ed the Republican troops at a fortified F U N E R A L IS J O Y O U S . 03586493 town 45 miles east of the Braga, and that Captain Couciere will have 30,- Widow Sings Hymns and Delivers 000 men behind him when he invests Eulogy Over Dead. Oporto. Indianapolis—There was no symbol LAU R IER F O R C E S RESIGN. of mourning at the funeral of Charles F IR S T TR A IN T O T IL L A M O O K . M U S T F ILE O N W A TE R . Buhland who died here last week. In­ New Canadian Minister Takes Charge stead, the casket in which his body re­ Whole Country Welcomes Advent ot Users of Rogue River Made to Con­ ot Administration, Railroad to Coast. posed was covered with gay-colored form to Water Laws. Ottawa, Ont.—The last meeting of flowers, and the widow, garbed all in Tillamook—Amid a pandemonium of Gold Hill—Old timers who have the Laurier govement was held Fri­ white, sang two hymns, read the re screaming whistles, clanging bells, been Using water for irrigation and lican Troops Surrounded and day. The resignations of the minis­ quests of her husband, and delivered a horns, bombs and every noise device mining purposes from Rogue river and ters will.be tendered to Earl Grey Sat­ ^Government Admits Situation urday and R. L. Borden will be invit­ brief eulogy. The friends, who at­ that would shatter the air, the first its local tributaries for 40, 50 and Becoming Grave. ed to form a government. He may tended the service, were told that it train ever operated into Tillamook some almost 60 years, came to town have his slate ready and begin at once was not an occasion of mourning and from the outside world pulled into this recently with blood in their eyes at as Sir Wilfrid Laurier did in 1906. were asked that lamentations be city Monday afternoon. The country the suggestion that there might be I Lisbon, P o rtu g a l— Royalists, fight- Bye-elections will be held as soon as spared. about made a holiday for the occasion some question as to the validity of «toput Manuel b a c k on the throne, possible. and the inhabitants turned out en their rights, which they thought was All this was by the request of Buh- Saturday morning surrounded Parliam ent is expected to meet ¡'cut off the retreat of Republican early in November and finish its busi­ land, whose widow refused to use the masse at the depot to greet the spe­ implied by a summons to appear be­ sips near Vinhaes, 17 miles west of ness before Christmas. word “ death” and spoke of her hus­ cial, which came over the Pacific Rail­ fore a sitting of the state board of isnazs, according to a report which It is almost certain that E. E. band’s “ transition” from his earthly road & Navigation company’s track, control at this place to take registra­ ireached this city. White, general manager of the Na­ sphere. bearing a party of railroad men and tions of those rights. They were in [Details are lacking, but a fierce tional Trust company of Ontario, will Mrs. Buhland stood at the head of invited guests. nowise pacified when they learned that . between the opposing forcés is be Finance minister in the Borden the casket, almost smiling. She sang Beginning with the time when the they would be required to pay a certi­ eted. Both sides have been rein- cabinet. in a clear, untroubled voice. She and 1 during the last few hours, i t is Premier Hazen, of New Brunswick; her husband had embraced Spiritual­ train was first, sighted approaching ficate fee of 31 and an irrigation fee d. A. S. Goodeve, M. P., of British C 0 I 5 ism several years before. She was town on the long trestle outside Till­ of $2.50 for the first 16 acres watered, amook, whistles began to blow and with a graduated fee per acre for [there have been no disturbances in umbia; Senator Loughred, of Alberta; ion during the last day or two. Dr. Roche, M. P., of Manitoba.; Rob­ convinced, she said, that they had bells to peal. By the time the loco­ every acre over 16. Time and again Superintendent J. (Portuguese government no longer ert Rogers, Manitoba’s minister of not even parted, and she expects to motive had reached the city limits, a , however, the situation in the public works; Fred Cochrane, minis­ continue communication with him wild and strident medly of sound filled T. Chinnock, for water division No. 1, in the spirit world. the air. The train left Hillsboro explained that the purpose of the reg­ ilic outside the capital is very ter of mines for Ontario; Andrew “ It is an occasion,” said the widow, about 9 o’clock in the morning, and istration was to make the rights se­ in speaking to those assembled there, reached Tillamook at 3 :20. Slow cure rather than to raise any question “ when if ever I should be truthful. running time was the order, to give as to their validity, and that the com­ I am standing by the side of the cas­ the railroad men time to inspect the ing adjudication will result in a per­ ket which holds the form of my hus­ line and the road bed. Numerous manent apportionment of the water, which will eliminate the water hog band—the one dear to me; the form stops were made en route. and prevent encroachment by reason that I loved, that I have embraced, of later locations. When the pioneers that has been my companion for more heard this explanation they were than 30 years, lover and sw eetheart,' IR R IG A TIO N BIG H ELP . pleased at the wisdom of the state in husband and wife, father and mother. Under these circumstances and sur­ Experiment Station Finds Kale In­ making them secure in their rights, thereby insuring them against possible roundings the truth would be told.” creased in Weight. litigation with conflicting claimants. Mrs. Buhland then declared that West Stayton—The actual results in -Upwardsof 75 registrations were within three hours of the “ transition” of her husband he had appeared to her pounds of corn and kale obtained at taken here, representing water rights and their son, had conversed with Oregon Agricultural college experi­ on Sams creek, Sardine creek, Galls them, and told them of his desires and ment station, at West Stayton, make creek. Wards creek, Birdseye creek. Foot creek, Evans creek, Kanes creek his condition. Mrs. Buland did not say what specific revelations he had a remarkable showing for irrigation. and Rogue river. The oldest right registered was one When the Portland excursion visited made concerning life in the next world. the irrigated lands August 24 the vis­ owned by J. W. Hayes, which was se­ “ He said before his transition that itors were impressed by the self-evi­ cured from the government hy Jacob he would come to us and he came as dent fact that the irrigated crops were Gall, on the creek named after him, in 1856. _______ he promised,” she said. After her eulogy, Mrs. Buhland at least twice as large as the non- C E N T E N N IA L M A K E S P R O F IT ■ But probably no one in sang another hymn. No one was irrigated. tearful. The body was cremated, this that party had any idea that the best being also at the request of Mr. Buh­ of the irrigated product would in S2.000 Cleared by Astoria's Enter­ prise for Astor Monument, land. weight prove to be four and one-half times as great as the non-irrigated. Astoria—There .will be a surplus in Nathan D. Vail, of Oregon Agri­ the treasury of the Astoria Centennial T A F T C LIM B S RAINIER. cultural college, cut the several fields committee, according to a statem ent made before the directors at a recent Autos Stick In Mud But President of corn for fodder. The difference would have been very meeting. Besides the fund of $10,0U0 Enjoys Day. ING M A N U E L , O F P O k T U G A L , W H O M R O Y A LISTS much larger if the kale had been cut donated by Colonel J. J. Astor, it is Tacoma—President Taft climbed to in September. The continuous rains estimated that there will be over A R E T R Y IN G T O R E -IN ST A T E . the foot of the glaciers on Mount Rai­ ■ during the first half of September $2,000 when all the business is closed nier Sunday and narrowly escaped made the “ dry” kale pick up at once up and the entire fund will be devoted Broder, M. P., of Dundas, Ont.; , although asserting th at reports and increase in size at a rapid rate, spending a night in the mountain fast­ and when Professor Scudder ordered to the building of a suitable monu­ ning royalist rampages have George E. Foster, ex-finance minister; ment to John Jacob Astor, commemo­ Judge Doherty, of St. Annes, Mon­ nesses. a greatly exaggerated, it cut and weighed, the difference had rating the founding of the North­ lit was reported that ex-King Man­ treal ; T. Chase Casgrain and .F. D. The presidential party made the shrnk tremendously. west. illas in Spain, presumably on his Monk, of Montreal, are practically ascent in automobiles and when near­ A strong fight was waged at the pto Portugal. This was found to certain to have portfolios. meeting by those favoring the use of ing the highest point reached by the DOGW OOD S E N T T O EUROPE ^without foundation, as information the surplus for local improvements roadway, most of the machines be­ IT A L IA N S O C C U P Y T R IP O L I. e direct from London th at Manuei and it was not until Rev. Father John came mired in mud up to the hubs. Oregon Trees Will Be Planted at Re­ F. Waters declared he would resign I still at Richmond with the queen For several hours the narrow road was before becoming a party to any Portions of Fleet Proceed to Bom­ sort at Teplitz, Germany. completely blocked. [Dispatches from Madrid, Spain, say scheme other than the building of a bard Other Turkish Ports. Forest rangers with teams of horses Oregon City—Frank Busch, an Ore­ monument, and roundly berated the lit Portuguese Royalists concentrat­ London—The Chronicle’s Constanti­ finally cleared the way, but night had gon City merchant, has sent to Tep­ other faction for lack of good faith , ed Puebla de Sanabria, province of ora, Spain, about 20 miles north- nople dispatch from Tripoli says that fallen and a storm threatened as the litz, the famous watering place in Ger­ that the movement was carried. The many, ten pounds of Oregon dogwood father recalled the promises made to- of Braganza, Portugal, have Italian warships are bombarding Ben­ president started down the decline. With searchlights blazing the way, seed. He expects to ship several the state legislature and declared ®ed into three columns under the ghazi and Derna and that the former the president’s car crept slowly along young trees also. Mr. Buscb received there was such a strong moral question of Captain Couciere, Senor the edges of precipices and at times a letter from the management of the involved that the committee must Bacho Canavarro and Homen Cristo. is vigorously returning the fire. The Italian flag floats over Sultania the outer wheels were within two feet resort some time ago asking him to build the monument. George H. I Their first Objectives are Chaves 1 Braganza, where the garrisons are fort at Tripoli which is occupied by of a sheer drop of 1,000 feet or more. furnish the seed and the young trees. George and several others threw their Mr. Taft returned safely to his The w riter said th at he had heard a weight into the fight for the monu­ Ported to have pronounced in favor larfding parties. Part of the fleet is [the monarchy and courtmartialed a anchored in the harbor and the other train, which had been taken to Ash­ great deal about the Oregon dogwood ment. There still remain a number of 'officers who held contrary, opin- warships lie a short distance from the ford, near the mountain, and resumed and wanted to plant the trees on the his jounrey. lawn at the resort. small bills to be paid, not amounting The monarchists nqw say the dismantled fortifications. Despite the threat of storm, the Mr. Busch obtained the seed without to over $ 1 , 000 , and there is nearly a »re population in North Portugal According to a Constantinople re­ slippery mud and danger of night much trouble but he has had a difficult like amount yet to be collected, be­ »made common cause with them. port, the Italian warships bombarded travel, the president declared he had time getting the young trees. He sides a considerable sum from the [The government is m aintaining a Benghazi and Dema. thoroughly enjoyed the experiences of found the dogwood in abundance but county appropriation, taxes for which scrutiny of Oporto, which is Rumors of a naval engagement in most of the trees were too large. He are now being paid. *ed upon as the hotbed of the Roy- Turkish waters, of an attack against the day. will make another effort to get more conspiracy. It was there that Mytilene and of the blowing up of the N O ID L E C O N V IC T S . trees in the near future. Schoolboy Has Lockjaw. bted fighting between the Republi- Italian battleship Conte di Caviour at Newark, N. J.—The life of Julius | ^ p s and Monarchists took place Tripoli have not been confirmed from All Available Men at Penitentiary to Mandeville, a 7-year-old school boy in which many of Manuel’s any quarter. Ashland Takes Big Premiums. Work on Road*. 1 were fired upon by the gov- Ashland—Ashland exhibitors seem A report is current from Constanti­ living in this city, hangs in the bal­ ®«nt soldiers. Salem—“ There will be no idle men nople that while Germany favors the ance as a result of an attack of lock­ to have carried off most of the big adoption of the Italian ultimatum as jaw due to the infection of a vaccina­ fruit and poultry premiums offered by at the penitentiary as a result of the the basis of peace negotiations, Great tion wound on his right arm. When the Rogue River Valley Industrial cancellation of the Loewenberg & Go­ 8,000 Carry Manuel's Flag. the boy was enrolled at the Warren [ Badtjos, Spain (on the Portuguese Britain proposes that Tripoli shall be­ public school he was obliged by the fair which closed at Medf 9 rd Monday. ing company’s contract,” said Gover­ First award was made the Ashland ex­ nor West. “ I will admit it is a ser­ come a privileged tributary Turkish tier) — The Portuguese govern- regulations to submit to vaccination. hibit for the best general display of •dmits that Royalist disturb- villayet, under joint Turkish-Italian A few days after an abcess formed on farm products. Ashland peaches won ious problem to develop new lines of »re in progress in Northern administration, thus retaining the su the boy’s wrist, his arm swelled, and both the first and second prizes in all industry inside the walls to keep the class of prisoners formerly employed zerainty of the Sultan. convulsions followed. Doctors believe peach exhibits and Newtown and Spitz in the stove foundry busy, but it will I lr-***' near Spanish frontier. I« » asserted that 6,000 men are that dirt got into the vacciration apples from Ashland were awarded be solved and there will be no idle Lumber Business Better. *mg the white and blue flag of wound, causing tetanus. first prize for commercial paek. Wal­ men.” . ’•»posed , B King Mantirt. ........................ Tacoma—Reports from lumber man- It is .......... also nuts and figs exhibited from here also The report that some convict, whose Jhe Royalists engaged and defeat-' ufacturers in 24 states received at the Slavery Is Ended In Tripoli, swept everything before them, while name was not given, had said to Gov­ ~ ------------------------------ I office of Manager Leonard Bronson, of Rome — The Italian authorities at there were a multitude of smaller ernor West thst the men at the peni­ B»bes Come to Pasadena. j the National Lumber Manufacturers Tripoli have issued a proclamation premiums in the fruit and vegetable tentiary did not back up bis policy I Nsadena, Cal. — The much-adver- association, indicate that the lumber suppressing slavery. Tripoli was the lines accorded to local exhibitors. was branded as entirely without only remaining port on the coast of Ashland poultry growers seem to foundation by Governor West. It was ‘•ck of births in Pasadena is at output is b u t !** •««L 1 . , the shipments, which, accora ng Africa where slavery still prevailed, at first thought that one 0 » the men ■ iSo longer is the finger o f . Manager Bronson, means the lumber notwithstanding the efforts of Great have captured prizes right and left at who circulated the petitions to have the fair, too. Those who won firsts 10 be pointed at this abiding-1 industry is returning to its proper Britain and France to prevent the and sweepstakes from here were T. F. the guards removed from the brick­ multi-millionaires and com- basis. The National Lumber Manu- traffic. Smith, O. O. Hetman, Mrs. Henry yard and then failed himself to be al­ .. , , . . mllionaires. During the last 48 . facturers’ association three month* General Spinsgardi, minister of war, Esterly, Albert Archibald and B. A. lowed to work there unguarded be­ •there were recorded 16 births at ago began to gather.Utist.cs conceni went to Naples to superintend the or­ Whitmore. cause of his record had given oat the statement, but Governor West said no , >,*'iena hospital, besides a dozen ! ing the lumber cut, the shipments ana ganization of the expedition. North Bend Gets Postal Bank. eonvict had expressed any such ideas LjjTV® homes. Fifteen of the 16 the stock on hand at the mills. Squirrel’s Doom Sealed. Marshfield—^ A postal savings bank to him. | / r * rriv*ls are girls. Local doc- Per Capita Cash »34.36. Sacsrmento—Prosecutions of prop­ is to be established at the postoffice in I V I >,! been working over-time Squirrel Hunters Busy. Washington. D. C .-E ^ h citizen of erty owners who do not properly pro­ North Bend this month. The bank at •• some fear of «n over pro- Gold Hill—With the opening of the the United State., under an equal di­ tect the public from bubonic plague Marshfield has been a success as far as vision, would have « ^ S . the P £ by the slaughter of ground squirrela amounts of deposits are concerned and gray squirrel season October 1 many I» '"urd *"<*« No Trouble. capita circulation on October Z ac has been ordered by the State board of it is believed that in North Bend a hunters have been ranging the hills in quest of them. The squirrels make a governor of Pontevedra cording to the The total health, following a conference with postal savings bank will have like delicious stew, and their tails are Dr. Rupert Blue of the United States patronage. Tbs postmaster of Marsh­ '»he government that he sent the treasury A report by Dr. Blue field has been notified that the free made into very pretty turbans by wo­ ... * in*° Portugal to learn money in circulaMo ^ pre_ service. showed 18 Federal and 61 county in­ • mail delivery in this city will be in- man who desire “ something different” „ theroyaliau were doing. The 242,182,715 »n » 3 , » ^ in the way of headgear. I suited February 1 next spectors now in the field. Reported that absolute order eeding month, when it wa. INDUSTRIAL I . . . : IRE STATE trai! Effort Will Be Mode Io Restore Portugese King. 'S mi l r £t;\ I »13.634. '