Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 03, 1910, Image 9

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    Live Items of Local Interest
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
Local Reporters of the Press
Boys Suits, Underwear and
Subscribe for the Press
Overcoats at Anderson’s.
John Scharer visited in Port­ The cold weather demands proper protection within doors
J. W. H. Adkins, of Gales City, land
over Sunday.
as well as without. You can secure indoor comfort at a low
paid a visit to the Grove Monday,
A car of Alfalfa hay just recV. the Grove Monday.
cost in fuel by using the right stoves. We have them.
Tliacher’s feed store. 50-3t
E. J. Loynes, of Hillside, was
Scott Smith of Gaston dropped a business visitor in the Grove
into town Saturday for a brief Saturday.
Lawrence Schaffer, of the
Everything in furniture can be Hillside district, was seen on our j
had at Roe and Co. Come in a d streets Tuesday.
inspect the goods.
i Tom To d of the Oakhill sec-
Tom Johnston, a prosperous tion was transacting business ini
farmer of Gales Creek, was seen j the Grove Saturday.
on our streets Monday.
. , , s for under- j
Co to . Anderson
Shearer the Confectioner, now wear, Pajamas, Night-shirts and
ready to serve Oyster Cocktails, ad men’s furnishings.
Once tasted, always wanted, tfj ...
T> . • who
, . is toach-
Miss Ella Pechin
John Cornelius, who res des mg school at Gales Creek, was a
m ; r the town of that name, was Grove visitor Saturday,
a visitor in the Grove Mondaj. j
. . and , ...
. ited Mr. at and
1 ,, rank . . Allen
Wra. .. Doug,as
the Mrs.
home Will
of Bellinger
Tom Beilin-
of Gale:- Creek made a business ger in Cornelius Sunday.
trip to Forest Grove on Monday.
Wren Parsons was over from:
Cl1 as. Baleman brought a load Dilley
la t, Saturday to renew his
of ap;oes into the Grove Monday acquaintance
w'ith the Grove. •
from his orchard on upper Gales
J. P Aydelott came in from I
Saturday for a brief
Now is the time to purchase stay and met
a number of friends. | |
thar range you want. The best
tha are /^aade can be had at C. L. Hinman has a full line of I
tf ranges and heating stoves in {
Mr. Nickel, the well-known stock. Make your selection now
Hillside dairyman, was transact­ See the “Charter Oak”. tf
ing business in the Grove Mon­ The tracks of the street car
day of this week.
system crossing Mam street at I
Senator Chamberlain is sched- LaCourse’s corner have been ,
uleu to speak at Hillsboro to- raised to conform with the new j
morrow afternoon and at Cor- cross walk
nelius in the evening.
Fred McNamer returned Sun- 1 Notice to Farmers—Bring in
day evening from a hunting trip , your chickens, eggs and hutter
on Wilson river, and reports the i \ to w W. F. Schultz and get cash
best of success and a pleasant J in exchange. Produce of all
J L kinds wanted.
An examination o f teachers
for the Christian Sunday School J. B. Matthews wishes to show
held last Thursday resulted tn you the new “Union” jack; forj
nine out of eleven applicants lifting, setting tires, stretching
passing successfully.
fence and many other uses. Al-
Harry Levi, associated with ; ways handy..
his father, S. Levi, of Portland,
in supplying the United Railways C. Dixov, formerly of Forest
company with fresh meat, was a Grove, now farming West of Gas-
Grove visitor Monday.
ton, was in the city Monday and
reports a four-hundred pound
Geo. R. Schoch, who resides hear caught in the Torrence Can­
not far from town, was in the yon by Gaston hunters Sunday,
c i t y Saturday,
and in took
the Ten of Us , Hillsboro
, girls.
to drop
at the
P ress and renew his subscrip- gave a delightful Hallowe en Hop
Saturday evening, one of the
prettiest society events of the
Rev. Stivers delivered two lec- season. About fiftv couple were
tures on temperance this week, present and the affair was an en-
One at Hillside Tuesday night, joyable one. Among those who
and the other at Thatcher Wed- attended from Forest Grove were:
nesday night. Both meetings Misses Shannon and Langley,
were well attended.
Messrs.Haskel Ferrin and George
The Loyal Daughters of the ^ c^jee-
gave evening
a Hallow in
e’en party church
o cr-unm
tn u u L Mrvrrc
n u ita
the church parlors. Alargenum- Several new pupils registered
her were present and enjoyed a this week,
. sev­
served. time. A tasty lunch was Some of our pupilg ___ in the
eral grades are enjoJHr ? chick-
Fred Purdin and wife, of Port- enpox.
land, Mrs.
, Art exhib­
M. J. Monday
Abbott. with Mr. •! Don’t . fail to see the
it this week. Such an opportu-
Seventeen new members have nity does not come to our town
been received into the Christian often.
church during the past three Basket Ball racks have been
placed on the school yards and
Services of the Methodist Sun­ much sport is enjoyed by both
day School and Church will be boys and girls.
conducted in Marsh Hall for The Band instruments are all,
three or four Sundays, or until here now and soon the boys will
the basement of the new edifice be tooting in earnest. They hope
is ready for use.
by Holidays to be able to make
General Engineer Schubert of some good music.
the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk
is the great cry now in
company was seen on the streets the Room
Central building. One ser­
ies of classes recite in the hall-1
way, and five classes recite in
Conductor Bilbrey of the Ore­ the
office. More room is suerly
gon Electric Passenger service,
has moved his family to Forest needed.
Grove and taken up residence in
the Hughes Cottage.
A Remarkable Sale
W. E. Andrews, of Spokane. F or S ale —Six new dining
Wash., was looking over ‘ the chairs for 50c—you furnish the
prettiest town in Oregon” last chairs and I’ll furnish the new-
Monday. Mr. Andrews express ness.
ed himself as most favorably i—- Call for me at Ge-. G. Pater-
Forest Gmve r. son'- furn t r stor *.
ch :: am el
g tenit'.r.
The “AURORA”, a handsome heating stove, with
bronze urn and full nickle trim. Swing top. Remov­
able front panel with nickle screw. Draft Register
and Hot Blast Attachment. Nickle foot rail,
splendid heater which will give sure satisfaction.
range is carefully m a d e
throughout of “Hammered
Planished Steel”, the finest ■ r - 1
grade that is made, manu­ Y S t ó 'T . ' f - ' v
jC" .■
factured especially f o r
these stoves. The oven is
strong and rigid and i t s jfcjs—'
construction such as to insure the best possible results in
baking. The flue box is cast iron, extra iarge, with ample
opening; the damper is very simple and impossible to burn
out; reservoirs are porcelain lined. All ranges are full At;, . i
nickle trim and will STAND THE TEST OF WEAR.
MT rt-
f S
■ -«jPw t
Charter Oak and
“Wood” Superior
Stand at the head of all com­
petitors. Give a greater a-
mount of heat at a lower ex­
penditure for fuel. Come in
and examine them.
u *
$75.00 Rotary Sewing
Machine with 10 year
Factory Guarantee
GEO. Furniture
and Piano*
$45.00 Sewing Machine
with 10 year Guarantee
Forest Grove, Ore.
cold and cough
I Never Said It!! Stop that
A. D. S. Cold Tablets,
I never »aid that
A. D. S. Cough Remedy
T. J. 0.
Is the dope that does the work
is the best flour
ever made, but I
did say that I be­
lieve ‘T. J. 0 .” is
as good a flour as
is made or sold
in all the state
of Oregon.
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store
If you are interested in read­
ing the news, read the Press.