ILLINOIS CENTRAL IN HUGE LAWSUIT JS5L mm iß ìi *10 Stockholders Sue Directors for Many Millions »8 [Vii Thro’ T te e Elgin Means Right on Tim e Elgin Watches are Unsurpassed in Accuracy & Quality Features Sold by Arthur Shearer The Main St. Jeweler FASHION STABLES jfr A . Brown, Prop. Commercial Trade Solicited Spscial Conveyances Over the Wilson River Route to Tillamook Horses Bought, Sold and Exchanged Ind. 744 Phones Pac. 33 Forest Grove, Ore. ALW AYS PLEASED ÊÊÊ < A ttorney, H o ld in g P r o x ie s , G a in s A c ­ cess to M e e tin g and S e r v e s S u b p o e n a s o n [All. Chicago—Stockholders of the Illinois Central railroad company were given a lively half hour at their annual meet­ ing through the efforts o f Attorney Maxwell Edgar. Holders representing 784.866 shares of stock were present. Mr. Edgar ar­ rived, armed with proxies for 60 shares, which enabled him to take part in the meeting. He was accompanied by two deputy sheriffs, who added to the confusion by serving subpoenas on the various directors in every lull in the meeting. The subpoenas were in a suit for $10,000,000 damages, which Mr. Ed­ gar, constituting himself an attorney for the road, started in the Circuit court when he filed a praecipe in the case. The defendants to the suit are directors of the road whom Edgar seeks to hold responsible for alleged financial loss through car repair “ graft,” general mismanagement and alleged rebating. While the two deputies were making things interesting in the meeting, half a dozen others guarded exits from the Park Row building, Mr. Edgar fear­ ing that some o f the directors might attempt to evade service. This pre­ caution proved superfluous. Three resolutions were introduced by the militant attorney. All were lost by overwhelming votes. He denounced the present management o f the road, made the charge chat its directors are incompetent and that its financial statements are juggled, and that its officials are dishonest and violating the interstate commerce law. His first resolution,^ as in support of these charges and called for an inde­ pendent investigation o f the board by a committee o f prominent stockhold­ ers. He was voted down. A second resolution demanded that all directors who were not residents o f Illinois be ousted on the ground that the constitu­ tion of the state prohibits the present proportion of outsiders on the board. This resolution was voted down with­ out the formality of a roll call. On his third and last attempt Mr. Edgar proposed a resolution asking that suit be brought against [James T. Harahan, president of the road, and the estate o f the late Ira G. Rawn, who was vice president before the car repair scandal came to light, on charges of gross neglect, criminal lax­ ity and culpable negigence. This res­ olution was buried under another aval­ anche o f contrary votes. M A N Y S H IP S W R E C K E D . G u lf C o a s t S t o r m P la y s S h ip p in g . That's the verdict of those who patronize OUR GROCERY O u r Stock Is C om plete O u r C lerks A r e C o u rte o u s O u r P rices A r e L o w Let Us Please You, Too H . T . Giltner Ind. Phone 701 Pac. States 26 Main Street Forest Grove H a v o c W ith Key West, Fla., O ct 20.—Three ves­ sels sunk, one steamer ashore and an­ other disabled is a total of the d’ aasters to shipping in the tropical hurricane which swept the West Indies and the southern section o f the United States reported here. Several lighthouses along the* coast have been reported dark. Here and at St. Augustine the storm is abating, but no word has been re­ ceived from other places and condi­ tions are not known. This city has not been in communication with Southern Florida points for three days. Much anxiety is felt about Miami. The wind was still blowing 75 miles an hour there today, but the barometer was rising. Early this morning the sloop Frolic was dashed to pieces against the sea wall and a power launch was sunk, but no lives were lost. The Norwegian steamer Fos, from Port Tampa, October 12, for Europe, via Norfolk, is ashore off Doca Grande island. Her crew o f 18 has arrived here. The American steamer Herman Fraach, from New York, for Sabine, Tex., is disabled off Alligator Key lighthouse. * Arizonans Would Be Radical. Phoenix, Ari*.— Making up for time lost in getting ready for business, del­ egates in the constitutional convention introduced 28 proposals. One o f these would render all public offices subject to recall. Two provide drastic incor­ poration regulations designed to curb Letter Heads. Envelopes, trust combinations and stop the thriv­ Business Cards, Calling ing trade in Arisona charters. Others will limit the number o f bills intro­ Cards, Statements, Bill duced in the legislature and restrict Heads, Circulars, and the railroad commission o f the new state to five members, who would not lything else that can be pro- have free transportation. The Press Prints BALLOONISTS MAY BE LOST, Canned Goods T h re e R a c e r * H a v e D r o p p e d in L a k e s o r in C a n a d ia n W ild s. SL Louis, Oct. 22.—Relief expedi­ tions to search for the pilots andjaides of the three missing balloons, Azurea, Düsseldorf II and America II, which started in the international race here, will be started^from Toronto tomorrow if no news is received from the aero­ nauts before that time. This an­ nouncement was made tonight by offi­ cials of the Aero club o f St. Louis. The situation in reference to the un­ reported balloons assumed a most ser­ ious aspect tonight. It is believed here that the men have landed some­ where in the wilds o f Canada, where they may be the victims o f starvation before succor can reach themmm. The German balloon Germania, Cap­ tain Hugo von Abercron, pilot, and August Blankertz,.aide, landed at Coo- coocaah, Quebec, 179 miles north of Quebec, Wednesday morning. This is approximately 1,195 jmiles and may mean that all world’s records have been broken. The Aero Club tonight called upon General James Allen, chief of the United States Signal corps at Wash­ ington, D. C., to have the revenue cutters patroling the Great Lakes look for wreckage in Lake Huron. Steam­ ship companies which have vessels ply­ ing Lake Huron and Georgian Bay have been requested to join in the search. Th* Ontario government, through its lieutenant governor, J. M. Gibson, to­ night notified the club that it would assist in the search for the missing men. The Hudson Bay company also has replied favorably to the request for assistance sent from here today. It was announced tonight that a rep­ resentative of the Aero Club would be sent to Toronto to organize the relief expeditions. F IF T Y W . F. Schultz Market and Grocery f « , Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Fish and Vegetables of All Kinds 'STRENGTH t Free Delivery to All Parts of City ■ ÇvAH!iiAunRft& P U R IT Y Both Phones Pac. A ve Forest Grove fOITlAftO, Cash Paid for All Farm Produce Booth Jewelry Co. T h e B ig S t o r e Pacific Avenue P A C IF IC Forest Grove, Ore. ^|||j .. ................... | IN S U R A N C E HOME COM PANY MUTUAL FIRE M E N S T I L L M IS S IN G . PRINCIPAL OFFICE. FOREST GROVE, OREGON R e p o r t s R e c e iv e d S o F a r S h o w T o - ' tal o f 13 D r o w n e d in S h ip w r e c k s . W ill Save You M o re T h a n Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 22. — Only! the disasters at sea remain to be count­ ed in obtaining complete reports of the j damage done by the great hurricane which swept this state early this week. Although wire and rail communication has not been restored to many cities | in the state, including Miami and Key West, all points for which ^ears were ! entertained have been heard from and all weathered the big blow in fairly good shape. Thirteen drowned in shipwrecks is the most authentic count at hand, in­ cluding those reported on both coasts o f Florida. Word came from St. Augustine that three dead had been found in the wreck of an unidentified four-masted schooner near Detray. The missing total at least 50, in­ cluding the crew of nine on the oil barge Dallas, which broke adrift from her tow in 100-mile blow. A T H L E T IC 25 P er C ent If you want up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy plumbing fixtures installed, or repairs mad*, get in touch with the practical plumber H. L. DECKERT Shop 431 Independent Phone* Pacific Avenue Residence 4525 Forest Grove, Oregon THIS IS THE MIN YOU NEED F A N IS S U IC ID E . If the hoofs o f your horse need to be shod. I have the metal, the knowledge, the skill and the will­ ingness to put your horses right when they need a firm footing. I also do General Blacksmithing, anything and everything. B o y Q u it s J o b to S e a G a m e ; W h e n P a re n ts S c o ld , H a n g s Se lf. Philadelphia — Excitement over the world’s series between the Chicago Nationals and the Philadelphia Amer­ icans, it is said, was the cause o f sui­ cide o f Frank Ayers, 15 years old. Ayers was a delivery boy in a depart­ ment store, and when he was refused permission to absent himself to see the game here, the boy gave up his posi­ tion. When his parents learned that the lad had quit work, the boy was sent to bed without his supper. Later, | he was found hanging to a balustrade, having used a sheet for a noose. 1 Joe Lenneville Hom e Baking Co. A ir s h ip S c a r e s F ish e rm e n . Noank, Conn.— When the auxiliary ! fishing achooner Ada Bell put in here j I the crew told of a narrow escape they I | had, o f being hit by the equiiibrator of | the Wellman airship. Captain Chria- tophaen said that they were fishing Jnn I Nantucket shoals when a large dark object appeared, which they took to be I a heavy bank of fog. As the object approached, however, they saw some ! thing bumping along on top of the wa­ ter, and the motor was started just in time to get the boat out of the way as the airship passed. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day W e sell 6 loaves of bread for 2 5 ^ Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Pacific Avenue Try our invigorating and refreshing S O D A with pure crushed fruita for flavoring. You are not limited to crushed fruita, how- . ever. Ou» C h o c o l a t * I c i C r k a m S o d a s and N ut S undaes are simply delicious. W . E. Prickett Fifty Drown in Shipwreck. Two day* ago Luccheni went violently p a g e r s were rvacoed. bat It lls^bc Forest Grove YOU AUTO Famous Hotel Bankrupt. New York— The Hoffman House, at Broadway and Twenty-fifth street, one of New York’ s moat famous hotels, was thrown into bankruptcy. Judge I Bolt, in the Federal court, appointed a receiver with authority to continue! business, and it was said that the whole matter soon would be adjust« d by a reorganization. New Orleans — A cablegram from iced with ink and paper. Let Rio Janeiro to the Picayune aayai S la y e r o f E m p r e s s D ies. have your next order. We Geneva— Luigi Luccheni, who as­ "T h e steamship Wally was wrecked ________________________ near the lighthouse at Arroaale#, off ----------- ill deliver you a satisfactory and sassinated the empress o f Austria in Para, and is a total lose. Some of the ; _ . .< 1898, committed suicide here in prison. A n Artistic Job J Call or Telephone Your Orders ^ 0 8 0 1 1 0 6 lieved that nearly SO were « t a if sc Are. Forest Grove for the PRESS, now t