Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 01, 1910, Image 3

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am endm ent
c a r r ie s .
Figures Reverse First
ports o f Result.
Compilation o f the official vote on
the various in itiative and referendum
measures, as canvassed by the county
election boards, reverses the result
heretofore announced on the county
taxation amendment that appeared un­
der the ballot numbers 326 yes and 327
no. Instead o f having been defeated,
the complete figures show that the
measure has carried by a majority of
The amendment carried is the most
radical and sweeping o f the three tax
amendments submitted.
Two that
were proposed by the legislative as­
sembly in response to a movement fos­
tered by the state grange were defeat­
ed. These amendments removed the
restrictions in the constitution on ex­
empting certain classes o f property or
on levying a less rate o f taxation on one
class o f property than on another.
The county tax as it is commonly
known, was submitted through the in­
itiative by the labor organizations of
the state. I t takes from the legisla­
ture all power to pass laws regulating
taxation or exemptions and gives that
power solely to the people, although
the legislature may submit such laws
for approval or rejection at the polls.
Each county is permitted to regulate
taxation within its borders as it sees
fit. The levying o f poll tax is prohib­
The bill is regarded as having been
designed as an entering wedge for
"sin gle ta x ’ ’ measures.
Under its
provisions a county whose voters were
so disposed might adopt that system,
even though the measure could not
muster strength in the state at large
to be made a state law.
The follow­
ing are the measures that have been
adopted and m ajority on each:
An act authorizing the location,
construction and maintenance of a
branch insane asylum in Eastern Ore­
gon, 7,587.
A bill providing fo r the support and
maintenance o f the Monmouth normal
school, 10,361.
A constitutional amendment empow­
ering the people o f each county to reg­
ulate taxation and exemptions within
the county regardless o f constitutional
restrictions or state statutes, and abol­
ish poll tax, 1,655.
Home rule liquor bill, 4,547.
Employers’ liability law, 22,112.
A bill prohibiting the taking o f fish
from the Rogue river except by hook
and line, 16,203.
Good roads amendment, 18,028.
Presidential primary law, 1,679.
Three-fourths jury amendment, 5,-
The greatest number o f votes cast
on any measure was on the prohibition
law, which received a total of more
than 106,000.
The bill is defeated by
20,915. Approximately 11,000 votes
fewer than those cast for candidates
for governor were polled on this bill.
Statewide prohibition as provided
for by constitutional amendment was
defeated by 17,846 in a total of more
than 104,000 votes recorded on the
The highest m ajority polled for or
against any measure was on the bill
providing that Baker county should
pay $1,000 yearly to the judge of the
Eighth judicial district in addition to
the annual salary o f $3,000 received by
him from the state.
In a total of
about 84,000 votes there is a majority
against the bill o f 58,368.
On woman’s suffrage 94,659 votes
were registered and the amendment
was defeated by 22,259.
Rich Chemawa Soil Yields Vegetable
Weighing 20 3-4 Pounds.
Chemawa— Twenty and three-quar­
ters pounds is the weight o f a giant
parsnip which was taken from the
gardens o f the Chemawa Indian school.
This great vegetable is one o f many
almost as large taken from a half-acre
of especially productive soil.
this one little spot have been taken al­
ready 300 bushels o f parsnips, enough
to give the Indian students of the
school all the parsnips they will need
this winter.
John Wesley, school gardener, says
this parsnip is the largest ever taken
out in this section. He attributes the
large size to the rich soil which Is
found in the Chemawa gardens. Only
s few days ago Mr. Wesley found a
carrot weighing 10X pounds.
Cigar Factory at Dalles.
Dallas— J. J. Campbell will open a
cigar factory here about December
first. The new business will occupy
the building next door to Campbell s
real estate office. The building will be
completely remodeled and a modem
front put in. Mr. Campbell, who is a
recent arrival in Oregon from Idaho, is
* cigar manufacturer o f many years
American Public Bilked o f S I00,000
or More.
New York — In raids so important
that Postmaster General Hitchcock
took charge in person, inspectors took
Indian Farmers Make Good Showing action against iwo concerns which they
charge with swindling the public out
On Newly-Cleared Ground.
of more than $40,000,000 by fraudu­
Chemawa — The Indian boys of the lent use of the mails.
farm department of the Chemawa In­
Sheldon H. Burr, president; Eugene
dian school have this year harvested H. Burr, secretary and treasurer, and
one of the finest crops of potatoes ever Frank H. Tobey, vice president of
Burr Bros., were arrested in the first
gathered in this section.
While the raid and held in $20,000 bail each. The
crop here this year is somewhat below government charges that the firm sold
an average crop, the Indian farmers between $40,000,000 and $50,000,000
under the direction and instruction of of mining and oil stock worth little or
John Westley, have an exceptional
Charles ¡L. Vaughan, a director of
the Continental Wireless Telegraph &
Twenty-four acres of newly cleared I Telephone company, incorporated in
land yielded more than 200 bushels an Arizona, was taken in the second raid
and held in $10,000 bail. Inspectors
acre, the potatoes being of exceptional
say his company has sold stock amount­
size and quality. Five early rose po­ ing at least to $1,000,000 which has
tatoes weighed 19 pounds four ounces, brought no returns
and five Burbanks weighed 16 pounds j Vaughan is treasurer of the Columbia
10 ounces. It required only 19 of the ' Finance company, which acts as fiscal
Burbanks to make a bushel. The larg­ agent for the Continental Wireless
est potato was an early rose, weighing Telegraph & Telephone company, and
five pounds one ounce.
The ground ! had charge o f the Continental office in
was newly cleared upland and the this city.
planting was done the last of May and
Both raids are further evidence that
the first part of June. Dry farming the government in its warfare againt
methods were followed all through interstate swindlers means business
and no longer will be content with
July, August and September.
issuing fraud orders denying them the
use of the mails, but will press for
Elgin Apples to Be Shown,
Elgin — Sherman Chappie, of the convictions on criminal charges.
The present campaign began some
fruit packing firm of Chappie & Whit­
ing, will start in a few days with a car months ago, and has resulted in the ar­
rest o f Louis A . Celia, of St. Louis,
of apples to puints in the Middle West,
and his associates, charged with oper­
where he expects to sell trial orders
ating a string o f bucket shops; the
for the purpose of advertising the pro­
officers o f the United Wireless com­
duct of this section and to secure or­
pany, o f the El Progresso Banana com­
ders for fancy apples.
In the mean­
pany, o f the United Exchange, of Chi­
time he will represent the Elgin Com­
cago; o f the Steel-Miller Cotton firm,
mercial club at the Chicago Interna­
of Corinth, Miss., and of more than 60
tional Irrigation and Land exposi­
other firms in all parts of the country.
Postmaster General Hitchcock esti­
mates that the public has been fleeced
Bids for Supplies December 20.
out o f at least $100,000,000 by get-
Salem— Bids will be opened Decem­ rich-quick concerns in the last five
ber 20 for six months’ supplies for the years, but he says their heyday has
state institutions at Salem, including gone.
He says that other arrests,
the state hospital for the insane, the involving corporations that had sought
mute school, the blind school, the in­ investors throughout the country, were
stitute for the feeble-minded and the expected shortly.
open air sanatorium for the treatment
“ The arrest by postoffice inspectors
of indigent pulmonary tuberculosis o f the principals in two important
companies, Burr Brothers, with offices
in the Flat Iron building, and the Con­
Improving W.-.ter System,
tinental Wireless company, with head­
Harrisburg— The city council is hav­ quarters at 50 ,Pine street,” said the
ing large additions made to the water postmaster general, “ constitutes two
system. Four new 1 ydrants are being more cases in the series o f investiga­
placed in residence sections. Sewer tions which postal officials have been
extensions costing 31,500 are under making in their crusade against the
fraudulent use of the mails.”
Cupboard o f Jap Liner Is Used to Sees Finish o f Canal Ahead o f Tima
Hide Stowaways.
— Preparing Message.
Victoria, B. C. — A plot for the
smuggling o f Japanese across the Pa­
cific as stowaways on board the ateam-
er Inaba Maru, o f the Nippon Yuaen
Kaisha, now loading at Seattle, pre­
paring to sail for the Orient, was dis­
covered when the steamer <>u about
to leave Yokohama for this side by the
arrest o f Yaomatsu Kikuchi nnd two
other seamen by the Yokohama harbor
It seems that when the Inaba Maru
was lying at Hongkong last voyage,
Kikuchi had a secret cupboard designed
in his sleeping quarters and built by
Chinese carpenters he had smuggled on
board. This cupboard was built as a
hiding place fo r stowaways, Kikuchi
having entered into an arrangement
with Japanese residents at Seattle to
smuggle stowaways. He received re­
muneration from the Seattle Japanese
and the stowaways.
Shortly before the Inaba Maru left
Yokohama the cupboard was discover­
ed by the police and a Japanese stow­
away hiding in it. He was arrested,
as were the seamen. A Yokohama pa­
per says Kikuchi has been engaged in
smuggling stowaways from Japan to
some Japanese at Seattle, receiving
remuneration from both parties.
“ Grandfather Clause” In Oklahoma
Laws Up to Court.
Washington— Eleven days after the
election Joseph Atwater, an Oklaho­
ma negro, filed in the Supreme court
o f the United States his appeal from
the decision of the Oklahoma courts,
which had refused to enjoin election
officials in Oklahoma City from deny­
ing them the right to vote on Novem­
ber 8.
The petition for injunction
based on the claim that the “ grand­
father clause’ ’ placed in the Oklahoma
constitution by amendment was invalid
because it would deny the right to vote
to a large number o f negroes in the
state solely because o f color and pre­
vious conditions of servitude.
The clause complained o f denied the
right to vote to those who could not
read or write a section of the constitu­
tion. It provided, however, that no
person should be denied the right to
Mysterious Line In Eastern Washing­ vote if either he or his ancestors had
Wheat — Track fm e s : Bluestem,
ton Was a Speculation.
the right to vote in any form o f gov­
79c; club, 77c; red 1 ussian, 74c; val-
Portland— Th.- North Coast railroad, ernment on J anuary 1, 1866.
ely, 78c; 40-fold, 78-.
which for five years or more has b sen
Barley— Feed, $20 50@21 per ton.
engaged in construction work in E ist-
Millstuffs— Bran, 125 per ton; mid­ ern Washington, w ill cease to to a AR M Y OFFICERS PE S S IM IS T IC .
dlings. $33; shorts, 127; rolled barley, mystery, it is a: id, before the clos s of
Chiefs Are Worried Over Hostility o f
the present wet':.
Labor Unions.
Hay— Track price: : Timothy, W il­
The announcement, when it,
lamette valley, $19f< 20 per ton; East­ will place the identity of the railroad
Washington— The hostile attitude of
ern Oregon, $21®22 alfalfa, new, $15 with Harriman interests. It is under­ the labor unions toward the organized
@16; grain hay, $14.
stood that the Harriman control o f the m ilitia has created a pessimistic feel­
Corn— Whole, $31 cracked, $32 ton. property has already been revealed to ing among officers of the army and the
Oats— $27@28 per ton.
Northern Pacific officers and that the national guard, which is
Poultry— Hens. 17c; springs, 15>£@ mind o f the public is to be relieved by strongly in the annual report o f Col­
16c; ducks, white, 16c; geese, 11c; an official statement within a few days. onel E. M. Weaver, chief o f the divis­
turkeys, live, 20(Vr22c; dressed. 25fa
That the full story o f the North ion o f militia, to the chief o f staff.
26c; squabs, $2 per dozen.
The officers say it is almost hopeless
Coast road will ever be told is not at
Eggs—Oregon ranch, candled, 40@ all certain, but the accepted version to expect any relief from the present
42j^c; Eastern, Aprils, 30@32c; East­ among railroad men now is that Robert conditions by enactment o f state laws,
ern fresh, 36@373ic.
1 E. Strahorn, the promoter o f the en­ or through any national law that would
Butter— City creamery, solid pack, terprise, was backed by men financial- restrain the unions from their un­
36c per pound; prints, 37t»r 37 Hj c; out­ l ly able to take a long chance and that friendly attitude. The preachings of
side creamery, 35@36c; butter fat, 1 he expended the money provided him patriotism are o f no effect, even where
36c; country store. 24(if25.
in making surveys and building sec- it is shown that the sole purpose o f the
Pork— Fancy, 12@12*e per pound. | tions of track here and there with the militia is the maintenance o f law and
Veal— Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 12>y ! definite plan in view of disposing of order, and in Colonel Weaver's opinion
the property to any one o f the several the only real practical solution o f the
big railroad systems that might be in­ problem lies in the creation by the
other states of a state constabulary on
clined to pay the price.
It is believed that the Union Pacific the lines of the highly trained and dis­
acquired the property about the time ciplined constabulary o f Pennsylvania
of the visit to the Pacific Coast o f Rob­ to supplement the effort o f the local
ert S. Lovett, president of the system j police or constabulary in the repression
o f disorders.
! last summer.
As a Harriman enterprise the road
will probably, for a number o f years,
Roads Need Better Management.
be devoted principally to giving the
Washington — The shippers had an
I Oregon Railroad & Navigation com­
pany access to the Yakima valley and inning in the contest before the Inter­
also a shorter and better line between state Commerce commissioner over the
proposed increases in freight rates on
i Portland and Spokane.
the Eastern trunk lines.
Their con­
tention was that the advances were not
Big Aviation Meet Planned
justified and that the real solution o f
San Francisco— F ifty prominent citi­
the problem o f meeting a railroad’s
zens announced through Paul Beck, U.
need for greater net income lay in
S. A., that an exhibition and competi- '
scientific management.
I tion aviation meet will be held in this
This was the burden o f the whole
| city soon after the first o f the year.
day's proceedings, the only witness for
' Fifty thousand dollars in prizes will j
the railroads being President Joseph
be guaranteed. It is stated that near-!
Ramsey, o f the Ann Arbor railroad,
ly all of the prominent aviators will fly
former head o f the Wabash system,
here, including Brookins and Hoxsey,
who defended the proposed increases as
! of the Wright team; Glenn H. Curtiss,
vitally necessary in view o f the in­
i Ely, and, Willard, of the Curtiss team;
creased cost o f operation and materials.
| Moissant, Latham, Garris, Audemar,
Hamilton and probably De Lesaeps. A
Hard Fighting it Reported.
flight o f 100 miles will be a feature.
Washington — Private eipher dis­
Ovecttudy Kills Youth.
patches received here by persona in
Baltimore— Following a mental col­ touch with the eperatione of Francisco
lapse, brought on by nvermstudy, Wil- I. Modern, the revolutionist lesder in
lism Mitchell, 19 year» old, o f South Mexico, say tha tTorreon and Gomez
Dakota, a eandidaet for entrance to Palacio, two important railroad points,
West Point, died in a hospital here. are in the hands o f the revolutionists,
Heart trouble was given aa the diree-, and that the |fall o f Chibuauand Pea-
Hard fighting, oc­
, cause o f death. Miteheli was study bis is expected.
I ing at Annapolis whan ha broke down. curred mi both places.
Washington— President T a ft has re­
turned to Washington after having vis­
ited for a day at Richmond, Va., on
his way from the isthmus o f Panama.
The president announced soon after
his arrival that he would make no en-
gagements in the next five days.
that time he hopes to have completed
his message to congress.
Only cabinet officers and others with
whom the president desires to consult
regarding his message will be received
formally at the White House.
document will be ready either the Night
o f November 28 or early November 29.
The president will deal in the message
with his vsit to Panama, making re­
commendations on a number o f sub­
jects which he desires considered with
a view to early action.
Coincident with the president’s re­
turn it was learned there is not the
slightest prospect for an extra session
of congress following the coming short
President T a ft had an interesting
day at Richmond, the moat important
features o f which were an informal ad­
dress on the Panama canal at the
given in hia honor, and
an address before the V irginia Educa­
tional conference.
The president, in hia Panama canal
speech, endeavored, in a way, to de­
scribe the conditions found.
aroused interne enthusiasm by his pre­
diction that the canal would be open
well in advance o f the official date of
opening, January 1, 1915. He declared
that i f necessity demanded it, he be­
lieved American battleships would use
the waterway by January, 1913.
“ What the American people want,”
said Mr. Taft, “ if I understand it, is
the prompt completion o f the canal;
and they are willing to pay fairly for
It does not require the imagina­
tion o f the engineer to see that the
canal is there, is being put through
and that it will be a great canal.”
NEW Y O R K HAS 9,113,275.
State Gains Quarter in Ten Years—
Memphis Returns "Padded.”
Washington— The population o f the
state o f New York is 9,113,279, ac­
cording to the statistics o f the 18th
This ¡ b an increase o f 1,844,-
385, or 25.4 per cent over 7,268,894 in
1900. The increase from 1890 to 1900
was was 1,266,257, or 21.1 per cent.
The population o f the state o f Ohio
is 4,767,121. This is an increase of
609,676, or 14.7 per cent over 4,167,-
645 in 1900. The increase from 1890
to 1900 was 485,229, or 13.2 per cent.
The state will gain at least three rep­
resentatives in congress if the present
basis of appropriation ia retained.
Replying to the criticism o f the cen­
sus bureau’s enumeration o f the pop­
ulation o f Memphis, Tenn., Mr. Du­
rand haa writen a letter to Supervisor
Farley, who had charge o f the census
work in that city, in which he declares
that ‘ the enumeration o f Memphis waa
as complete and correct aa that o f any
other large city in the United States.”
Mr. Durand charges that the census
o f 1900 was “ padded" to the extent o f
15,000 and *0,000 names, and in this
alleged circumstance finds explanation
for the comparatively small increase
shown by the census for 1910.
Peat in Utah May Spread and Auth­
orities Plan Fight.
Washington— Great damage wrought
by weevil, which attacks alfalfa, and
which haa been confined so far princi­
pally to Utah, ia causing officials o f
the department o f Agriculture to make
plans for a fight.
This crusade will
probably be the moat important new
work, according to D. C. Howard,
chief of the bureau, which he and his
assistants will have on hand next sea­
Aa alfalfa Is such an important crop
in many o f the states west o f the first
tier beyond the Mississippi, govern­
ment officials are anxious to find some
means o f extermination o f the weevil.
Unlike the cotton boll weevil, the
alfalfa peat does its work on the out­
side o f the plant, attacking the leaves
and stalk.
“ We will try to introduce a fungus
parasite and also a predaceous mite to
fight the w eevil,” said Dr. F. M. Web­
ster, who is actively in charge of such
investigations for the bureau.
Panama Forts Opposed.
Panama— The Star Herald publishes
an interview with Representative Taw-
ney, chairman of the appropriations
committee of the house of represent­
atives, on defense of the canal.
“ If the nations of the word agree
to regard the Panama canal as neutral
territory,” Mr. Tawney said, “ there
will be no need for fortifications. I
am opposed to any plan or scheme for
miliury or naval defense of the canal
until tha nations of tha world bar# aa
opportunity to axpraaa themselves.”