Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 08, 1910, Image 1

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    All the New»
Ten Pages — Read Them
All the Tim e
F orest G rove P ress
Vol. 2
Back from Gold Fields
Parents and Teachers Meeting
Grange Elect Officers
7000 Fruit Trees Set Out
W. G. Abernethy, s o n o f
Mr. and Mrs. William Aber­
nethy o f this city, who are among
the best known pioneer residents
of Oregon, has returned to his
No. 5
Farmers’ School Success
The regular meeting of the
At the meeting o f Gale Grange,
More than 7000 fruit trees have
The Farmers’ School came to a
Parents’ and Teachers’ Club was held last Saturday, the following been sold to farmers in the west­ successful conclusion last even­
held in the High School building officers were elected:
ern section o f Washington county ing with a series o f interesting
last Friday night with a goodly
Worthy Master A. T. Buxton; this fall. Following is a partial and instructive lectures upon to­
number i n attendance.
The Overseer, Mrs. Rose Corl; Secre­ list o f the young nurseiy stock pics directly relating to farm life
parents’ home after 11 years meeting opened with the singing tary, Mrs. A. B. Todd; Treasurer, that will be planted in this vicin- in America and abroad. Mrs.
spent in the gold fields o f Alaska. by the assemblage of several
N. J. Baker; Lectuier, Mrs. Al- ity: D.D.Sage o f near Dilley,800 Clara Waldo spoke upon “ Farm
Mr. Abernethy during his stay numbers taken from Oregon
mira Rogers; Chaplain, H. L. trees; C.B. Campbell, Watts dis­ Homes in Europe” and showed a
in the far north, met with many Teachers Monthly. A general
Bates; Gate Keeper, Allen Rice; trict, 700 prune trees; F. J. L ew ­ thorough understanding o f her
adventures, and endured hard­ discussion followed, the subject
Steward, Mrs. Nora Rice; Assist­ is o f Banks, 700 prune trees; F. subject. Prof. Flint o f O. A. C.
ships in his search for gold from being, ‘ T o What Extent Shall
ant Steward, O. C. Schofield; Waldron, Banks, 400 prune trees; delivered an illustrated lecture
which he will not soon recover. We and Our Children Patronize L. A. S. Mrs. O. C. Schofield; M. C. Martin, Banks, 500 trees, upon “ The Farm and City Beau­
Mr. Abernethy is a native of Moving Picture Shows and Skat­ Pomona, Mrs. B. A. Kennedy; A. B. Thomas, Forest Grove, 2800 tiful” . The slides were works
Portland, having been born in ing Rinks?”
Ceres, Miss Maud Miller; Flora, apple trees. Noted horticultur­ o f art and depicted various meth­
that city 36 years ago. In 1898
Mrs. Ed Seymour delivered an Mrs. Emma Show.
ists from various sections o f the ods o f beautifying the farm and
he enlisted in Company E.Second interesting reading on ‘ ‘School
The question o f parcels post state have examined the soil o f city grounds. Prof. Flint hand­
Oregon Volunteers and served Questions.”
Ideas were ex­ was discussed at length.and var­ this section and have pronounced led his subject well and held the
nearly two years in the Philip­ pressed by a number as to what ious plans and suggestions con­ it ideal for the purpose o f corn- attention o f his audience to the
pine insurrection. In 1900 he a pupil should study after the sidered seeking to a securing o f mercial fruit raising, and have conclusion.
went to Alaska, and during his eighth grade, the concensus of legislation favoring such a prop- backed up their faith in the soil
During the two days session
search for the yellow metal has opinion being that study should osition. The question o f game and climate by buying much land many subjects o f vital interest
been as far north as Cape Lisbon, be confined to such subjects and protection was also considered at and planting it to fruit trees, to the farmer, fruit raiser,dairy­
north o f Nome about 400 miles. books as would be a help in life length, and several interesting This action o f outside men has man and housewife were discus­
In 1909, in company with W.J. work.
facts brought forth.
increased the faith o f the older sed by competent authorities and
Sommerville and Max Litzenburg
A quartette composed of Miss
settlers o f the county in the pos­ practical demonstrations were
he started for the Aleutian Is­ Taylor, Mrs. Baxter, A. G. Hoff-
sibilities o f the locality for fruit given in many instances. Apple
lands to establish a trading sta- man and Supt Gardner rendered
culture, and the new interest packing and pruning were dealt
tion. The party became maroon-! several selections. Miss Horton
manifested recently in tree plant­ at length by Mr. Frank Brown,
Tuesday evening at the home
ed upon Tigoldi island, and were acted as accompanist The next
o f the Oregon Agricultural Col­
ing is the result.
of Mr. and Mrs. M. S, Allen, in
compelled to remain there for meeting of the club will be held
this city, the families o f J. N.
over four months. Running out early in January,
A lfalfa growing, the raising o f
and A. G. Hoffman gathered in
of provisions while on the island
clovers and vetch in rotation for
honor o f Mr. Allen’s birthday.
they were forced to subsist upon
seed purposes, soiling crops in
A most appetizing dinner was
A very pleasant surprise was
rotation, use and preservation o f
fish and seal meat for two months,
served to which full justice was tendered Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
barnyard manure, drainage and
during their stay on the island
Harry S. Gibson, aged 50 years done. The evening was passed | Haines at their residence Satur­
concrete work and the use o f lime,
the weather was exceedingly cold
died at his home in the Hillside with music and reminiscences day night, when a party of friends were all carefully explained and
and Tigoldi bay was frozen over
district last Saturday evening which brought forth several walked in upon them unannounc­ gone over carefully by experts.
for the first time in the history
from the effects of an overdose smiles, and a t a conservative ed. The evening was spent at
The Domestic Science depart­
of the country.
o f morphine, which had been hour the party broke up with a 500, Mrs. Harvey Baldwin win-1 ment, in charge o f Dean Greer o f
The party wss finally rescued
taken to relieve the pain result- j general preferring o f congratula­ ning the first prize for ladies and O.A.C. took up the various divis­
by a gasoline steamer, and was
D r. Chas. Hines securing the ions o f household and domestic
ing from a severe attack of neu­ tions to the host and hostess.
taken to Seward, near Valdez.
gentleman’s prize. Oyters,cream work, such as cooking, canning,
ralgia. Funeral services were at
While at the latter place, Mr.
and apple pie were served to the sanitation, etc., Particular at­
his home Sunday under the aus­
Abernethy was struck on the hip
invaders and disposed o f in a tention was paid to the relative
pices of the I. 0. 0. F., of which
by a broken boom stick. His
manner to gratifiy the hearts o f values o f food staff.
, ,
deeeased was a member. Inter-
John Zener, the ten year old
h>p was dislocated, and he was ^
wi], be maJe ^
jn Hi„
the host and hostess. The even­
The Dairy department was in
son of Mr. and Mrs. David Zener
laid up with the injury for sever­
ing was a most enjoyable one in charge o f well known experts
side cemetery.
who reside in the Caples addi­
al weeks, returning to this citv j
every way and the party broke and proved o f great benefit. Dem­
Mr. Gibson came to this local-
tion. was pushed off the steps of
for the purpose o f fully recover­
| ity two years ago from Baker the Lincoln School bnilding Tues­ up at a late hour well satisfied in onstrations o f the Babcock test
ing his health.
every respect.
City, Oregon, and leaves a wife
were given and an instructive
Mr. Abernethy located several and geyen chj,dreni the eldest o f day morning and sustained a
lecture delivered upon Tubercu­
good claims while in the north, whom is eighteen. Two sisters compound fracture o f the left
losis in cows.
arm. Dr. Tucker placed the in­
from which he took several thous­
also survive.
jured member in splints, and al­
and dollars. He disposed of all
Holbrook Lodge No. 30,
. though the ...._________________
The young son o f Mr. and Mrs.
little chap was in con­
his interests in Alaska, and will
A. F. and A. M. Stated
siderable pain, he displayed great ¡Shaver o f this city, while play- ' ▼ n Communication this Sat­
probably not return there for
fortitude and courage during the ing about the porch o f their res- urday evening Dec. 10 at 8 o’clock.
some time. Should he return to [
refusing to take an idece last Friday, slipped and Work in the M. M. degree. Vis­
the gold fields, he will prospect
Friday afternoon of last week
fell to the ground, alighting with iting brethren welcome. By ord­
in the Cook’ s Inlet region in the Mrs. Geo. G. Paterson entertain-
his left arm bent beneath the; er o f the Worshipful Master.
south central part o f Alaska.
ed the members of the 'Happy
A. B en K ori , Secretory.
body, resulting in a compound
Dozen” Club at her cozy home.
fracture. The injured member
The last week o f the revival at jqq was piayad. Mrs. Peters se-
The Board o f Trade have in
was given prompt attention, and
the Christian Church has been curjng the highest score and its
At a special session o f the city
the giving o f a
is healing nicely.
the greatest o f the entire meet- acc0mpanying prize. A most en- council held Monday afternoon a
. “ Progress” banqueton the night
ing. Up to Monday evening 59 j oyable luncheon was served and resolution to furnish O. B. Gates,
Dp_ w Quentin Tucker Spe. o f December seventeenth. It is
have been added to the church. a very pleasant afternoon passed.
of Hi s r°, vai
wa r a a cja| attenjj0n given to office prac- proposed to have several speak­
The interest is intense. It is ex-
compensation o f six cents per ^
0fflce over Shearer’s Jew- ers present who will talk upon
pected now that the meetings
piGS FOR SA L E -2 5 young thousand gallons, w a s passed ^
town and county development
will be continued for at least one ho>fS weight about 25 lbs. each, unanimously. Mr. Gates w i l l
and the beat methods or town
The Indies’ Aid Society o f the “ boosting.” An attractive mus­
week more.
Address P. O. Box 291 Forest connect with the municipal sys-
tem at the corner o f fifth street Methodist Episcopal Church held ical program will also be heard.
NOTICE . . . ., G r g o v e G
‘ Hughes
, has installen an and second avenue, where a ten a social Wednesday evening in
.. _
A t the regular meeting o f the
Notice ,s hereby Riven that the ! ' Q ad „ ¡„ »llm « , y l ,e m inch main is available, and will the basement o f the new edifice, Artisans Tuesday night, the fol­
under,,giied h*> been »ppomted
„ „ „ wi„ n,
pipe from there to the city limits The affair was somewhat in the
lowing officers were elected for
by the County Court of WMhing.
rortl, „ d , utocril*r, of Hillsboro, whence the water nature o f a house warming and a
the ensuing term. W. B. Haines,
ton County Oregon. “ Admin,s-
¡„,unt.neou,ty. thu, will be distributed for the use o f very pleasant time was had. Re- Master Artisan; Mrs.Chas.Hines,
tratnx of the estate of J.A.And-
' with
operator „ the residents o f the county seat, freshmentsof a light but enticing
Superintendent; Lowell Markee,
nature were served.
enon. deceased and therefore al > * „ d , nd msuring prompt
Inspector; Haskell Ferrin, Master
persons having claims against
Forest Gpove 9ubacrib_
Mrs. W. A. Nary, o f the Port­ o f Ceremonies; J. H. Hartley,
said estate, will present the same, service
land Sanitorium. is visiting this treasurer; Dr. O. H. Scheetz.
properly verified, to me at the of- ers.
Mrs. Phillip Porter, w ife o f a week at the home o f her parents, Secretory; Mrs. Stokes and John
fic o f Langley & Son, Forest
— J. B. Matthew corps
„ meets
u re prosperous young farmer o f Gales Mr. and Mrs. N. Martensen, o f Boldrick, field commanders; Mrs.
Grove. Oregon, before the expi- today at the K. of P. Hall,
Creek, died in the State hospital this city,
L. Markee, musican.
ration of six months from the elect officers for the ensuing year at Salem Friday night The re­
A t the Congregational church
For Sale- 2 bed room suites,
date of this notice.
All member, are requested to be mains were brought to this city
morning Rev. Thomas
Dated at Forest Grove, Oregon, present
and interment made in the Hill
for his subject ‘ T a res” .
December 8th, 1910.
Mrs. Arthur Yoder, of P<>rt- cemetery near Gaston.
he will preach on
Rosanna Anderson.
|andi waa visiting frionda in the
Mrs. Porter was 27 years o f
“ A Converted Jailer.”
Administratrix of the estate of Qrove Tuesday.
age, and besides her husband,
Al Hayden, a farmer from near
J. A. AndOTon.
^ M 3, A||„, »■ „ a Port- leaves two small children t o
Subscribe for the Press
Thatcher, was in town Tuesday.
mourn her loss.
Jolly Birthday Dinner
And They Walked Right In
Meets Accidental Death
Injured at Play
Young Lad Fractures Arm
“Happy Dozen” Happy Again
City Will Sell Water
Young Wife Passes Away