T All the New» Vol. 2 Taieated Elocutionist Dies Ten Pages — Read Them All the Time G rove P ress FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. P0|Koni Entertainment Wbo Is Doing It? I, 1910 Son o f J. W. Marsh Dies Farmers’ School Next Week Mrs.Lena Parker Frizzell, wife Miss Eleanor LaRue entertain- Some person or persons evi -1 Sunday, at the age o f 37, John o f Dr. J. P. Frizzell, died at her | ed a number of young friends at A Farmers’ School will be held home in Yrekg, California, Tues­ | her home Friday evening with dently do not secure sufficient Marsh, son o f J. W. Marsh, pass in this city next Tuesday and Wednesday, at K. o f P. Hall, day. an original pop-corn party. The food, judging from the amount f d t0 .*)“ finalL rest a* 1 »? nf u • four miles northeast o f this city, ijena Parker was born in Yam­ lucious kernels of the tasseled of p lfering that has been going death beinji caused by acute d£ under the direction of Gale Grange, the Horticultural So­ hill county, near Gaston, thirty ear were popped over an open years ago, but spent most of her ! £re- and speedily made way with on lately. Three eases have been betes. Deceased is survived by ciety, the Dairy Association and childhood and young womantiood by the assembled guests. Candy reported within two days, where his wife, formerly Miss Frances the Woman’s Club of Forest in this city, where she attended and apples also helped to satisfy pantries have been raided and Squires o f Vernonia and to whom Grove, working in conjunction. the public schools and Pacific the taste for good things. Vari­ eatables purloined. Friday even- he was married m 1897, and four Classes will be held each day onmo m i.» « ..» ! . . ¡ j . children. His father, J. W . Marsh, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., which University. A s a young girl ous games were played and a ino- ng some miscreant pa d a visit three sisters. Mrs. ’ Anna Cum_ will be free to every one. These Miss Parker gave evidence of | delightful evening passed by to the home o f C. A. Littler and niings, o f Centerville, Mrs. Min- classes will be o f great worth to possessing unusual talent as an | those present, who were: Doro- later at the residence of Mr. and nie Green, of Deep River, Wash. everybody interested in the farm eloqutionist, and as she grew old- i t h y Fischer, Frances Tucker e '- sire gamed an enviable reputa­ Philis Fischer, Martha Allen, Mrs. LaRue. At the former and Mrs. Bertha Wiedewitsch, of or the home. The various de­ tion throughout the Northwest Grace Haines, Mamie Loomis, place a quantity of ice cream was Cornelius, and one brother, Ben partments of the school will be in as a public speaker. In the Dem- | Jaunita McDonald. Frank Smith, taken and at the latter several ? { near Centerville, also charge o f experts in their particu­ “ 1 * 4 . jm cil .i * remain to mourn his loss. The lar line. orest medal contest held some Harold Wirtz, Ralph Higby, Ros­ pies were lifted . Shortly af- funeral was held yesterday. Rev. The Domestic Science Depart­ years ago Miss Parker won in coe Vaughn, Elwood McDonald, ter midnight Saturday, the screen Ward, o f Hillsboro, preaching ment will be in charge o f Dean succession the county, district Earnest Blair and Harold Mc- covering the pantry window of the services, with interment fol- Juliet Green and Miss Marion and state contests, and in a con­ Feeder. Van Liew o f the State Agricul­ Mrs. M. A. Thomas was ripped lowinK in Cornelius cemetery, test held at the Chautauqua at tural College, assisted by two of Gladstone park, in which many off and entrance gained. A quan­ the students from the College. speakers from various sections of tity o f cold turkey and cake was The work will cover the house­ tiie Northwest participated, she the loot secured. | _______ hold and domestic science, cook­ won the diamond medal. Miss The funeral of the late David This may be the work of mis- The committee appointed by ing, canning, preserving, care of Parker studied eloqution in Port­ land, and afterwards taught the Schmeltzer was conducted at the chievous boys, and again it may the Board o f Trade to investigate household, sanitation, etc., and art in that city. She was mar­ residence of E. E. Schmeltzer, a not. If the former, it might be the merits and possibilities o f the will be o f interest to every house­ ried to Dr. Frizzell ahout five son of the deceased Friday after­ well to call their attention to the Likfresh Evaporator, made a keeper, on the farm or in the city. years ago, and has since that noon by Rev. E. V. Stivers of fact that breaking and entering trip to Portland last Friday for The Horticultural Department - this city. Deceased was a na- that purpose and returned filled time made her home in Califor­ into a house is against the law of with enthusiasm for the new will be in charge of Mr. Frank j five of Center County.Pa.,where nia. She visited this city some ' he was born nearly 78 years ago. the state, and a fitting punish­ method o f preserving food staff. Brown, o f the College, and will months ago, and together with ; The family early removed to Mus­ ment is provided. If the work Various samples of fruit and veg­ cover demonstrations in budding, local talent gave an entertain­ grafting, pruning, apple packing, catine County, Iowa, where Mr. is being done by older persons, etables were prepared by the in­ etc. ment in the Christian Church. ! Schmeltzer was married March 3, ventor o f the process and thoroly Mrs. Frizzell was the only daught­ The Dairy and Farm Depart­ ; 1859, to Mary Anne Kellow, who no warning should be necessary, tested by the committee, every er of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parker, survives him. The couple moved as they are supposed to be fully member o f which pronounced ments will be in charge of ex­ of St.Johns, and leaves to mourn I to Butler county, Kansas, in 1877 cognizant of the risk run. them greatly superior to the usu­ perts in those lines. It will in­ her l o s s , her husband, twin and came from there t o th s al article of dried stuff. The Lik­ clude lectures on soiling crops, daughters only two weeks old, county in 1882, living on a farm fresh method produces an article tillage, irrigation, fertilizing and her parents, and six brothers, near Scholls until the last few of improved flavor and undoubt­ care of manure, demonstrations Thad, Herbert, Stott and Roscoe years, when a home in Forest ed nourishment. The new evap­ with the Babcock Test l a n d Parker, o f Willamina, Oregon; Grove saw them taking their orator handles any variety o f drainage, etc, etc. In addition Barney Parker, o f Spokane, and ease. Besides the widow deceas­ In a very hotly contested game fruit or vegetables, and fish and Paul W. Maris will give an ad­ Arthur Parker, o f this city. ed leaves four sons- H.D.and E. o f football at Salem Thanksgivir g meat can also be successfully dress Tuesday morning on the Samuel Gilpin, o f Patton Valley, E. Schmeltzer, of Hillsboro; W. Willamette University defeated subject o f Proposed Tuberclosis treated for preservation. is an uncle. 0. Schmeltzer, of Hammond,and Pacific University by the score of The inventor will be in Forest Legislation. This is a matter o f The remains will be brought to Edwin L. Schmeltzer,of Onaway, Grove in person for the Farmers vital interest to every cow own­ this city for interment, and ser­ j Canada, and one daughter, Mrs. 12 to 0. The game was spectac­ School to be held next week, and er in the state. interesting from start vices will be held tomorrow or Winnie Barber, o f Portland. ular . and A special program has been .. „ .„ , . . , will explain to the producer di- Saturday. to finish. Pacific, by cleverly rect tbe merita and possibilities arranged for Wednesday even­ During the past few months, when declining health indicated worked forward passes and re- of his machine. There is n o ing which will include a lecture by Mrs. Clara H. Walds who has .4 Holbrook Lodge No. 30, an early end, Mr Schmeltzer liv­ covery o f punts, advanced the doubt but what an effort will be just returned from a two years ed in Hillsboro with his sons,and ball to within six inches o f Will- made to establish a plant in For- y V A. F. and A. M. Stated trip through Europe, on the sub­ ' Communication this Sat- his declining days were made as amettes goal line, when the lo