Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 05, 1911, Image 2

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Trainload of Strikebreakers Stormed
and Many Fall. .
McComb City, Miss.—An explosion,
fleet has blockaded the Tripolitan
said to have been dynamite, occurred
in the railroad shops at 1:30 o’clock
There are unconfirmed reports that
Wednesday morning, in the vicinity of
Turkey intends to send an ultimatum
to Greece to abandon her claims on
which J00 or more strike-breakers are
Crete and is massing troops on the
Thessalonian frontier.
The explosion was followed 'by sev­
The greatest activity ensued on
the receipt of news that war had been Breaking Gas Mains Add Fire to Hor
General Resume of Important Eventa eral shots. It is not known whether
or of Scene—Victims Mostly
declared and notification of a blockade
any casualities resulted.
Presented In Condensed Form
was sent out. It is uuderstood the var­
Women and Children.
for Our Busy Readers.
shot and killed early Tuesday, He
tomary neutrality notices and will de­
leaves a wife and two children, His
vote their diplomatic efforts to bring
Austin, Pa.—Austin, a town of 3
Italian Squadron Blockades Port of hostilities to an end and especially to
Senator Stephenson, of Wisconsin, slayers are unknown.
000 residents in the northern part o
admits he spent 1107,000 to be elected
this state, was swept out of existence
Jackson, Miss.—In a fight in the
render on Demand.
Saturday and more than 100 of
The czar of Russia is steadily grow­ freight yards of the Illinois Central at
people were killed by a flood which
ing in popularity with the poorer
McComb City between strikers and
followed the breaking of the Bayles-
London—A state of war exists be­
strike-breakers several persons were
Pulp & Paper company’s dam, a mile
San Francisco has begun a war on
tween Italy and Turkey, and hostili­
and a half north of the town. Hal
bucket shops, and landed 20 at the
a billion gallons of water rushed over
Governor ordered out troops at 7 :30 time limit fixed by the ultimatum ex­
first raid.
the place in a wall ten feet high,
pired than, ignoring the Turkish con­
wrecking every structure in its path.
Sixty thousand Arabs have joined
Fear that the town of Costello, al
the Turkish forces in Tripoli and a des­ panies are now patroling the scene. ciliatory request for delay, Italy de­
in the path of the flood, had been des­
perate war seems probable.
The special train bearing the strike­ clared war. The Turkish representa­
tives in Italy received their passports.
troyed, was confirmed by later reports.
President Markham, of the Illinois breaker? continued on its journey to
The Turkish commander at Tripoli
Costello was a settlement of fro
Central, is said to be the best poker New Orleans.
was asked to surrender the town, but
35 to 40 houses, and only half a dozen
player, as well as the best railroader,
Citizens of Magnolia say that when
houses are left standing. The town
in the Middle West.
the train passed there at full speed
of Wharton is reported to be safe.
The Southern California conference every coach window was broken and
In Austin the bursting of scores o
of the Methodist church urges the no one was visible at the openings,
natural gas mains as the buildin
abolition of the rules against cards,
were swept away added horror to th-
floor to escape bullets.
dancing and theaters.
flood and many imprisoned in th
Several hundred shots were ex­
wreckage were burned to death. Th
One man was killed and three badly changed and among the strikers there
contents of the dam, which was filled
hurt in a riot when strikebreakers dis­ were numerous bruised and broken
to overflowing by the heavy rains of
embarked to go to work in the rail­ heads. Many of the wounded were
Duke of A bruzzi.
two weeks, swept through a natural
road shops at Houston.
carried to the headquarters of the
gorge in which Austin and Costell
Workmen cannot be had to search strikers and physicians were sum­
According to Italian advices, the are situated.
the ruins at Austin, Pa., for bodies, moned. It is said that several will
government plans to land 40,000 men
While many residents of Austin es-|
and it is feared the ruins will have to
in Tripoli by October 7. Ho bombard caped to the hills, the warning given
The fight at McComb occurred at
be burned for sanitary reasons.
ment will be attempted unless the by the blasts of the Bayless mill’s
the freight shed, half a mile south of
property of Italians or other foreign whistle was too brief for hundreds of
The Kubak river in Alaska, sup­ the
The train bearing the
ers is endangered. It is understood others. The catastrophe paralleled in
posed to be a small Btream, has been strike-breakers
the Italian ministers have elaborated many respects the destruction by flood
found to be navigable for 300 miles, freight shed and was standing on a
a scheme for the administration of of Johnstown, Pa., in 1889, in which
and for small c ra ft at least 200 miles side track.
Tripoli with the Duke of Abruzzi as more than 2,800 lives were lost.
The fight raged 20 minutes. Finally
first governor. Among the first acts
The extent of the loss of life and
A fund of $20,000,000 for govern­ the engineer of the train made a dash
of the new government will be the the destruction of property cannot be
ment irrigation work is available on for his locomotive, managed to get
abolition of many taxes now imposed known for several days. The proper­
demand of the secretary of the inter­ aboard while the bullets were flying
K ing Victor Em m anuel, of Italy.
on the Tripolitans.
ty loss will be several million dollars.
ior, yet not a cent can be obtained by about his head, opened the throttle
Within an hour of the first general
Western projects, and steps are being and pulled out at full speed.
Prevesa—When Italian gunboats en­ knowledge of the calamity, special
taken to find out why.
The train did not stop at any point declined, and the Italian forces imme­
diately occupied Tripoli and Benghazi. countered two Turkish transports with trains bearing physicians, nurses and
Bellingham, Wash., experienced a south of McComb, going through sta­ Apparently the Turks offered no resis­ 2,000 troops aboard, the transports de­ food supplies were on the way to the
distinct shock of earthquake Thursday
tance, but this is only an assumption, termined not to be captured. They scene. Hundreds of automobiles bear­
as immediately on landing the Italians steamed bravely on the rocks off Pre­ ing rescuers toiled over the mountain
evidently seized the telegraph lines.
vesa and hundreds of soldiers were roads to lend aid.
Governor Dix, of New York, urges
Temporary hospitals were fitted up
the repeal of the law which legalises Sultan's People Anxious to Wage
^ Constantinople dispatch makes no drowned.
in the nearby farm houses and impro­
Active War on Italians.
vised structures fashioned from the
wreckage. The Red Cross also made
Constantinople—Turkish telegrams
preparations for immediate aid to sur­
Wednesday, reported that an Italian
Wheat—Export basis: Bluetsem,
vivors. The intense heat of the fire»
85J(d'87c; club, 82c; red Russian 80c;
sweeping from the natural gas mains
valley 82; 40-fold, 82f//83c; fife, 82c. near Hodeida, a port on the Red Sea,
made it impossible for survivors to
Millstuffs — Bran, $24.50<d.25 per and pursued the Turkish torpedo boat
visit the scene of destruction for
ton; middlings, $32; shorts, $5.50tff destroyer Peikishevuit.
many hours.
26; rolled barley, $33.5007.34.60.
This news, circulated in the streets,
Looters were among the first on the
Corn—Whole, $33; cracked, $34 per served to increase the popular clamor
ground and Governor Tener dispatched
for battle, and citizens by the hun­
a large force of state police to the
Barley—New feed, $31@82"per ton; dreds volunteered their services,
town to protect the victims.
brewing, $37.
either on land or sea.
Despite the
Oats—New white,'$29 per ton.
fact that Turkey has appealed to the
Hay—No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim­ powers to intervene, the people want
othy, $160(17.60; No. 1 valley, $150* to fight. And Turkey is going ahead
Constantinople Reports Disaster to
16.50; alfalfa, $12.50; clover, $9; with preparations for war.
Ships in Aegean Sea.
grain hay, $10(/£10.60.
A large number of volunteers, both
Poultry—Hens, 140(16c; springs, soldiers and sailors, well officered, de­
Constantinople — The report has
140tl5c; ducks, young, 150(17c; parted for the Dardanelles, where the
been received here that substantially
geese, lie ; turkeys, 180(19c.
larger portion of the fleet is waiting
the entire fleet of the Ottoman empire
Butter — Oregon creamery, solid orders. Two battleships, the Mesais-
has been annihilated by the Italians
pack, 31c; prints, extra.
dich and the Assar-I-Tewfik, and the
near Chies, an island in the Aegean
Eggs—Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, torpedo cruiser Berk-I-Satvet, have
32c per doz.
sailed from the Golden Horn to join it.
So far as official news is concerned,
Pork—Fancy, lOJOillc.
Replies to the Porte's appeal have
it is confined to the report of the sink­
Veal—Fancy, 130113Jc per pound.
been received from most of the pow­
ing of two Turkish torpedo boats, the
Fresh Fruits — Cantaloupes, 50cdi ers, but they give little satisfaction.
and the Hamid Abad, off
$1.(0 per crate; peaches, 600(66c per In effect the powers say they will be mention of resistance and a mere pro­
Salonika — An Italian cruiser has Prevesa, by the Italian squadron com­
box; watermelons, 75c0($1.26 per unable to offer mediation until the test by the governor would be in line destroyed a Turkish destroyer in the manded
by the Duke d’Abruzzi.
hundred; plums, 606£75c per crate; Porte suggests a basis of settlement with Turkey’s announced policy.
harbor of Prevesa in Epirus and land­
The further report, also received
prunes, l(<i(2c per pound; pears, $1 on the lines of Italy’s demands.
The Turkish cabinet resigned when ed troops. The Turkish authorities here, that Greece is mobilizing troops,
0(1.26 per box; grapes, 80c0£$1.15
The Austrian ambassador had a long war was declared, and a new ministry are sending a battalion of^troops to is adding to the feeling of alarm. It
per box; apples, $10(2.50; huckleber­ interview with the grand vizier and it was formed under Said Pasha, but re­ Prevesa.
is realized that if these reports are
ries, 8c pound.
is announced the Russian ambassador taining the former able war minister,
true there is justification for the be­
Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c per will visit him, but it is questionable Mahmoud Shefket Pasha.
Constantinople—News reached here lief that the war is likely not to be
beans, 6<f(l0c; cabbages, whether Said Pasha will be able to re­
from the city of Tripoli to the effect localized, as Italy had promised the
$ 1 . 6001 2 hundred; com, 25o(30c doz­ main in office more than a few days
that a large Italian cruiser had gone powers, and that the dismemberment
en; cucumbers, $1(<(1.25 sack; egg­ longer.
ashore there.
of the Turkish empire has, in fact-
plant, 6«Mkc pound; garlic, 100£12c
been begun.
Turkish Haross Rescued.
pound: lettuce, 40oi60c dozen; hot­
The decision, which it was recently
Paris The Matin’s Athens corres­
house lettuce, $1.25(a;1.75 box; pep­
Taranto, Italy—The Italian armored
pondent says that the telegraph offi­ announced that the government had
pers, 60 / 6 c pound; radishes, 12 $c doz­ cruiser Marco Polo has brought here
cials at Vonitza, Greece, telegraphs to reached, not to defend Tripoli, but to
en; sprouts, 8c pound; tomatoes, 60c the Turkish transport Sabah, which
the government that a naval battle oc­ make an appeal to th« powers after a
0 £$ 2 .25 box; cal rots. $1.26 per sack; she had captured.
Excitement pre­
off Prevesa at 2 o’clock in the showing of force that would make the
turnips, $1; beets, $1.75.
vailed during the disembarkation of
inequality of the combat apparent, /»
Potatoes—Oregon, ljc per pound; the prisoners. Further details of the
said ■ to have been reversed, and the
sweet potatoes, 2Jc.
attack made by the Italian destroyers
Onions—California, $1.60 hundred. Artigliere and Corraziere upon the
| Tripoli- The Italian squadron which newspapers announce that the minis­
Hops—1911 crop, 83c; olds, nominal. Turkish torpedo boats Hamidyeh and
has been standing in the offing came ter of war, Mahmout Shefket Fasha.
Wool-—Eastern Oregon, 9(ffl6c per Alpagut show that when one of the
close to shore this morning and the has sent word to the Turkish com­
pound, according to shrinkage; val­ torpedo boats sank the Artigliere sent
destroyer Garibaldi steamed into the mander at Tripoli to defend the pi*c*
ley. 17c; mohair, choice, 86(</37|c.
! harbor flying a white flag. After re- with all the resources at his com­
a boat and rescued the crew, as well
Cattle—Choice steers, $5.26(«t 6.45; as the Turkish flag.
connoitering, the destroyer demanded mand.
good, $6«i5.26; fair, $4.76*/5; me­
j the surrender of the entire garrison.
Falsa News Kills Wife.
Cession is Mediation Basis.
dium. $4.60(i(4.75; poor, $3.754(4.50
The Turkish commander replied that
San Bernardino, Cal.—Mrs. W!!h*m
choice cows, $4.304(4.60; fair, $4<<(
t he was unable to comply with the de-
Washington, D. C. — State depart­
4.16; common, $2.504(3.50; extra ment officials express the belief that
mand and emphatically refused to sur- Willard, wife of a railroad
choice spayed heifers, $4.404(4.60; the signatories to the treaty of Berlin
. render. The destroyer then retired died here from ‘the shock produced W
the false information given her by *
choice heifers. $4.254(4.40; choice are seeking to effect a settlement of
, and rejoined the fleet. '
chauffeur that her husband had been
bulls, $3.25«i.3.50; good. $2.75*1.3; the issues between Italy and Turkey
common, $2i>(2.60; choice calves, on the basis of the cession of Tripoli
killed in a wreck. The P°!'«
Italian Enthused By War.
searching for the chauffeur, *nd
37.15417.25; good, $7ft(7.15; com­ to Italy and a financial compensation
Chiaseo, Switzerland — Dispatches district attorney declares a
mon, $4/<t:6; choice stags, $4.60@ to Turkey. It was positively asserted
from larger Italian cities tell of much murder will be lodged against to*-
that no move whatever has been made
enthusiasm over the expedition to The chauffeur appeared at the I»®
light hogs, $7 50«t by the United States in the direction
S W r t«
T a ra i.» W sr Mia w a v
Tripoli, the regiments composing of Mrs. Willard and told her that j*r
»ice, $7.50*17.60; fair, of mediation.
which are now centered
i $7dr£7.25.
Turkey continues efforts to secure porta. All the officers at various husband had been killed, and prop»*™
Schley’s Body at Capital.
have volun- to take her to the scene of the W
intervention by the powers. In the
Washington, D. C. —The body of meantime Italy is actively pursuing teered for service, but those who will posed wreck.
$3.35 Rear Admiral Winfield Scott Schley, hostilities. Italian battleships are re­ take part in the expedition are to be
$34( hero of the naval battle of Santiago, ported to have appeared off Smyrna chosen by lot Larger contingents of
Fowler Gives Up Flight.
troops and carabineers are occupying
who died suddenly in New York, was aad Salonika.
Emigrant Gap, Cal.—Aviator F***
brought to Washington and taken to
An Italian cruiser landed troops at the more riotous districts. The Ital­ ler, haa abandoned his
" " p*ct' d to h« " occupied ental flight, owing to the fact t“*t
will b e ; Preveaa. after destroying a Turkish
1 torpedo boat destroyer, and the Italian U>e whole coast from Tripoli through engine will not carry him 0Tef
Benghazi to Derna by Sunday.
Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
Bursting Oam Overwhelms too a
Ausliu, Pennsylvania.
Warships Drive Turkish Trans-
ports Ou Rocks.