Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 22, 1910, Image 8

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Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
General Resume o f Important Events
Presented In Condensed Form
fo r Our Busy Readers.
N ew Mexico w ill vote on
constitution December 19.
her new
N ew York City has discarded five of
its city automobiles as expensive and
Secretary Wilson predicts a return
o f hard times under a Democratic con­
trol o f congress.
Senator Elkins, o f W est Virginia,
has been dangerously ill for some time,
but is now improving.
More than $166,000 was earned by
students o f Columbia university, New
York, during the past year.
Greatest Reform er and Humanitarian
ot Modern Tim es.
Astapova, Russia, Nov. 20.— W ith­
out being received back into the Orth­
odox Greek church, and knowing that
the end had arrived, Count Leo Tolstoi
died at an early hour this morning.
There was apparently no suffering, as
death came as the dying man slept.
The patient slept for a little while,
seemingly breathing more comfortably
than usual. Dr. Thturovsky and Dr.
U8off, nevertheless, in a statement to
Tolstoi’s son, Michael, held out but
slight hope and did not hesitate to pre­
dict a quick end, under ordinary mortal
Tolstoi, they said, was a splendid
patient in mind and body, except the
In one o f the heart attacks, Tolstoi
was alone with his eldest daughter,
Tatina. He suddenly clutched her hand
and drew her to him.
He seemed to
be choking but was able to whisper:
“ Now the end has come; that is a ll.”
Tatina was greatly frightened and
tried to free herself so she m ight call
the doctor, but her father would not re­
lease her.
She called loudly from
where she sat. The physician injected
camphor, which had an almost immed-
pilgrim age led him to the monastery
at Shamardine, in the province o f K a l­
uga, where he remained as the guest
of his sister, Marie, who is a nun in
the cloister.
Learning that his retreat had been
discovered, he insisted upon proceed­
ing on his journey to the Caucasus,
where he hoped to spend his last days
close to the Tolstoian colony on the
shores o f the Black sea.
But on the railroad journey he was
overcome with exhaustion and the cold,
and Dr. Makovetski was compelled fc>
have him transferred to the flag sta­
tion at Astapova, where he was made
as comfortable as possible in the rude
wooden building.
For five days he had lain there, suf­
fering first from bronchitis and later
from inflammation o f the lungs.
cialists were called from Moscow and
other places, but notwithstanding their
utmost efforts the heart o f the great
Russian responded but feebly to restor­
atives and stimulants administered.
Saturday the attacks of heart failure
increased alarmingly, and many hours
prior to the end the physicians had
given up all hope.
Countess Tolstoi
was admitted to the sick room for the
first time last night, but her husband
failed to recognize her.
She had hastened to him when she
learned several days ago That his ill-
Secretary Wilson says ¡the Western
homesteader is increasing the cost o f
meat by taking up the ranges.
The full committee on elections and
privileges in the senate w ill investi­
gate the bribery charges against Sen­
ator Lorimer.
A viator Hoxsey made a fine flight at
Denver, reaching an altitude o f 2,500
feet and going into the clouds dring a
heavy snow storm.
In the constitutional convention in
Arizona, the effort to abolish taxes for
road purposes failed, and the state debt
is limited to $200,000.
Representative-elect Littleton,
the First district o f N ew York, which
includes Oyster Bay, in a speech round­
ly scored the “ N ew Nationalism .”
F ive men made a balloon trip o f 110
miles in a 65-mile gale in Rhode Is­
land. A ll were badly bruised on land­
ing and one was rendered unconscious.
z -W
Modern sanitary methods have low­
ered the death rate in Manila from 40
per thousand to 34.9. The death rate
is lowest among the American resi­
d e n ts ^
*V v
m i m i
A 13-year-old New York boy died of
injuries received in a football game.J
> ■
1 *11
I ®
Striking garment workers in Chicago
resume rioting and one policeman was
wounded by a revolver shot.
Montana sheepmen are selling their
sheep to Canadian ranchers on account
o f the scarcity o f feed.
iate effect in relievin g the pressure.
The inspector o f
weights and
Tolstoi soon raised his head and then
measures o f the U. S. department o f
drew him self up to a sitting position.
commerce, found nearly every mer­
When he had recovered his breath he
chant in Butte, Mont., was givin g
short weights.
“ There are millions o f people and
The secretary-treasurer o f the C ali­ many sufferers in the world. Why al­
fornia Building association says the ways anxious about me?”
American Federation o f Labor w ill
Tolstoi put up a hard fight against
spend millions i f necessary, to union­ the disease. The sprsao o f the inflam­
ize Los Angeles.
mation o f the lungs had been checked,
but it was necessary to resort ¡to pow­
The new Chinese minister o f war
and the viceroy o f Manchuria have erful stimulants frequenly to keep the
heart going.
warned their government that ener­
It was long recognized that Tolstoi’s
getic measures must be taken imme­
case was hopeless, and at 5 o ’clock in
diately or Manchuria w ill be taken by
the morning, after the countess had
Japan and Russia.
been summoned and other members o f
Mayor Simon, o f Portland, has re­ the fam ily had gathered in an adjoin­
ing room, the physicians issued a bul­
commended a tax levy o f 6 mills.
letin announcing that the activity o f
Republicans w ill control the next
the heart had almost ceased and that
Idaho legislature, although they lost
the count's condition was extrem ely
the governorship.
| dangerous.
Standard Oil company has won a
Tolstoi, accompanied only by Dr.
sweeping decision in its fight with the Makovetski, le ft his home at Yasnaya
government in Indiana.
Poliana with the purpose o f ending his
Mexican Police Have Fierce
With Anti-re-electionists.
Mexico C ity— One hundred persons,
including the chief o f police, were
killed in riots at Puebla, according to
statements o f
passengers arriving
here. The stories told are that the
trouble began when several policemen,
headed by the chief, attempted to
break up a meeting o f anti-re-election­
ists being held in a large hall. As the
chief and his men advanced toward the
building, a door was opened by a wo­
man, who shot the chief.
A fight then began between the po­
lice and the occupants. A bomb was
thrown from one o f the windows in the
midst o f the policemen and rurales,
the latter having been called to arsis
the officers. The bomb exploded, kill­
ing many. The other casualties occur­
red in the course o f fighting which
took place in the street.
So far as
known there were no Americans killed.
The passengers further
that from midnight until they le ft Pu­
ebla in the afternoon there was contin­
uous rioting, and while the anti-re-
electionists had been dislodged from
the building, fears were entertained
that the disorders were by no means at
an end.
From other sources in Mexico City
it was learned that the Seventeenth
battalion le ft here late today by a spe­
cial train, and that other trains were
in readiness to transport additional
troops to the scene i f necessary.
was officially stated here that 18 men
had been killed in Puebla.
A telegram from Puebla stated that
the First regiment o f Federal troops
had arrived, as had also a corps o f
rurales. These, under the command
o f General Luis V alle and Eduardo
Cauz, were being led against the
houses in which the rebels were fo rti­
fied and were attacking, shouting:
“ Long live the supreme governm ent.”
The Maderostas, as they have come
to be known, w ere keeping up a hot
fire from the windows and balconies.
A feature o f the fighting was the
part played by women.
The w ife o f
Joseph Cerdan, who killed the ch ief o f
police, was in turn killed by the fire
o f the troops.
Several other women
who were in the house are said to have
appeared upon the balcony and taken
part in the conflict.
When the place
was captured several
among the dead and wounded.
Prohibition and woman’s suffrage
were both defeated in Arizona.
England’s house o f lords w ill submit
to reforming, rather than lose the veto
S i
A Princeton graduate now livin g in
Canada has presented the university
with a small tin o f tea which is alleged
to be a part o f the cargo thrown over­
board in Boston harbor by the famous
Boston Tea Party in 1773.
, -
ness was serious, but the physicians
had deemed it advisable that she be
kept away from the count, fearin g that
her presence might cause the patient
Other members o f the fam ily from
time to time were admitted to the
presence o f their father,
and his
daughter, Alexandria, has been in con­
stant attendance.
V A T IC A N ’S T R A IN S O L D .
Pierpont Morgan Buys Cars Used by
Pope Pius IX.
Rome— The well known multi-mil­
lionaire Pierpont Morgan has bought
fo r the neat sum o f a million lira
($200,000) the train last used by Pope
Pius IX in 1860.
This train has been preserved by the
Vatican as a historic relic. Many col­
lectors o f reputation have made offers
to the Vatican for its possession, but
none has reached Mr. Morgan’s figure.
The American magnate is said to have
A ll indications are that Champ j days in solitude, to which he more and purchased the train on condition that
Clark, o f Missouri, w ill be the next ! more inclined in his later years. His the bargain be a^secret affair.
speaker o f the house o f representa­
Death List Grows to 170.
Girl Heir to $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
Mexico C ity— Estimates o f the num-
St. Louis, Mo.— W ith the death of
About 500 union men have quit work
on the new Los Angeles acqueduct, de­ bet killed in the fight between soldiers her brother, W illard Campbell, 30
manding an increase o f wages to cover and police on one side and revolution­ years old, and only son o f James Camp­
the increase«! coat o f meals served to ists on the other at Puebla continue to bell, o f N ew York and St. Louis, mul­
be placed at from ¡100 to 170.
Dis­ tim illionaire and head o f the North
patches from that city say it is certain American company, Lois Campbell, a
Test explosions on the monitor Puri­ more than 100 had been killed in the
school girl o f 16, became heiress to the
tan did more damage than was expect­ conflict. Aquites Cerdan, whose house
largest individual fortune in St. Louis,
ed, and the ship had to be towed was the scene o f the .tight, was killed and possibly in the W e s t
Mr. Camp­
quickly to dry dock to prevent her while resisting
arrest in a tunnel bell’s fortune is at least $30,000,000.
where he ha«i taken refuge.
He W illard was taken to the summer home
Deputy sheriffs seized the power fought to the last, firing at the offi­ o f his parents in Connecticut last sum­
plant o f the Tacoma street railw ay cers as soon as they found his hiding mer , but his health failed to improve
company fo r back taxes, and the com­ place.
and he was brought back to his borne.
pany handed over the sum demanded,
amounting to $132,164.
Old Indian Fighter Dies.
Union ot 800,000 GiHs Aimed.
C hief Engineer «'.oethals says the
New York— The Woman’s Trade
Champaign, III.— Lieutenant Colonel
Panama canal w ill be in use a year Union league o f N ew York has formed Edmund Gustav Fecbet, U. S. A ., re­
sooner than was expected, but he w ill a large committee which w ill endeavor tired, died here from heart failure.
use that year in perfecting machinery to unionise all o f the 800,000 working H e was a famous Indian fighter and
and training his men, so the official girls in Greater New York. With this was in charge o f the troops who killed
opening w ill be January 1, 1916, as end in view the city is to be divided S ittin g Bull near Fort Yates, while
originally intended.
into districts,‘each member of the com­ the Indian was resisting arrest.
mittee to be In charge of a district.
Count L eo Tolstoi is seriously ill.
entered the army in 1861.
San Francisco^— The opening gun o f
what is designed to secure a battleship
fleet in the Pacific and an increase in
the standing army o f 25 regiments o f
infantry, and cavalry and artillery in
proportion, and the rehabilitation o f
the American merchant marine, was
fired Saturday when permanent organ­
ization o f the Pacific Slope congress
was effected.
Steps w ere also taken toward or­
ganizing a “ Pacific Coast Defense
League” which, it is hoped by those
behind the movement, w ill extend to
the rest o f the country and bring about
the formation o f a National Defense
Following the adoption o f a constitu­
tion for the Pacific Slope congress and
the election o f officers for the ensuing
year, the delegates from 10 states and
territories o f the W est adopted resolu­
tions strongly urging |the desired in­
crease in m ilitary and naval power and
the upbuilding o f a merchant marine,
and adjourned.
The congress came to an end with a
brilliant banquet to the delegates at
the Palace hotel, at which covers were
laid for 500.
Soldiers and Police Pour Hot
Shot Into Mobs.
Total Killed at Zacatecas May Reach
500— Tow n in State o f Terror
Under Martial Law.
El Paso— One hundred persons were
killed in riots which took place at
Zacatecas, in the interior o f Mexico
Saturday night, according to reports
received here.
Soldiers fired into a struggling body
o f rioters with disastrous effect.
One hundred is the lowest estimate
o f the loss o f ¡life, which may reach
A dispatch from Del Rio, Texas, on
the Mexican border, 250 miles east of
here, states that rumors are current of
a fight which is supposed to have tak­
en place near there early Sunday night
between Americans and Mexicans.
Reports that bands^of Mexicans have
crossed the river at different points
cannot be verified. County officers and
United States river guards state that
they have ¡no positive ¡information of
trouble, but have heard rumors of an
invasion and attack at different points.
Upon what is regarded as good auth­
ority, it is learned that Brigadier Gen­
eral Hoyt, commanding the department
o f Texas, has been instructed from
Washington to hold troops in readi­
ness for service on the Mexican border.
Francisco Madero, father o f the al­
leged Mexican revolutionist leader,
made denial to what purported to be
interview s with him, sent out from
this city last night. The elder Madero
was quoted as asserting that certain
members o f the Mexican senate were
in league with his son. He gave out
no interview , he said.
Secretary Wilson Says Humid as Well
as Arid States Must Com e to It.
Chicago— Hundreds o f “ back to the
soil” boomers were present when the
land show opened
Fru it and other products o f the soil
from all parts o f the country were on
display. An exhibit o f more than a
million apples was the feature of the
Elaborate plans for the
entertainment and instruction o f visi­
tors and delegates have been made.
Special days have been assigned to
various states. Am ong other attrac­
tions w ill be the g iv in g away by lot of
farms in different states.
o f Agriculture Jame3 Wilson delivered
the opening address, taking “ Irriga­
tion” as his theme.
“ The day will
com e,” he said, “ when irrigation will
be applied, as a matter o f national
necessity, to grow ing crops in the
humid regions. The thing has been
done in Europe for hundreds o f yean,
and we must come to it out here sooner
or later. W e must begin at the source
o f our rivers and construct reservoin
so that the supply w ill be steady and
not entirely dependent upon the caprice
o f the season.
P ro fesso rs Unable to Live Unleaa
Higher Salaries A re Paid.
Boston— Unless immediate steps are
taken to remedy the great discrepancy
now existin g between the cost of liv­
ing and incomes provided college pro­
fessors, the status o f American col­
leges w ill rapidly decline, is the proph­
ecy o f President Hamilton, o f Tuft*
college, and President Faunce, of
Brown university.
Fourteen have le ft the Brown facul­
ty in the last two years.
Faunce says :
“ The cost o f livin g in Providence
has enormously increased.
Our pro­
fessors, unable to withstand the strain
o f increased cost o f _ bare necesitiee of
life , are leaving Brown and going else­
where. "
Voodoo Is Insanity Cure.
Cincinnati— Voodoo charms and sim­
ilar methods were prescribed as a cure
fo r insanity by Mrs. Clara Barnes, ac­
cording to a story told by Mrs. Mary
J. Koehler before a United States com­
missioner here. As a result the fo r­
mer was held to a United States grand
jury for using the mails to defraud.
The fortune teller made her g iv e up $50
as a retaining fee, Mrs. Koelher said.
Custom Frauds Charged.
Then later she charged $5 for a “ m ag­
7 N ew York— Isac and Manning Phil­
netic charm,” and also she put $10 in
lips, members o f the firm o f I. 4 ®-
gold in a cigar box full o f salt. ^The
Phillips, importers, at 18 West On*
gold disappeared.
Hundred and Eightieth street, were
arrested, charged with defrauding ts*
Acting Governor Escapes.
government out o f duty on wusto
Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe— An at- w earing apparel imported from France,
tempt'on the life o f A ctin g Governor by means o f false consular invoice*'
W illiam Fawtier was made here Satur­ The govenment is in possession of en-
day. A carriage occupied by the go v­ dence concerning a number o f alh(<*
ernor was fired on and four bullets fraudulent importations by the w *
passed through the upper part o f the Bail was fixed at $10,000 for each F *
vehicle. The assailant escaped.
The oner. 'T h is was furnished. It 1 » **■
shooting has cassed much excitement. lieved the frauds are extensive.
One hundred mwines from the French
cruiser Am iral Aube have been landed.
Johnstone Laid to Rest.
Kansas City— Funeral service«« * »
held here Sunday for Ralph J oh n *»*
Man Dies at Great Age.
San Diego, (al.— Juan Buroel, a the aviator who plunged to destt
Mexican, who, i is said, was 122 ing a spectacular flight at
The »<*
years, 4 months »id 20 days old, died Thursday afternoon.
Saturday at the tome o f relatives at were held at Trinity Episcopal c to "
Loa Cochea. Butvl was born in Son­ and were attended by throngs whs
ora, Mexico, and was an nnele o f a known the daring aviator in life.
form er constable t El Cajon.
The bur W right and Walter B ro o k "* ^
age as given to tb undertaker is de­ present at the funeral and *
clared to be authetie.
the interment.