Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 01, 1910, Image 4

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it S h o u ld Be 8 w u n g B a c k and F orth
F ro m a P oin t B a c k of Sw eeper
to a P lace at an E qu al D is­
tance in F r o n t
C u t U p the Join ts and 8erve In C enter
of H o t D ish W it h the
V egetab les.
C urrants, O ra n ge Peel, C itron, Suet,
Bread, Flour, S u g a r and M a n y
Other In g re d ie n ts Used.
One ox tall, one tablespoonful of
flour, one teaspoonful of mushroom
catsup, one heaping tablespoonful of
dripping, one onion, one carrot, one
turnip, salt and pepper. Wash the tall
well In warm water and cut It up at
the Joints; the larger Joints may be
cut In two. Dry the pieces well and
mix on a plate the flour, salt and
pepper. Rub each piece of tall over
with this mixture. Put Into a sauce­
pan the dripping and let It get quite
hot, then fry the pieces of tail all
round In It, and lift them out when
done. Pour out the fat that remains
and return the pieces of tall to the
pan with the onion chopped up, two
cupfuls of water and the mushroom
catsup, and stew very gently for one
and one-half hours. Cut the carrot
and turnip Into very neat pieces, add
them and stew for three-quarters of
an hour longer. If well and slowly
cooked this Is a delightful stew, as
the ox tall contains a great deal of
gelatine. Dish the meat In the center
of a hot dish with the vegetables
around It.
One pound raisins, one pound cur
one-quarter pound candied
orange peel, one-quarter pound citron,
one-half pound chopped suet, one-halt
pound stale bread crumbs, one-fourth
pound flour, one-half pound brown
sugar, one nutmeg, grated, one table­
spoonful cinnamon, one-fourth tea­
spoonful allspice, one-half pint brandy,
eight eggs. Wash and dry currants,
cut citron and orange peel fine, stone
raisins. Mix all dry ingredients to­
gether. Beat eggs; pour them over
dry Ingredients, add the brandy, and
mix thoroughly.
Pack into greased
molds and boll six hours at time of
making and three hours when wanted
for use. Serve with brandy sauce.
Brandy Sauce.—One-fourth cup but­
ter, one cup sugar, two tablespoonfuls
brandy, yo.ks of two eggs, one-halt
cup of milk or cream, whites of two
eggs. Cream butter, add sugar grad­
ually, then brandy slowly, well beaten
yolks, and milk or cream. Cook over
hot water until It thickens as a cus­
tard; pour on the beaten
Serve at once.
"It makes me sad,” said a broom
maker, "to see the way people use
brooms. The life of a broom could be
twice prolonged by proper usage, and
used properly it would be vastly easier
to uye.
"Y o u ’ve seen people sweeping ahead
o f them, pushing stuff with a broom?
Why, the best and most perfectly sea­
soned broomcorn stock that ever was
put Into a broom wouldn’t stand such
treatment as that
"W ith such handling splints will
break off. The splints remaining,
Jagged and uneven, bear unevenly on
the surface.
You never can sweep
clean with It after th at
“Then you know the majority of
sweepers always sweep with the same
side of the broom to the front, and In
this way they soon get the broom lop­
sided, so that they can’t use It any
other way. There couldn’t be a worse
"Used In this manner the potntB of
the splints get bent all one way and
then they meet together at their ends.
They don't bite, they don’t take hold
of dust as they are meant to do, they
don’t sweep clean, and when a broom
has come to this condition the sweep­
As red currants are more expensive
er Is less careful of It, for then It Is
not so good a broom. Such a broom than red raspberries, by cooking one
the sweeper feels that he may push quart of currants and two quarts of
ahead of him; and when he does this red raspberries together the Juice
with It the broom Is finally and Irre­ makes delicious Jell, having a delight­
ful currant flavor, and Is of a beautiful
trievably ruined.
"O f course the correct way to use a rich red color.
A fter canning peaches a delicious
broom Is with the hAndle, in Its Initial
position, held vertically, so that all peach marmalade can be made by
the splints In the face of the broom cooking the peeling and seeds to­
will take hold at the same time and gether, then rubbing them through the
evenly. In sweeping th9 broom should sieve. The seeds add an excellent fla­
be swung back and forth from a point vor. Add sugar to taste and cook to
back of the sweeper to a point at an desired thickness. As there is no
equal distance In fro n t That Is the waste peaches for canning, even at
proper way to use a broom, and then high prices, are within the reach of
every day the sweeper should turn most everyone.
An excellent currant sauce for cold
the broom around, so as to sweep with
a different side dally. Used In this meats can be made by cooking equal
manner and turned dally the broom parts of red currants and raisins to­
gether. Add sugar and spices to
wears down evenly.
" I have seen— a delight to the pro­ taste.
In t h e
fessional eye and a comfort to every­
body who likes to see any Implement
used to the best advantage, thought­
fully and considerately— I have seen
brooms that had been so used that
they had worn down almost to the
binding threads, but that still bit beau­
I am perfectly well aware
that brooms carelessly used, as com­
monly they are, wear out faster, with
a corresponding benefit to broom
manufacturers; but still I do really
bate to see anybody misuse a broom.”
F ish and Le m on Juice.
Take a three-pound fish. Clean, cut
tnd sprinkle with salt.
three hours; cut line one good, medi­
um-sized onion, let simmer in a table­
spoonful of butter, add one pint of
boiling water, pinch of ginger, pepper,
mustard; put In the fish; boil slow
20 minutes. Sauce— Beat well the
yolks of six eggs, Juice of three lem­
ons; add the hot gravy from fish to
yolks and lemons, stirring well, so
eggs will not curdle; then put back
on stove, let come to a boll and place
P in eapp le Cream .
fish In a dish, pour sauce over, put
Beat the yolks of three eggs slight­ away to cool; garnish with lettuce
ly, add the Juice and grated rind of leaves, add
one lemon, a pinch of salt and half a chopped parsley to sauce.
cupful of sugar. Let simmer on the
fire slowly, stirring all the time until
N u t Cake.
It thickens. Then remove and stir In
One-half cup butter, 1 Vfc cups sugai,
a cupful of canned pineapple grated three eggs. 2 ^ cups flour, 1H tea­
fine and one and a half tablespoonfuls spoons baking powder, one-half cup
of gelatine which has previously been milk, one cup nuts, any preferred. Rub
soaked In half a cupful of cold water. the butter and sugar to a cream,
When the mixture begins to Jell stir add eggs well beaten, then the flour
In half a cupful of cream beaten to a sifted two times with powder. Mix
froth and the whites of the three with the milk and nuts Into a thin
eggs also beaten stiff. Turn Into a batter and bake In paper-lined tin 35
mold and chill thoroughly until time minutes.
to serve.
S p a gh e tti a la M exicano.
The easiest and best way to clean
aigrettes Is to lay aigrettes on a towel
and take a soft complexion brush, wet
with warm water and white soap; rub
lightly, the way of the feather, until
feather Is clean, and rinse In warm
water and hang In a cool breeze. It
will take from two to four hours for
them to thoroughly dry.
A savory and delicious dish enjoyed
jy the Mexicans. One-half package
spaghetti, cooked In boiling salt wa­
ter, twenty minutes, drain, add one
can of tomatoes, strain. Have cook­
ing one pound Hamburg steak with
two large onions. Chop fine and add
to mixture. Season with red pepper,
paprika, adding six olives chopped
Plum Butter.
Wash the plums well, drain and cook
without water, until soft; use an equal
amount of sugar to the amount of
plum. Cook very slowly on the back
of the stove until thick and rich. Many
object to plum butter on account of its
being too strong, but to remedy that
one-third apple sauce, which has been
put through a sieve, may be added to
two-thirds plum, thus making the
plums go farther and also getting rid
of that sharp taste. Boll the plums till
the skins crack In water with a spoon­
ful of soda, to rem ove the tang.
in starching linens and similar
goods too light for mourning starch
tnd too dark for the white, put In the
boiling starch a large piece of tissue
paper In shade to match as nearly as
possible the dress material. This will
llssolve, and when the
strained nothing but the dye will re­
main. making a starch of the exact
color desired.
This is a good hint for the woman
who does much color embroidery of
the stiffly starched variety.
T o C le a n A ig re tte s.
Coats of All Lengths.
Considerable variety Is shown In
the new suit coats.
The shorter
length Is receiving the greater atten­
tion, but It la likely that the coats of
half and three-quarter lengths will re­
appear later on.
T o S ta rc h Linens.
G old Cake.
One-half cup butter, one cup sugar,
yolks of stx eggs, one-half cup sweet
milk, one-half teaspoon soda, one tea­
spoon cream of tartar, one and one-
half cups flour. Beat butter and sugar
to a cream, beat the yolks and add.
Dissolve soda In milk and alft cream
>t tartar In flour.
Sardine« and Anchovy Sauce.
Spread altcea of fried bread with an­
chovy paate. lay a apllt sardine on
Apple Cuatard Pie.
each piece, n il out the edge with
One large sweet apple, grated, one
chopped oilvee and plcklea, sprinkle half cup sugar, one egg well beaten,
with lemon juloe and serve either hot pinch of salt, one scant pint of milk
or cold.
Bake In one crueL
r W E L V E - Y E A R -O L D G IR L W H O E X ­
Do N o t U se T in or Iron W h ile M a k in g
R elish , W oode n Spoon and P o r­
celain A re the Best.
Here Is a catsup that will keep Its
color because no spices are used to
darken It. The vivid scarlet catsup
of commerce is colored.
For two
pecks of ripe tomatoes allow four
large onions, six sweet red peppers,
or four If they are exceptionally
strong, two cupfuls sugar and one
quart vinegar. Wash the tomatoes and
cook long enough for them to become
soft, then put through a strainer to
take out the seeds. Do not use tin
or Iron while making catsup.
A wooden spoon, and porcelain or
granite kettles and strainers are best
Cook until the pulp begins to thicken,
then add the onions chopped fine or
grated, the peppers, chopped, and the
salt and vinegar. Cook until of the
right consistency and seal In sterilized
A teaspoonful of olive oil or brandy,
poured In the neck of the bottle be­
fore sealing, prevents mold or souring.
P u m p k in
P reserves.
Remove all skin and pulp from a
medium sized pumpkin and cut into
small cubes.
For every pound of
pumpkin use three-quarters of a pound
of sugar; put pumpkin and sugar in
layers In a kettle, adding slices of
three lemons to the pumpkin; let it
stand until next day, then cook slowly
until the pumpkin is tender, but not
mushy. The syrup should be a little
thinner than honey. Seal In Jars while
V a n illa Ice C ream .
Beat five eggs light, adding to them
three cupfuls of granulated sugar. Put
a pinch of soda Into a quart of milk
and bring to the scalding point, then
beat gradually Into the eggs and sugar.
When all are mixed, return to the fire
In a double boiler and cook, stirring,
until the custard coats the
Take from the fire, and when cool
stir In vanilla extract to flavor to suit
Add a quart of cream an*»
A b o u t the H ouse.
When putting away the silver tea
or coffee pot which is not used every
day, lay a little stick across the top
under the cover. This will allow the
fresh air to get In, and prevent must!-
Clean oilcloth with a wet towel
pinned over a stiff broom and rub
with long sweeping strokes.
T o keep varnished woods looking
fresh and bright rub It thoroughly with
oil from time to time.
Banana Jelly.
Make coffee Jelly as follows: Soak
one-half package of gelatine in one-
half cup of cold water two minutes;
add one cup white sugar, one and one-
half cups boiling water and one cup
of clear strong coffee; stir until dis­
solved. then let It stand until cool; fill
a dish with sliced bananas, turn the
liquid over It, put it where It will
harden. When ready to serve turn out
as any Jelly and pile whipped cream
around it. or It may be eaten with
ordinary cream turned over i t
A c ts directly and peculiarly
on the blood; purifies, enriches
and revitalizes it, and in this
way builds up the whole sy$.
tem. T ake it. Get it today
Can C opy an U nopened Le tter Sh e
H a s N e v e r Read or Eve n Seen Be­
fore— People M y stifie d at H e r
P e cu lia r Gift.
Dawson, Ga.— What Is the strange
power possessed by little
Averitte? That is the question which
many mystified people are asking and
have been unable to answer. The
child herself does not attempt to offer
an explanation. This power, or oc­
cult force, or whatever it may be, en­
ables her to write word for word the
contents of an unopened letter and un­
known to any of the people present
during the remarkable feat of divina­
Huura Is the twelve-year old daugh­
ter o f J. D. Averitte, a well-known
farmer living two miles north of Daw­
son. To all appearances she Is Just
a normal, fun-loving, romping child.
There Is nothing to differentiate her
from her playmates. And yet there Is
the marvelous faculty with which she
is endowed which makes her case one
perhaps unparalleled.
The first demonstration of little
Laura’s peculiar power took place
several weeks ago. A member of her
fem ily had received a letter, and
brought it unopened Into the house.
I know what is In that letter,” Laura
asserted. The relative smiled at the
childish boast. “ I ’ll show you,” she
Insisted. And In a spirit of fun she
was given paper and pencil at her re­
quest, the unopened letter was placed
nearby and
prepared to con­
vince the members of her family.
Slowly the pencil moved over the
sheets of paper, word followed word
and sentence followed sentence, and
finally little
"T h ere It is.”
And there It was.
The envelope
was opened. Smiles turned to expres­
sions of wonderment, and wonder­
ment almost changed to awe whep It
was found that the letter had been set
down word for word by the child.
Seeking an explanation from the
girl those surrounding her met only
“ I don't know" from her.
Other letters came to the A veritte
household. Further tests of Laura’s
peculiar powers were made, and in
every Instance It was found that she
had written the contents of the un­
opened letter practically without er­
How Is the remarkable feat ac­
complished? W hat i3 the hidden force
or unfathomed faculty that enables
the child to plerc^ the concealing en­
velope and mentally draw from the
written pages one by one the letter's
words? These question remain unan­
In usual liquid form or in chocoliii
coated tablets called Sarsatabs,
The Inability to Say “ No."
There are hundreds of people
have been kept comparatively pcor
by their good nature, and this is not
the lnvertebra to good nature of ft«
man who can say "N o” for fear of
what the other fellow would think, but
the far more devastating quality of
not being able to say "N o” becaus*
it w ill make one feel so uacomfort.
Mother« Win find Mrs. Winnlou-« Sonthl»»
Byrup the b.-at remedy to uge lor theircbuSS
luring the teething period.
A N e w N apoleon Statue.
Oen. Nlox recently discovered la
the State statue repository a bronze
statue of Napoleon I by Seurre, ot
which the Invalldes only posterses i
plaster replica. Yesterday work waj
commenced In the courtyard of the
Invalldes on the removal of the plas­
ter statue, which Is to be replace^ (a
a few days by the bronze original—
Paris Press.
Pettit’s Eye Salve First Sold in i 807,
over 100 years ago: sales increas«
yearly; wonderful remedy; cured mil.
lions weak eyes.
All druggists ot
Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
For That Heartburn
and sm oth ering
after eating you really
ought to take Hostetlers’
Stom ach Bitters.
It acts
quickly, tones the stomach
and aids digestion, thus re
moving the cause of the
trouble. Always keep a
bottle handy for just such
cases. It is also for Indi­
gestion, Dyspepsia, Consti­
pation, Liver troubles, Colds,
Grippe and M alaria.
it todav.
H u rrie d ly D r a g P e g -L e g g e r to H o sp ita l
by E x p re ss to O p erate on
A very small boy was trying to lest
a big St. Bernard dog up the road
“ W here are you going to take thi
dog, my little man?” Inquired a pass«
" I— I'm going to see wher*-
where he wants to go first,” was tit
breathless reply.
Pa.— When William
Springer, a .resident of
was found lying along the Reading
railway near that town, he told the
men who found him that his foot had
been cut off by a passing
A stretcher was hurriedly
brought. Springer was quickly placed
____ , which
____ _____
on board an express train,
been flagged for the purpose, and wa.s
taken to Phoenlxvtlle.
A telegraph
message to the station summoned the
ambulance of the Phoenixville hos­
pital. and the hospital authorities in­
formed by telephone of the nature of
Springer's injury, routed the
surgeons from bed and made the op­
erating room ready for an amputa­
Springer, from under the stretcher
cover, protested aaglnst being taken
to the hospital, and said he wanted to
go home.
His protestations were lg-
nored peremptorily but kindly, with
the admonition of those about him
that he lie perfectly still and not to
Boxing Children’s Ears.
Medical men are fully aware of the
lamentable consequences that often
result from the pernicious habit of
boxing childrens' ears or otherwle»
striking them on the head or face. I-
is, however, high time that layffl«-
and especially teachers, should
made nconainfed with these result».
"Before I began using Cascaret» I
a bad complexion, pimples on nif f**;
and my food was not digested as it shoa.J
have been. Now I am entirely well,10“
the pimples have all disappeared from of
face __________________________
I can truthfully say that Cascan*
gre just as advertised; I have token oolj
wo boxes of them. ”
Clarence R. Griffin. Sheridan. Ini-
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste
Do Good. N ever Sicken. Wenken or Grt»
Upon his arrival here he was at
10 e. 2 se. 60 e. Never «old in bulk. The
a In« tablet stamped C C C O u u ij ’ m J 11
once loaded Into the ambulance and
cur« or your money beck.
a record trip made to the hospital.
Here he was rolled Into the operating
room and placed on the table.
The sight of the white gowned sur­
geons and nurses and the array of
surgical instruments caused the con­
Silver F illin g « ............... »
fused Springer to scream, but the ab­
Gold F illin g« ............" if
K. Gold C row n *..... — a
sence of any evidence of bleeding from
Porcelain C r o w n «.........a a
To R e v iv e Serge.
the mangled limb led the
M oler Gold Crown* - - g
If a serge suit becomes a little quickly to the discovery that, while
Bridge W ork , 22 K. O f - 2
In la y F ill«. Pur' ° ? i lL
shiny, try sponging It with warm Springer had Indeed lost a foot, he
V ery N ice Rubber
vinegar, diluted with water, If the waa In greater need of a carpenter Best it Rubber Pla
te on E
a r th .... ■■■ „ r j ,
vinegar Is very strong. This la not a than a surgeon. For the foot that he
ix>n’ t throw your money away. A d
permanent relief, but certainly will im­ had lost was his wooden one. Spring­ istw odollara earned. Ou r original r e '» r e
prove the apeparance of the garment er said he would have told them that P a in i««« M ethod« and our p e r fe c t* ! otw»
rnent «a v e » as tim eaod yoar money.
tor a time.
If they hadn’t refused to hear his pro­ ■OSTON DENTISTS, i th • Hnrrtnoa.
Sntfence 291H Montane. " a t » * » * “ * ■ • * “ r * *
Frank. Escablitbed la Pontand 10 r « * »
Apple Pancake.
a e d i S sod Sondar* natii 12.10. t o people » M W
The doctors trimmed off the splin­
One cup flour, two teaspoons baking
powder, one-quarter teaspoon salt, twe tered leg and nailed a block of wood
to temporarily fill
eggs. lVfc cups finely chopped apples, on the remnant
milk to make e thin batter. Serve the need of the lost fooL
then set out for horn*
with powdered sugar.