Repair your sidewalks. THE BOOK STORE ^ is ready now with a wealth o f pretty and inexpensive, as well as some expensive, gifts. R E A D Y FO R Y O U R H O L ID A Y SHOPPING COME EARLY E. B. Penfield Phone 473 If you want up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy plumbing fixtures installed, or repairs made, get in touch with the practical plumber H. L. DECKERT Shop 431 Independent Phone« Pacific Avenue Residence 4525 Forest Grove, Oregon of General Interest ^ See those new mounts at the Forest Grove Studio. tf M. S. Allen made a trip to Sheridan Monday on business Repair your sidewalk. connected with the Pacific Home Much is forgiven the man who Fire Insurance Company. is loyal. A fine line of brass beds, plain and ornamental at the furniture REMEMBER—Dr. Booth guar­ house of Roe and Co. tf antees all glasses for 1 year, tf The members of the Artisan Mrs. Gladys Hartley Adams, Lodge of this city enjoyed their of Hood River, is- visiting with usual good time Tuesday even­ Miss Manche Langley, and re­ ing. One new member was re­ newing old acquaintances in this ceived. city. Mrs. Clara Dennis has t h e Anything and everthing in hardware, buggies, carriages and American Beauty S h a m p o o . wagons at Hinman’s. tf Nothing better for the hair. 2-tf Miss Eva Heisler, who is em­ Don’ t get glasses from the ployed at the condenser, was inexperienced street fakir. See taken to her home on Gales Dr. Booth who has had 18 years Creek, Sunday, suffering from experience and guarantees his an attack of LaGrippe. work. * tf A beautiful line of appropriate Xmas gifts in gold and silver at Shearer's, Main Street. 5-3t Rev. Stivers will preach Sun­ day morning on “ The Strong NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT and the Weak.” In the evening In the County Court of the Mrs. Davis Errett, of Salem, will State of Oregon for Washington occupy the pulpit. County. In the matter of the estate of LADIES—Have your calling Newton J. Walker deceased, Eu­ cards printed at the P r e s s office. nice Walker administratrix. Notice i s hereby given that Neat type and up-to-the-minute the undersigned duly appointed stock and workmanship. tf and acting administratrix in the Edwin Baer, who formerly above entitled estate, has filed conducted a moving picture the­ her final account in the above atre in this city, was a visitor to entitled court, a n d the court has appointed Monday Decem- the Grove, Tuesday. Mr. Baer b e r 19th at 10 o’ clock f o r e ­ is now with a Portland film house. noon of said day as the time and That gasolene stove you need at the County Court room in the Court House at Hillsboro, Wash­ can be purchased at Hinman’s, ington County, Oregon as the two and three burners, with or place for the hearing of the final without ovens. x tf account and the allowance of the claims and doings of the admin­ istratrix in said estate. P. U. Conservatory Recitals All persons interested in said On Monday, Dec. 19, and Tues­ estate may appear and file ex­ day, Dec. 20, the two final recit­ ceptions in writing and contest als will be given in Marsh Hall, the same. Said order of publi­ cation being made November each one commencing promptly 14th, 1910 by the County Judge at 8 p. m. These are given by at Hillsboro, Washington County, the more advanced students, who Oregon. First publication of this notice are professional students, and in a number of cases, who are suc­ being Thursday November 17th, 1910. cessful teachers in other cities. Eunice Walker, These two final recitals are open Administratrix o f the estate of to the public and all interested Newton J. Walker deceased. J. N. Hoffman attorney. 2-5t are cordially invited to attend. Legal Notices THROUGH TICKETS EAST ON S A L E D A IL Y V IA OREGON ELECTRIC RAIL7 A N D CHOICE O F R O U T E B E YO N D PORTLAND to St. Paul Denver St. Louis * Boston Chicago New York And Other Eastern Points For rates, sleeper reservations, and full information address W. E. Coman, G. F. & P. A. Oregon Electric Railway Portland, Ore. N. L. Atkins, Agent Ore. Elec, Ry. Forest Grove, Ore. A Nice Bottle of Perfume is considered by Santa Claus one of the nicest of Chrismas presents. The beau­ tiful boxes we are showing contain the choicest, high grade perfumes, not the cheap, inferior quality just to sell holi­ day times. Our Toilet Articles of all kinds are of a superior quality but our prices are reasonable. Be sure and see us before you buy. W e save you money. S Forest Grove Pharmacy ■■■ ______ __ n'Ji Oregon Land Co’y Edward Seymour, Manager Farm and City Property Fire and Life Insurance Written Both Phone« Forest Grove, Oregon J Renew your subscription today Dr. Semones. Homeopathic ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE I Pysician amr Oculist. Does no Notice is hereby given that the ¡surgery. Office at residence. 1217 First st. Ind. Phone 311. tf undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Washing­ ton County, Oregon, as Admnis- Silver Medal Contest tratrix o f the estate of J. A. And­ The Young People’s Missionary erson, deceased and therefore all Society, connected with Grace persons having claims against United Evangelical Church o f said estate, will present the same, Hiilsboro.are completing arrange­ properly verified,to me at the of- ments to conduct three Mission­ fic o f Langley & Son, Forest ary Oratorical contests for a Sil­ Grove, Oregon, before the expi­ ver medal, in the near future, at ration of six months from the Cornelius, Hillsboro and Orenco, date of this notice. the contestants being young la^ Dated at Forest Grove, Oregon, dies from the different towns December 8th, 1910. and from various denominations. Rosanna Anderson, The first contest will be held in Administratrix o f the estate of Cornelius, in the Methodist Epis­ J. A. Anderson, deceased. copal church, on Friday evening, Miss Manche Langley, Dec. 30. 1910, at 7.30 o’clock; Attorney for Ad. 5-5t the second one, in Hillsboro in the United Evangelical church, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION on Friday January 6, 1911, at 7.30 p. m .; the date for Orenco DEPT. OF THE INTERIOR will be announced later. No ad­ U . S .L a n d O f f i c e at Portland, Oregon, Dec. 2nd. 1910. mission will be charged; a free N o t ic e is hereby given that will offering will be received. A George W. Howell, o f Banks. most cordial invitation is extend­ Oregon, who, on February 3rd, ed to everybody to attend. Watch ! 1904 made Homestead entry No. these columns next week for the 15254- Serial No. 01060. for lots names of contestants and the ti- 4 an(* ^ anc* SEi of NW1, section ties of their selections. Township 2 North Range 3 West, Willamette Me ldian, has filed notice of intention to make W hen you buy your new wagon Final five-year Proof, to establish jack, get the “ Union.” Simplest, claim to the land above desci ibed, stongest and most useful. Once before Register and Receiver, U. used always used. J. B. Mat- S. Land Office, at Portland. Ore- thews. Agent tf gon, on the 11th day o f January, 1911. Get your Xmas Photos made at Claimant names as witnesses: the Forest Grove Studio. tf Richard Ulrici, Alexander H. Phipps, Arthur Smith, Jesse J. Stencil Outfits, patterns and Beard, all of Banks. Oregon. paper at The Book Store. tf H.F.Higby, Register. 5-6t S i-’ » » t iv . m iiciiuis «* , »uismpT O yster “Seaside Oyster Dishes " This is the name of our new book which gives many shore recipes, unknown i n l a n d . Every housewife is welcome to a copy at our store. We are handling only Seal shipt Oysters this year. We are registered agents of the Sealshipt Oyster System. S e a lsh ip t Oysters Straight from the O y s t e r Beds Under Seal This means that the oysters are placed in air-tight contain ers right at the seashore, im mediately sealed and shipped straight to us. The ice is packed AROUND the containers on the OUTSIDE. No ice or water IN the containers—just solid oysters. The oysters re­ tain all of the true oyster fla­ vor—the real tang of the sea. When they reach our store, they are placed in a cleanly white and blue porcelain Seal- shipticase, used by all licensed agents under contract. Remember in buying Seal­ shipt Oysters you need only half as many as you do of common oysters which are half “ liquor,” or melted rail­ road ice. Once you try *Seal- shipt Oysters, you will agree that our strongest claims are justified. W. F. SCHULTZ MARKET AND GROCERY CHRISTMAS IS O N L Y A WEEK AWAY The old saying, “ T h e early bird catches the worm” is just as true to­ day as it was years ago. We haven’ t “ worms” but we have an endless vari­ ety of useful things suit­ able for Christmas pres­ ents. If you come early to do your buying you will have an opportunity to select from a large stock. Remember ve guarantee value for ev­ ery dollar you spend with us. Hotfinan and Allen Compaiy The Progressive Store Forest Grove, Ore.