E S Spfcrkl----- - r 11.1.11 > F orest G rove pr ess FO REST GROVE, OREGON, TH U RSD A Y , SEPT. 28, 1911. No. 47 »PENiNGS OF PAVEMENT BEING W. V. & C. R. CO.’S WASHINGTON COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER LOCAL INTEREST RAPIDLY COMPLETED RAILROAD COMPLETED 1 PIONEER DIES JACKSON IS DEAD Look well toyourownadvance- The street pavement is being Tracks of the Willamette Val­ Chas. Burnham, a resident of County Treasurer Wm. Jackson unt while the world progresses. completed as rapidly as possible. ley and Coast Railway Company, Tigardville, Washington Co., died this morning at 20 minutes Herbert C. Smith, of Patton Pacific Avenue from A Street to died at his home Sunday evening, 9 o’clock. Mr. Jackson was Ivalley, is in town today. Second Streot was the first to be which have been under construc­ ! and was buried in the Tigardville to duty at his office until 10 a.m. Main Street from N. tion this summer by the Lovegren cemetery. Mr. Burnham had on yesterday. He left his office for M. S. Allen was a Portland finished. 1st to 3rd Avenue, South, North timber interest into the Patton been a resident of Tigardville for a walk and while passing the aginess visitor this week. 11st Avenue from College Way to Valley section, are completed, 28 years. He was born in 1835 Delta Drug Store was stricken Miss Gertrude Allen is attend- A Street, and A Street from N. and trains will be running in a and came to the United States with paralysis. He was removed ng Willamette University at 1st to Pacific Avenue, 3rd Avenue short time, following which ma­ when 16 years of age. He came to his home but never regained S. from A Street to Second Street to Oregon in 1869 and lived on consciousness. alem. | have already been completed. chinery for the large sawmill, the Jerome Porter place west of Mr. Jackson was serving his {WANTED—At once a lady for This makes in all 15 blocks with which will be built at Cherry Forest Grove, afterward moving company at night. Ind. phone the following yet to be paved: Grove, the new town site, will down on the Tualatin River near eighth year as county treasurer. He was 64 years of age and [3525. It First Street from 3rd Avenue S. be shipned in and installed. here, where his wife died. From leaves a wife and two children, H. C. Kyle writes fromYacott, to Pacific Avenue and Council When the road is ready for reg­ here he moved to Tigardville, Mrs. R. C. Vaughn, of Hillsboro; j Wash., and says that he is safe Street in all 5 blocks. Much of the ular traffic, passenger coaches where he has since resided. Mr. and Walter Jackson, of Portland. rock has already been placed and Burnham was married in Illinois The funeral uf Mr. Jackson will [in camp and it is raining. by the time of our next issue, if will be added to the equipment in 1858 to Miss Mary E. Higby. be in charge of the M:tsons, of of the line, and a regular daily Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Elder, of the weather permits, the 20 Eleven children were born to which order he was a prominent [Seattle, visited with her sister, blocks within our city will have schedule established. Although them. member. Mr. Jackson was elect­ I Mrs. A. L. Sexton last week. been paved with bitulithic hard it is planned to make Cherry ed from the Dilley precinct, pavement. This is the Grove an important sawmill cen­ where he owned a small farm I A new oyster and chop house surface ter, many other enterprises will Doctors Will Meet step toward adding perma­ and had resided for a number of will be opened on Pacific Ave., first nent city features to this most be undertaken, including the years. manufacture of tile and brick. I Oct. excellent suburb of Portland, The Washington Countv Medi­ cal Association will meet at Hotel Timber, Oregon, Sept. 25, ’ll. Last year the railroads laid off Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 131,870 men. This meant a sav- 4 p. m. All registered or licensed Dear Anna Belle: [ing to them of about $94,000,000. Brother George wants me to physicians are invited and urged Geo. Kirkwood, of Hillsboro, to be present. The meeting is write and ask you to show in of much importance. Called by yout paper how to make a. jointed lied this week and ordered the D r . F. M. R obinson , ess for another year. cat. He thinks you will if we Pres. C. J. Clark of Gales Creek, ask you to. Papa gels the Press.. D r . J. P. T amiesie , Mied on the office and ordered Yours, Sec. 1 the ' • Press last week. S am T il m o . v C. M. Hawthorne, who under­ iîé iT ', t . t Attempt to Escape Proves Fatal went a critical operation in Port- Gales Creek, Oregon | land some weeks ago, is able to Sept. 24, 1911 C. W. Noyes, of Laurelwood, [be out again. 7‘ who for some time has been an Dear Anna Belle:- The Woman’s Home Missionary inmate of the asylum at Salem, I think your brother Harold’s J .'>■■■ ■ Society meets at the home of on .Monday morning in un at­ [birthday party was nice. Slim f ; ' >, Vrg. F. A. Watruus tor....row tempt to escape, made «» rope Jim is glad now while the police I afternoon. from his blankets and started to descend from the third story. is in jail. Bud is m hard luck r 0. J. Willis left last week for The blanket rope broke and Mr. since last Sunday. Salt Lake City, Utah, to spend Noyes fell crushing his skull. Your friend, the winter. Mr. Willis is a prom­ His body was brought to this city Rose Topp. inent • Mason and Postmaster of on the Oregon Electric, Tuesday Hawthorne Lodge, Portland. Miss Dora Baker, editor of the afternoon. J. M. Lay and W. C. Mrs. E. A. Colemanjmade the The man of the world who Press a pleasant call this week. Index last year, has charge of Emerson, of Laurelwood, came Hillsboro Jottings this city and conveyed the re­ searches for the bad will no the Latin and English classes in to The curbing is being rapidly Col. Harry Haines was in Port­ the Hillsboro High School this mains to his family. doubt find it, but his discovery constructed and will soon be is of no value unless he will try land, Tuesday. year. ready for paving. The sewer | to better it. Mrs. D. C. Chapman was in Promotion and Rally Day work is progressing nicely and Carry M. Ramsey filed suit in Prof. T. J. Thorp, of Corvallis, the city yesterday. will probably lie finished on time. the Supreme Court for divorce at one time a resident of the At the Christian Sunday School against Charles S. Ramsey, alleg­ Rev. Hiram Gould, Methodist V. Fisher, formerly pastor Grove and principal of our public pastor ing cruel treatment, Defendant next Sunday, rally day and pro­ of F. has been assigned to this the M. E. Church, was a Sun- schools, recently started for the I pastorate for the fourth year. motion day will be observed. An was served yesterday. visitor here. He has l>een Malbu District to make entry on effort is being made to have a day Ogden, Utah, for the past a 40 acre homestead. Mrs. T. J. O. Thatcher accom­ Gordon Clapp has a position as great day. You will miss some at year. her husband on his trip to an assistant instructor in chem­ thing if you are not there. The Al. G. Barnes’ Big Wild Ani­ . panied istry department in Oberlin Col­ church has also voted to begin a The Coffee Club contemplates Portland Wednesday morning. mal Show has come and gone, lege. Ralph Abraham is also a revival meeting Oct. 8. The purchasing of a residence f ihe attendance was good and Walter Roswurm and Mark L. student in the same institution pastor has been requested to do the near the public square for a rest Uie performance all that was ad- Noble were business visitors to of learning. the preaching for this meeting, room. [ vertisea. The management was Portland yesterday. and Prof. A. W. Shaffer, of [ courteous and accommodating. Hon. E. W. Haines and Hon. Walla Walla, Wash., will conduct Circuit Court held a breif ses- Rev. Cephus Clapp, of Wash- All who attended expressed them H. Hollis returned yesterday the music. Prof. A. W. Shaffer sion Monday and disposed of a ougal, Wash., is in the city this W. j. selves as well satisfied. from their trip through the east­ is one of the very best of singing few matters. week. ern states. They both came in evangelists. There will be the I ! A visit to the Forest Grove smiling and with the usual ready usual church services next Sun­ J. M. Hamblin, shingle mill [ Brick and Tile Company’s plant, For Sale day. The pastor will preach in t north of town and a talk with man, of Timber, was in town handshake. 124 acres of as good land as yesterday. the morning on, ‘‘Each One Win the manager, Otis Kiser, reveals E. J. Fisher, traveling agent One.” In the evening he will there is in Washington County, the fact that the plant is putting Dr. Tucker has moved his of­ for the Bankers and Merchants give an illustrated chart sermon 1 j miles from the center of For­ out a superior article of brick and fice to the upstairs of the build­ Insurance Co. left yesterday for entitled, “This Picture and est Grove on good county road all, : tile. Many new improvements ing next Baker City and other points in T h a t” This is a sermon that level and cleared, not a brush or Anderson’s store, tf i are being made and the plant is Eastern Oregon for a month’s appeals to the eye as well as the stump on i t Raises fine crops among the best in the state. Mrs. C. A. Brodersen, of Dil- work with agents in that locality. ear. The public most cordially of oats, wheat, potatoes, clover and hops, etc. Good title. If J. A. Striplin sold his residence ley. visited the Press office yes­ Mrs. Japlin and little daughter invited. you went to make yourself a fine in South Park to James Hill, of terday. The Young People’s Society the Misses Morren, of Grand home, this is your chance. Only \ Yamhill, who will occupy the C. B. Campbell returned yester­ and of Christian Endeavor will give Forks, N. D., have taken rooms $250.00 per acre, terms for five residence after Oct. 1. Mr. Hill day from a visit to his old home at the Levi Walker residence. a social at the church on Satur­ years. Apply to sold his farm of 80 acres near in Iowa. day evening. A fine time is an­ The young people wish to take E. H. Coleman, . Yamhill to B. * F. Smith. Mrs. advantage of our educational in­ ticipated. Forest Grove, Or. Smith is the daughter of Mr. Mark T. Cox has let contract stitutions. Striplin. for the rebuilding of a cement FOR SALE—Six room plaster­ sidewalk on Pacific Ave. Iowa exempts orchard land The remains of Hugh H. Bolby T. S. Wilkes & Son, of Hills­ ed cottage in South Forest Grove. from taxation. The law requires was brought to this city for in­ boro, have prepared a wall map Ralph Dimick is to coach ath­ Lot, 100 foot front 200 feet deep, i of the city of Forest Grove, show- letics at Columbia University in that the tract contain at least 70 good lawn, young fruit trees and terment Sunday. Mr. Bolby was trees to the acre. The trees must son of John L. Bolby of Astoria the present owners of the Portland this year. be cared for and the stock kept small fruit, hen house and park. and grandson of Dr. Bolby who several tracts. We also have a A bargain. Terms: part cash, Archie Markee was chosen as out—A. T. Irwin, Iowa State time on balance. Inquire at 326 was at one time in the drug busi­ wall map of Washington County, which shows the boundaries of football manager for the coming College. Fourth Street Ind. phone 713 ness in Forest Grove. Mr. Bolby all D. L. C.’s, water courses, year by the student body of P.U. 4t was killed in a train wreck near Most all of the district schools or write, box 601. Streater, 111., September 16. He ‘ railways, public highways, locat­ throughout the county have open­ ing accurately the cities and Col. J. B. Eddy arrived in ed. The Course of Study for the The woman, Miss Leonard of was 31 years old. The remains towns and the present bound­ this city Tuesday. Mr. Eddy is elementary schools of Oregon as Lebanon, after posing 49 years were shipped to his home at aries of the different pieces of with the S. P. Co. as a right of prepared by the State Education­ as a man, was ajudged insane Astoria and then to this city for burial. The funeral service* were land owned by the several sepa­ way man. al Board will facilitate the work and sent to the asylum last Mon-, in charge of the Masonic Order. day. She doned male attire at rate owners. These maps are of the schoolroom. Much credit r corrected up to date and are on A. S. Markee. who has been is due the Board for the effort the age of 13 and her insanity Many friends and relatives from •ale at very reasonable prices at in the employ of the S. P. at and only good can come to the has been attributed to her ex- j Astoria and Portland were pres­ ent. their office in Hillsboro. No cit­ Myrtle Creek, returned home pupils through i t ____________ elusion from society. izen can afford to be without one. last week. 1M • ___ -1 1 • * 11 ) ’ i w J