Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 15, 1910, Image 3

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    INDUSTRIAL development and
m il l io n s c o u n t e d
Census Bureau Announces Grand T o ­
tal fo r United States.
Washington _
population of
the United States, exclusive o f posses-
Good Roads One o f Im p ortan t T o p ­
Three o f the Four Normals Will Re-
ics o f C onvention.
main Cloeed.
La Grande— The selectio n o f P o rt­
There will probably be no state nor­
land as the next m ee tin g place, hear­
mal school next year except at Mon-
ing a message from Ju d ge W ebster mouth the institution provided by an
pertaining to a good roads provision
n n
the recent
is the 8t
of W elec-
B be brought b efore th e legislature,
,nd framing a law w hich w ill be placed Ayer a member o f the board of regents
8t,f!te nonnal schools.
r e g u la tin g _the f °£
schools at Drain, Ashland and Weston
transportation o f traction engines, con- will remain idle unless the legislature
atituted the principal featu res o f the makes provision for their mainte­
State Threshermen’ s convention. A nance, which is regarded as unlikely
Py those close to the situation.
bill is being d rafted f o r introduction to
The board of regents is composed of
the next legislatu re by the central the governor, secretary of state, super­
board State Good roads association, intendent o f public instruction; E. E.
tontaining four salien t featu res, was Bragg, o f Union county; C. E. Spence
read and explained by Ju d ge W ebster. head o f the State Grange; Stephen
Tee threshermen g a v e unqualified sup­ Newell, of Grants Pass; Henry J.
port to it later. I t em bodies the ap­ Maier, of The Dalles; E. Hofer, of
pointment o f three m en to name
Salem, and C. L. Starr, of Salem.
highway com missioner f o r the state, Ihe governor is chairman o f the board.
who shall direct exp en d itu re o f moneys A meeting will probably not be called
appropriated by counties and state to until the latter part of January, when
the amount o f $20,000 fro m each coun­ incoming officers who will have charge
ty and $5,000 from the sta te fo r each of the schools may be present.
I t includes a b ill providing
Undoubtedly the normal school at
for bonding state and counties to that Monmouth will be the only one main­
effect; it provides fo r maintenance, tained next year,” said Mr. Ayer, “ as
itate prison labor on roads and fo r the the legislature made no appropriation
working o f prisoners in incorporated for other schools. The board of re­
cities and county roads.
gents has no power to dispose o f nor­
The plan was e xp lain ed in detail, and mal school property, and I suppose the
The Io w a traction engine schools at Drain, Ashland and Weston
law, said to be a m odel o f its kind w ill Remain id’e. The meeting of the
will be copied in th e b ill to be pre­ board is subject to call of the chair­
sented by the O regon thresherm en. It man. I do not think it would be ad
provides fo r the b lo w in g o f w hilstes at visable to call a meeting until some­
stated times, s top p in g the
engine time in January, when all the mem­
when passing team s, and above all bers, who will have direct supervision
repeals all present law s and substitutes o f the normal schools, will be present.
this one. The c h ie f p oin t in the new
“ A meeting in January would also
bill is that a fte r D ecem b er 1, 1911 be to advantage, as the legislature will
bridges shall be b u ilt so securely that then be in session, and the board would
no bridges w ill have to be planked go before that body with matter per­
while engines are crossin g. This gives taining to the various institutions.”
the county courts o v e r a y e a r to per­
Four Postmasters Named.
fect their brid ges.
U n til that date
Washington— Postmasters were ap­
bridges must be planked as now.
Barlow, Clacka­
The Portland m e e tin g w ill be held on pointed as follows:
Friday and Saturday preceding the mas county, James M. Erickson; Cove,
Union county, Helen M. Ramsdell;
Rose Festival.
New Pine Creek. Lake county, Henry
Nendt, Jr.; Willamina, Yamhill coun­
ty, Ora Godsey.
before the legislatu re
Grants Pass
C lea n ed
U p— Klaber
Takes O v e r 1,800 Bales.
sions, approximately 91,549.500.
tals for these states were announced:
Wyoming, 14,5965, an increase o f
53,434 since 1900.
Alaska, 64,356, an increase o f 764.
Hawaii, 191,909,
37,980. .
increase of
The states so far given have an
gregate population o f 85,362,725. This
is an increase o f
20.4 per cent over
the aggregate population contained by
the same states in 1900.
The five states ton reported had an
aggregate population o f
5.139,336 in
1900. I f they maintain the growth o f
other states their
aggrega te
brought up to
w ill
g ivin g
United States o f
Even i f there should
no gain at all the^total would be 90,-
Washington is expected to show an
increase o f almost 100 per cent, and
Georgia is counted on to sustain the
average, but, while Wisconsin prob
ably will score a gain, it is not be­
lieved it w ill reach 20 per cenL
There is no doubt the total w ill be
over 91,000,000. The computation is
confined to the United States proper.
The population o f Georgia, Wiscon­
sin, Washington and Montana, the only
states fo r which figures have not yet
been announced, w ill be made public
soon, together with the exact total
population o f the United Staea.
Population o f the Islands o f H aw aii
is as fo llo w s :
Hawaii, 55,382; Kauai, and Niyhua,
23,952; Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe and
Molokai, 29,762; Oahu, including Hon­
olulu d istrict, 82,028; Kalawao, 785.
Population o f cities:
Wis., 40,308, an increase o f 9,293;
Augusta, Ga., 41,040, in increase of
Monday, December 12.
W ashington,
Dec. 12. — Senator
Borah, o f Idaho, today introduced a
b ill to rem ove all doubt aa to the mean­
in g o f section 5 o f the $20,000,000 ir­
rigation law o f last session, which
broadly prohibits opening to entry o f
any lands on governm ent projects until
the farm units have been established
and w a ter is availab le fo r irrigation.
Senator Borah's bill provides that on
e x is tin g projects when an entry has
been relinquished, lands embraced in
that entry may be again entered. Sec­
tion 5 remains in fu ll force «nd effect,
however, regard in g lands on new pro­
W ith but one protest heard, th at o f
Senator Heyburn, o f Idaho, the senate
today confirmed the nomination o f Ed­
ward Douglas W h ite, o f Louisiana, to
be ch ief ju stice o f the U n ited States
Supreme court.
Accom panying Justice W h ite ’s name
in the list o f nominations w ere those
o f Justice W illis Vandevanter, o f W y ­
om ing, now a ju d ge o f the eigh th ju ­
d icial circuit, and Joseph R. Lam ar,
o f G eorgia, fo rm e rly o f the Supreme
court o f his state, to be associate jus­
tices o f the Supreme court o f the U n it­
ed States.
The ocean m ail bounty b ill came up
as the unfinished business in the sen­
ate today, but the senate laid it aside
tem porarily.
This course was taken on motion o f
Senator G allin ger to accommodate oth­
er business and does not mean that the
bill w ill not be pressed later.
The senate today testified a protocol
changing the dates fixed fo r the arb i­
tration w ith M exico o f the Chamizal
case, which involves title to the Cham­
izal tract situated between E l Paso,
Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.
The pension appropriation b ill carry­
ing $153,688,000 was ordered reported
to the house by the appropriations
Saturday, December 10.
Washington, Dec. 10. — The house
this afternoon passed the rivers and
harbors appropriation b ill, carryin g
D ebate
Deposed King o f Portugal Given R ef­ approxim ately $31,000,000.
on the measure was v e ry b rie f and
uge by Duke o f Orleans.
only one amendment was adopted. The
R om e— The Tribuna prints an inter­ house then adjourned to Monday.
F ollow ing are the principal appro­
v iew
w ith a Portugese personage
whose name is not mentioned, but who priations fo r the Pacific C oast:
Los A n geles harbor, $270,000; O ak­
is said to be a leading R oyalist, con­
cerning Manuel II, exiled king o f Port­ land harbor, $150,000; San Joaquin
Sacram ento
Manuel, he says, is poverty-stricken Feather rivers, $225,000; Coos Bay,
and unable to choose a place o f resi­ Or., $40,000; Columbia rive r, C elilo
dence. Owing to lack o f money the falls to Snake rive r, $25,000; Dalles
dethroned king has been compelled to rive r to C elilo falls, $600,000; low er
accept the hospitality o f the Duke o f W illam ette, river, $105,000; mouth ’o f
Orleans at Wood Norton, Eversham, Columbia river, $950,000; W illa m ette
For three months, he has above Portland, $20,000; Grays H a r­
not had means with which to pay his bor, $30,000; P u get Sound $20,000;
Snohomish riv e r $75,000.
The Indian appropriation bill, carry­
Manuel, according to the interview ,
hopes that he w ill be restored to pow­ ing approxim ately $8,000,000, passed
er, insisting that a republic in Portu­ also.
The senate was not in seession today.
gal cannot exist. His friend predicts
Governor Harmon o f Ohio, H enry
that a congress o f the powers w ill set­
tle the Portuguese affair, but he says Watterson o f Kentucky, and form er
that otherwise the Royalists are ready R epresentative H ay o f Illin ois, w ent
to fight for the restoration o f the mon­ before the house com m ittee on indus­
trial arts and expositions and exp lain ­
ed the m em orial project planned fo r
Put in-Ray and L ake Erie, the scene o f
A V IA T O R U P 10,499 F E E T .
Commodore P e a ry ’ s naval victories.
They asked that the governm ent con­
World's R ecord fo r Height Broken
tribute $250,000. The com m ittee w ill
by Frenchman in Monoplane.
act upon this subject during this ses­
Pau, France - Ascending from the sion o f congress and it is beleived w ill
field here, M. Legagneux j report a bill carrying the necessary ap­
broke the w orld’ s altitude record, r is - ! propriation.
ing to a height o f 10,499 feet. The j Although refusin g to comment on
Frenchman landed half frozen a fte r a tha proposed constitution o f Arizon a
remarkable plane downward. H e used until printed copies o f the document
have been received, it can be authori­
a Blériot monoplane.
The previous official height record ta tive ly stated that there is a gen eral
was made by Ralph Johnstone, who in impression among congressmen that
tha rceent meet at Belm ont Park, j congress will reject the constitution
unless the provision for the recall of
soared 9,714 feet.
A t Philadelphia, Novem ber 23, J. judges is rem oved.
Portland— A ll the hops in the Grants
Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem,
Pass section o f O regon
w ere
pur­ 84c; club, 82c; red Russian, 80c; val­
chased by the buyers.
A ll the lots ley, 82c; forty-fold, 83c.
were taken by one firm w ith the ex-
Barley— Feed, $22 per ton; brewing,
/ception o f a lot o f 224 bales that went $23.
to another party.
Millstuffs— Bran, $240 25 per ton;
The big blocks w e re taken by K la ­ middlings, *29(5)31; shorts, $25.50(526;
ber, W olf & N e t te r and the single lot rolled barley, $24.50(5:25.50.
by McNeff Bros.
T h e purchases by
Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il­
the Klaber firm consisted o f the F lan i­ lamette valley. $20(522 per ton; East­
gan & Cornell lo t o f 376 bales, C. E. ern Oregon, $23(5)24; alfalfa, $14(5 15;
Weston, 91 bales, H orace Moses, 90 grain hay, $14.50(515.50; clover, $13(5)
bales and several sm all lots that ag­ 14.
gregated 28 bales.
B esides these pur­
C orn -W h ole, $29: cracked, $30 ton.
chases K laber, W o lf & N e tte r pur­
Oats — No. 1 white. $27.50(528.50.
Poultry— Hens, 15c pound; springs,
chased 81 bales fro m A n ton e Cone at
Aurora and 84 bales fro m C risell Bros, 14%c; ducks, white, 16@17c; geese,
at the same place.
12c; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, 220
McNeff Bros, purchased the DeAr- 23c; squabs, $2 per dozen.
E ggs— Oregon ranch, candled, 45c
fflond lot o f 22 b a le s 'a t Grants Pass.
Klaber took 126 bales fro m W illiam per dozen; Eastern, Aprils, 32c, East-
Weston at F orest G rove and 550 bales ern fresh, 38c.
Butter— City creamery, solid pack,
w the Y ak im a d is tric t besides perhaps
37c per pound; butter fat, 35037c;
“W bales from oth er local dealers.
The purchases m ade by K la b er are Eastern, 31034c.
Pork— Fancy, 10011c per pound.
therefore the g re a te s t f o r one day in
Veal— Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 12%
the local hop m a rk et by a sin gle firm
'be deals ind icate th at brewers are @13%c per pound.
Apples— King, 40(5,75c per box;
getting rather short o f supplies and
•re preparing fo r the n ex t y ea r's brew. W olf river, 75c(5'$l; Waxen, 76c(5,*l;
AH told, it is now em stim ated that Baldwin, 75o(5 $1.25; Northern Spy.
there are 5,200 bales o f hops remain 75 c (5$1.25; Snow, $1.2501.50; Spitz-
lni in the hands o f O regon grow ers o f enbergs, $1.25(52; Winter Banana,
the 1910 crop, 6,727 o f the 1909 crop, $1.75(513.50.
<26 of the 1908, 1,192 o f 1907J and 1,- | Green Fruits—Pears, $1,250/2 per
^4 o f 1906, a grand total o f all box; grapes, $1(5)1.35; cranberries.
ffrowth in g ro w e rs ’ hands here o f 15,- $10.50(5)11 per barrel.
_ Beans. 100:11c per
389 bales.
Ver ab' w P IN 9 L 2 5 per hundred; ¡Armstrong Drexel made a rem arkably
Friday, December 9.
The price paid by K la b er, ’ as w ell as ^ . f f l o w e i $ 2 (o 2 25 per crate; celery, high flight and
.nd claimed the w orld’s
"cN eff, was not m ade public, but it is C ^ r n T f f i s d e r a t e ; pump. I ! record.
Washington, Dec. 9. — The house
When this ws
was disputed.,
ttnderstood to be b e tte r ,than 13 cents
7 ! Drexel requested »he officials o f the committee on agriculture was request­
~perhaps 13% cents.
kins, U 't l1-5^ . P*/, ^ tn(fma'^ ° , U$T.2o! Weather bureau to examine his barf ed today to modify the law giving
Claim Brings
Grants Pass— C onsiderable interest
being m anifested in the m ining dis-
J^ets o f this county.
A b ig deal was
this w eek in Iwhich a Los An-
geles cap italist purchased a placer
for *20,000 fro m R. A . Dean
•jw H. A. C orliss.
Considerable ma­
chinery w ill be installed this w in ter
for operation purposes.
In the W aldo d is tric t, N ew York
'»Pitalists have Jentered the field and
succeeded in ta k in g over the
Gravel and th e Simmons Camer-
*> mines. Th e n ew concern is incor­
porated under the name o f the Waldo
°nsolid,ted com pany, w ith a capital
*2,000,000, half o f which was
■Pent in purchasing m ining interests
JW 'approvements. O. A. Turner, o f
fro a d w a y N . Y „ is atJthe head o f the
'Grants Pass
Thursday, December 8 .
Washington— Currency reform, ex­
tension of the scope of the national
banking laws, in the event o f no im­
mediate general changes'in the mone­
tary system; civil service require­
ments, a customs service free from
“ practical”
methods In the daily transactions o f
the government and a general abolition
o f red tape wherever it clogs the
wheels o f the government’s business,
are among the recommendations con­
tained in the annual report o f Franklin
MacVeagh, secretary o f the treasury,
presented to congress today.
The expenses o f the government in
the fiscal year 1912, for which this ses­
sion o f congress is asked to appro­
priate, are estimated at $630,494,013.-
The estimated expenditures o f
the Panama canal are given as $56,-
920,847.69, making a total o f $687,-
414,860.81. The estimates, if carried
out, represent a net savings o f about
$13,000,000 in the executive depart­
ments, as compared with the appro­
priations for the current fiscal year.
Receipts for 1912, Secretary Mac­
Veagh estimates, w ill be $680,000,000,
which would leave an ordinary surplus
o f around $50,000,000.
I f the treas­
ury should continue to pay for the Pan­
ama canal out o f the cash drawer, as
at present, such a surplus would be
turned to a deficit o f $7,414,860.81.
Secretary MacVeagh expresses the
hope that the monetary question will
come into congress detached from sec­
tional or political considerations.
"O u r system can fairly be called a
he says,
“ whereas every other great national
banking and currency system is pan­
ic-preventing. As long as we continue
under our present system, we are
liable to panics, and the vast depreda­
tions o f panics reach Republicans and
Democrats and all parts o f the conutry
alike. Panics are no longer necessary
and no longer respectable.
It is for
the government to say whether we
shall have panics in the future or not.
It is a mere matter o f choice.”
Wednesday, December 7.
Washington— The Bsilinger-Pinchot
investigating committee,
after 11
months’ work, made its final report to
congress today.
In the opinion o f seven Republican
members, a majority o f the committee,
Secretary Ballinger “ honestly and
faithfully performed the duties o f his
high office with an eye single to the
public interest.”
In the opinion o f the four Demo­
crats, Mr. Ballinger “ has not been
true to the trust reposed in him as sec­
retary o f the interior and should be
requested by the proper authorities to
The Democratic members, led by
Senator Fletcher, o f Florida, agreed to
this mehod o f getting the reports be­
fore congress. Senator Fletcher first
raised the point o f order that the com­
mittee had already approved the report
that was made public at Minneapolis.
This point was overruled by Chairman
A motion then was made to substi­
tute the Democratic report for the re­
port agreed upon by the seven Repub­
This was voted down, 7 to 6.
It was agreed after the majority report
had been adopted that all three should
be presented at once in each house and
printed together. Under this arrange­
ment the dissenting reports have equal
«landing with the majority report be­
fore the two houses. An order fo r 30,-
, oOO copies o f the report was made by
® 8c: ^ “ “ r r o t T S & S S l t f e ! graph. They did so and cerdited him Western states 26 per cent o f the re­ 1 the senate.
per box;
$1(81.25; turnips, $1; beets, with an altitude o f 9.897 feet.
Theee ceipts from forest reserves within their
Tuesday, December 0.
figures, however, have not been offi boundaries by conferring upon the sec­
Washington, Dec. 6 .—Congress con­
d aily accepted by the A ero club o f retary of agriculture authority to go
Potatoes— Oregon, 1125 hundred.
into the various states and ascertain vened at noon today and shortly after­
Onions—Oregon, jobbing price, $1.40 Am erfta.
whether this money, when an paid to ward the annual message o f President
the states by the general government, T a ft was sent in and its reading begun
20 Rescued from W rack.
is being expended ss provided by law in both houses.
The members, who
Oswego. N. Y . — The steamship John j
to choice. $5.2505.75; fa ir to good.
for schools and roads, or is being used had been provided with printed copies
Sharpies, o f Chicago, grounded on the j
otherwise, and in case he is o f the o f the document in advance, paid close
shore o f Galloup island, w h ile goin g | opinion that the money is not being
attention as the reading clerks drened
A snow used for these specific purposes, to
¿ h o i« beef cows. $4.250
4.75; fair to frr)m Chicago to Ogdensburg.
out the message.
n h *3 7504.25; common to fair, $ 2 _____
take it from the states and turn it over
The various recommendations o f the
^ , 0,1 to choice heifers, $4.75 0/ orer her> flooding the boiler room and to the forest service for their own use.
president for the enactment o f laws he
K. u i r to good, $4.50*/ 4.75; common
out the Area. N o t until next
Representative Hawley and other deemed desirable were received with­
$40 4.25; choice to good fst da,
the stranded vessel sighted by Western members o f the committee
out any demonstration, but it was evi­
- - fair to good, $3 5004; ^ ,teamship Hinckley and by that are decidedly opposed to this proposal,
dent from the attention that was paid
regarding it as a move to d ep ri"« the to the reading that they were being
states o f that share o f the forestry carefully followed by the lawmakers.
fund to which they are legally entitled.
Greatest interest was displayed in
They fear that such a provision. I f in­ the president’s recommendations re­
tv 7VS4 75- g« * 1 to choife *** * * 'ey took all hands aboard
serted in the bill, would result In di­ garding the tariff.
The president’s
$404.5«. ,
verting this entire fund into the coffers statement that the tariff board would
Hogs — Choice. $7.7508; good to
Propose Auto Battalion.
o f the forest service.
not be ready to report daring the pres
Chargee o f irregularity in regard to ent session, but that it would report
choice. $7.600 7.75.
Berlin _ In the reiehetag General
Sheep- -Yearling wethers, r » i W
Vor Heeringen. Prussian minister of the allotment o f certain Indian lands probably before the opening o f the
$4.7505; old. « » i n J « « .
describing the government s plans in Oklahoma were made in the house next regular asm ion caused a buss o f
choice ewes, g r »'n .ie^ ; 3- ‘ T V '.
0f enlarging the army, declared:
Tht o f representatives today by Chairman comment.
The reference to criticisms o f the
to choice, grain fed. $$.2503
organisai i o f an automobile battalion Burke, o f the Indian affairs commit­
choice lambs, grain led. is required,
o f aerial tee. He said that misrepresentations tariff bill, some o f which he called
the organisation had led to the passage o f au set for justifiable, some unfounded and some
$5.7506: good to choice, «rem * * navigation d>
$4.1 _
atieal battalions o f two the allotment o f 100 seres to James 8. misrepresentations, was received with
lambs 60c w
Rewelt, a white man from ConneeticuL careful attention.
" " T Of thr~
Hay Uà sheep
» ¿ T S i . «->
to Be Modem
board o f school
have decided to
^ ' P I*1« new high school building
‘ I * best o f furniture.
T h ero n -
fn. o J 1** ^ n let to an Eastern firm
<»200 pop,!,. and Un teachers’ desks.
J?. ***embly room will be provided
100 solid oak extension-arm lee-
than grain fed.
* * chairs.
Pass— T h e
"•rectors o f this city
I who had married an Indian woman and
received an allotment near Lawton,
Okla., which a United States inspector
declared to be worth $75,000 to $100,-
000. It was decided to let the ques­
tion o f Rowell’s citizenship go to the
The Indian appropriation bill, aa
finally passed, carried appropriations
o f $8,277,986, or $97,000 more than
t on,î«51