Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 09, 1911, Image 2

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Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
General Reaume o f Im portant Events
Presented In Condensed Form
fo r O ur Busy Readers.
Assembly Changes Tone, Leaving
G overnor Without Support.
New York—From a D em ocratic ma
jo rity of 24, the New York sta te as
sembly has turned overwhelm ingly
All indications point to the Republi­
cans in the lower cham ber having a
m ajority of 24. Thus the m ajorities
in both houses, which existed during
the first half o f Governor John A.
D ix’s adm inistration, [will be lacking
n ex t year.
The present senate holds
In th e unexpected
landslide the
D em ocrats w ere able to capture only
three seats held by the Republicans,
w hereas all over the commonwealth,
D em ocratic .assemblymen fell by the
In one instance— Schnectady—H er­
b ert R. Morrill, a Socialist, won,
w here a Democrat had held the seat.
In G reater New York the Republi­
cans defeated nine Democrats, while
in K ings county an equal number of
Democratic candidates m et defeat.
A t Auburn Thomas S. Osborne, one
of the organizers of the Democratic
league, was defeated for mayor by
Thomas H. O’Neill, Republican.
Ten vacancies on the S tate Supreme
bench were filled by elections in four
judicial districts.
Six seats will
probaby go to the Republicans and
four to the Democrats.
Wrighls Much Encouraged By Re-,
suit of Late Experiment.
M ost Efficient Machine Yet Made-
Addition o f M otor Will Ren­
d er Flying Safe.
Dayton, O.—The W rig h t Brothers,
aeroplane inventors and aviators, are
highly gratified w ith th e results of
Portland has become second only to
th e ir recent experim ents w ith their
San Francisco as a tourist center.
new glider a t K itty H aw k, N. C.
Complete official returns give pro­
They believe th a t the experiments
hibitionists a slight m ajority in Maine.
conducted there will have a vital in-
fluence on the fu tu re of aerial trans-1
Union labor leaders point out many
alleged flaws in the em ployers’ lia
The climax of the plodding, pains-1
bility act.
tak in g tests occurred when Orville I
W ith censorship removed, Chinese
W rig h t caused his motorless biplane I
to hover over a spot only 15 feet in |
papers score the Im perialists for need­
less massacres.
diam eter for more than 10 minutes.
“ Our experim ents have been very
Pekin has fallen into the hands of
sa tisfac to ry ,” said O rville W rig h t,*
the revolutionists and the royal family
discussing his flight.
“ They have]
of China has fled and cannot be found.
been fa r beyond my expectations. I
Rebels Insist on Absolute S u rren d er w ent to K itty Hawk simply to carry
A second package of bank bills was
out some ideas I had worked out here
of Manchus.
found near the scene of the robbery
of the Bank of Montreal at New W est­
Shanghai—The central m achine of a t home concerning gliding machines.
As a m atter of fact I w as not very
m inister, B. C.
the revolutionary governm ent does not optim istic about extensive success.
Johnson Man Wins by 18,000.
Cleveland — Cleveland, which two
tru st the throne, nor does it agree B ut a fte r I had rearranged a number
Turkish troops recaptured the city
of Derna, a fte r killing 500 Italians years ago w ent Republican, electing
w ith the throne’s term s. I t is, th ere­ of details, I succeeded in keeping the j
and capturing the re st of the garrison Herman C. Baehr mayor over Tom L.
fore, proceeding to arrange to control c ra ft in the air for such a long period.
Johnson, has returned to the Demo­
in a terriffic battle.
O ur success is due to the fac t th a t the
nation’s affairs in expectation of c ra ft is exceptionally efficient. By
cratic fold, electing Newton D. Baker,
A pouch of mail containing $20,000 Johnson’s political heir, mayor over
the sucess which it regards as certain. efficientncy, I mean th a t all its parts
in currency disappeared between Ra­ Frank Hogan, Republican, by about
retirem ent of the machine dynasty are balanced so as to m ake a perfect
Almost Mobbed by Enthusiastic S p e c
leigh, N. C., and New York City, and 18,000 plurality.
liftin g vehicle.
will be demanded.
no trace of it has been found.
The en tire Democratic city ticket
“ When an aviator speaks of effi­
Be Revolutionized,
ciency, he means the capability of an i
A United S tates w arship has been was elected w ith the exception of five
Dr. Wu Ting Fang, a t one tim e m inis­ aeroplane to fly w ith the le ast amount
dispatched to Tripoli, though the W ar councilmen.
Newton D. Baker, the new mayor,
te r a t W ashington, who has accepted of m otive power. He has in mind the
departm ent denies th a t it is an answer
the post of secretary of foreign a f­ soaring qualities of an aeropane. I
to an appeal from Turkey for interven was city solicitor during the entire
S tatistics o f R odgers' Flight.
eight years of the Johnson regime, and
fa irs; W en T so n g Y ao , a t one tim e can tru ly say th a t our c ra ft is enor- |
was a victor two years ago when the
Total distance traveled, 4,231
mously efficient.
I don’t mean to
Chinese resident in T hibet, to whom claim th a t we can fly w ithout power,
The departm ent of agriculture be­ rest of the Democratic tick et was de­ miles.
lieves th a t seaweed, to be found in al­ feated.
He favors woman suffrage
Actual flying tim e, 4,924 m in­
b ut I do mean th a t our m achine can
most unlim ited quantities along the and in his campaign declared for a utes,' or 3 days, 10 hours, 4 m inutes.
offered; Ehr Tang, a to n e tim e direc­ fly w ith less power than any other.
Pacific Coast, is worth many miilons municipal lighting plant, municipal
Elapsed tim e of journey, 49 days.
“ U nder certain conditions I am cer­
tor of the A merican council of Canton,
yearly as fertilizer, containing large betterm ent generally and all the is­
A verage speed when flying, 51.72
ta in th a t the ideas we have developed
quantities of potash.
sues for which Johnson stood.
miles an hour.
during the past few weeks would en­
norship of Che K iang and K iang Su able us to build a m achine which
Five of the unidentified g irl victim s
M assachusetts Vote Close.
provinces; Li Ping Shui, head of the would fly even w ith less horse power.
of the Chehalis powder explosion were
Pasadena—In a flying machine th a t Shanghai gentry, who has accepted the I know th a t we could fly for an hour
Boston—-On the face of complete re­
buried in one grave.
turns from 1,071 election d istricts in held together pnly through the good civil governorship of those provinces, w ithout power, given proper atm os­
A striking m achinist a t Portland Massachusetts the Democrats won the will of Providence. C albraith P. Rod­
pheric conditions, and I see no reason
and Yu Ya Ching, a leading m erchant, why we connot fly for 10 hours if w e |
was shot and killed in a street fight sta te election Tuesday and kept Mas­ gers, the transcontinental
by a machine shop proprietor.
sachusetts in the party column by con­ glimpsed the Pacific ocean Saturday, who has accepted the m ayoralty of have flown one m inute. I t is sim ply I
a question of the tim e, the place, the
tinuing Goveronr Foss in office for a as he soared over the gray top of Shanghai.
The Chinese cham ber o f commerce wind and the machine.
second term . The returns gave Foss, Mount Wilson and settled down in
“ In order to make extensive power­
Democrat, 210,622; Frothingham , Re­ Tournam ent Park, am idst a clamorous has declared for the rebels and urged
publican, 202,888.
F oss’ plurality, m ultitude, w aitin g to welcome him at the consular body to prevent the im­ less flights, however, the c ra ft would
W heat—Export basis : Bluestem, 83 7,734.
w hat was v irtually the finish of his perial fleet from en terin g the Whang have to be b u ilt more strongly. At
, '-.'t^c; club, 79(<i80c; red Russian, 77
from Sheepshead Bay. N. Y. Po river. The populace fear a repeti the present tim e such construction is
L ast year the same d istricts gave
@78c; valley, 79® 80c; forty-fold, 80c. Foss, Democrat, 201,324; D raper, Re­ Rodgers landed a t 4:10 o ’clock in the tion of the Hankow b ru talities.
now economical. Owing to th e state
P erfe ct order was m aintained in of th e skill of aviators it would cost
Corn—Whole, $36; cracked, $37 ton. publican, 167,497.
Oats-—No 1 white, $31@31.60 ton.
Rodgers- appeared on the sky line Shanghai and th e outlying d istricts them too much to pay for the frequent
The m argin of victory th is year was
Millstuffs—Bran, $23 per ton; mid­ the narrow est in years and for hours shortly a fte r 3 o ’clock, a few moments the first n ig h t a fte r the capitulation breakage of an expensive craft.
dlings, $31; shorts, $24; rolled bar­ afte r the close of the polls the result a fte r he had risen a t Pomona, 20 of the city to the revolutionists.
“ B ut I don’t wish to give the im­
Li P ing Shui, responsible head of pression th a t I th in k the present ma­
ley, $34(«35.
hung in the balance. Republicans re­ miles away. He w as sighted first by
H ay—No. 1 Eastern Oregon, tim ­ fused to concede the d efeat of L ieu­ telescopes levelled a t him from the the new adm inistration in th e native chine in use is defective.
I t is my
othy, $17ft/18; No. 1 valley, $15(>!16; tenant Governor Frothingham , and it solar observatory on Mount Wilson, city and suburbs, is com pleting his opinion th a t our late type of biplanes
alfalfa, $13(ol4; clover,
$11(0 12; was intim ated th a t a state-w ide re­ and word flashed down the mountain organization. He inform ed the cor­ is about as good as any c ra ft will be
grain, $11(012.
I t flies
by telephone caused a sw arm ing of respondent th a t he recognized only the for many years to come.
count m ight be necessary.
republic and would g u arantee order. w ith less power than any c ra ft in ex­
Barley—Feed, 31 per ton; brewing,
campaign 20.000 people to T ournam ent Park.
The aviator, flying at a height of The only disorderly elem ents now in istence; it is strong and durable, and
speeches, orators urged Frothingham 's
Fresh F ru its—Pears, 75c(n $1.75 per election on the ground th a t]th e na­ 5.000 feet, hovered over the city fo r a China, he said, are the ex-officials, it is susceptible of alm ost p erfect con­
and the Manchu trol. When some of the things I have
box; grapes, 75c(</$1.25 per box; ap­ tional adm inistration should be sup­ few minutes, then w arping the planes th e ir supporters
ples, $1(0 2.25; cranberries, 4(a5e per ported in its tariff policy, and th a t a th a t previously had been as motionless troops, who never again would be per­ discovered here are incorporated in
the cra ft, I don’t think it will easily
Democratic victory would mean a as the spreading pinions of a soaring m itted to control.
There is reason to believe th a t the be surpassed.
Potatoes—Oregon, J ljc per pound; blow to the tex tile industries in the eagle, he sailed in a wide spiral and
sw eet potatoes, $2.15(u2.25 per crate. state.
I do think th a t the fu tu re of the
volplaned down to the ¿greensward in revolutionary sentim ent throughout
the South strongly favors the uncon­ aeroplane depends to a certain extent
Onions—Oregon, $1.25 per hundred.
Governor Foss placed his record be­ the middle of the park.
V egetables — Artichokes, 75c per fore the people and asked for support.
upon the fu tu re o f the m otor. Not
Rodgers literally was mobbed. He
dozen; beans, 6(010c per pound: cab­
It was expected th a t the total vote was borne h ith er and th ith er by the the establishm ent of an en tirely new th a t I w ant to say th a t th e present
bage, J(o |c ; cauliflower, 50c(o$l per would fall off considerably, but the surging crowd. E ager hands clutched regim e.
m otor is lacking in any serious man­
dozen; garlic, 10(o 12c per pound; hot­ average was well m aintained.
ner. I think th e m otor of th e present
and scratched him, b u t his leather
Fowler Decends Suddenly.
house lettuce, $1.25 per box; pump­
is ju s t as p erfec t as the machine.
Both branches of the legislature, clothing was strong enough to resist
kins, l(o 1 Jc per pound; sprouts, 8« apparently, will be Republican.
El Paso, Tex.—R. G. Fowler, the But I do believe th a t, w ith natural
attack, although afterw ards the avia­
9c; squash, 14«! l i e ; tomatoes, 50c,O
tor declared his ribs would surely eastbound coast-to-coast av iato r, a r­ evolution, motors will be made to de­
$1 per box; carrots, $1 per sack; tu r­
m anifest black and blue m arks of an rived here a t 3 :10 Monday afternoon liver more power and will be built
New Jersey is Republican.
nips, $1; beets, $1; parsnips, $1.
on an El Paso & Southw estern passen­ more com pactly.”
Trenton, N. J . — Returns indicate over-enthusiastic greeting.
B u tter — Oregon creamery, solid
g er train, unhurt a fte r an accident
pack, 32Jc; prints, ex tra ; bu tter fat, th a t the Republicans will control both his flight from Banning, a little town which compelled him to leave his b i­
German Spy Convicted.
lc less than solid pack.
out in the desert, w here his arrival plane one mile from Mastodon, N. M.,
E xeter, England—L ieutenant Philip
P oultry—Hens, 14c; springs, 13c;
had interrupted the only diversion of about 14 miles w est of El Paso. M. Schultz, of the T hirteenth Hus­
ducks, young, 16(Ol6Jc; geese, lljiri defeat of several men whose election the year—the funeral dance of the Fowler had made 400 m iles since leav­ sars, stationed a t Frankfort-on-the-
12c; turkeys, alive, 20c; dressed,
nor Woodrow Wilson. Essex county Mojave Indians. The aviator saw a ing Douglas, A riz., in the morning, Main, was convicted a t the Devonshire
choice, 26<o 26c.
squaw, 101 years old, who had danced when one of th e sparkers on his en­ assizes on the charge of spying, and
ERR*— Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, w ent back to the Republican side.’ A all night and day, fall in a swoon. gine failed to work.
sentenced to 21 m onths’ imprison­
40(o 424c.
Then he took the air a t noon.
I t was alleged by the prose­
Pork—Fancy, 9(<i94c.
W itnesses Confirm A trocities,
cution th a t L ieu ten an t Schultz was
from the F irst d istric t show th a t W il­
Veal—Fancy, 13((tl3|c>
Turkey Grow s for Taft.
M alta— Steam er passengers a rriv ­ commissioned by th e German author­
Hope—1911 crop, 424(<$434c; olds, liam J . Brauning, Republican, was
Newport, R. I .—H orace Vose, the ing from Tripoli describe the scene as ities to discover how far the British
elected to congress.
W esterly turkey fancier, is preparing a reign of terro r. Strong m ilitary governm ent was supporting France
Wool— Eastern Oregon. 9®16c per
his annual Thanksgtoing g ift for the patrols are continually conducting rig ­ in the dispute over Morocco.
High Living C ost Study.
pound; valley,
15® 17c; mohair,
president’s table.
The T a ft turkey orous house-to-house searches and on
Madison. W ia.—A com m ittee of the this year is a fine bronze gobbler,
choice, 364(37c.
the sm allest p retex t summ ary punish­
Sympathy S trik e Called.
Cattle—Choice steers, $5.60(0 5.95; sta te board o f public affairs met to which is gaining w eight every m inute ment is meted out.
Many victims
C ity—O rders have been is­
good. $5.26«t5.60; fair, $5(0:5.25;
on a diet of chestnuts, which produces have been shot in th e ir own houses.
poor, $3.75(04.50; choice cows, $4.50 m arketing as an aid in solving the a fine quality of w hite m eat. “ I shall
In the absence of any attem p t to sued from the headquarters of the In­
fair. $4(0.4.25; common, problem of the high cost of living. send P resident T aft the finest tu r ­ discrim inate between friend and foe ternational B oilerm akers’ union in
$2.60oi 3.50; extra choice spayed heif­ Those present included Governor Mc­ key I ever gave to any President since many foreigners have taken refuge in j Kansas City, K an., fo r 400 boilermak­
ers on four New York Central lines to
ers, $4.75(<i 5; choice heifers. $4.50oi Govern and several Wisconsin univer­ the one I sent to P resident G ra n t,” th e ir respective consulates.
q u it work. The strik e is in sympathy
4.60; choice bulls, $3.76<<!4; good. sity professors. The com mittee con­ says Vose.
w ith th a t of 1,600 other boilermakers
$2«; 2.60; sidered the selection of an expert to
Taft O ff for Cincinnati.
who laid down th e ir tools F ebruary 20,
choice calves,
$7.50(.i7.76; good, assist in g ettin g statistics w ith refer­
Trana-Atlantic Dirigible Fails.
H ot Springs, Va.—A fter three days’ when piecework was installed on four
$7,250(7.60; common, $4or5; choice ence to the cost of living and co-oper­
A tlantic City, N. J . —Lack o f suffi­ rest here. P resident T aft le ft for Cin­
stags. $4.50(ii 4.75; good. $4.25oi 4.60. ation among the farm ers.
cient gas to keep the big dirigible in cinnati. accompanied by Mrs. T aft, Eastern roads.
Hogs—Choice light. $6.95«t 7; good
the air brought to a sudden end the Miss Helen T aft and Mrs. Thomas M
K aiser G ets Congo.
T att Refuses to Comment.
to choice hogs. $6,750(6.95; fair,
trial flight of the airship Akron, Laughlin, of P ittsburg.
P aris— The contents of the Franco-
$6,500(6.75; common. $5oi6.50.
C incinnati—P resident T aft had no which is scheduled to make an a t­
Sheep — Choice yearling wethers, comment to make on the result of the tem pt to cross the A tlantic ocean from H illes and Major Thomas L. Rhodes, German accord, officially given out,
east of mountains. $3.26o(3.40; choice election in the various states. He th is city some tim e th is month. A the president's physician, will m eet show th a t G erm any recognizes the
President T a ft rig h t o f France to establish a protec­
twos and threes, $3,150(3.25; choice scanned w ith in terest the bulletins propeller blade broken and a guy w ire him in Cincinnati.
mountain I am be. $4,250(4.76; good to handed him by an Associated Press snapped w ere the only parts dam­ expects to appear before the election to rate in Morocco, w hile both nations
choice lambs. 54 i . i 4.15; valley lambs, representative, but refused to make aged in the landing, and these can be board in Cincinnati and qualify so he enl?a(fr to obtain th e adhesion to this
can vote a t the city and county elec­ accord o f the o th er signatories ta.tbe
$3.76014, culls, $36(3.60.
any statem ent.
repaired easily.
A lgeciras agreem ent.
Francisco I. Madero formally takes
office as president of Mexico.
Rodgers Completes Flight From
Atlantic to Pacific.