Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 29, 1910, Image 1

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    All the News
Happy New Year
°th guar-1
rear. tf
a visitor
has left
l for the
»on will
hom e in
F orest G rove P res
Voi. 2
FOREST G RO VE, OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . D E C 29. 1910
h in g in
ig es and
f Gales
»1 mer-
t were
ilver at
:e them
has a
was a
' Tues-
io are
e out
r the
tzger, I
Wed- I
All the Time
By Sunday Schools
Warned Christmas Day
iiere’s Hope For
Bald-Headed Man
Another Couple Joined
Gamma Sigma s
Banquet Coming
Sunday afternoon, at the home
Twelve-thirty Monday after­
of the bride’s parents on Gales
noon, at the home of Mr. and
Creek, Miss Ara Heisler and Mr« There is now hope for the bald-
The Gamma Sigma Literary
Mrs. N. C. Shipley, near Banks,
Carl Hoffman were united in headed man, and the balder the
of Pacific University is
marriage by the Rev. Daniel greater is his hope. The Asso- Rev. Coleman pronounced the making preparations for its an­
words that united their daughter.
Stavers of Gales City. The wed- ciated Women’s Clubs of Eli, Pearl, in the holy bonds of matri­ nual banquet, which will be held
din,?was a ^uiet home affair, the Net)-» have resolved in his favor. mony to Mr. Seth Seeley, of Tig­ some time in January in the
families of the contracting parties It all came about at a regular ard.
Knights of Pythias Hall of this
being the only witnesses. After club meeting, when Mrs. J. N.
This affair was one of the
The marriage was a quiet home
the ceremony a delightful dinner Kossou, a matron who has been affair, only the immediate rela­ most brilliant social events of the
was served and the balance of married less than six weeks, tives of the contracting parties college season when it was held
the afternoon and evening was hinted that, no matter what she being present. Both young peo­ last year, and, according to indi­
given over to Christmas celebra- m'Kht do, she would “ never
ple are well known throughout cations, from the elaborate pre­
tion. The couple will make their marry a hald headed man.” This this section, and the congratula­ parations which are being made,
home in this city, occupying the was treading on the toes of the tions of their many friends have it will not fall short this year.
J. N. Hoffman cottage on Main President, Mrs. E. E. Richmond, been enthusiastically tendered.
This society was formed in 1863,
street just north of LaCourse’s and> as developed later, it was
first in the northwest, and
A wedding dinner was served,
treading on the toes of 18 mem­ and late in the afternoon the has made this function its leading
The bride is a well-known and bers of the club. Hardly had newly wedded couple left for event of their calendar.
A considerable number of the
popular young woman who num­ Mrs. Rossou made her remark, Tigard, which will be their home
bers her friends by the score. when Mrs. P. C. McElroy offered in the future, and where the alumni of the university, who
The g o>m is a son of Attorney a resolution which set forth:
groom conducts an up-to-date were formerly members of this
’ %
T Hoffman,
” "
■ one of the
“That sensible women, espec butcher shop.
society, will be present.
and * is
A few days ago on the ranch Proprietors of the Royal Theatre,
Club, look upon bald-headed men
of F. H. Stoffenback & Co., near _
as being thoughtful and kind,
Gaston, a fine 2 year-old heifer,
trustworthy and confiding, past
called “ Beauty,” walked into a
High noon Wednesday wit­
the follies and frivolities of youth
Next Sunday, Jan. 1, is to be nessed the marriage, in Portland,
small brooklet, 12 inches wide John Boelker, a driver for the
usually successful and men of a great day at the local church. of Miss Edna Hihbs and Mr. A. L.
and only 4 inches deep, laid down Pacific Coast Condensed Milk
property, not given to running There will be an all day meeting. Thomas. Immediately after the
with her head in the water an 1 Company, suffered a fracture of
around nights and, moreover, the At 11 o’clock following the Bible
I°r a
was drowned, it apparently being the right leg, about two inches bald head looks so clean, white
honeymoon trip to Tacoma and
school, the sermon of the morn­ Seattle
and other Puget Sound
a case of suicide. A 2-year-old below the knee Monday after­ and pretty that one could kiss it
ing will he given by C. F. Swan- points. The bride is the daugh­
colt browsing in the same pas­ noon. Mr. Boelker was driving without a feeling of disgust.”
der, who is State Secretary for ter of J. D. Hi bits, who con­
ture came near, took fright at a loaded milk wagon, and sitting
The resolution was adopted the Christian Church. At the ducted a general merchandise
the dead heifer, turned and ran, on the dashboard. About half unanimously and Mrs. Rossou noon hour lunch will be prepared store at Gaston for a number of
years. The. groom is employed
slipping on the soft ground and way between this city and Cor­ has resigned her membership.
in the basement and at 1:30 will as bookkeeper in the Forest
breaking a leg.—Corr.
nelius the horse suddenly became
begin the business meeting at Grove National Bank. The new-
unruly, and lashing out with his
which time the business of the ly wedded pair will make their
Mrs. Jas. Deeks is reported ill hind feet, struck Mr. Boelker on
church for the ensuing year will home in this city, Mr. Thomas
with heart trouble. Dr. Tucker the leg snapping the limb like a
be transacted. At 7:30 Brother having rented the Walter Sears
is in attendance.
Eli Smith, aged 73 years, a Swander will again preach. The cottage.
pipe stem. The injured man
E. S. McNutt participated in a was brought in to the condenser, veteran of the Civil War and a membership of the church is re­
Anderson has hats in all sizes,
reunion of the McNutt family at where the fracture was reduced, well-known farmer of Glenwood, quested to be present at the
th$ home of Mayor and Mrs. Mc- and he was later removed to his west of this city, died at his afternoon meeting. Everyone is shapes and styles. New and
nutt, in Cornelius, Xmas day.
home Saturday evening of heart invited to attend the other ser­ nobby. Get your new one now.
home in the Blooming neighbor-
The open meeting of the Wom­
failure. Mr. Smith was horn at vices.
Your friends are locking for i bood
Club has been postponed
a New Y ear’s post card su re1
from Jan. 9 until Jan. 11 on ac-
don’t forget them. They want
• i • i
II i!
Peoria, III., being a member of
you to get some of those beauties
MaSOIllC JOIIlt installation the
Fourtn Illinois calvary. He
at the Forest Grove Pharmacy.
A joint installation of the
served for three years. Mr.
Ivo de Vlaemuich recently pur- "
M. W. A. and the R. N. A. will
M. J. Cummings and wife and
chased a nice two-seated buggy. be held Tuesday, January 10, in
two children, of Seattle, are lation of Holbrook Lodge No. 30. ago, and 26 years ago took up a
A party dance is to be given at Odd Fellows Hall.
guests of J. R. Hall and family A. F. and A. M„ and Forest homestead at Glenwood, where Rockefeller
Hall, Friday night.
of this city. Prof. 0. M. Gard­ Chapter No. 42 0. E. S., was he has since made his home and
Jas. Dilley’s
ner and Mr. Cummings are
brothers-in-law. Mr. Cummings til ing Master Edw. Allen acted affairs of his community. He is was well attended and a good
is an engineer with the Star as installing officer for the Ma- survived by his widow, two sons time reported.
Steamship Company, whose ves-j sons and Retiring Matron Mrs. and two daughters: Oro Smith,
Will McCoy and John Monner
sels handle a general freight j. G. Lenneville performed a like proprietor of a livery stable in have an all winter’s job cutting
business in P uget Sound waters, service for the Stars. After the this city; Wallace Smith and Mrs. wood on the highway near Dug
___________________________ ceremonies a bountiful repast Edith Varley, of Glenwood and Hill.
was served to the 130 in attend- Mrs. A. D. Harper, of Gales
Rockefeller Hall will be sold to
ance During the evening Miss ¡Creek. Funeral services were
highest bidder at the first
Ruth Thomas rendered a beauti- held Monday under the auspices
ful niano selection and Rev. D. T. of James B. Matthev's Post, Literary meeting after New
Thomas sang a solo which was G. A. R., with burial in Forest Years.
greatly appreciated.
View cemetery. Rev. Daniel
N. A. Frost, Miss Minerva
I®1* y ______ _____
Stavers, of Gales Creek, deliv- Vermilyeaand the Misses Pechin
»• „
ered the funeral oration.
attended the State Teachers’
The annual meeting of the
Meeting at Portland.
Congregational Church will be
Officers of the Literary Society
held next Tuesday evening, Jan
Bdllks indy IllCOrpordtfi
for January are: President, A. S.
¡3, in the church parlors. A sup-
Dilley; vice-president, Ernest
L ’e r will be served, after which The town of Banks, on the P. Burk; secretary, Gladys Vermil-
of officers and committees R. & N., seven miles north of yea; treasurer, Nelson Frost, Jr.
Numerous Articles
wfiThe received, and the election here probably will incorporate
C f lt s i f
A special meeting of the Vine­
Tf officers for the ensuing year soon. At a recent meeting of yard Hill and Gales Creek Tele­
f T
the citizens, called by the Banks
, Commercial Club, the proposition phone companies was held at the
The Parents and Teachers wag thoroughly discussed. The
will be on sale, and
Meeting has been postponed from matu,r Gf the city limits, how- new members were taken on lines
we solicit your in­
in almost end-
until Jan. 13, on account ever
0f contention
Come in
less variptv Tf
are looking of the inability of the association
an a(ireement will have to lie
'ess variety. If you are loosing oi me
Livingston, who is reached
hed b*f„™
> »nv
The W. C. T. U. will tender a
any definite
definite steos
and get acquainted
for handsome ones we have them.
prineip.1 .« M r« . “ '¡J e n Banks is taking on banquet Jan. 6.
though you
If you are looking for cheap ones, ^
sixth. w" t ,«tnn the
. airs of a live town. It has later.
may not care to buy
a bank, a newspaper and three
we have them.
will be on hano — -------
Dr. S. M. Wendt Physician
We have a few of those elegant Jan. 13 . and every one should we„ gtoCked general merchandise and surgeon. Office over Nickel-
pn«t r Card
. . j Album*
AIL _____ left
U f . of reduced eome out to hear him.
stores. besides a number o f son’s Grocery in Abbott Block.
at reduced come out
smaller business houses
Calls answered day and night
prices. Now is the time to buy ^ very enjoyable dinner was
from office. Both Phones.
Oscar Linn was in town re­
cheap. Good goods at cheap
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mills enter­
cently the guest of S. L. Carlyle
goods’ prices. Stock reduction1 on
? past tained a number of their friends
1 i t Avenue North
summer in the Yellowstone Park Saturday at their pleasant home
near Main
* n
dent of Mount Angel
- and at North Yakima and stopped in the west part of town. A
• Orest Uzrove I narmacy
patherPsul. O ^.
here while on hia way to his bountiful dinner was served and
Forest Grove
, uog , . t .
T«« , u»rr>-oATi o
|ain of
of Mount
* o u n i Angel
n s
home ^
at Kjmbdl
Kimball, N
« c d e ., b where the afternoon was passed in an
enjoyable manner.
w »
.Christmas was properly and
enthusiastically celebrated by t'ne
several Sunday Schools of the
Grove. Ali the scholars, old and
young, participated in the exer-
cises at the various Churches
and every effort was especially
made to give the little folk a
royal good time. Eia >orate pro­
grams were rendered by the
scholars of the different Sabbath
schools, followed by a general
distribution of candy and nuts
and appropriate gi t'ts. In every
instance the little ones were
highly pleased, and sent home in
a happy and joyous condition of
Then His Pipe Went Out
Christian Church
Kick of Horse Breaks Leg
Marrie(l in Portland
Answers Final Roll Call
of election
miss this cord­
ial invitation
to visit the
N ew
Variety Store
Jany 6 and 7
5, 10
Beautiful New Years
Post Cards
j^ g
Red Front
Variety Store
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