of Suffering Y ears No Joint Gift. Butcher isubscHb1^ t0 locaI {hMk rl Well, put me and Catarrh a n d B l o o d D is e a s e - I ,ty) D o c to r s F a ile d t o C u r e . down for a dollar.~CoUector—"imlS* U* see— Miss Mabel F . Daw kins, 1214 Lafay­ » Joint gift.” Butcher—"Joint gift! ette St., F o rt W ayne, Ind.. writes: What d’yer mean? We’re going to •For three years 1 w as troubled with catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev­ give money, not m eat" eral doctors and a dozen different rem­ edies, but none o f them did me any Love’s Ending. eood. A friend told m e o f Hood’s Sar­ Says an advertisement In the Lon­ saparilla. I took tw o bottles of this medicine and w as a s well and strong don Express: "M ary-W aited three as ever. I feel like a different person . hours . . . at appointed 8P°I—until ques­ and recommend Hood’s to any one suf­ tioned by suspicious policeman. If fering from c atarrh ." Get It today in usual liquid form or this is the price of love, It Is too heavy chocolated tablets called S arsatab g . a one for me to pay. Farewell. Potts.’’ Manners of tho Boy. rfer some reason many m others de not give the same attention to the manners of their eons as to those ol their daughters. Yet the boy’s train ­ ing la even ftiore Important than those of the girl. The m ajority of young men leave their homes shortly after they come of age. and many leave before that period, and they come Into contact. Into Intim ate asso ­ ciation frequently, with men who have had but little training in the nice- tlee of life, and all too frequently these evil communications corrupt the Bv?nnho " ^ m flnd.Mre- WinSloVs Soothing good manners of the more fortunate class. But the ,boy who Is trained to courtesy from hie childhood can be trusted In any environment. Study. 1 E A I* FOR No More Indigestion C O W S, P O U L T R Y - a l l FA RM ANIMALS I t to almost w ithou t an equal as a concentrated feed.”—U- S. A g ricu ltu ral D ept. Bulletin No. 58 “ d 3 " for those who know the value of Hostetler’s Stom­ ach Bitters when the stom ­ ach is weak, the liver in­ active and the bowels clog­ ged. Why? It is compound­ ed from ingredients best adapted for keeping the organs strong and healthy, and its wonderful record in the past has proven it to be a great success. Try a SO L D B Y A L L D E A L E R S . PACIFIC O IL MILLS. Seattle, Wa.h, r n e o v e ra m u se d C h ild ren . Don’t m ake your children blase by giving them too many treats. Young children do not need am usem ents; the more simply and quietly they live the more chance Is th e re th at they will grow up stro ng and healthy. Over- amused child ren are nev er happy; they are always crav in g for more excite­ ment. and, consequently, are discon­ tented. ___________________ A bottle for Indigestion, Dys­ pepsia, Colds and G r ppe. Get S ing le Exception. "Do you th in k a mem ory for dates helps a m an ?” “So m etim es,’’ replied Farmer C orn tassel. “ B ut not when he Is selling spring ch ick en s.” Advice given on all m a tte rs pertaining to Home- itead. Desert Land. T im ber Claims. Mining. Irri­ gation. E tc. A ppeals prepared; S ta te your case; write for inform ation. G RO V ER L A N G M A D E , A tto rn e y W ashington, D. C. Formerly LA W E X A M IN E R ; Land Office. Wash­ ington. D. C. THEVERYBEST 2 m 4 COLUMBIA Indestructible Records 22k Bridge T e e tr.4 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 Brilliant Tone Never Break Never Wear Out I S ilve r Fillin rs .5 0 Good Rubber _ Plate« 5 .0 0 Best Red Rubber _ _______________________ | Plate« 7 .5 0 H l . l . w in , h n t it t v f m Maaiesa IUSUSMM II PMTUae Painlesa Extr'tlon . 5 0 B E S T M ETHO D S SOU fu lly r u a r a n t e e d f o r fiftee n years. BY TOUR HOSE DEALER OR COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Wise D en tal C o . , me. PORTLAND, OREGON. Painless Dentists MntSalMint, Third .ltd Washington. PORTLAND. ORt S A. X . t . . r . l l . lu te n . 1 . 1 C R I M S O N W I N T E R *1.80 P e r Dozen. 16.00 Prr Hundrwi. J. RH U B A R B A^ '{ & £ S V ™ U j m NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT RHUBARB ANO BERRY r i ia ju t B . W A G N E R , T h e R hubarb and B e rry ^SjMMjtaUet PASADENA. ----------- h UMC w NITRO CLUB SHOT SHELLS During fifty years, four generations of shooters have sworn by the old yellow Shells”— UMC NEW CLUBS. T hey have never been found wanting where, hard-to-kill game is concerned. Misfires are never thought with these old reliable, bard »— ■ ** „ to to — cooditicns. •Gam» U r n H i» " ~ iW O H llD C I COWAJCT t h e POWDER um o* TR Y oot# U t v p ■ted A N D « 3 .0 0 . B C S T IN THC W O R l O Th o Smmmtka benefit a o f t f, from h id ma. I f 1 ( M iu ld t a k f f > « u I n t o m V w h ic h U rjf« » f a s t o r t « « a l I t r o c k t u i i , to t olemt t ä h o i ' ,a n Ü , H Z M a««., and show you how car»- r e d u c e d t a r if f o n , fu lly W . I,. D ouglas «ho«* are lo a th o r, n o w onahtma “ ade, th e superior workmanship to Hive th e weai ami tho high grade leathers u »« h /) | v a lu a f o r h la ou would Mien understand why t e r a n d lo n g e r w e a rin g d o lla r f o r l> o lln r 1 G u a r a n te e $ 3 , 3 3 .B Ó mñd , M y .sh o e * to hold th eir shi.pe, th a n / c o u ld glifo h i n ____ look and fit b e tte r and wear j longer th an any other #.1.00, $3.3<) a loua to th o ta r If fr o v lâ to n . _______ o r $4.00 «hoes you oau buy. I>o y o u r e a l i s e t h a t m y ah«»ea have been the ataitriard f o r e v e r » year«; th a t l m ake and sell m ore #3.00 $ 3 J 0 and #4.00 shoes than . mP » any other m an u factu rer In th e United .Staten ? Q u ality count* Iff { M U R IN E EYE REM EDY h e t a u jc i , f c .T - S O f 4*2* BLACr w w e t a of aptinmnrrn A m tflf Th o — P rw w v i An o flre r, addressing hla men. who had Just referred from a somewhat fralUere expedition, said: "T en w ere BO doubt disappointed became* the c a m p a ig n gave yoe no opportunity to fight; bnt If there bad been any Ight- there woe id have haem many ah- - Prrptie* « L a S S i S a a L V » * ” * 1* ' "io "" * h”,,*'‘h',M w,'r'‘ b-w lw C W A I f U 7 «..r T I ! O N ! N " * Price "lth..iu I. IMigbn v C k|A c t i n r T e r a R v r ttaaincit W. on (lie beitoiii. y I A A Va C N O S U R S T 1 T U T E II ,.u r UNO., cenuoi wppl, wuh » J s J f y ;'* '« »•>«". writ, t,., M„l • h ll’G L A « , $ 5 0 to $ I C 0 PER WEEK Wo«;* Tk*t Salary I stint! Too? ADVERTISMENT WRITING 1 4 A a$*M rto N C .. I t r o r k l u H , U . . M , T H E OLD Painless R ELIABLE Dentists Not only do we frunrante* our work, but we promise to do it quicklv, painlessly ami carefully. T he below prices speak for themaelvee. S E E U S A N D E N JO Y C O M rO R T . Will plica your services immediately i* de­ mand it that salary; and even more. A M tlt* The Elliott School of Advertising mususm bids . roRTLAsa, osnos TOU CAN LEARN IT AT HOME TAUGHT IT MAIL. PORTLAND COLLECTION AGENCY 817 Alisky Building. Portland. Orearon. ALL DEBTS COLLECTED. NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE Full S et o f Teeth ................................................ $ 5 .0 0 Brtdjro Work or Teeth W ithout Plates ........................................ # 3 .8 0 to $ 5 .0 0 Gold Crow ns............................................ $ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 .0 0 Porcelain Crown* ........................ $ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 .0 0 Gold or Porcelain F illin g s.................. $1 Up Silver FillmirH 50C to $1 15 Y E A R S ' G U A R A N T E E . Hour*, 8 A. M. to 8 P. M„ Sundays. 9 to 12. Union Dental C o . The “S ix ” Sense«. P A IN L E S S D E N T IS T S . PO RTLA N D , ORfe*. In a primary school exam ination one F irst and Morrison Sta, of the questions was with regard to the five senses. One of the bright pu­ i V C V J ZTI f l broken machinery and caat insra VT C V I L L U ol >aii kinds by a saw pr weaa. pils handled the su bject thus: milk him them aa yoort an new Mach n»» work of ’The five senses are; Sneezing, sob­ all kinda. W<* fix any old thinjr Torfisad Oty \r«yW Wdtoag Uaasay. JOS lJum St I W M m $7«i9 I « l i 4 Ur. bing. crying, yawning and coughing. By the sixth sense Is meant an e x tra IT C U T C eomioHTt ano tmaoi hahii one which some folks have. This is D r l I E l l I O ««-cureil. Hook of accu rats r: —n r .n tnform at'on free* on i'eque«L snoring.”— Woman's Home Co moan Ion. J. A. huU. 71* Bmnl* Trad* Eli«.. P «tM . Or. • Lai« ot U. n. Patent Off.re. '* ..ih .u . im. l>. 0.J a Taka up the profession of C H IR O P R A C ilC Every city and town in tha United S ta te s is w aiting for & DOCTORS o r CHIROPRACTIC Kow-Kure is not a “ fo o d ” - i t is s m s d ic ln s , and ths o n ly m s d ic in s in t h s w o rld for cows o n ly . M atls for the co w end , a s Its nam e Indicates, a cow eu ro. B arren n ess, retained afterb irth , a b o rtio n ,sco u r« , caked ud der, and all sim ilar affections positively and quickly cu red . No one w ho keeps co w s, w heth er n an y o r few. ca n afford to be w ithout K o w K w rm . It Is m ade esp ecially to keep co w s h ealth y Our book “ W h a t to Do W h e n Y o u r Cow s Are Sick'*.sent free A«k your local d ealer for ‘K o w -K a rm , * 'o r «end to the m a nufacturera. C hiropractic aa tauarht by ua to supreme ai foramcMt in rank and dtjrnity. It ia taugrht alons tha lines of tha phil<*«uphical and phvai- okarical law* of nature and i« eaaily under- stood. Sand stam p for frea catalogrua. OREGON PEERLESS COHERE Of CHIROPRACTIC DR. J. C. LAVAUCY. Ph. C . Pres. Third Floor. Buchanan Bid *.. Portland. Ora ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE C V T M A T E S IN P A IN L E S S D E N T IS T R Y Pain lea* K « tr a c tio n ........Free Sliver FI M ince...................... 5ne Gold FiMina« ..................... 75# 22 K Gold C ro w n «.................. $> Porcelain C ro w n « .................. $1 Molar Quid C ro w n «................ $4 Bridge W ork , 22 K. Gal J . $1 Inlay Fill«. Pure Gold . . . $] V ery Nice Rubber P l a t a ... M Beat Rubber P la te on R a rth ...................................... $ f A L L TH IS W O RK IS G U A RA N TY» If Don’t throw your mrmay aw ay. A dollar aavad la tw odollaraearned. O urorlainalrallahla Mod«ni Pa in lea« Method« and our parfactad oAee equip- oftant aavaa «• Um«and your money, SO*TOR DENTISTS. 5«k• HarrUaa. Partlaad Pnrraara 2*>l Vy Morrtonn. • y»r tow Poatoto aad Meter a Fra.ik. KaabiUbad la Porrlaad 10 year«. Oyea mui>|« ■aril I m4 l » « m m*U 12. IA for w » to v to * « r t C Gee Wo Til Ckimi Doctor Ayer’» Cherry Pectcr«! it a regular cough m e d i c i n e , ■ strong medicine, a doctor’s medicine. Good f o r e a s y coughs, hsrd coughs, detper- ste coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your esse, tske it. If not, don’t tske it. Never go contrsry to his sdvlce. TW. wrmAahtl man I ms m ee- . Ilf. Muri, oí the of Roots. B mpwtta« -rb - enri Bark., .ori U rWm* th . wort, the hwMgtoi kb nrviibL & ^o wercowy,. aeaoaa [ me Drug. Uteri. Ne I I w t n r - f r i (r-w r r i h , C l meto mame mad frit. Ms. U-iaOI.ri i* lu n i b fo s s i e a r « n♦. tmvrmpum tha* CON MUTATION m fE The C Gee Wo Medicine Ca. 1 M H f in i M.. asm. them vto**, f i n i . . « . D a fbe io sa o l Ayer’« Pili« fe .n u ll, only me *f bedflme. At ■ rain, laxMtve Soest ire better iban catbarnc do««« Per coo- it:petlon, biUoiMMM, drtp epeit, *4ck- teedeebea, «bey cenno« be eioelied. U k ro o t doctor *bow tble. ■ ■ H i « » — I.O -S s e e d o . U sä A l U R t CANCER CURE ,>nnrt ■ 1 /grS f Oper adeem me ( eUtas S Umemmmmotd z r S d t a g ami ; Stemma. srÄ W# p sS U S t < A amokeles* a, d . . . * . Nmto CLUB Sod u » . B O V S ’ 8 K K 2 E S .R 2 .0 0 , * 2 .5 0 for Red, Weak. Weary, W atery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Dairy A sesclatto« Cw.. Lynd'mvMI». Vt. Sm art—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine E ye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, She, $1.00. Murine E ye Salv e In ¡Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.00. E ye Books Pellucid English. and Eye Advice F re e by Mall. A sign In a tailor shop attracts Murine E ye Remedy Co.. Chicago. Tnonffellow 's” eye, and he sends tn & copy thereof as follow s: ’ N otice! T ria l by Ju ry . America and England and her colo­ Work that Is made here when altered nies are the only countries tn tha t ftt r ninety days Is got to be paJd.” — world which have the Jury system tn Newark News. Aoetinence rseceeeary. Did you ever note bow a dog. even a puppy, will avoid meals once In a while and then promptly recover ap- ¿«Kite? Indian youtha. as a part od tbetr training, were oompelled to make long Journeys through the fop a s s while abstaining from food la the Banda! days o f Japan tbe child had tbs some ordeal thrust upon him for bis health’s tak e Tbe Indian and hitting shells. m Silent Forests of Cuba. Silence reigns In the vast forests 01 Cuba. Says a* traveler: "No beast crashes through the undergrowth, no bird slugs in the branches, no wind sighs through the mighty tops. The living creature« of that world glance notseteealy through the air or glide stealthily through the heavy, sound- deadening verdure.” Cuba has prao- tically no song birds; they are merely gaudy creature« of the ballroom. She Is happy also In having no venomous snakes and few pests of any aort. the aenae It la understood here, ft la tree, however, that throughout Europe so-called Juries are employed In tbe trial of certain cases, but their func­ t io n are limited and perfunctory in character, their determinations being dictated by the presiding Judge of the eowrt It la their duty merely to bear the evidence and render the verdict greecrthed by thn court NEWCLUB S • 3 .0 0 * 3 . 5 0 & * 4 .0 0 S H O E S To Cure Poverty. There Is a rational way and a fool way of curing poverty. The rational way Is to recognise that the world U full of magnificent supplies and to try to develop In the poor man a better kind of wants— 1. e.: to change his low thinking Into high, to replace his love of mud and Its by-products by a love of the spirit and spiritual qualities The fool way Is to heap upon the soul, already oversupplied, a mass of money booses, drapery, fancy halls, golf balls, and highballs. Such a wretch has not riches — riches have him, and use ally choke the life out of him. Minute (j ® Minute Enamel Fillings W. L . D O U G L A S If You have Common Sore Eyes, if lines blur or run together, you neec PETTIT’S EYE SALVE, 26c. A1 d rap druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo Act of Science. We Positives Pay High­ Now that the surgeons can more or less successfully transfer hands and est Prices (or feet, when when you you meet meet a a man man who who ln- In- I Dr. l i t , Pierce’s Fierce s Pellets, I’ellets, small, small, sugar- suga feet, D A \A7 C l I D C slats on shaking your arm off let him coated, easy to take as candy, regulat« W r t l K 3 l i go m u as f l rar r l l as l i e llkeg and after kl| and invigorate stomach, liver and bo Write far Further Information J departure you may go forth to the els. Do not gripe. doctor shop and secure a new one. N. M. U N G A R CO., In c ., F U R R IE R S T im e lin e .«, 109 Sev en th S t.. PO R T LA N D . ORE. All measure« of reformation are ef­ fectiv e In exact proportion to their tim eliness; partial decay may be cut away and cleansed; incipient error corrected; but there Is a point at Aentistry on th e P a c ific Coast is executed here. which corruption can no more be We have bu ilt np our reputation on it. Yon can stayed, nor wandering recalled. It fopeiul on quality and cannot g et better painless ’•ark anywhere, no m atter how much you pay. has been the manner of modern phil­ I W e f in is h p la te a n d anthropy to remain passive until that b r id g e w o rk f o r oat- I o f - t o w n p a tro n * in precise period, and to leave the sick >ne duy i f d e s ire d . P a in lo s* o x tra c tio n to perish, and the foolish to stray, .‘ro e w hen plate* o r b r id g e w o rk is o rd e r- while It spent Itself In frantic exer­ • d . Consultation free. tions to raise the dead, and reform ths Molar Crowns $ 5 . 0 0 Fit any make of phonograph or graphophone d u s t—Rusk tn.______________ Gold Fillin-rs a lc o h o lic m ed icin e op known c o m p o sit io n , n ot even though tho urgent dealer m«> th ereb y m ak e e little b ig g er p ro fit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. Dead as a Door Nall. The phrase "Dead as a door nail," originated In this way: In early days, when doorknockers were common, the plat* upon which the knocker struck was sometimes called a nail. In the coarse of years It was struck so often that all life was supposed to be knock­ ed out of it, therefor«, when It became necessary to refer to anything hope­ lessly lifeless It was m erely an em­ phatic expreeslonto say that It was as “dead aa a door nail.” P U B L IC L A N D S A strong man i. strong all over. No man can be .«rong who is nuffering from weak stom .ch with its con.eque-» indigestion, or from i-m e other disc«.« ol tbe stomach and its associated organs, which im- pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach ** weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. >\ hen a man “ doesn’t feel just ri 'Ht,” when he doesn t sleep well, has an uncomfortable teeimg m the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond- cot, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. S a c * a m a n s h o u ld a so D r . P ie r c e o G o ld e n n o d i c a l D is c o v e r y . I t c o re s d iseases o l the s to m a c h a n d o th e r o rg a n s o t d ig e s t io n a n d n u tr it io n . I t e n ric h e s th o b lo o d . In v ig o r a t e s th o l i v e r , s tre n g th e n s th e k id n e y s , n o u ris h e s th e n e rv e s , a n d s o G I V E S H E A L T H JIA ID S T O C X G T ! l T O TH E W HOLE BO D Y. You c a n ’t afford to eccept a itcret n ostru m as a substitute fo r thn non­ A Modern Problem. hard- But n^ r The paragraphers are still keeping . ,th0U8ht enter your mind that study alone will lead you to the hlgbte In circulation that paragraph about of usefulness and success.—Qrover the Judge who ruled a man need not Cleveland. support bis mother-in-law. W hat Is It, lmpecunloslty, tight waddedness or lust nure ou^edness? 46 Per Cent P rotein — 1 0 Per Cent Fat T H E W O R L D ’S B E S T N o Man is Stronger Than H is Stom ach .M « PH U