Repair your sidewalks. THE BOOK STORE is ready now with a wealth of pretty and inexpensive, as well as some expensive, gifts. R E A D Y FOR Y O U R H O L ID A Y SHOPPING COME ¡I EARLY Phone 473 E. B. Penfield __ If you want up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy plumbing fixtures installed, or repairs made, get in touch with the practical plumber H. L. DECKERT Shop 431 Independent Phones Pacific Avenue Residence 4525 Forest Grove, Oregon THROUGH TICKETS ON S A L E D A IL Y V IA OREGON ELECTRIC RAIL’Y A N D C H O IC E O F R O U T E BEYOND ^"A d d ition al Local Items ( ^ of General Interest j Repair your sidewalk. to St. Paul Denver St. Louis Boston Chicago New York And Other Eastern Points For rates, sleeper reservations, and full information address W. E. Coman, G. F. & P. A. N. L. Atkins, Agent Oregon Electric Railway Portland, Ore. Ore. Elec, Ry. Forest Grove, Ore. Canned Goods M arket and MS, >hn« frt r*n* '" ‘•''UiimOrsTER S ystem south Just Received from New York Vantine’s Oriental Perfumes, Talcom Powder, Tooth powder and Oriental Cream The Swellest Goods in Town Dr. Hines’ Drug Store A. G. Hoffman and M. S.Allen made a business trip to Portland Monday. ALW AYS PLE A SE D i Anything and everthing in Monday. hardware, buggies, carriages and Mrs. Clara Dennis has t h e wagons at Hinman’s. tf American Beauty S h a m p o o . Chas. Hamilton o f the Kansas Nothing better for the hair. 2-tf City section was a business visit Mrs. Madge Wilkins, of Cor­ or in the Grove Monday. nelius, was shopping with local A beautiful line o f appropriate merchants last Saturday. Xmas gifts in gold and silver at Don’ t get glasses from the Shearer’ s, Main Street. 5-3t inexperienced street fakir. See That’s the vercact of those Frank Bemiss, o f the Green­ Dr. Booth who has had 18 years who patronize ville neighborhood, was seen on experience and guarantees his work. tf our streets Saturday. OUR G RO CE RY J. J. Smith, the popular black­ O u r S tock 1» co m p le te LADIES— Have your calling O u r C lerk s A r e C ourteous smith o f Banks, passed through cards printed at the P ress office. O u r P rices A r e Low town Sunday, enroute to Port­ Neat type and up-to-the-minute land. L e t U s Please Y ou , Too stock and workmanship. tf Several loads o f sawdust and shavings have been placed in the play shed at the High School, and an electric light has been in­ stalled at the main entrance. That gasolene stove you need can be purchased at Hinman’ s, two and three burners, with or without ovens. tf The third prize at the Port­ land Apple Show was awarded to the exhibit o f the Hillsboro Board o f Trade. Just a little more effort and first can be land­ ed. Dr. Semones. Homeopathic Pysician and Oculist. Does no surgery. O ffice at residence. 217 First st. Ind. Phone 311. tf Miss Catherine Marshall cele­ brated her twelfth birthday last Saturday with a gathering o f young friends. A bountiful din­ ner was served and a most en ticing birthday c a k e divided among the guests. Games were played and a general good time enjoyed. W . F. Schultz See those new mounts at the Forest Grove Studio. tf REMEMBER—Dr. Booth guar­ A fine line o f brass beds, plain antees all glasses for 1 year, tf and ornamental at the furniture tf C. V. B. Russell was an over house o f Roe and Co. Sunday visitor with friends in Edwin King, o f the Thatcher the Rose Citv. district, was a Grove visitor To Poultry Raisers—Highest cash prices paid for chickens, eggs and butter by the Schultz market, Forest Grove. tf PORTLAND Grocery I When you buy your new wagon jack, get the “ Union.” Simplest, stongest and most useful. Once used always used. J. B. Mat­ thews, Agent. tf At the meeting o f the local Masonic Lodge Saturday night, D. D. Bump was promoted to the chair o f the Worshipful Master and Ed. Seymour to the office of Senior Warden. V. H. Limber was elected Junior Warden. A. Ben Kori and J. A. Thornburg were re-elected to the offices of Secretary and Treasurer, respect ively. Get your Xmas Photos made at the Forest Grove Studio. tf Legal Notices H . T . Giltner Ind. Phone 701 Pac. States 26 Main Street Forest Gro’.e NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court o f the State o f Oregon for Washington County. In the matter o f the estate o f Newton J. Walker deceased, Eu­ nice Walker administratrix. Notice i s hereby given that the undersigned duly appointed and acting administratrix in the above entitled estate, has filed her final account in the above entitled court, a n d the court las appointed Monday Decen - 3 e r 19th at 10 o ’ clock f o r e ­ noon o f said day as the time and at the County Court room in the Court House at Hillsboro, Wash­ ington County, Oregon a s the place for the hearing o f the final account and the allowance o f the claims and doings o f the admin­ istratrix in said estate. All persons interested in said estate may appear and file e x ­ ceptions in writing and contest the same. Said order o f publi­ cation being made November 14th, 1910 by the County Judge at Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. First publication o f this notice being Thursday November 17th, E v e r y d ay w e ’re making 1910. Eunice Walker, F O O TP R IN TS Administratrix o f the estate o f Come in and get your share Newton J Walker deceased. J. N. Hoffman attorney. 2-5t of the GOOD THINGS MISS w > ,Wm C E « â iÉ ? FINDS THEM HERE In DRY GOODS BARGAINS FINAL NOTICE Notice is herebv given that the undersigned has filed with the County Court, his final report in the estate o f Mary E. Harris, de­ ceased, and that the said County Court o f Washington County, Oregon, has appointed Saturday, December 10th, 1910 at 10 o ’clock a. m. as the day a d nour o f fin­ al hearing o f said report, there­ fore any persons having object­ ions thereto will appear and file their objections on or before that date. William M. Harris, Administrator o f the estate o f Mary E. Harris, deceased. Langley & Son, Attorneys. l-5t Hoffman ar d AH p 7’ ^ " ‘ by The Pro pr- - d b « . «cod» « the cheapen most interesting throughout Dr. gon, on the 11th day o f January. prices. Foulkes is the pastor o f the First 1911- Pharmacy Presbyterian church o f Portland Claimant names as witnesses: [• orest thc u **- to - oatc .nd wM present pr«,™, as „ a . delegate del«™« Ai t i ^ S « i u H i £ $ at the recent Missionary Confer Beard, all o f Banks, Orego i . I i1 hones Bell 231 !■* ence held in Edinburgh.Scotland. rt H. F. Hi COLD TABLETS Oregon Land Co’y Edward Seymour, Manager Fire Farm and City Property and Life Insurance W ritten Both Phone« Forest Grove, Oregon Renew your subscription today Grove