Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 05, 1911, Image 1

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    F orest G rove P ress
Vol 2
No. 48
iappenings o f
Chris Jensen
press this week.
called on
One o f the prettiest weddings
ever solemnized in Cornelius oc­
Brice Wilson, o f Portland, was curred Wednesday evening, Oct.
is the city Monday.
4th, at the Methodist Church
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry when Miss Rilla Henderson be­
Smith, of Roy, Sept. 28, a girl, j came the bride o f Emesc G.
Webb, both well-known residents
Born to Itev. and Mrs. John F.
o f this place. The church was
Leise, Oct. 1, a boy.
tastefully decorated with fir
A. R. Lebo and wife made a boughs and a large variety of
rip to Portland this week.
flowers, making a beautiful gar­
F. A. Watrous was a business den scene.
With the bride leaning on the
' itor in Portland this week.
arm o f her father, the bridal
F. J. Miller and daughter,
party advanced up the aisle to
yllis, were in Portland, Satur-
the strains of Lohengren’s Wed­
ding March played by Miss Es­
Henry Sackrider ofjth e Forest ther Fitch and Miss Oneita Webb
Grove Studio, was in Portland, sang “ 0 , Perfect Love!”
The bride was gowned in white
Miss Vernal Tatchell, proprie- batiste trimmed with Swiss em­
i of the Paris Millinery, was broidery and Valenciennes lace
and carried bride’ s roses. She
visitor in Portland, Sunday.
was attended by Miss Vena Webb,
J. R. Callahan, o f Patton Val-
a sister o f the groom, as maid of
■y, was in town Saturday on his
honor, and Miss Helen Hansen,
ay to Portland
as bridesmaid, who were gowned
Julius Wehrly moved from in light blue crepe de chine. The
South Park tc the northwest part bridegroom was attended by Ed
of the Grove last week.
Henderson, brother o f the bride.
Peike Ackerman and Ella F. | The nuptial knot was tied by
len were married at the M. E. Rev. Henry Blake, of Portland,
image last Wednesday after- the ring ceremony being used,
after which the bridal party
Ti, Sept. 27.
F. R. Colburn is building a marched out to the strains of
iness house in North Plains Mendelssohn’s Wedding March
will move there in the near j and proceeded to the home of the
bride’s parents, where refresh­
ments were served to over 100
Mrs. J. D. Thomas and daugh- guests.
Estella, o f, near Spokane,
A fter the reception the happy
fash., are visiting with Mrs. couple left on an extended tour
N. Dixon, north o f town.
o f the Puget Sound cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Webb were the
Rev. J. T. Abbott, Supt. o f the
iene District, will fill the pul­ recipients of many beautiful and
pit for Rev. Hiram Gould at the costly presents. They will be at
M. E. Church next Sunday morn- home to their friends after Nov.
1 at their residence on Third St.,
Forest Grove.— CorneliusTribune
Ed Dixon brought a box o f nice
•ipe strawberries to the office
this week. They were o f the
Siberian variety and the berries
were of good flavor.
H yde-W itt-T he wedding of Miss
Have you heard about it? Anna F. Witt and Garnett B.
Heard about what? The revival Hyde, o f Portland, was quietly
at the Christian Church, begin­ solemnized at the home o f the
ning Sunday. Conducted by Hil­ bride’s mother, Mrs. Anna Witt,
in Cornelius, Sunday afternoon
ton and Shaffer.
at 2 o’clock. Justice o f the Peace
Dr. 0. C. Hiatt, formerly a
Virgil H. Massey officiated. Only
dentist here, but now o f Ray-
the immediate families were
’nond, Wash, is in the city shak­
present The young people will
ing hands with old friends. The
live in Portland where the bride­
Dr. looks well and has a good
groom is a mail carrier.
word for the Grove.
At Bunkers: Best Eastern ba­
ton, 20?; 6 bars laundry soap,
Try a bucket o f white Swan
Shortning, and you will use no
°ther. Get our prices on flour
in 5 barrel lots.
Carl Clapshaw, Art Beyer and
*• E- and Ben Bateman, with
their dogs, treed and killed a
■rite black bear just northwest
g Gales City, Sunday.
had lots o f fun and some
The petition for the proposed
*»*ge district near Thatcher,
» to be heard Friday of
week will meet with some
tion from partieainterested.
is the locality in which some
ago a drainage system was
blished and defeated by S.T.
• who carried his suit to the
> Court, where the orgaS-
was declared illegal.
At a special session o f the City
Council, September 28, the first
step toward the construction of
the proposed water works system
in this city was taken when the
proposition of A. L. Richardson
for engineering services in the
preliminaries for and in laying
out, designing and construction
of the city’ s proposed waterworks
system was accepted. Mr. Rich
ardson comes well recommended.
He has been employed by the
City of Forest Grove and we are
assured o f getting a square deal.
At the same meeting an ordi­
nance was ordered drafted, or­
dering a new sidewalk in front
of the J. P. Peterson resident
property on Oak Street, also on
Main Street across the S. P. Co.
depot grounds.
The regular meeting Monday
night found but two councilman,
J. A. Irmur and Geo. Holscher,
the Mayor and recorder present.
The following bills were allowed;
V. H. Massey, $6.00; Prevost
Livery Co., $7.50: Claud Noland,
$1.50. Adjourned to meet at call
of the Mayor.- CorneliusTribune
Speaking of the proposed tun-
Do V°u remember those good
nel under Council Crest which olt* days when the colored people
has been contemplated for some would hold a real old-fashioned
time Marshall N. Dana had the camP meeting in the grove, and
following to say in a recent Sun- bow all the white folks would
day Journal, the article being Rather round” to hear the gen-
ume plantation melodies sung
published only in part:
“ The Portland-Tualatin valley only as the “ darky” can sing
tunnel commission has been or- j them? The famous “ Nashville
ganized. Its members are prop­ Students” will bring back those
erty owners—Isador Lang, H. C. days, and take you way down
d South.
Their fantastic dances
Campbell, Henry ___________
Hewitt, George
Joseph, G. F. Johnson—interest- ^one 88 *be negro alone can do
ed for themselves as well as for them, their plantation acts and
the city in cutting a direct way m' m' cry will be done exactly as
to the biggest suburban home the real negro does them and all
opportunity (the broad Tualatin that means two solid hours o f
valley) yet remaining in the wholesome and invigorating fun
and amusement. The Nashville
Portland vicinity.
“ The city will not be asked to Students will postively be here
bear the preliminary expense of next Saturday, Oct. 7, at the
the bore, although the commis­ Tivoli Theater.
sion was appointed by the mayor.
Old Union Soldier I* Gone
By private subscription a sum
that will progress between $2500
William Lucian Raymond, aged
and $5000 is being obtained and
years, died Friday afternoon
this will meet the cost o f expert
home of his sister-in-law,
survey o f the tunnel site and the
J. Raymond, at Gaston,
estimates o f final appropriation.
illness. He was
“ A bond issue by a popularly-
born in New York, and came to
organized tunnel company will
follow and bonded property will Oregon in early pioneer days. He
Revival Meeting*
be owned by those on both sides was a veteran o f the Civil War,
serving on the Union side. He
The revival services begin at who are sure of direct benefits.
was never married, and is sur­
the Christian church next Sun- j There are many of these and a
vived by several brothers and
day. The pastor of the church \ 20 to 30 year bond issue o f even
Funeral services were
will do the preaching in the $3,000,000 would not ha anotice- held Sunday at the Forest Grove
meeting, and the noted singing, i able burden,
Undertaking Parlors, under the
evangelist, A. W. Shaffer o f' ‘ The survey finished, the esti­
o f the Forest Grove
Walla Walla, Wash, will conduct mate o f cost made, the bonds is­
Post o f the G. A. R., with burial
the song service.
Mr. Shaffer sued, then actual construction.
in Mountainview Cemetery.
has been engaged with some of It is now believed by the tunnel
the most noted evangelists o f the commission that the actual con­
County Treasurer Appointed
church and is an adept in his line. struction may be reached within
E. B. Sappington our city trea­
He has always given satisfaction, i
and townsman, was honor­
He has assisted the present pas­
‘ ‘The boring o f the Council ed buy the Countv Court with
tor of the church in other fields.
The topics for the first week of Crest tunnel, entering through the appointment yesterday of
Marquam gulch, the mouth of County Treasurer to ¡fill the va­
the meetings are as follows:
Sunday morning, ‘ ‘Ambassadors; which is in South Portland, about cancy in that office made by the
for Christ;” Evening, ‘ ‘Heaven, ! a mile from the business center death, last week, o f Wm Jackson.
Where, What, Who?” Monday | o f the west side, will compel j Mr. Sappington served as City
Treasurer of Forest Grove for
evening, ‘ ‘Satan’ s First Visit to some revolutionary changes.
‘ ‘Marquam gulch will be nearly two terms and has shown ability
the World;” Tuesday, “ One of
Christ’s Saddest Utterances;” filled with the material taken out in his efficient managment of
Wednesday, “ The Destinies of of the tunnel. The hillsides will t hat office. He at once took the
Men,” illustrated with chart; be terraced and made into pcenic oath of office ¡and entered npon
his official duties.
Thursday, “ Devil B itten ;’ ’ Fri­ home sites.
day, “ A False Claim;” Saturday,
"Making Light.” Services be­ arteries will be made to converge
E. E. Taylor, o f Portland, will
gin at 7:30. The song service at the tunnel mouth. The Mount deliver an address at the Congre­
will be a feature, with specialties Hood and Oregon Electric lines gational Church, Sunday after­
each evening. Come and enjoy will have common user privileges noon, at 3 o ’clock, on the subject
over Seventh Street. Fifth and of prohibition. Mr. Taylor is
the services.
Sixth Streets will be occupied by State Organizer and Field Secre­
Portland Railway. L ig h t* Power tary o f Prohibition. Mr. Schaff­
at present, except that er, who will lead the singing at
Stamps, coins or your person­
Mrs. R. Bartlett and E. Caus-
service will be made interurban the revival services which begin
al check in the sum of $1.00
tin, o f Portland, visited over
to the homes and towns on the at the Christian Church Sunday,
will pay for a renewal or a
Sunday with their cousin, Mrs.
other side o f the hills. The S. P. will be present and direct the
new subscription from this
F. J. Miller. Mr. Caustin is con­
line on Fourth Street, now steam, singing.
The public is invited
date to January 1st, 1913.
nected with the Portland Savings
will be electrified and service to attend.
The balance of this year and
Trust & Loan Co.
all of next for $1.00.
Edward Haek has on display
"With such variety o f transit
at once for the Press. Now
Bailey’s store window a single
Much stir was noticed in and
facilities the suburban dweller in
for another 1000.
o f tomatoes, consisting of
about the Courthouse at Hills­
Tualatin valley will be able to
22 fine smooth specimens, weigh-
boro this week on account of de­
come to business each morning
linquent tax certificates issued.
This week a deal was made in 15 to 30 minutes, dependent j inK 16,1 p o u n < * * *
Our present Judge says that whereby Mr. Humphry, o f Cor- upon the distance o f his place of
If worry kills and work worries,
nothing but fair play will be per­ l vallis. purchased 70 acres of A. residence from the south mouth what’s the use o f working?
Mead, o f Buxton, the land lying of the tunnel.
• ' ■ ■ ■"
between Banks and Buxton. Mr.
’ T o realize why a tunnel has ¡to d ^ p toil—the basin o f a pre-
A pleasant surprise was given Mead was represented by Walter been dreamed o f for so many historic lake-reaches out a fairv
Mrs. Guy Stockman last evening Roswurm and Mr. Humphrey by years, and why popular sentiment panorama o f fields and v,
by several o f her girl friends. the Oregon Land Co.
Refreshments were served and
Miss Freund who has been on dreams come true one needs oniy jn
an enjoyable time had. Those
a two weeks vacation went to to follow the laborious present because **
present were Misses Jennie Jack-
work last Friday. She visited in path to the top o f the wall-like Horn-
son Laura Davidson, Minnie Mar­
Salem and also spent a week in hills to the south and west o f , to V
tin. Mary Woell, Hazel Stockman
the city. The great valley with I*
and Winona Ogden.
- « — s- *