F o r e s t G r o v e P r e s s Published & Edited by The Press Publishing Co. UNDERTAKING The First National Bank EM BALM IN G -F U N E R A L DIRECTING in the City of F orest G rove , O regon , Telephones of Office: Pacific 48 Independent 642. J. N. Hoffman, Manager, THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. I n d e p e n d e n t P h ones O f f i c e 505 R e s i d e n c e 442 Entered at the poet office at Forest Grove, Osrn as mail matter o f the second class. T erms of Forest Grove Undertaking Co. A . W . NELSON, Manager Has Capital, Surplus & Undivided Profits Successor to V . H. Lim ber FOREST G R O V E , OREGON In the S u b s c r ip t io n CASH IN ADVANCE One Year 11.00 Forest Grove, Oregon Residence: Pacific 221 Independent 492 - Six Months .75 Display advertisements for publica­ tion in the PRESS must be in this office not later than Tuesday evening to in­ sure appearance in current issue. Sum of $62,000, Being Greater Than DeW itts Kidney and Bladder Pills. Any Other Banking House DeW itts Kodol for dyspepsia. Call for samples at A copy o f The Press will be mailed to all advertisers in which their ad ap­ pears. If some men acted half as de­ cently at home as they do away from home there would be a great deal of happiness added to domestic life. In Dr. Hines’ Drug Store Washington NEW SPAPER W A N T E D I am in the market for a small country newspaper. If you wish to sell, drop me a line as to what you have and price. Box 644 Forest Grove, Oregon. County C. C. HANCOCK PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY lip General Merchandise, Farming Implements ^ The Press with this ‘issue enters upon its third year of ex­ Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Complete W . M . Langley & Son istence. having fathfully put out its issues each week for the Line Furniture, Groceries, Buggies Lawyers past two years. We are thank­ fit Wagons, Hardware, F.tc. ful for the liberal support that law should question the legality Forest Grove, Ogn. has been given, and ask a con­ of a law or ordinance but upon C o r n e l iu s . O r e g o n tinuance o f your patronage. I evidence of its violation should W . P. Dyke apply the prescribed penalty. A ttorney-at-Lau) We commend the action of our The law or ordinance is made by and city officers in prompt applica­ the representatives o f the peo­ Notary ‘Public tion of the law and its penalties ple and the legality or illegality Forest Grove Oregon on the traveling show violating should be declared by high legal A Seven Room House ordinances last week. Now while authority and by those versed in Hollis & Graham our hands are in enforce the cur­ law. Lot 1 00x 100, plenty of fruit, a fair barn and near in. W hat few ordinance or ask its repeal. more can you ask? All for $ 1 5 0 0 .0 0 . Terms. 21 A ttomeys-at-Law CHEAP Our city council for many hours wrestled with the perplex­ ing question of the noisy theat­ rical piano at the Scenic Theatre brought to notice by petition. They have come to a happy con­ clusion o f the matter. King David was a firm believer in making a lot of noise. David’s orders were make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth; make a loud noise and rejoice and sing praise. With trumpets and sound o f cornet make a joy­ ful noise before the Lord the King.” We are something like David, we enjoy a lot o f noise. School Notes The foot ball season is over for the Public School this year. Basket ball teams are being or­ ganized and a schedule is being made for a few match games. No magistrate or officer of the Lot 5 0 x 150. Near in. On south tide. Citywater. Lots of Fruit. Price $ 8 5 0 . House has five rooms. Part down, J. N. Hoffman Attorney-at-Lam Time on balance. EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Ind. Phone 502 Foreat Grove T. J. O. T H A C H E R The High School girls have or­ ganized an athletic association. The High School work is pro­ gressing nicely and the pupils show great interest in their work. The first set of grade cards were sent out this week. Par­ ents are requested to look them over and if some things are ques­ tioned please see the teacher cr There are many nappy homes principal. thank God, in every community The first parent and teachers and when they exist there goes meeting this year will be held in out from them a blessed influence the High School room Friday which can hardly be over esti­ evening, November 17. mated. “ A real home with a J. Sherman Wallace, who holds mother in it,” whose hospitable doors are ever open to those not the chair o f oratory and public so blessed, is a wonderful power speaking in McMinville College, will address the parent and for good. teachers meeting on November 17. Don’t miss this meeting. A great event in every young The next Washington County man’ s life is his awakening. There comes a time when he is Teachers Association will be held aroused from the dreamy care­ at Verboort Saturday, November, lessness o f boyhood by the open­ 18th. J. Sherman Wallace will ing possibilities o f life. If he address the association in the comes to deep earnest purpose to afternoon. be at his best and do his best he The pictures that were obtained arrives early at the highest rank by the school at the Art Mxhibit among equals in business, pro last year are being framed and fession or trade. will be on exhibition at the par­ ent-teacher meeting. American women o f the upper classes would enjoy a whole lot better health, besides being more happy and useful, if they spent less time playing bridge whist and attending pink teas and a good deal more time in cross country walks, studying birds and flowers and in personally do­ ing some o f the work in flower and vegetable gardens. Doing these things might not be aristo­ cratic. but it would nevertheless be mighty sensible. Forest Grove, Ogn. A Cozy Little House Miss Wuest, of Portland, is getting the drawing started in fine shape. The teachers and pupils are delighted. Scarcely an objection is raised and surely if the parents could understand the great benefit to the child and the very small expense to the parents, there would be no ob­ jection at all. The Domestic Science and Art work is progressing nicely. The girls enjoy their room and take aj delight in their work. We ex­ pect splendid results before spring. H. W . Vollmer, M. D. r~ ....... .. j Buy Your Doors and W indow s Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phonea Foreat Grove, Ogn. From The Manufacturers 2-0x6-0 2-0x6-« 2-Ox 6-8 2-2x6-6 2-2x6-8 2-4x6-4 2-4X6-6 2-4x6-8 2-6x6-0 2-6x6-« 2-6x6-H 2-6x7-0 2-8x6-0 2-8X6-8 2-8x7-11 2- 3- 0x7-0 5 x Panel 5 x Panel 5 x Panel 5 x Panel 5 x Panel 6 x Panel 5 x Panel 5 x Panel 6 x Panel 5 x Panel 5 x Panel 5 x Panel 6 x Panel 6 x Panel 6 x Panel 6 10x6-10 x Panel 6 x Panel 2-6X7-0 2-8X7-0 2-10x6-10 8-0x7-0 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir 13-8 Fir 1 8-8 Fir 1 3-8 Fir Fir Fir Fir Fir Sash Doors No. 214 1 3-8 3 x Panel 1 3-8 3 x Panel 2-10x6-10 1 3-8 3 x Panel 3-Ox 7-0 1 3-8 3 x Panel 2 -6 X 6 -6 2 -8 X 6 -8 O d a r 4 Panel, 2-0x6-0 1 3-8 2-Ox«-« 1 3-8 2-«x6-6 1 3-8 2 -8 X 6 -8 1 3-8 Send for cuts o f front doors, and panel doors, store doors Door and window hardware, varnishes, $3.00 3.10 3.16 3.26 • . - Oak Front Doors 3 -O X 7 -0 Bevel Plate 3-6x7-0 Bevvi Pinte 2.26 2.60 2.76 3.00 2 .4 0 2.60 . 1 .4 0 1 60 1.60 1.66 3 .2 0 3 30 4.00 4 .0 0 PORTLAND SASH AN D DOOR C O M P A N Y 230 Front Street, - - Portland, Oregon. Carl Pfahl, of south of town, was seen upon our streets Tues­ day. Grand Chancelor Frank T. Wrightmah, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal L. R. Stinson, Grand Prelate J. H. Westcott and Past Grand Chancelor J. M. Wall, of the K. of P., met with the lodge here Tuesday evening. The occasion was an official visit of the Grand Officers and a good time was enjoyed by all. Re­ freshments were served after the meeting. Office 233 Osteopathic Physician Treatment by Special Appoint­ W . Q . Tucker, M . D. Physician and Surgeon Calls answered promptly day or night Both Phonea. 1 8.0 0 26.00 China and kitchen closet, sash and odd doors made to order. weights and cord, paints, oils, window glass. Cornelius Locals Residence 212 ment Only . One Panel Veneered Fir . 2-6x6-« 1 3-8 • 2-8x6-8 1 3-8 . 2-«x7-0 1 3-8 1 3-8 2-8x7-0 • 3.00 3.60 6.00 10.00 Ind. Phones D R . C .E . W A L K E R 1 Lt 1 Lt 1 Lt 1 Lt Cedar Sash Doors, 4 or 6 Lts. . . . 2 -«x«-« 1 3-8 - 2 -8 X 6 -8 1 8-8 Cross Panel Cedar 30 cents Extra 2-6x6-« 1 3-8 O d a r No. 214 $2.40 2-8x6-8 1 3-8 Cedar No. 214 2.60 Fir or Cedar Front Doors 2-8x6-« 1 3-8 Clear 2- 8x6-8 1 3-8 Fancy 3- Ox7-0 13-4 Clear 341x7-0 1 3-4 Bevel Plate 5x Panel 1 3-4 6x Panel 1 3-4 6x Panel 1 3-4 6x Panel 1 3-4 Physician and Surgeon t Mrs. G. W . Marsh, o f Center­ ville, was in town Tuesday. A. M. Wodell, o f Gaston, and recently of this place, was in town Tuesday on business. L. L. VanNortwick and wife were visitors in Portland the last o f the week. R. B. Porter made a business trip to Portland one day last week. W m . Miller, of Wenatchee, Wash., is a visitor at his sister’s, Mrs. H. W. Kemp, o f this place. They have not seen each other for the past 31 years. The Press would be pleased to have the farmers call and get our prices on printing and fur­ nishing o f letterheads and envel­ opes. Oregon Electric Time Card LEAVES Portland 6:55 s m 8:30 a m 10:50 a m 1:15 pm 3:30 p m 6:00 p m 8:30 p m 11:25 p m ARRIVES at Portland 7:36 a m 9:45 a m U SO a m 2:25 p m 4:40 pm 7:25 p m 9:20 p m 11:00 p m ARRIVES Foreat Groa« 8:06 a m 9:40 a m 12:02 p m 2:27 p m 4:42 p m 7:16 p m 9:38 p m 12:30 a m LEAVES Formt Or oro 6:20 a m 8:30 a m 10:35 a m 1:10 p m 3:25 p m 6:10 p m 8:06 p m 9:53 p m Traîna leave North Rank Station In Portland U m inute. anrltar than n M u k All Trains Daily