Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Local Reporters of the Press R u air your sidewalks. Al Grubs, o f Gales Creak, was A lfalfa Hay at the T. J. 0 . ' n Grove Monday. Feed Store. 2-3t Rockers all kinds at Roe and Mrs. C. L. Large was shopping Co. tf in Portland Saturday. A. G. Hoffman was a business Schultz has them. S ealshipt visitor to Portland Friday. oysters. A lw ays fresh. tf. State Game Warden Stevensen I he cold weather demands proper protection within doors as well as without. You can secure indoor comfort at a low cost in fuel by using the right stoves. W e have them. The “ AURORA”, a handsome heating stove, with | Miss Manche Langley was a was a Portland visitor Saturday. county seat visitor Friday after­ Everything in furniture can be noon. had at Roe and Co. Come in and inspect the goods. tf John Cornelius, o f Blooming, Mrs. Anna Cummings o f Cen­ was a business visitor in this terville was shopping i n t h e city Monday. Grove Monday. Miss Am y Thomas arrived Chas. Jackson, who resides in home Friday fo r the Thanksgiv­ the west part o f town, is on the ing holidays. bronze urn and full nickle trim. able front panel with nickle screw. and Hot Blast Attachment. Now is the time to purchase ^ be Public Libtary now has that range you want. The best 969 volumes on its shelves. Two that are made can be had at years ago but about 300 could be Hinrnan’ s. tf counted. A Charter O ak and “ W o o d ” Superior H E A T E R S Notice to Farmers—Bring in your chickens, eggs and butter [ to W. F. Schultz and get cash in exchange. Produce of all kinds wanted. tf Stand at the head of all com­ J. B. Matthews wishes to show you the new “ U nion” jack; for C. L. Hinman has a full line of lifting, setting tires, stretching ranges and heating stoves in fence and many other uses. Al­ stock. Make your selection now. ways handy. tf See the “ Charter Oak” . tf ( has. Miller, Wm. K. Curtis, j f r and ¡yjrs \ym Tucker are and John W. Fuqua are included the proud parents o f a baby girl in the panel o f 31 jurors selected whjch arrived Thursday evening, for the grand ju ry o f circuit -phe p RESg extends congratula court which will be convened in tjons Hillsboro next Monday. . ^ ., , ., At the meeting of the W.C. I . Mayor Peterson left Saturday U., held at the residence o f Mrs. morning for a trip through East Snogren, Friday afternoon, it ern Ore. on in the interests o f the Was decided by unanamous vote Bankers and Merchants Fire Ins. to forward a box of Thanksgiv- Company. Mr. Peterson antici- jng goodies to the babies’ home pated returning home in time jn Portland. for Thanksgiving dinner. w F Schu]tz brought a car- Any one desiring t o g o to Portland to hear Miss Ellen Ter- rv in the Shakespearian interpre- tations, Dec 9th, please notify Mrs. B F. White at an early date, as we want to arrange for car service. 2-2t Nickle foot rail. construction suen as to insure the best possible results in baking. The flue box is cast iron, extra large, with ample opening; the damper is very simple and impossible to burn out; reservoirs are porcelain lined. All ranges are full nickle trim and will STAND THE TEST OF WEAR. Wm. Ringles, form er engineer Miss Esther Martinsen, who at the light plant, is still on the has been attending LnurehvooJ sick list. Mr. Ringles has been Academy, has returned home on ill for several months. account o f ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Ula Hanna spent the week end in Portland visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lile Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. Farmer. Draft Register Tne “ CHARTER O A K ” range is carefully m a d e throughout of “ Hammered Planished Steel”, the finest grade that is made, manu­ factured especially f o r these stoves. The oven is strong and rigid and i t s Siclv l i e f Theo. M cNam er has returned Club re(luest property owners to from a prospecting tour in South- sweeP l be leaves off their side- ern Oregon. walks. 2-2t Remov- § splendid heater which will give sure satisfaction. H trb Smith, o f Gales Creek, was a business visitor i n the! R°^)ert Hartrampf o f Hills- Grove Saturday. boro- was a business visitor in ,,, ~ , .. the Grove Monday. bhearer the Confectioner, now ready to serve Oyster Cocktails. Mrs. Ira Hampton, who has Once tasted, always wanted, tf been seriously ill with typhoid E. S. Sparks is contemplating fever- is slow*y becoming conva- a :rip up into the North Yakima p escenL country. The Forest Grove Womans’ Swing top. petitors. Give a greater a- mount of heat at a lower ex­ penditure for fuel. Come in and examine them. HINiAN’S HARDWARE STORE j BEST MACHINES ON EARTH $75.00 Rotary Sewing Machine with 10 year Factory Guarantee load o f 26 fat steers to this city Friday. These cattle, which will be killed for the local trade of the Schultz market, were raised in Idaho, and inspected by the U. S. officials before being placed on the market. 45.00 $45.00 Sewing Machine with 10 year Guarantee (TOC [jfj y n J .U u GEO. G. PATERSON Furniture and Pianos Forest Grove, Ore. E wish to thank our m an y customers for th eir patronage t h e past year and ask a contin­ uance for the future. Respectfully W ANDERSON, o o t h ie r I Never Said It!! I never said that T. J. 0. is the best four ever made, but I did say that I be­ Thanksgiving Millinery For the Trade The Latest Shapes and Newest Col­ orings in Millinery Materials Velvets, Plushes, Beaver Cloth, Fancy Feathers, Wings and Millinery Novelties lieve “T. J. O .” is as good a flour as Now Being Displayed is made or sold Mrs. A . EL Dixon M , , n c™». in all the state of Oregon. T. J. O . Renew your subscription today