanas, palms and other tropical
Fourth Street. Ind. phone 713
vegetation made a piolonged pic­
or write, box 601.
4t WANTED: A girl that can do
ture. All day we have been in
160 acres good timber.
Will plain cooking for the Forest sight o f land—Johore, I suppose
trade for business property.
Grove Sanatorium. Phone 221. where the sultan hunts elephants
Press office
FOR SALE: Small new house 1 and tigers. Have a new passen­
FOR SALE—New 6 room bunga­ and lot 50x100, small strawberry ger for Lucknow—going to the
low and J acre o f ground. This patch. All very cheap if taken Women’s College.
place can’ t be beat at the price. soon. L. E. Howard at Press
Thursday, Sept. 22, 1910.
$550 cash.
Oregon office.
Tonight we expect to reach
Land Co.
Penang—our last stop before Cal­
cutta. Two young English mili­
$150 cash, $15 per month will
When You Buy Records tary officers who are returning to
buy a 5 room house and 2 lots 50x
their station at Cawnpore, India,
100. This is one of our snaps.
Hereafter, Buy
after spending a two months’
Oregon Land Co.
leave o f absence in Java are on
board. They are full of interest­
I will have a few thousand dol­
experiences. When the sol­
lars to loan on or about Oct. 1.
in India are on duty all
T. J. O. T hacher .
caste and religious rules in regard
to clothing, eating and drinking
WANTED- Boarders and room­
are abandoned. If this were not
ers. Mrs. Minor.
true it would be impossible to
FOUND—Pair of gold rimmed
carry on warfare in the ordinary
glasses. Owner can have same
by calling at Bunker’ s store and
We have seen several sharks,
pay for this ad.
some gorgeous clouds, a brilliant
rainbow, exquisite coloring on
the ocean, and the city of Mal­
Dr. Tucker has moved his of
acca since writing p. 94.
flee to the upstairs o f the build­
Friday, Sept. 23, 1910.
ing next Anderson’ s store, tf
We anchored last night about
Dr. Semones, the Home Ocu
midnight in the harbor o f Pen­
list, is prepared to correct your
ang. Missionaries came to meet
eye troubles. 217 First St.
Miss Jackson who leaves us here,
and we came ashore early this
Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable
morning to the Anglo-Chinese
Scalp treatment a
school. We are to leave tomor­
specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184;
surface is better, their tone is
residence and office 232 Pacific clearer, their life is longer than
any other. Two Records in one.
Penang is more full o f tropical
Hear one today. Get a catalogue.
than any other place
If you have no talking ma­
Why pay ten dollars for a map chine.
you should get one at once.
we have seen. It seems fit for a
No well regulated family should be
which merely shows Washington
one when a COLUMBIA,
County, when you can get one without
the best machine made, can be
This morning we heard the
on a larger scale showing every­ purchased so cheaply, and on
school children singing, “ I can
thing from the Willamette River
hear my Saviour calling.” They
west to the west boundary of the
sang well and it sounded much
county, size 50x67 inches for
$7.50, or a pocket size 24x33 in. Forest Grove Pharmacy like home-
J \ The man who feeds the Chin-
for $2. Get it o f your bookseller
ese passengers from Hongkong
or address T. S. Wilkes & Son, P hones :
Bell 231
Ind. Ml
to either Singapore or Penang
f r e e d e l iv e r y
Hillsboro, Oregon.
gets 60 Hongkong cents—less
FOR SALE—Gray mare, good
Friends of Mrs. D G Adams than 30 U' S-— with which to
worker, age 7 years, weight 1300 nee Gladys Hartley, of Hoot! pav fo1: food for ° ne P6” 011 for
lbs., with foal by French Jack. ' River, have received word that ^r?m s' x to e*even days. He is
Will sell cheap. W.C. Freeman, . she will be married next Sunday
to spend not more than one-
Phone 51 Oak Hill.
to M. C. Hammock, o f Portland ha,f this amount and to ke*P the
rest as profit. It seems impos­
The world over Rexall Reme­
Carey Ramsey. District Attor­ sible.
dies sold under a guarantee. Pi­ ney of Goldendale, Wash., was
At Singapore we had our first
oneer Drug Store. Chas. Miller. an over Sunday guest at the A. E. experience in sleeping in a cur­
Hart home.
tained bed. Curtains like mos-
65 Cents
Scenic Theater
M otion Photo Exhibitions
Service—7:45 to 9;00
Three Shows Every Saturday—7:30, 8:40, 9:50
Matinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday
Daily change with best films procurable
Clean and Up-to-Date !
W ill Save Y ou
M ore Than 25 Per Cent
A dvertise in and get your Job!
Printing o f fo r e s t G rove Press !
Wholesale and Retail
Vetch Seeds, all kinds of grass seed, Grey
Seed Oats, Rink Winter Wheat
Hay and Feed
Milbum Wagons, Milwaukee
Mowers and Binders and
Plymouth Binder
Ind Phone 50x
I Me
Forest Grove, Ore
J. S. Loynes & Son.
U ndertakers
Funeral Directing & Embalming
Forest Grove, Oregon.
Funeral Chapel and Family
Parlor in Connection
Phone Ind. 752
Pacific State 45
White Sewing Machine
1640 Market St
San Francisco
quito bar are hung all around
the bed to keep off disease bring­
ing insects.
P o p e P h o t o Galle
We met a Miss Lilly here, who
Mrs. Winifred Gur.ton
is an Oregon woman. She and j
2nd Street
Mr. Van Dyke, head o f the Anglo-
Chinese school in Singapore,
were classmates at the old P ort-'
land University. Van Dyke is a Bring in your Kodak work j
great admirer of Mr. McDaniel. day, you can get it tor
Buffalo milk is used here. One
would never suspect its origin.
It is preferred by some Am eri-;
cans to condensed milk which is The W eekly
also used.
Tonight we will
— and —
spend on shore in order to get a
Forest Grove Pres* j
vacation from our ship.
(To be continued)
The BEST all-round Fan
Sewing Machine that can be
duced. Made in both R O T3
and VIBRATOR styles.
The rotary makes both LC
and CHAIN stitch. The
up to the minute steel att
ments with each machine,
on easy payments. Send
and address for our beauti
H. T. catologue free.
One Year, $1.
Co ming
A G ood Position
Forest Grove is to be treated
to one o f the most unique prr-' Can be had by ambitious!
grams that has ever been staged men and ladies in the
in this country, by the boys of "W ireless” or railway teieg
the ‘ ‘Young Australia League.” ! Since the 8-hour law
This organization is strictly Aus­ fective, and since the
tralian and is now on an educa-! companies are establish»
tional tour o f the U. S. There tions throughout the
will be 43 boys in the party. They there is a great shortage*
are trained in every form o f ex­ graphers. Positions pay
pression; carry with them a splen­ ners from $70 to 90 per
did band of music and are equip­ with good chance for
ped to place upon the largest m ent The National Te
stage in our city a performance Institute o f Portland,
consisting o f 12 splendid acts. erates under the suppervi
The play will be given under the R.R. and Wireless Officii
auspices o f Pacific University places all graduates into)
and the Commercial Club. Fur­ It will pay you to write l
ther particulars in our next issue. full details.
I n