.Hie “BONBONNIERE” . Carries a most complete and up-to-date line o f Smokers’ Articles Tobaccos & Cigars ________________________ _ Real Estate Transfers Wm M Hanson et ux to Ila C Nealeigh, 35 acres, Sec 16, 2 S 2, $1750. W. MERTZ J C Kuratli et al to Loren Sew- > ard, pt blks 1, 4, 8, 19, 14, Pine- land Terrace. Forest Grove Steam Laundry Delia A Graham et al to D D J. C. LATTA MERTZ & LATTA ICE, COLD STORAGE, WOOD AND COAL FRESH CANDIES and FRUITS G r o v e ^ S x f l0t 4’ blk3’ F° reSt ICE CREAM j S L Smith etux to H H Van- ANY STYLE devert, 20 acres Sec 3, 1 N 2. $10. SODA Peter P Nickel et ux to Marsh­ all W Hahn, lots 2 and 3, bl 2, Talbott’s Add, Cornelius. $200. R. A . Phelps Proprietor Minnie M Massey et ux to Chas Crance, Lot 9, bl>l 16, Cornelius, $153.60. — U. S. A. + * Independent Phone 412 + * + * * * Livery, Feed and Sales Stables + Good teams and rigs— Baggage called for and delivered to all parts P E A R L W WILLIAMS, Proprietor. + Pacific Avenue ► J* + . . . . Forest Grove * * Mollie F Rau et ux to Ross Beneff, lots27 and 28, Branford’s Add, Forest Grove, $1500. E C Hurlbert et ux to Arthur C t Gesler, lot 28, Willow Brook Farm, $600. Felix Verhoeven et ux to A A LaMont, lots 3 & 4, blk 3, Knob Hill Add, Forest Grove, $410. Arthur C Gesler et ux to Moses H Bryans, lot 28, Willow Brook Farm, $600. Michael O’ Brien et ux to Isa­ bella B Burns, et ux, blks 1 & 2, O’ Brien Acres, $10. We guarantee these water systems to give perfect satis­ faction. We have installed fifteen^of these outfits and every one o f the owners is tickled to death. We will gladly give you name or take you to see them working. Running W ater in Your H om e W h e r e v e r y o u Jive— i n t o w n , s u b u r b o r c o u n t r y —in a 5, 8 o r 12 r o o m h ou B e— a n a d e q u a t e , satisfying, lasting su p p ly o f w ater o n a n y flo o r o r in a n y room every da y o f ev e ry y ea r ia n o w p o s s ib le . F o r here is a com p ressed air system that c a n n ot b e trom on o u t mt o o r v to o — o r that n o s u m m e r ’ s g o to o on or/pplo. W ill d o the w ork o f a thousand its fo r y o u — saves d ru d g ery , sa feg u a rds th e fa m ily alth and protects the h o m e fr o m d a n g ers o f fire. A K Hillsboro Garden Tracts to Katherine Sears, lots 18, 19, 20, bl, II, Garden Tracts Add, $1000. J H Hibbard et ux to Peter B Case, 160 acres, Sec 34, 3 N 3, $2500. A A LaMont et ux to Eldin W Lamb, lots 3, 5, blk 3, Knob Hill Add, Forest Grove, $800. Champion Mowers -fiadcx, Parry Buggies consisting of s steel L o o d o r tank in your cellar connected with your well, cistern or spring—n gas engine, wind-mill or bend-pomp, end e simple, easy-tO-iosUll system o f piping is nil the! Is neceesnry. Let ns show yon bow e L o o d o r Water System in yonr home will sere you money—in doctor’ s bills, end edd to your own comfort end satisfaction et tbe same time. k LOOdor Water System suited to the needs o f your home will never gst out of order or need repairs. A few tnii.utes attention nech day tsall that th e apparatus requires. Mitchell Wagons A Full Line o f Hardware We guarantee our Garden Hose Forest Grove Shoe Store GOFF BROS. Call o r W rit* F or From Dencripttoe Forest Grove Booklet Cornelius Both i ■ ones. Corner First Avenue and Second S Home Baking Co. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day W e sell 6 loaves of bread for 2 5 l Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Pacific Avenue Forest Grove HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS BUILDING MATERIAL C. L. HINMAN Fresh Car Load of Buggies Direct From the Factory FARM MACHINEY PAINTS, OH AND We Sell Through Tickets to Eastern Points Baggage checked to destination and sleeping car arrangements made OREGON ELECTRIC RAILW AY Through trains East from Portland via “ The North Bank Road” ROUND TRIPS EAST St. Paul, Minneapolis, J Kansas City, '$60.85 Omaha, i St. Louis, $70.85 Washington, U 1nfl QR Duluth, ) Denver, I * « or Baltimore, IS108-35 Winnipeg, j Colorado Springs, > ***xai> Boston, _______ $110.85 Tickets sold June 16. 17, 21. 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30; July 1 to~6. 19, 20, 26, 27, 28; August 3, 4, 5, 14 to 17, 21 to 23, 28, to 30, Sep­ tember 1, 2, 4 to 7. Return limit October ¿list. Choice o f routes going and return­ ing. Stop-overs allowed. SPEND THE SUMMER AT CLATSOP BEACH $5.00 Round trip, daily. Good all summer. $4.00 Round trip, Saturday and Sunday. Firstclass hotels at Seaside and Gearhart. I will be glad to furnish all details regarding long or short trips. . u SissLj**-» PhiUtohi.,;«“ ® W. E. Coman, G. F. & P. A. Oregon Electric Railway Portland, Ore. DO YOU NEED ANY FRUIT TREES? J. E. Broderick I am representing the big Oregon Nursery Company of Orenco. Everybody in Wash­ ington County knows o f my company and of the high-class, reliable trees we grow. If you doubt it, stop off some time at Orenco and go over the big nursery o f 1,200 acres, and learn of the care and system employed in all branches o f this home concern. If you are needing any Apple, Cherry, Pear, Peach, Walnut, or other kind o f Fruit Trees I can fill your needs with First-Class one year old trees. I also handle Rose Bushes, Lawn Shrubs, etc. Firstclass trees are in demand; don’ t delay getting your trees reserved. Drop me a card to Beaver­ ton or in care o f the nursery, Orenco, and I’ ll call on you. C n • ’ H kJ D Q A The Auction House V I Representative for Oregon Nur- y »ery Co. in Wàshington County. FOR SALE—One acre of ground * n<1 new ®v* roora P***t*red New and Second Hand Goods house, in good location, about n M SANPORD Pmn O. M. SAN10RD, Prop. phonk , ind. 721 I four blocks from center o f town. ¡ Pric<, fc 0 0 a Partcash. time on N. main st | balance. O regon L and Co. N. L. Atkins, Agent Ore. Elec, Ry. Forest Grove, Ore. L. F. Humburg Broderick and Humburg Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing And W ood W orkers My Dear Sir:— It would give me much pleasure to meet you at our Shoe Store where we could look over our Shoes For over 50 years I have been selling shoes. For nearly 15 years right here in Forest Grove I h^ve been doing the best that there is in me to build up a business founded strictly on quality and for cash. By strict adherence to this principal we have built up the Forest Grove Shoe Store until its the best known store in Washington County for reliable Foot Wear. I wish if you are not already one o f our customers, you would investigate the shoes we have. It will pay you. C V . B . RUSSELL Good Work A. S. Hatch Stand— Base Line CORNELIUS. OREGON Right Prices The Forest Grove Studio .for. Portraits, View W ork , Interiors Banquets, Kodak Finishing The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fore Ass n of Forest Grove, Oregon VVr^ e* J fr Mo«t CoMcrrative Line of Commercial and Dwelling Insurance of Any Mutual Company in the State. It will Pay You to Protect Your Prop* *»ty with One of Our Policies