- s ty le has come to mean corset style. You must have the right corset if you exp ect to D r ess VEEKLY NEWS OF WATTS E. W. Haines was a Portland visitor Monday. Mrs. August K nney of Astoria is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Buxton, south of town. County Judge Goodin was in town Saturday, inspecting the road improvement work which has been started at this end. LADIES— Have your calling cards printed at the P ress office. Neat type and up-to-the-minute stock and workmanship. tf Miss Gertude Kirkwood made a business trip to Portland Mon­ day. Marion Knighten and wife are mjoying a visit from relatives at Friends of J. N. Hilts are Salem. sorry to learn that he is ill with MissGladys Vermilyea,of Minn- typhoid at his home in Banks. ‘sota, is spending the winter vith her aunt, Mrs. N. A. Frost. make the right appear­ The Pacific Monthly’s Special Mr. and Mrs. Buxton entertain­ ance. You’ll n ev er Introductory Offer 'd relatives and friends Sunday, find another corset so t being their 15th wedding anni- The Pacific Monthly, of Port- certain to be in style /ersary. land, Oregon, is a beautifully ill­ as a Kabo. ustrated magazine which gives Willie Monner, of Portland, very full information about the ind Harvey Rogers, of Forest A Kabo Corset is al­ resources and opportunities of the ways made to fill the re­ hove, were hunting pheasants country lying West of the Rock- quirements of the very n the W att’s ranch the first of ies. It tells all about the Gov­ latest fashions in gowns. :he week. To Poultry Raisers—Highest ernment Reclamation Projects This is made possible The temperance lecture at the cash prices paid for chickens, free Government land and tells only by our Paris con­ hurch Tuesday night by Rev. about the districts adapted to nections. We lead all Stivers of the Grove was well at- eggs and butter by the Schultz fruit raising, dairying, poultry others in corset style. tf ended. Some young ladies from market, Forest Grove. raising, etc. It h a s splendid Kabo For m R e d u c i n g tillsboro furnished the musical stories bv Jack London and other Corsets are perfect in com­ p og am. After the lecture the noted authors. Miss Grace Dickison has left fort and results. Jregon Dry yell was given with the Hoffman and Allen Store,and The price is $1.50 a year, but Kabo Maternity Support­ nthusiasm. to introduce it we will semi six will go to Vancouver, Wash., to months ers are a great blessing to for fifty cents. This off. women who expect the Stork. act as bookkeeper for an uncle er must be accepted on or before All Kabo goods are guar­ February 1 , 1911. Send your Additional Local Items ft who is in business in that city. anteed by the most liberal name address accompanied guarantee. Miss Meta Wallace, of Hillsboro, by fifty and of General Interest cents in stamps and learn Copyright 1909. Kabo Corset C a fills the vacancy at Hoffman and all about Oregon, Washington, K a b o S t y l e 6 9 2 - A lonsr. low bust, slander hip cor* Kabo Corset Co. sot with perfect lint-s. Reinforced at waist. 12M-inch clasp. Allen’s created by the resigna­ Idaho and California. Address' 14-inch back. 2 pair supporters. Sterling cloth. S i/e s 18 Chicago to Jo. Price, «1.0» REMEMBER—Dr. Booth guar­ tion of Miss Dickison. Miss The Pacific Monthly, Portland 4 7 .4 1 ' antees all glasses for 1 year, tf Wallace has been for the past Oregon. Corner Store Corner Store J. N. Hoffman is “courting” three years with W. H. Wahring at the county seat this week. and Son of her home citv. Sole Agents John Ranes and wife, of Gales Saturday afternoon, services Creek, were in the Grove Tues­ were conducted by Rev. D. T. ADMINISTRATOR’S NCTICE day. Thomas over the remains of Notice is hereby given that the Anything and everthing in Henry N. Platt, age 56, who died . D ,,,,, , - , T . undersigned has been appointed hardware, buggies, carriages and in Portland Thursday last. Inter- ¡ by the County Court of v^ shi™ wagons at Hinman’s. tf ment was m adejn Forest View ton County as Administratrix of and Mrs. M. A. Thomas is visiting cemetery. Mr. Platt was a bro­ the estate of George W. Parker, in Portland, and incidentally, ther of Mrs. T. J. O. Thacher of deceased, and all persons having Washington points. bills against the said estate aré this city. hereby notified to present the WANTED—Good, sound driv­ Let no one but an educated ex­ same, properly verified, accord- ing horse, 900 to 1000 pounds. perienced expert test and fit ing to law, to me at the office of M. J. Crunican, Gaston. tf at the glasses to your eyes. Dr. Lowe Langley and Son in Forest Grove, Oregon, before the expiration of Another car of alfalfa and mo­ has the necessary requirements. six months from the first publi­ lasses at Thacher’s - Great Cow feed!!! 50-3t He was educated in the best cation of this notice. schools, has had more than 20 Fanny Parker, J. E. Haley, Jim Hill’s popular Administratrix of the estate years experience as an exclusive j motorman, spent Monday i n of George W. Parker, deceased. Woodburn, visiting his brother, optician, has been coming to For­ Dated September 29, 1310. Conductor C. V. Haley. est Grove more than 18 years, 47-5t Langley & Son, Att’ys. That gasolene stove you need and can furnish scores of refer­ | can be purchased at Hinman’s, ences. Consult him Thursday ; two and three burners, with or Oct. 27. ] without ovens. tf t EXECUTOR’S NOT CE WANTED—Girl to learn type­ Notice is hereby given that F. setting. Must have good knowl- I never said that F. Lahaie has been appointed, by j edge of grammar and spelling. the County Court of Washington Apply PRESS office. County, as Executor of the Will Jas. McFarline, Jr., of Banks, of John Bergeron, deceased, and and a last year’s graduate o f all persons having bills against is the best flour Pacific University, was a visitor said estate will pieser.tthe same, ever made, but I in the Grove Tuesday. properly verified according to did say that I be­ Dr. Semones. Homeopathic law, to me, F. F. Lahaie, at the lieve “T. J. O.” is office of Langley & S om in Forest Pysician and Oculist. Does no surgery. Office at residence. Grove, on or before the expira­ as good a flour a s 217 First st. Ind. Phone 311. tf tion of six months from the first is made or sold publication of tlrs notice. Don’t get glasses from the ON SALE DAILY VIA Dated Oct. 20th. 1910. in all the state inexperienced street fakir. See F. F. Lahaie of Oregon. Dr. Booth who has had 18 years Executor of the estate of John experience and guarantees his Bergeron, deceased. j work. tf Langley&Son, A tt’ys. 50-5t Miss Grace Shea, Forest Groves’ AND CHOICE OF ROUTE ! capable teacher of Latin a n d Geaman, in the high school spent BEYOND PORTLAND Saturday and Sunday with friends to at Gresham. Always a positive feed to the St. Paul Denver Parker “ Lucky Curve” Fount­ St. Louis Boston ain Pen. Go to Shearer, the *v Main St. Jeweler, and get one on Chicago New York 10 days trial. tf And Other Eastern Points Brakeman Matthews, of the For rates, sleeper reservations, and full information address Oregon Electric, will bring his m family to Forest Grove this week A. L. Ruff, A. G. F. & P. A. J. E. Farmer, Agent from Salem, and become a full- if w fledged Grove-ite. ¡rii iV» Oregon Electric Railway Ore. Elec. Ry. THE MOST When you buy your new wagon Portland, Ore. Forest Grove, Ore. jack, get the “ Union.” Simplest, SKILLFUL NURSE stongest and most useful. O^ce or the most famous physician used always used. J. B. Mat­ will be of no avail if the medi­ thews. Agent tf cine ordered is not exactly as I want a clay deposit suitable it should be. for the manufacture of brick and For the Trade tile. Must be reasonably near THE DRUGGIST Forest Grove—bring samples to MUST WORK in perfect harmony with the my office. W. J. R. Beach tf doctor and he has an equal re­ Walter Gardner has resigned sponsibility. We compound as assistant agent at the O. E. prescriptions with absolute ac­ Depot, to take up his studies in Velvets, Plushes, Beaver Cloth. Fancy Feathers, Wings the high school. Walt is a good curacy and faithfulness. Have Doesn't compare with ^ and Millinery Novelties boy and seldom compels his dad yours put up here so as to be to keep him after hours. absolutelv sure they are right. • m R. H. Brownlewee has resigned _ Come in and try it ¡1 his position as passenger brake- r O re st G iO V e I h a rm a C V ALL FLAVORS Main Street man and is now a trolleyman on J an Oregon Electric freight train. ™* U *-T °-D A T* Forest Grove He will soon develope into a first P hokm : B«ll 281 lad. Mi class "Hog-head” motorman. fr e e delivkmv M L. I t ect J Abraham’s, Legal Notices Apple Boxes - Grape Boxes Boxes Made to Order Forest Grove Planing Mill Work of All Kinds Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cement, Lime and Sand. Doors, Win­ dows and Sash. Paints and and Oils I Never Said It!! T. J. 0. THROUGH TICKETS EAST OREGON ELECTRIC RAIL’Y T. J. O. "NECTAR 01 THE GODS New Fall Millinery The Latest Shapes and Newest Col­ orings in Millinery Materials Now Being Displayed Mrs. A. E. Dixon SODA WATER Ottice Shearer