Don’ t forget the Girls Coats at Our salvation is not in sacrifice, for it holds forth but disappoint­ Anderson’ s. but in production. ment and hard work. But few Published & Edited by o f the many can hope to rise.and T. J. O. Thacher is reported to G . E. S E C O U R then only after years o f arduous be getting along nicely. A woman’s smile will subju­ in the City o f and brain destroying labor. F okest G rove , O r e g o n , gate the sternest o f the male sex. A fine line o f brass beds, plain THURSDAY o f EACH WEEK and ornamental at the furniture Good Roads Amendment A good investment is frequent­ house o f Roe and Co. tf I ndependent P hones Should Have Your Support ly the one a fellow doesn't make. O ffice 505 R esidence 231 Ella and Beverly Sharp, o f The amendment allowing coun­ Vancouver, Wash., visited Sun­ Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ogn ties to bond for permanent roads, The trouble with most o f us is as mail matter o f the second class. which will appear on the ballot that we are critical rather than day at the home o f Mrs. Sparks in this city. November 8th, should have the constructive. T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n hearty support o f every voter in Prof. DuMez o f Pacific Univer­ CASH IN ADVANCE Washington county. sity, accompanied b y Harry One Year $1.00 - Six Months 75 Some people always act as if Harding, made a hunting trip to The section o f the state consti­ Display advertisements for publica­ tution relative to counties incurr­ they thought they could tiptoe Tualatin Saturday. tion in the PRESS must be in this office ing debt, as it now stands, reads: their way into heaven. E. M. Wagner, o f San Fran­ not later than Tuesday evening to in­ “ No county shall create any debts or cisco, was an over Sunday visitor liabilities which shall singly or in the sure appearance in current issue. The men who always boast with his brother, J. C. Wagner, aggregate exceed the sum o f five thous­ and dollars, except U> suppress insur­ o f voting the ticket straight are the popular blacksmith o f the rection or repel invasion, but the debts largely responsible for the crook­ As To Lenneville shop. o f any county at the time this con­ Telegraphy stitution takes effect shall be disregard­ edness in politics. Haskell Ferrin was seen get­ ed in estimating the sum to which each We note, with considerable county is limited.” ting off an Oregon Electric car “ I am not bound to win, but I Sunday night. Been to Portland, amusement, the alluring prospect It is proposed to amend this held forth in the advertisment o f section so as to read as follows: am bound to be true; I am not we presume; possibly into our bound to succeed, but I am proud sister state, Washington. a certain school o f telegraphy, “ Section 10: Article X I : No county which is appearing in several of shall create any debts or liabilities to live up to what light I have.” A b r a h a m L in c o l n our exchanges. Three lines in which shall singly or in the aggregate $50 cash buys a paid up certif­ particular, “ positions pay begin­ exceed the sum o f five thousand dollars, icate o f scholarship in the Inter­ except to suppress insurrection or re­ ners from $70 to $90 per monnh, pel invasion, or t o build permanent The habit o f smoking costs the national Correspondence Schools with good chances for advance­ roads within the county, but debts for American people millions o f dol­ o f Scranton,Pa.,good for any $75 ment,’ ’ are enough to excite the permanent roads shall be incurred only lars each year, but did vou ever course. Inquire P ress office, tf on approval o f a majority o f those vot­ risabilities, but the advertisment see a man who had saved a for­ ing on the question,r’ in its entirety is laughable to an tune by not smoking. Write me about that carpet or This amendment will permit of extreme. rug so I can call and get it next $70 to $90 a month for begin­ the people o f Washington county Sometimes the biggest and time I come in. ners! What wonld they have pledging the credit o f the county I ra T. M ills , Carpet weaver. one believe an expert receives, in order to secure funds with brightest hoe does the least exe- Banks, Oregon. R 2 51-2t. which to build permanent roads, cution. twice, or three times, or four times, that amount? And how o f which the county is badly in Oliver Huston, a former stu­ long do they consider it neces­ need, for all o f the road mileage dent o f Pacific, who has in re­ The chap who decides to stick which has already been construct­ sary for one to study the art of it out is the one who makes the cent years been prominent in U. Telegraphy before being capable ed. o f 0 . athletic circles has matricu­ hit with the fans back o f him. The question as to whether or o f receiving that munificent sal­ lated at Yale University. not the county should incur obli­ ary as a beginner? And t h e gation in order to construct per­ chances for advancement. De­ Miss Manche Langley enter­ Down in South Africa they are cidedly alluring, w e presume manent roads, would be submit­ investigating the American mule. tained t h e Fleur-de-Lis Club ted to a vote o f the residents, and From Telegraph Operator t o The undertaking business is sure Monday evening at the new President in six months—a la A l­ the decision o f the majority abid­ to enjoy a boom. Langley home on Third avenue. ed by. Bonds, warrants, or any ger, Optic, or some other famous The affair was, to a certain ex­ form o f obligation desired, for authority. tent, a housewarming, and a any length o f time and at any The cistern into which noth­ We thought we knew practi­ rate o f interest, deemed advis­ ing goes is soon pumped dry. most delightful and enjoyable cally all there is to the “ Art of evening was passed. Telegraphy?’ ’ including salary, able, may be issued, under the The life into which no good is provisions o f this amendment, by put never yields any good. Rosewurm and Molton have advancement, and all the rest of the people o f the county. sold to D. L. Smith o f Clackamas, the “ allurements.” But as usu­ This amendment should bevot al, we still have something to Edison has invented a refriger­ Ore., the Martin Hart farm of ed upon, in the affirmative, by learn. ator that does not need ice. We 80 acres, situated in the Green every registered voter o f t h e If there are any who contem­ county, as it will give Washing­ know a number o f people who Mountain district. Mr. Smith plate the study of the “ A rt?” , ton county the opportunity to are on the order o f refrigerators, has already taken possession, just a few words o f enlighten­ build permanent roads on a scale so cool that ice wouldn’ t have the and will at once set out five acres to apple trees. Mr. Smith has ment will not come amiss. It greater in extent than could be slightest effect on them. gieat faith in the productiveness takes from three to five years to done under the present methods, o f Washington county soil, which become fairly proficient in the and prolong the cost over a per­ China will probably be the is fully warrented. gentle art o f “ jerking lightening iod o f time that will make pay­ stage for the next production o f through the humming strings o f ment easy and equal. the revolutionary drama. That’ s copper,” and nearer ten years to A Knockers’ Contest why all the almond-eyed sons o f become an expert. Salaries paid old “ Con” in America are work­ Hey all ye k n ockers!! ! I have beginners in commercial offices With Apologies ing so strenuosly at the wash tub just put on a “ Knocking Contest” average $5 per week, with rating To Walt Mason at Geo. G. Patterson’s Furniture and ironing board. as third class. In railroad offices store. This world is long and dreary, about $40 per month; classifica­ Drop in there right away and tion, agent’s helper. Top salar­ and our eyes are growing bleary, The thing that goes the farthest towards try vour hammer on some o f my Making life worth while, ies, or salaries for strictly first from the many evils we’ ve be- class operators, i n commercial ield, in this fair town o f hills That costs the least and does the most, varnish. ju st a pleasant smile. Y ou’ ll find it takes something offices, $75 to $95 per month, but and dells. And although we fain I t ’ Is s full o f worth and goodness, too. more than a blow from a ham­ few getting it. Average salary expression would make, we fear W ith hearty kindness blent, mer to make a white spot or some profits it would take. We first class $70 per month. Rail­ I t ’ s worth a million dollars, and it cause my varnish to chip, crack Doesn’ t cost a cent. road offices, outside o f relay, (now ’ tis so, but we need the or powder off from the wood. where salary will rank, in major­ dough, and, besides, we lack the Then after knocking M y V ar ­ ity o f cases, with commercial nerve, to whack the keepers of Way down in Massachusetts, offices o f first class, $55 minimum the burg. So we stall along from says Success, there was a dedica­ nish go home and a iply the same east o f the rockies to $75 mini­ day to day, and nothing much tion o f a new fire engine, which test to your floors or piano. CHI-NAMEL mum west. Maximum pay $65 to ourselves do say. But that in the was a big event in a little town. $95. The highest salaries paid swim we may remain, and still The toast propossd was: “ May to telegraphers today is in the our fair name keep from stain, she be like the dear old maids o f press and brokerage service on we must, forsooth, fall back upon our village; always ready but the commercial end, and to train that threadbare, wornout, good Character Li t eli Artist to Ap- dispatchers in the railroad line. old con, that always has, and al­ never called fo r.” pear at K. of P. Hail Under But what’ s the use o f sermoniz­ ways will remain a stayer; great the Ausrices cf K. of ing on those branches; it takes old scout,our friend, “ Taxpayer.” P.Nr t Fri. Oct. 28 years o f hard work, spent in the The San Jose Mercury o f August 22 gaining o f practical experience You, Mister or Madam, who says: and knowledge, before the oper­ own that piece o f property which “ Mr. LeRey has traveled over the ator can hope to rise to top rank, has a poor sidewalk i n front, United States several times and is one and by that time the one-time should make a few repairs. Rockers -a ll kinds at Roe and student will probably have be­ ’ Twont take but a little time and Co. tf come disgusted and quit the ‘ ‘A rt” a few pennies to place it in a Frank Pauli, o f Reedville, was for something more lucrative. safe condition. Why not get Our advice is not to be influ­ busy now; today? Tie a string renewing old acquaintancee a t enced by misleading advertise­ on your finger so you won’ t for­ Pacific last week. ments, but g o apprentice your­ get. Miss Manche Langley spent self to a bricklayer or carpenter, Sunday with her brother and his a milliner o r dressmaker, and Man is a peculiar, a very pecu­ wife, in Portland. you will have more, and be te t­ liar proposition when dealing 'S x “ Superior” stoves and ranges ter satisfied, in the end; for there are hundreds o f expert telegraph­ with woman. Statesman or dip­ have no superior. Sold by Hin- ers scattered throughout the lomat. artist or sculptor, mechan n an. the Hardware man. tf United States, who, if the reim- ic or student, laborer or capitalist, placed in close association with bursments offered were equiva­ Watches, clocks and jewelry re- ¿¿ft >. A- lent to the services demanded, a pretty woman becomes either paired in the right way at right a driveling idiot or a cumbersome would gladly re-enter the field. prices. Arthur Shearer, Main \ As to wireless, well, one must clown. Street. tf first be proficient in their know­ „ . . .... , , o f the most interesting talkers that ledge o f Morse and its handling Airs. L A. Littler and daught- ever faced a San Jose audience. ’ ’ There is work that is work,and ovee metallic circuits, before as­ play that is play; there }s play er Florence were over Sunday most impressive remarks are tinted piring to a post as wireless oper­ that is work, and there is work visitors in Portland with Mrs. J*'th « <*rt»in dry hum or.which is all hls own »nd which holds the undivided ator. And, although the know­ that is play—and in only one o f T i t t lo r ’ o Lltuer 3 mother. attention o f his listeners.” ledge and experience required is these lies happiness. Favorable comments have appeared more complex, remuneration is R. A. Phelps has purchased in nearly every prominent publication decidedly lower, $30 t o $40 a the W. E. Prickett confectionery in the J n trd States in reference to month, with board, being aver­ Eve was created from Adam — and ice-cream parlors and will Mr. LeRoy. Mr. LeRoy will deliver age wage. and Adam's dependents have try his hand at handing out the o fV hHalltaoct ' ace*’ K’ ' t p. m. Admis- F o r e s t G r o v e P r e ss MERPHT LEROY [ around THE town ] PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY W. M. Langley & Son Lawyers Forest Grove, Ogn. J. N. Hoffman A ttorney-at-Law Collections and all business entrusted to m Kiven prompt attention. Attorney for For*»«» Grove Collection Agency. Office-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove H. W. Vo)Imer, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogri. O. W. Humphrey y l ttorney-at-Law Office-K. P. Bldg. Phone 644 Forest Grove, Oregon Dr. O. H. Scheetz Chiropractic Spinologist Specialist in nervous diseases, lung trouble, rheumatism, in fact all diseases. Office next to LaCourse’s store W. H. Hollis A ttorney-at-Law¿ Forest Grove, Ogn. W. Q. Tucker, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Diseases o f Women A Specialty Dr. Brown’s Old Office Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore. Victor H. Limber Funeral Director and Emkalmer Modern Equipments Chapel, Forest Grove Dr. C. E. Bockmann Chiropractor Consultation Free Office next door to Forest Grove Press Home office; 151 East 28 St., Portland W . I. R . B ea ch Fire and Life Insurance Written If you don’t insure with me WE BOTH LOSE North First Street, near Main Forest Grove, Ore. Mrs. M. A. Thomas Fashionable D r e s s m ^ Cor. 2nd. S t' and 1st. Ave. South. Forest Grove, Oregon Oregon Electric Time Card LEAVES Foreet Grove 6:50 a m 8:40 a m 10:30 a m 12.2'J p ni 1:40 p m 4:10 p m 7:00 p m 9:45 p m LEAVES Portland ARRIVES at Port »«I 8:00 i- m 9:50 11:40 1:30 2:50 5:20 a m a m p m ra p » 8:10 p m 10:50 p a ARRiVES Forest Gr»W 7:05 a m 8:15 a m 3:40 a m 10:20 a m 12:10 d m 11:30 a m 8:£n a m 8 :2 'i p m 1:20 n m 3.20 p ffi 4:40 ¡i ra 6:40 n m 9:35 n » Saturday Only ___, . K ti 2:10 p m 3:30 p m 5:30 p m Lvs Portland 11:30 p m —Ar. F.G. 1*^ Sunday n i y v , P..O . 3:30 p m— A r. at Pr>r»ta-'*r * * “ L His •* The “Press” K eep A w a y from telegraphy. played second fiddle ever since. • * “ ta ffy.’ ” sion 25 cents. *V mm — is equipped to do the better kind of printing and we CAN DO A