Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 27, 1910, Image 1

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G rove P ress
Vol. I
Artisans Fay Homage
to Spirit of Halloween
High School i u..d
No. 51
Fro and Anti-Pro as
Tualatin Academy Bums City Glows in Blaze
Seen by Capt. Smith Fire was discovered a few min­
of Rejuvinated Lights
As election time approaches
many questions of importance
utes after one o’clock yesterday
Tuesday evening, in the spa­ confront the people of the state
Capt. Dan Morgan Smith spoke in the Tualatin Academy building At exactly four-forty Monday
cious assembly hall of the K.of P. and county. Among the ques­ to a fair sized audience Friday of Pacific University, and inside afternoon, Miss Goldie Peterson,
building many Artisans a n d tions for consideration in Wash­ night in the K. of P. Hall, and of an hour the structure hud in the presence of the Mayor and
their friends gathered to do hon­ ington county is the “County | held their close attention through- burned to the ground. The ori­ Council, dedicated to the use of
or to the witches and their retinue High chool Fund,” which should i out. His presentment of the gin of the blaze is unknown, but the city the new engine and boil­
of supernatural indue, ces, and be on the tongue of every citizen negative side of prohibition was as it started in the fuel wood er of the electric light plant and
as of all entertain ..ents of th.s in the county, who believes in unique and original, and i n a piled in the basement, it is sup­ I started the machinery in motion
society, the affair was carried off upholding the standard of educa­ vien that occasionally provoked posed to have been directly due which once more placed the dis­
in true Artisan fashion.
the risibilities of his listeners.
I to an overheated furnace, al­ peller of darkness at the citizens
The arrangements were under If this bill is voted in at the
His argument was solely from though various other theories are command.
the supervision of Mrs. F. W. coming election, it will give each the standpoint that the remedy advanced. The los$ is partly
Miss Peterson, holding a bottle
Emerson, who, with her able as­ district a square deal, in-as-much proposed—prohibition- had been covered by insurance.
of Oregon Grape juice in her right
sistants, prepared a most unique as it grants each district a right ! proven by experience to be no Tualatin Academy, was the se­ hand, and with her left grasp­
spread, and a decidedly novel to maintain a high school. This remedy and that it meant ex­ cond building erected on the ing the throttle of the 150 horse­
series of amusing features by is something that every parent changing the open saloon for the campus, and its loss is keenly power engine, said, “ I christen
way of entertainment. The long should be interested in. It gives blind pig and bootlegger. In felt. The firemen worked with thee Lenoire, the French mean­
banquet table was illuminated the farmer’s child an equal chance support of this he frankly gave a will, ably assisted by every ing “to light” , and in behalf of
solely by old-fashioned pumpkin with the city boy or girl.
his own experiences in Oklahoma, able-bodied man available, and the municipal officers of Forest
lanterns, which gave out a wierd
If a district is too small to Kansas, Maine and other prohi­ the entire body of male students, Crove, command thee t o give
and ghostly light Plates, nap­ maintain a high school, its pupils bition states, where he asserted but owing to insufficient w ater! light to the people of the city. ”
kins and centerpieces were pro­ who have finished the 8th grade liquor was easily procured. The | pressure, due to repairs being I With the closing words Mi3s Pet­
fusely decorated with black cats work may have the privilege of speaker held that the mischief made to the pipe line at that in - j erson broke the bottle over the
in minature, which added to the continuing their work by simply resulting from the liquor traffic opportune time, were unable to engine, and turned the wheel
effect. Numerous witches float­ paying the railroad fare to the came from the dive and unlaw­ make much headway against the \ which set the machinery in mo­
ed through the atmosphere, wait­ nearest high school or to the one fully conducted saloon and show­ flames, and their efforts were tion, once more flashing the il­
ing for the opportunity to broom which offers the best advantages. ed how laws were drawn to pro­ confined principally to the pre- [ luminating current into t h e
some couple away to the land of The expense will be a very tect them. The substitution of vention of a spread of the fire homes of the “prettiest town in
enchantment, a n d perchance small item with the knowledge the word “shall” for “ may” in
unite two longing souls but back­ received. At present there are the laws was what he believed
The new plant is first class in
ward hands; finding, however, only two high schools in Wash­ would work a vast change, for if Cecil Lilly and Cliff Robinson, all respects, substantially and
that ‘opportunity’ failed to pre­ ington connty which maintain a the law said a judge “shall” fine of Gales Creek, were in the Grove solidly erected, and is of a capa­
sent itself, they called upon their four year course. There should o r revoke the licenses o f the Sunday.
city double that of the old one.
ever-present train of“ influences” be many more, and under the saloon keeper that violates the
Robert G. Smith, Democratic Better light, and at reduced cost,
and from some mysterious source new system, this can be accom­ law it would work very different­ Candidate for Congress, address-1 is the problem which has been
produced a feast fit for the Gods plished. So voters of Washing­ ly than it does when it says he ed a fair sized audience in the K. i successfully solved. This, with
of old Rome. Pumpkin pie. rich, ton county look into this, as too “may” . Arguing from t h i s of P. Hall last night. Mr.Smith the improved water system, is
thick and creamy, doughnuts like much can not be said to further standpoint and illustrating how i s a n interesting a n d per­ a long step toward the right di­
“ mother used to make down on the cause of education and let us prohibition is made a farce, he suasive speaker, and interested rection. Now for a sewerage
the farm” , and coffee that, at put our county on a par with any said that supposing in a certain his audience throughout. The system and better paving and
first approach, seemed indeed, to and all counties of our great state. city with 100 saloon keepers 90 Forest Grove Brass Band furnish­ sidewalks, and then, indeed, will
be the far famed “ Elixir of Life”
were law abiding and ten were ed music for the occasion.
Forest Grove be in the front rank
W m . S cott , Dilley.
such was its delightful aroma and
dive keepers, constantly violat­
of Willamette valley cities, and a
still more satisfying flavor. Then I
ing the laws passed to mitigate
town of which its residents may
the apples; great, lucious, ruddy
the evils of the traffic. With a
well be proud.
specimens of their kind, fit to re­
prohibition law passed the 90
ceive the teeth of a queen. Right
law abiding dealers would do as
At a special meeting of the Good program will be render-
Sunday two automobiles driven they always had—obey the law,
royally was the banquet served,
Brotherhood held i ed on both evenings of the Art
and right loyally was it partaken
shut their places and go out of
Hughes made a most interesting business, while the ten former Tuesday evening in the local ) exhibit.
parlors, four measures of
When all had done full justice trip from this city to North Yam­ lawbreakers would continue,with church wide
Thad Stevenson of the Watts
importance, which will
to the good things spread before hill, thence to Salem, from the the benefit of having competi­ state
was a business visitor in
them, the magic of the spirits capital to Portland and return to tion removed and no license to eighth, were discussed and an­ the Grove, yesterday.
pay. Taking up the assertion
was invoked. Fortunes w e r e
from all points of view.
The four steers which were
told, fates were decreed, and fu­ i consisted of Messrs. Thornburg, that liquor was responsible for alyzed
in question were: lost in the Nehalems, and which
the misery, poverty and suffer­ t h e Constitutional
ture mates produced. All the
Convention belonged to W. F. Schultz, have
good old signs were conjured up, accompanied by their wives, en­ ing of the world he told of his Amendment, the Home
Rule Bill, lieen recovered and were brought
travels abroad. The Mohamme­ Kill to Provide for the creation
and many the hearty laugh or
startled scream brought forth, un­ | an endurance test for the “ buz” dan has been a total abstainer a Board of People’s Inspectors of to this city Sunday.
for 1400 years, yet he pictured Government and the Amendment
Last Sunday being the 62nd
til everyone had passed the or­
deal of flashing the glass, o r ally all conditions of road were the squalor, suffering and sensu­ providing for verdict by three- birthday of A. Baldwin, a sur­
ality of Constantinople as he saw
prise dinner was tendered him at
throwing the apple peal.
of jury in civil cases.
! it. On the other hand the Ger­ fourths
his home in this city by his chil­
T h e evening w a s finally
Ezra Kirts, of Banks, paid the man is a moderate drinker, but
who reside in the Grove.
brought to a close, to the great
in a thorough and painstak­ A most
is regarded as representing the over
pleasant and enjoyable
bereavement of everybody, for Grove a call Tussday.
Hallowe’en comes but once a
James Patton, of Kalama, was highest type of citizenship and ment secured. The Brotherhood day was passed.
year, and ’tis a long wait for a business visitor in the Grove has excelled in science and many will hold another meeting some
other directions. The speaker time during the coming week at
another such enjoyable time.
last Friday.
urged that he be not misunder­
Thos. Tongue, the Hillsboro stood; he did not mean that the which other measures of impor­
attorney, was a Sunday visitor to condition of the Turk resulted tance will be discussed.
The work on the new edifice of
Forest Grove.
, from abstinence nor the achieve-
the Methodist congregation is
progressing rapidly. Plastering
Last Friday, at the home of
erate drinking, but he thought it
is being completed and the fur­
her daughter, Mrs. F. G. Miller,
disproved the claim the passage
naces installed, the cement walk
in this city, Mrs. Agilla Dodson,
! of a law could change human
the grounds has been
aged 62, passed to the “ Great
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Steeples, nature. Mr. Smith said he did Pacific University, took the qual­
Beyond” , after a short illness. of Hoquiam, Wash., who have not touch on the financial side of ifying examination for t h e finished and the steps at the en-
Funeral services were held Sun­ been visiting in this vicinity, the question, upon which some Rhodes scholarship at Oxford, in i trance are out of the molds. The
day afternoon, Rev. D. T. Thom­ spent Sunday with J. L. Loving speakers laid stress. Loss of re­ Eugene, yesterday. Two others work of dismantling the old struct
ure was started this week, and
as officiating, and the remains and family of Gales Creek. Mon­ venue had been pictured as a participated.
were laid to rest in Forest View day Mr. Steeples paid a visit to calamity, but he held that i f The Rhodes scholarships are of the building will probably be re­
the Hillside district, and be­ prohibition accomplished even the value of $1500 a year and are moved from its’ present resting
Deceased was a native of Ala­ fore returning to the Grove pur­ half what was claimed for it the tenable for tnree years. Omit­ place some time during the com­
bama. but had lived in Oregon chased a carload of apples from loss in money was not to be con­ ting every third year, one stu­ ing week.
for a numder of years, making D. S. Lilly, which he shipped to sidered. But experience, h e dent is chosen from each state to After this Sunday the Metho­
her home with her daughter in Hoqu am. No better fruit can be said, proved it did not. He urged which the scholarships are as­ dist Sunday School and church
Forest Grove since the death of found in Oregon than that which his hearers not to be swayed by signed. No scholarship will be services will be held in Marsh
Hall until such time as the new
her husband, which occured some which is raised in this section,
or carried away by ap­ offered in 1915. The successful building is ready for occupancy.
years ago. Besides her daught­ and it is slowly but surely being sentiment
peal, but to reason the question
er in this city, who is the wife recognized b y discriminating in the light of the facts and vote selection before January 1.
of a well-known hop grower of judges.
accordingly. He closed with an
Washington county, Mrs. Dodson
Sermon Subject-11 a. m. “The
eloquent word picture of Oregon.
is survived by another daughter, j Jay Bowerman, republican can­
Voice of Strangers” . The even­
Mrs. S. J. Smith, who resides in ; didate for governor, will make a
ing service will be the last of the
A party of four, C. E. Nichol­
Los Angeles, Calif
U n i o n Temperance Services. son, V. H. Limber, Con McNam-
brief tour of this county on Mon­
This will be held at the Christian er and Rollie Peterson spent the
day, November 7th commencing
with a meeting at Beaverton at The annual election of officers Church and Rev. D. T. Thomas week end at the Atkins ranch in
9:15 in the morning. At Orenco for the student body of Pacific will preach the sermon. Let us the Tillamook range. The time
make this closing service t h e was most pleasantly passed in an
Dr. C. L. Large and Wm. Bell­ at 11:07; at Hillsboro at 1:00 p. University, which was held last greatest
one held in the interests endeavor to entice the wary trout
inger rre contemplati' g t h e m: Cornelius at 2:30; Banks at Friday, resulted in the selection of
Dry” . Remember
erection of a one story concrete 4:30; and a rallv at Forest Grove of L. L. Hope, a junior register­ the date Nov. 6. The revival and the succulent salmon from
their native elements, snd accord­
ed from Vale, Ore., as president.
business block on First avenue, at 8 in the evening.
to all reports, great success
This will be the only day the
North, near Main street. The
was met with. The party had
bi ilding under consideration is acting Governor can devote to gon City, and a member of the
Geo Culver and Chaa. W’ilson an excellent holiday and it be­
to b- 40 feet wide, by 50 deep this county and all are invited to class of ’ll, vice-president. Miss drove
over to the Grove from hooves their many friends to give
Genevieve Courtney, T3.of Port­
a d of sufficient strength so thrt hear him.
Creek for a short stay them a wide birth until the fund
ad itio ial atones way be added
of “fish” stories is exhausted.
if desired.
Brotherhood Discuss Issues
132 Miles Via Horseless
Methodist Church Progressing
Mrs. Argilla Dodson Dead
Rhodes Scholarship Exams
Ships Car Hillside Apples
And They Went Fishing
University Students Elect
May Erect Brick Block