Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 26, 1911, Image 4

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Church of the Visitation, Verboort
— Kev. L. A. LeMiller, pastor. Sun­
day Early Masts at 8 a. m.; High
Mass at 10:30 a. m.; Vesper at 3:00
p. m. Week days Mass at 8:30 a. m.
Christian Science Hall, 115 Fifth
«t., between First and Second ave.
South— Services Sundays at 11 a. m.;
Sunday school at 12 m.; mid-week
meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m.
F a r m e r N o w P r o v i d e s L i v e S to c k W i t h C an n ed G reen F o d d e r«
C a lle d “ S i l a g e , ” M a d e M o st C o m m o n ly F r o m Corn«
C o w -P e a s , C lo v e r , o r A l f a l f a , C h op ped
F in e a n d S to r e d In S ilo s.
Low Slums Near the Nation’s Capitol
Free Methodist church, Fourth st.,
between First and Second Avenue.
J. F. Leise, Pastor. Sunday School at
10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.; Prayer meeting Wednes­
day 7:30 p. m.
ASHINGTON.— Washington is not
one grand succession ot marble
structures and beautitul parks. There
are slums under the shadow ot the
capltol that compare in squalor with
the East side in New York The capi­
tal slums have the advantage over
those in New York in being less ex­
tensive and in being composed ot
small houses Instead of lofty tene­
The Washington refuge of the very
poor is sufficiently bad to have at­
tracted the attention of sociologists
and philanthropists and to have
caused President Taft to demand their
Improvement In a message to con­
This district is within ten minutes
walk of the United States capltol and
has for one of its boundaries the bo­
tanical gardens with their wealth of
exotics. President Taft. In bii me,
sage, made particular mention at vvu
low Tree alley, but It is no better u(
no worse than the others. Poulbl)
the president mentioned only Wllio»
Tree alley because it was the only om
bearing a name that comports w#i
with a state document. The other tom
are Pigtail alley, Tlncup alley. Long
alley and Hell's Half Acre alley Thee
names, with the exception of Wllio»
Tree alley, have the virtue of matto|
any other description unnecessary
Why Willow Tree alley was so oan>e4
nobody remembers. There may tun
been a willow tree there once.
The district Is hard to find. It It
within the outer crust of a block wflict ,
has a rather fair exterior. A stranger, 1
after fruitless search, appealed to 1
The officer pointed to 1
narrow opening between two build
lngs. “ Go on in there, and you’ll set
all you want of It," he said "it's 1
pest bole, it Is. I’d go with you, but
it’s off my beat.”
The officer was lucky. What the fie
Itor found after he passed the porul
of the slums would not be pleasant ad
Juncts to any beaL
Uncle Sam
Facts A bou t Fleas
Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3rd
street—Sabbath schol 2 p. m., preach­
ing 3 p. m. each Saturday. Midweek
prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.
m. A cordial welcome. H. W. Vall-
mer, Elder.
Catholic Services, Rev. J. R. Buck,
pastor. Forest Grove— Chapel at cor.
of 3rd street and 3rd avenue south.
1st and 4th Sundays of the month,
Mass at 8:30; 2nd and 3rd Sundays
of the month. Mass 10:30. Cornelius
— 1st Sunday of the month, Mass at
10:30; 3rd Sunday of the month,
Mass at 8:00. Seghers— 2nd Sunday
o f the month.
Mass at 8:00; 4th
Sunday of the month, Mass at 10:30.
M. E. Church, Rev. Hiram Gould,
■ ■
pastor. Second street, between First
and Second avenues. Sunday school
Solid Modern Concrete Silo.
at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 6:30
p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00
The principal source of profit in bers cut to a circle, which are cov­
p. m.
prayer meeting
dairying, stock-raising and farming ered with sheet metal or wooden lag­
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
lies in improving the quality and at ging. Each piece must be long
Christian Church, corner Third et. the same time keeping down the cost enough to provide for a six-foot three-
and First Ave.
Rev. C. H. Hilton, of production. In this matter of profit inch length of the circumference of
Bible school at 10 a. m.;
preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.; and loss nothing plays such an im­ the circle as well as several Inches for
Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p. portant part as the question of feeds the lap or strap Joints. The forms are
and feeding. The natural feed for ani­ raised by loosening them at the Joints j
College mals. the one on which they do best, and setting them up again on the fin- |
W ay and First ave. north. Rev. D. is green pasture. In climates subject lshed section of the silo.
HERE may be those who Imagine
Concrete for silos should be rich in
T. Thomas— Sunday school 10 a. m.; to frost, man has made the same pro­
RCCOVE« T g l S .
It Is an easy thing to kill a flea.
Morning service 11 a. m.; evening, vision for animals as for himself by Portland cement and should be put
T IC 1 F ■
8:00 p. m.; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m.; providing them in winter with canned into the forms mushy w et Mix it one But If they will read certain facts re­
Senior C. E. at 6:30 p. m.
green fodder called "silage.” Silage is part cement to two parts sand to four ported by the United States public
made most commonly from corn, cow parts crushed rock.
Four parts of health and marine service their minds
Knights o f Pythias— Delphos Lodge peas, clover, sorghum, or alfalfa, mere­ clean pit or bank-run gravel may be will be disabused of the notion. The
No. 36, meets every Thursday at K. ly chopped fine and stored in large used Instead of the sand and rock. information is given in a pamphlet en­
o f P. Hall. Chas. Staley, C. C.; Reis water-tight cans known as “ silos.” In Measure all materials on the basis titled “ Notes on Agents for F’lea De­
Ludwig, Keeper of Records and Seal.
that one bag of cement equals one struction." FTeas. it appears from malia, a powerful germicide arid to
G. A. It.— J. B. Mathews Post No.
cubic fooL Many persons raise the these notes, survive all the usual sectlclde, was “ apparently dead In 11
6, meets the first and third Wednes­
concrete In buckets, but the work can means of Insect assassination and hours,” but "re v iv e d ," another kept
day of each month at 1:30 p. m., in
be done more quickly and easily by others less common.
tor 20 minutes in a mixture ot creo
K. of P. hall. John Baldwin, Com­
using a horse together with a der­
Obviously the flea ts a hobo among sote. soap and water was still alhrt
rick or a well braced jib-boom fixed to Insects, for one ot bis deadliest ene­ after fifteen minutes, but died Art
Masonic— Holbrook Lodge No. 30,
an adjoining building.
mies is green soap. A flea dipped en­ minutes after that
A. F. & A. M., regular meetings held
The first cost of concrete silos may tirely in a tincture of green soap suc­
first Saturday in each month. D. D.
it took 100 per cent carbolic add
or may not be greater than that of the cumbed beyond resuscitation in two
Bump, W. M.; A. A. Ben Kori, sec­
more than one minute to kill a flea;
minutes; another ceased his move­ of two fleas that were made to swim
H “
now at hand when farmers, like rail­ ments in forty seconds and was dead
W. O. W.— Forest Grove Camp No.
in a one one-thousandth mercury chlor
roads and corporations, are consider­ in ten minutes; no fleas of any of the
98, meets in Woodmen Hall, every
tde solution, a powerful germicide, om
ing the lasting qualities of buildings species examined survived the soap.
Saturday. A. J. Parker, C. C.; James
was alive after ten hours, trie othei
H. Davis, Clerk.
Concrete silos need no insurance;
In a humane attempt to suit the after eighteen hours;
powdered eul
Artisans— Diamond Assembly No.
tastes of the flea In the manner of phur was practically inert and ueelesi
They never have to be painted or re­ dying the investigators tried oli or
27, meets every Tuesday in K. of
for killing fleas. Hydrocyanic acid li
P. Hall. C. B. Stokes, M. A ; John
paired. With other kinds of silos dur­ pennyroyal, oil of peppermint kero­
among the most powerful poisons, yet
Boldrlck, Secretary.
ing their short lives, these expenses sene, miscible on, the refuse from the
five fleas exposed for 46 minutes to
alone equal the first cosL Concrete F’lntsch gas tanks and many other
Rebekahs— Forest Lodge No. 44,
hydrocyanic gas were alive at the end
meets the first, third and fifth Wed­
lasts forever.
chemicals. A flea left to swim in tor- of the tesL
nesdays of each month. Miss Alice
Crook, N. G.; Secretary, Miss Carrie
m m » «. .» ■.»(■vwiAAri
" I. A . O. F.—Washington Lodge No.
‘ '
48, meets every Monday in I. O. O. F.
Hall. \Wm, Van Antwerp, N. G.;
* * •
the grenades would be discharged rap
Robert Tailor, Secretary.
— ►
idly into the fire and. bursting, would
Modern' Woodmen of America—
S c o o p D e t a c h a b ly C o n n ecte d a n d
smother the flames-
Camp No. 6228, meets the second and
H a s G r o o v e s fo r T in e s —
Another "crank's" plan was to con
fourth Friday of each mouth. Sam
A d v an ta ge s a r e
Showing Reinforcing.
struct huge screens of ashesto«
Marshal, Consul;
Geo. G. Paterson,
Easily S e e n .
which could be placed around tree»
dry weather or In winter, when green
near a tire and thus prevent them ig­
Rosewood Camp, No. 3835 R. N.
A combination implement that ts
niting. Of course this way did not at­
A., mujrts first and third Fridays of pasture cannot be had, this feed is handy for farm and stable use has
each.Mionth In 1. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. equally good In producing a flow of
tempt to explain how the problem ot
Jt S. Allen, Oracle; Mrs. Winnifred
H ILE the field officers of the U. S. transporting these screens through
Aldrich, Recorder.
Forestry service are taking pre­ rough moutalnous country could M
combined, and Its advantage Is that tt
Gale Grange No. 282, P. of H „ feed twice as much stock as the same
cautions against tire in the great na­ solved.
meet« the first Saturdays of each amount harvested In any other man­
A third plan was to locate a num­
these tools and can quickly be turned tional forests o'f the west, the forestry
month in the K. of P. Hall. A. T ner.
bureau is besieged constantly by ber ot nuge sprinkling carts In eacfl
Master; Mrs. H. J. Rice,
Like a glass fruit Jar, a silo must be from one into the other. The basic "cranks" and real Inventors, chiefly forest ana drive them to a Are. tur#
water-tight and jointless to keep the implement ts a fork, and the shovel the former, who propose all sorts of on the water and, presto! your flr*
silage from molding or “ dry firing.” portion is adjustably connected. In ridiculous plans for coping wttn the
would be out— the Inventor said. H»
FY»r this reason, and also because no the head of the scoop are holes
Mayor—J. A. Thornburgh.
flames. One of the most novel of was told to go to, unless he could pro
Recorder— R. P. Wirtz.
painting or repairing is ever neces­ through which the tines of the fork
th«se recently came rrom an eastern vide a sprinkling cart big enough to
Treasurer—FI. B. Sapplngton.
sary, solid-wail concrete silos are pass when the scoop ts to be attached,
and across the bottom ts a mAtnl strip man who proposed that an artillery tack'e a tire such as raged last tall to
Chief of Police— P. W. Watkins.
coming into general use
organization be formed in the forest Idaho, the flames of which mounted
Street Commissioner— E. B. Sap-
The best silos are built circular In with a series of longitudinal grooves.
service and equipped with huge mor­ over 200 feet In the air and burned
The size depends upon how
Health Officer—Dr. J. S. Bishop.
tar batteries, which would shoot the ties off a railroad bridge, and st
Councilmen—Chas. Hines, George S.
another point Jumped clear across s
grenades ailed with chemicals.
Allen. V. S. Abraham, Carl L. Hin- quantity In pounds for each animal s
This man's plan was to have a bat­ valley half a mile wide, converting
man, O. M. Sanford and John Mc- daily feed, and the number of days It
tery of these mortars hauled to a suit­ streams in Its path into steam and
may be necessary to feed them. The
able hill near a forest tire, from which cooking the flsh therein.
City School.
silo should be of such size that a layer
School Directors— M. Peterson. Mrs. | of silage at least two Inches In depth
Edward Seymour. H. T. Buxton
will be removed each day after feed-
Clerk— R P. Wirtz
tng has begun This prevents a thin
Justice of the Peace— W. J, R. Beach
top layer from molding A dairy cow
Constable— Carl Hoffman.
HE entire army ot the United
requires about forty pounds of silage
States la to be inoculated against
per day, and the following table is
typhoid fever, officers and privates
Judge— R O. Stevenson.
based on this amount Forty pounds
Sheriff—George G. Hancock.
alike. An order has been Issued by
It also the average weight of a cubic
Clerk—John Bailey
foot of silage.
Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, enter of
Recorder— T L. Perkins.
staff, making It compulsory tor every
locate the silo where It will be con­
Treasurer—E. B. Sapping ton.
officer and eullsted man In the army
venient for feeding
Usually it It
Surveyor—Geo. McTee.
Joined to the barn by meant of a
under torty-flve years ot age to sub­
Coroner— E. C. Brown.
ject himself to the typhoid fever vac­
Commissioners— John McClaran, John chute and passageway with doors.
Since the tllo and Ita contents are
cin e This order applies to ail those
heavy. It must be built on solid
School Sup't— M. C. Case.
who bave not heretofore had typhoid work for the surgeons of the army t®
ground. The bottom of the foundation
(ever or who nave not ben Inoculated perform before each one has under­
should go below frost line The tllo
with the germ. Heretofore it baa been gone treatm ent
may, with advantage, extend four to
voluntary on the part of an officer or
The “ typhoid prophylatlc.” as It **
Fork and Shovel In One.
North Bound.
five feet Into the ground Dig the pit
private In the army whether ne should called, has been prepared by Major
Sheridan No. 4 .................. g -27
m large enough to allow for the thick­
subject himself to the experiment, but Resell of the medical corps, atatloos4
Corvallis No. 2................... 4:63 p! m.' ness of the circular walla and a foot­ through which the tinea alao peaa and (r o c this time every one serving In at the army medical school In this
ing two feet w ide
which aervea to hold tha shovel firmly I Uncle 8am'a fighting force must un­ city, and will be distributed to to*
South Bound.
In order to save lumber the con­ In position. The usefulness o f such ' dergo the experience
various forts and poets throughout tb*
Corvallis No. 1 ................... 8:44 a. m.
Sheridan Nr. 8 ---- 1 ...............6:00 p. m. crete it poured Into forme which can a tool can readily be understood. In
Estimates complied at tha war dé­ country. It is estimated that in about
be moved op at the concrete seta or a case where a man has both ahovsl- partirent show that up to the preeent
a month's tlma every officer and maa
become# hard. These movable forms Ing and forking to do. aa around a
time about 17.000 Inoculations for ty­ tn tha army will have been Inoculated.
consist of two circular shells three to barnyard, he can accomplish the work
phoid bava been made Of tha troops Very little If any Inconvenience a* *
four feet high, so made that one flu hr a quick transformation of this de­
who were sent to the Mexican border result of the inoculation la fait by tb*
within the other with spec« between vice Instead of haring to go and get
oearlv li.OOO bad been Inoculated The patient He does not loee a stngi*
for a six-inch w elt The hortsontal a different Implement every once In a
f i n U t » Paper «rith AO the Nava. Only tl
total strength of the army at present day s duty nor la ha compelled to tak*
framework consists o f t he 4 inch
»• * r m r . Tka Frees ta rnuippwj «a «a. av4
'• 7«w«o« ao there wui be plenty of to hla bed. -
r L 2 - 0 M
Cranks O ffer Forest Fire
In ocu late Soldiers A g a in st Typhoid