Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 22, 1910, Image 1

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    All the News
Nine Pages — Read Them
G rove P ress
Voi. 2
Pioneer Stockman Dead
All the Time
Young Violinist to Appear
Taylor— Dickson
P. U. Debaters Chosen
Louis Manning
On Monday evening. November
Last Friday evening before an
A pretty wedding oceured in
stockman died at h,s home one 28th. a violin recital will be given
mile north of Hillsboro Saturday, by Harmon Marbold Chapman in
^he 3cbo°l band has regular this city Sunday at high noon at appeeiative audience ten loyal
after an illness o f severl months. Marsh Hall. This program will Praci'ce every Wednesday even- the home o f Mr. and Mrs. T. H. sons of Pacific discussed with
McGreer, when their daughter. earnest effort the expediency of
Mr. Manning was born i n consist of classical pieces for the [ n g ‘
the Old Age Pension I a iw of Eng­
Washington County, New York most part, a number of which are
Mr. John Taylor has been do- Miss Addie M. Taylor, became
the bride o f Mr. Louis C. Dick­ land. The question, which is the
* » aiK w en
years o c new to musicians, as they were in# some needed repair work at
son, the marriage service being one that will be used in the de­
was thrown on his own resourc recently resurrected by Burmes- the school building this week,
read by Rev. E. V. Stivers, pas­ bates between Pacific University
es. In 1853 he moved to Ohio, ter and others. This recital is
n •
and the University o f Idaho,
and in 1855 to Kansas. He went given to inspire, if uossible more Th° W,? R ^
u ” tor o f t h e Christian Church.
is stated negatively and reads:
to Pike’s Peak in 1859. In a interest and study in violin music lhursday and to the ^
that the enactment
raid at Pike’ s Peak he lost $7000 and to show what mav be done by many teachers and PuPda from
y,rf.u°ne.D> outof town wish tospend Thanks tions and native flowers for the o f the Old Age Pension Law
worth o f horses, stolen by the a
pupil of average ability with
giving at home, there will be no occasion. The bride was charm­ i n England w a s inexpedient
Indians. In 1864 he
went t o only a small amount of time, con- school on FriHav
ingly gowned in white, made em­ The results o f the tryout indicate
Idaho, where he prospected fora sistently put in each day. Har
year. Then he went to Portland mon is nine years old and is not
The parents and children have pire,and was unattended. After that the question is fair and well
balanced, for o f the four men
where he engaged in building able to reach a full sized violin, done wel1 in remembering the the ceremony, which was witness­
two spoke on the affirma­
flat floats, and later conducted a nor a three-quarter sized one yeti Boys and ^irls Aid and Baby ed by a number o f friends and
two on the negative.
stock and dairy ranch on Sauvies playing a half sized instrument Home by having material brot relatives o f the contracting part­
two alternates were
ies, the guests were served to a
Island. Later h e engaged i n
Recitals by pupils of the Con- t0 the a^ ° ° l houses' A ful1 re
sumptuous wedding d i n n e r
raising horses, and for many servatory of Pacific Universit> P° rt WlU be Klven next week-
Those selected for the teams
Mrs. Dickson came to this city
yeats bred
both standard trot- will be given on Monday even-
The teachers of t h e Forest
last Spring, and during h e r were: Charles Ward ’ 12, Leslie
ting stock
and draft animals, ing, December 12th, Wednesday Grove schools wish to thank the
short residence here has gained Hope ’ 12, Ralph Abraham ’ l l ,
In 1872 he
married Mrs. Eiiza- evening, Dec. 14th, Monday, PRESS for the attitude taken in
many friends. >he formerly lived and Herbert Schilling ’ 14. The
beth W ilcox, a pioneer of 1845 Dec. 1 9 th, and Wednesday even-1 the editorial of last week in re
at Antelope, Oregon, where she alternates are Howard Taylor ’ 14,
and a daughter o f Woodsen Scog- ¡ng-( Dec. 21st. The first recital gard to the Art Exhibit. It was
taught in the public schools, and and Clifford Rogers ’ 15. The
gin. I n 1882 they moved t o js open only to music students or the aim o f the teachers, as it al-
where she is held in high esteem. first three are veteran debaters,
HilLsboro and bought 320 acres friends invited by the students waya is» to do the best thing for
Mr. Dickson is a prosperous Hope a n d Abraham having
north o f this city. This was on that program. The last three the school and there was no
stockman o f Antelope, where the served twice, and Ward once on
cultivated a n d sold, except a programs, given by students in thought of graft or compulsion young couple will make their fu­ collegiate teams. Schilling is a
small tract where Mr. Manning the medium and more advanced in the matter. It was principally ture home. Out-of-town guests new debater, but judging from his
spent his declining years. In the grades are open to the college a matter of education and the at the wedding were Miss Edna work in the tryout is well worthy
70s he was widely known by students and the public in gener- results sought for have been at- Hamilton, Mr. W. J. Malone,and o f a position on the team.
horsemen all over the Coast, He al.
j tained.
The judges of the contest were
Mr. Ben Taylor, brother of the
is survived by his widow.
Prof. Shippee, Prof. Bean, and
bride, o f Antelope.
The funeral was held Monday
Prin. Bates.
The matter of school holidays
from the family residence. In
is a question of importance to
terment was made i n Masonic
Last Thursday evening, at the both teachers and parents.
Teachers are hired to teach for
home of her parents, Mr. and
A meeting o f representatives
time and then the State
Close to five o ’clock Monday
Mrs. M. S. Allen, Miss Martha
from the colleges of the Willa­
Allen was most agreeably sur-1 says that certain days shall be mette Valley was held at Mc­ evening, and without a moments
prised by a party of young holidays and the teachers shall Minnville Nov. 4th for the pur­ warning, the large hanging lamp
The Home Missionary Society friends. The evening was spent not teach but shall have full pay pose of reorganizing the Willa­ which serves to light the rear
o f the Methodist Church held a in playing games, chief among for the same.
mette Valley Interscholastic Bas­ portion o f Miss Penfield’s hook
Some patrons may think this
meeting last Friday at the home which were “ Flying Dutchman”
ket Ball League. Pacific Univ. store, fell to the floor with a
o f Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Elder, and and “ Charades.” A delicious I unfair,as il ia. P ™ out sonie; was represented by Coach Conville crash, bursting into flames as it
a nice program was rendered luncheon was served and some i tbi"K for " otb,nS ,n reLturn- and who secured a place in the league landed, and threatening destruc­
consisting o f a vocal solo by delightful music enjoyed. When on the other hand teachers may and the following is the schedule tion to the entire establishment.
Several persons who were in the
Prof. 0. M. Gardner, piano solo the young folks departed, it was think if the day is granted they o f games:
by Miss Lillian Elder, reading by wjth the declaration that they should have it.
Philomath at Philomath, Jan. store at the time started to throw
Now it appears that if teachers
Mrs. O. M. Gardner, and a talk had spent one of the most pleas-
13th; Chemawa at Forest Grove, water upon the burning mass, but
have the real work of teaching
by Mrs. A. G. Hoffman explain- ant evenings of the season,
Jan. 14; Philomath at Forest it was due to the presence of
ing the workings o f the Metho-
Those present were Misses Amy at heart they will not object to Grove, Jan. 19; Chemawa at mind and quick work of Captain
working over time and the great­
dist Old People’s Home at Salem, Smith, Eleanor La Rue, Francis
Chemawa, Jan. 28; McMinnville Barnes that the store was saved
est end in their work will be re­
and its needs. A thank-offering Tucker. Phyllis Fisher, Christina
at McMinnville, Feb. 3; McMinn­ from ruin. The Captain whip­
sults and not trying to obtain all
w as taken for the home, the So Haage, Una Emerson. Grace
ville at Forest Grove, Feb. 18; ped off his coat and after consid­
the salary possible with the least
ciety having pledged $15 for this Haines. Juanette McDonald, Ruth
Dallas at Dallas, Feb. 24; Dallas erable work succeeded in smoth­
possible effort.
ering the fire, before much dam­
at Forest Grove, Mar. 3.
w o r t h y institution. Refresh­ Austin a n d Gertrude Allen.
If the teacher be truly in earn­
The football season closes with age was done.
ments were served and the even­ Messrs. Frank Smith, Ralph Hig-
est she will do much more than
the game with Willamette on
ing was spent in a pleasant man­ by, Elwood McDonald, Ralph
the law requires and such a teach­
Emerson, Harold Wirtz, Brvan
Thanksgiving d a y and then
er may well be allowed a holiday
basket ball will start in full force.
Abraham, Hamid McPhinx, and
now and then.
Much enthusiasm is b e i n g
Ernest Blair. Miss Gladys Todd
Tuesday afternoon, E.G. Howe,
Any teacher who is not willing
shown which is no doubt due o f Portland, representing t h e
acted as chaperone.
to give full value received, we
largely to the fact that the games Likfresh Evaporator Co., manu­
do not deem worthy of the pro­
The work o f Evangelist E. E.
will be played in the new gym­ facturers o f a new and modern
fessional name.
Violett at the Christian Church
evaporating machine, addressed
is meeting with marked success.
representative body o f t h e
Saturday noon, in Portland, a
His subjects are timely and strike
Grove Board o f Trade up­
right to the point, and he pos­ very quiet wedding took place,
and possibilities o f
sesses the knack of holding the when James Fairchild and Miss
of evaporat-
In honor of the first birthday
The Senior Class of Pacific Uni
attention o f his hearers through­ Jesse Peters were made one.
The groom is a brother of Jos. T. of her daughter. Mary Genevieve, versity was entertained at Herrick ‘ n,f and pre®*'1 v'nK fruits, veget-
ou t
E. E. Violett, who is one of Fairchild, of this city, and has Mrs. Willis Goff gave a roost Hall Saturday evening by the “ b l^ . meats, fish, etc. So fav-
the youngest evangelists in the charge of Postoffice Station "A ” , unique party Friday afternoon. Misses Wilson and Whealdon. ” rabl>' im»’r‘‘Med were the mem-
Fifteen o o f f the
the littlest
littlest tots
tots of
of the
the After the usual business meeting *’er8
field, already has a reputation of in Portland. The bride is a well Fifteen
lbe *,oard PreBenL that a
international scope, which, judg- known and popular young lady of neighborhood, with their moth- chafing-dishes were brot into use ^ >n‘n" ^ e' c^ n8'8tlnR
ing from his methods, has been the Rose City.
ers. partook of the hospitality of from which a magician soon pro- 7*. S,. A en’ V’ .77
V' *7
It is a peculiar coincident that Mrs. Goff. A tempting birthday duced steaming rhocolate. The • nraham, fc.. w . Haines, t , a.
well and ably earned. The sing­
Seymour and A.
ing at the services is led by O. J. Mr. Fairchild’ s father was mar- cake was cut, and distributed to evening closed with all on their
Marks, a vocalist of marked abil­
babies was also taken.
ity and excellent voice.
_______ __________________________________ plant now in operation in Port-
South-west Missouri.
land. If the proposition turns
John Lee, o f Buxton, was a
Alfred Lilly is visiting with
Wm. Wilkes, o f Dilley, was
to be as represented, a plant
Guy Morley is home for a rest, his sisters. Mias Kate Lilly of Grove visitor Monday.
®een on our streets Saturday.
and to recover from an injured Forest Grove, and Mrs. Roxie
will undoubtedly be established
Gale Grange, in cooperation in Forest Grove.
Loving of Gales Creek. Mr.
Wm. McCoy a n d wife, o f hand.
the Dairy Association and
Matts, were visiting local mer­
Sunday, Rev.
Rev. Thomas will take o f enlistment i n Uncle Sam s the Horticulture Society, will] Miss Lvdia Taylor left Monday
chants Monday.
f i his subject at the morning Army at Fort Jones. Kentucky. hold a farmer’s school in K. of P. for Antelope, Ore., where ahe
Miss Lela Johnson, of the up- services.
“ Business Morslm ' . »<1
’" H
'tf S ail Lee. « s„d 7. Further par- will visit her sister, Mr*. Dickson,
per Gales Creek district. » as s „ d in the evening « ¡II p re «h on
ticulars will be given later.
' for a month or so.
Saturday shopper in the Grove. How to m y .
Miss Martha Alien Surprised
Play Basket Ball
Conflagration Averted
Home Missionary Society
Introduces New Evaporator
Evangelistic Services Success
Baby’s First Birthday
Seniors Entertained