Your neignbor can’t under­ o f knowledge. Two high schools in Washing­ stand why you’ re not just like ton county are entirely inade­ iiim. PROFESSIONAL quate to its present requirements, d i r e c t o r y I without looking at the needs of Have you faith in the future of the future. Then again, the ex­ the country? There are possibil - 1 _____ pense o f attending either o f the ¡lies near home. two is frequently a bar to the prospective student who must | Is your trail hard to anticipate? W . M. Langley & Son come from a distance and board Good roads medicine is a sure Law yers Entered at the poet office at Foiest Grove, Ogn 9^' claSS OpeiatOlS, engaged in close proximity to the school. remedy for that. as mail matter of the second cla s. ¡in other lines o f endeavor, who Facilities for the securing o f would be only too pleaded to re knowledge along t h e higher Forest Grove, Ogn. T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n He who receives a, good turn enter the active telegraph field, branches should be convenient to CASH IN AD V AN C E he who should never forget i were working conditions and re­ the pupil, and by the adopting of One Year $1.00 - Six Months .76 the County High School Fund does one should never emember J. N. Hoffman muneration satisfactory. law, these facilities will be as­ it. We see no cause for surprise A ttorney-at-Lam Display advertisements for publica­ sured. Collections »nd all business entrusted • tion in the PRESS must be in this office in the lack of enthusiasm among sriven prom pt attention. Attorney a 1 * In most cases, it would be eas­ Grove Collection The counties of Linn and Lane A gency. * lur ttst not later than Tuesday evening to in­ the younger generation for the ier for a man to marry the girl have adopted this law, and each i so-called art. Education lias ad O/Sce-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave sure appearance in current issue. vanced considerably in the last of these counties has established he loves if it weren’ t for compe­ Ind. Phone 502 Forest Gray, j ten years, and the teh gi aph field fourteen country high schools tition. W hy j no longer appears the mecca to since voting in the law, and they | the young and ambitious that it have found that they can pay the County Division? Are you willing to undertake H. W . Vollmer, M. D. An important issue to be de­ | once did. Ordinary labor is paid tuition o f eve ry boy and girl in the impossible and make of it a P hysician and Surgeon cided at the polls next Tuesday more,as a rule, in this land of the the county who wishes to attend signal success? Stop knocking high school, on a half mill levy, west, than the average operator Office in Abbott Bldg. the city. is the question o f county division. Both Phones Forest Grovi Oglu Not only important to the people receives, , , , .. so w h y , therefore, ar.d in addition, the students o f Washington county, but to the shou'd *he y °un* 1111111 or womar' have the advantage o f being at residents o f eight other counties spend from two to nve years ot home, thus mai l g a large sav­ O. W . Humphrey in the state, as well. We are i the best part o f his or her life in ing of expense to their parents. The County High School Fund, frank to admit that we are not acquiring the art(?), working at jprn itdraati Jlttorncy-at-Law as familiar with the issues as we a nominal salary while engaged law should be adopted by Wash- j in assimilating the necessary ington county. It will mean no O ffic e - K. P. Bldg. Phone ^ Roe and Rockers—all kinds at would desire to be, and what Forest Grove, Oregon knowledge we have gained, has knowledge, only to meet with additional burden o f heavy taxa Co. tf been secured througn such ob­ disappointment and disillusion­ tion, it mill mean no expensive Mayor Peterson was an over servation and study o f the var­ ment at the end, v. hen, in the and ornate buildings no costly Dr. O. H. Scheetz same lenutli o f time, a practical apparatus or high-salaried in­ Sunday visitor in Portland. ious phases as can be acquired and profitable trade can he ac­ structors. its adoption will mean ChiropraClic Spinologist by perusal of exchanges and the E. W. Haines was a business quired, and one which will fur­ better opportunities for better Portland dailies. Specialist in nervous diseases, lung trcubla. visitor in Portland Saturday. rheumatism, in fa ct all diseases. The point in particular that nish the necessary living wage, education, the continued and re­ “ Superior” stoves and ranges strikes us as peculiar speaking providing the comforts, and some fining influence o f home life, and Office next to LaCourse's store for Washington county, is that o f the pleasures of life during a future citizen hip o f Washing­ have no superior. Sold by Hin- ton county properly equipped to the voters of the entire state are the apprenticeship man, the Hardware man. tf W . H. Hoiiis If the company in question handle the problem o f life. to be perrr.itteu to vote upon a Scott Smith, a rancher o f the question which alFects tnis county will pay the equivalent o f the A tlorney-al-tc -aw Dii ley section, was a : usiness vis­ only. It would certainly seem work required, they need not X 35 4 —Yes itor in the Grove Mon,lay. impossible that residents o f a seek far for competent and effi­ For G ood Reads distant portion o f the state are cient help, and there will be no Forest Grove, Cgn. Oregon must have good roads V. H. Limber has had a cement thoroughly acquainted with the necessity o f the ceaseless endeav­ situation in this county, and in a or to secure material for telegraph and the voters at the coming e- curbing constructed along the lection will have the chance to frontage o f his residence proper­ W . Q. 1 ucker, M. D. position to vote intelligently upon students. vote for an amendment to the ty. P h ysician and Surgeon a matter directly affecting the constitution which will result in future welfare o f Washington Still Shy o f B. Ingebrigtson, the Cornelius Diseases o f Women A Specialty the easiest accomplishment o f county. Dr. Brown’s Old Office good roads in many o f the coun­ Feed and Flour man, was attend­ G ood Sidewalks An initiative measure will be ing to business in the Grove Satur­ Main Street, Forest Grot e, Ore. We feel assured that it is due ties o f the state. This amend­ day. submitted to the voters Tuesday, ment is backed by the Good which will leave the matter o f to no lack o f good intention upon Roads association and endorsed by changing the boundaries o f any the part o f our property owners, Watches, clocks and jewelry re­ Victor H. Limber the State Grange. It will permit county in the hands o f the voters but rather a case o f ‘ Mr. Mean to F un eral D ir ecto r and counties to incur a debt o f more paired in the right way at right residing in the affected territory. Meanto” which is delnying the prices. Arthur Shearer, Main than $5,000 if the money is to be Modern Equipments We think it advisable to vote in repairs absolutely necessary to a used in the construction o f per­ Street. tf C h a p e l, 1 orest Giove the affirmative u;.on this measure number o f walk within the cor manent roads providing a major­ and vote down t,.e present county porate limits. This matter o f J. G. Lenneville is another pro­ ity of the voters o f the county division schemes. Get the situa­ civic improvement has been act gressive citizen who is improv­ vote to incur the debt. tion within contt ol, and then de­ ed upon by the city council at a ing his residence property by Dr. C. E. Eockmann The amendment makes county cide whether or not Multnomah not very recent date, and, as means of a cement curb. Chiropractor county shall have a portion o f was thought at the time, neces­ bonding for road building pos­ sible. The bond issue method Consultation Free sary and sufficient action taken Washington county. will be taken advantage o f by V ote 3 00 A. Yes Office next door to Forest Grove Pre* Another reason, although o f to insure the speedy rehabilita­ Home office; 151 East 28 St., Portland course we are not insinuating, tion o f all walks in ill repute, and, many counties, but no county The Oregon Equal Suffrage A s­ will do it unless a majority o f the whv county division should be as a consequence, a number o f voters call for it. Washington sociation, which represents near­ discouraged, is that it looks like the most dangerous have been county will want to take advant­ ly 4U,000 affiliated auherents in there is a proverbial “ nigger in restored to a condition o f safety. W. I. ft. Beach age o f the right to bond for good the Slate, received b y official the woodpile” behind each and It is not the stretch o f poor count at the election o f 1908 ti e Fire and Life Insurance every county division proposition walk runni’ g from ten feet to roads and therefore should vote affirmative o f nearly 37,000 men. Written to be acted upon. Some town the length o f a biock which holds for the amencment. Even if The Association claims that it Washington cout ty never cares with a “ county seat” ambition, such menace for the pedestrian, never has been “ defeated” as its If you don’ t insure with me some one or more men, or groups for once discerned, a future care­ to avail itself o f the opportunity opponents alege, because women to get good roans, its voters o f men, with an axe to grind, or ful lookout would naturally be W E BOTH LOSE have never been allowed to vote some with political aspirations, kept for that particular length o f should help pass the bill in order upon the question at all. It’s Ex­ can quickly find support to agi­ walk. It is the loose board here that other progressive counties ecutive Commitiee passed at North First Street, near Main tate the disruption of a county. and there, lying, like an unseen may be allowed to partake o f its the October meeting, a unani­ Vote X354—Yes, Forest Grove, Cre. Such influence may come from snag in the river’ s channel, to advantages. mous vo e of tlianks to the iess within or without. If the for­ trip the unsuspecting; or perhaps for good roads. than a doze wtaahy and non- mer, we can simply term it what a wide crack, into which one’s pro ucing women “ antis” and Mrs. M. A. Thomas it is—secession; and secession of feet would slip; or again, it may Here’s Luck their today satellites who pose as a most deplorable kind, for it is, be an abrupt termination o f the to the Local Man 'the best people’ ' for having pub­ Fashionable Drcosmanv as a general rule, fostered by planking, but a continuation o f lished at tiieir own expense in We searched most diligently, Cor. 2nd. SC and 1st. Ave. South. jealousy and disappointed ambi­ the stringers, resulting to the un­ tion. If from the latter, then wary foot traveler in a severe even using a magnifying glass, the Voters Pamphlet, the Con­ Forest Grove, Oregon still we were unable to locate it, stitution as it stands at present, we figure there is an axe to grind, jar, if not a more serious fall. side by side with the Suffrage and had about come to the con­ o f some nature or other, and the It is these seemingly small de­ voters o f a county should lie as fects which call for attention, clusion that some one maliciously Ameniiinent which speaks for it­ O regon Electric Time Card antis” are fight­ wary o f such influence as a bank and attention o f a prompt and inclined had deliberately stolen self. These ing the Amendment because it it, having run short o f goat feed, burglar is o f the concealed alarms eradicating character, for if per- ARRIVES LEAVES County division does not appeal mitted to continue, they will or else desirh g it as a souvenir, opens the way wide ei ough to ad­ at Portlüf Forest Grove to us, personally, under any cir- grow, and expand, and propa­ when suddenly we discovered it; mit all women to the ballot box, 8 :0 0 » o 6:50 a m and provides a special clause, pro but to no avail, we simply located cumstances, and we propose to gate, until one will o f a neces- 9:50 *m 8:40 a m viding for their protection as tax­ 11:40*0 vote accordingly, not only as re- sity lie compelled to keep to the it’ s usual place, only to be in­ 10:30 a m payers if at any time they show d formed that on account o f the 1:30 p o 12:20 p m garding the proposed handing middle of the road in order to 2:50 p » 1:40 p m over to Multnomah o f a portion avoid the pitfalls concealed in the great amount o f ; dvertising it desire to vote. They are also 5:20 p o 4:10 p m had been given over to the local worried lest the Supieme Couit o f Washington county, but also sidewalks. 8:10 p * 7:00 p m man. should dec la; e the Amendment as affecting the other county di­ But little effort is required to 10 -.50 p » 9:45 p m Probably the local man was too unconstitutional when adopted. vision schemes which will appear correct this evil, for as such can The Amendment provides for arrives it be classed, and if each and busy last week to properly handle upon the ballot. LEAVES ¡every property owner will act it, but we look for great things the elimination o f t h e word Forest G n ** P o r tla n d without further delay or hesita­ in th efu tu e. Here’s luck to the "w hite” from the State Consti­ 8 :1 5 » » 7:05 a m Help W anted! tion, the resulting safety to the local man, and we trust that he tution, and will, when adopted, 9:40»* 8:30 a m A pply W e it e m Union 11:30*» 10:20 a m public in general and the citizens will feed it something more sub­ make it conform to the Constitu­ stantial than essays on gasolene tion o f the United States. 1:20 p* 12:10 p m Ash- > n particular will be most grati­ A report appears in the 3:20 p» 2:10 p m stoves, masterpieces anent the The Equal Suffrage Association 4:40 po land Tidings o f October 24, o f fying. r . Bear in mind that “ Ex- onion crop, or the ethics o f card is taking no part in any o f the 3:30 p m 6:40 p® the visit to that city o f District amPle 18 always much more effi playing by women, secured a la political strife that rages among 5:30 p m j- * • i n • a 1 . TT n n n iA n a t L nrt rtM.t/ws U , , J _ _ , 9:36 p» 8:25 p m Commercial Superintendent E. cacious than precept,” and act grapevine, etc., etc. ad lib. different organizations ot o f men. Boening and Traffic Superintend­ accordingly. Its adherents offer, as their most ent Geo. D. Hood, both gentlemen Only lU ll Buy not silk while you owe for ur8T®nt demand for its adoption, Saturday Lv» Portland 11 JO p ra —Ar. F.Q. having charge of the interests o f For More the self evident fact that the dis­ Sunday only milk Lv* P..G. 3:80 p m— Ar. at PortHrrf**» the Western Union Telegraph franchised labor o f wage earning and Better Education Company in Oregon. women comes into ruinous com­ In what we presume to have Every man who casts a ballot petition with the wages o f both been an interview with Mr. on November 8 should not neg­ men and women, and they re­ Boening by a representative o f lect to vote in favor o f the County spectfully urge every honorable Fear o f failure is father of the Tidings, that gentleman is High School Fund. T o much an to remove this obstacle to is equipped to do tfc$ said to have expressed surprise cannot be accomplished in an failure. I rosoe. ity and happiness by that young men and women do educational way, and every fa­ marring his ballot 300 X i ES. better kind of printaf not take advantage of the oppor­ cility should be afforded the ris­ An untried friend is an un- M ake O regon F ree . and we CAN DO A j tunities which are open to them ing generation in its assimilation cracked nut. —Paid Adv. to become proficient in theart(?) ot telegraphy, seeing that it is Published & Edited by such a growing and inviting field G . E. S E C O U R for youthful energies. in the City of We wonder if Superintendent F orest G r o v e , O regon , Boening hands out that same line THURSDAY o f EACH WEEK. o f “ salve” at every stopping point, for it can be nothing but I ndependent P hones “ salve,” when one stops to con- O ffice 505 R esidence 231 sider that there are any number F o r e s t G r o v e P r e s s [¡ROUNDTHETOWN! The “ Press”