Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 20, 1910, Image 4

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Employes Destroy Tracks and
Wreck Trains.
Telegraph Wires Cut and Air Brakes
Disabled— Food Supply for
Paris By Water.
Key West, Oct. 15— A t 6 o’clock to­
night the wireless station here report­
ed a West Indian hurricane centered
west o f Havana and moving with great
intensity toward Progresso, Yucatan.
The storm will extend from Florida
to Mexico. All wireless stations^with
the exception o f the local government
station are disabled. There is an un­
confirmed rumor that a liner ia ashore
near Key West.
The weather bureau station at Sand
Key was awash and the men there
sought refuge at the lighthouse. The
United wireless station was temporar­
ily disabled and the operator secured
the instruments and abandoned his
quarters when heavy seas began to
come in.
The government wireless
alone was in operation.
Paris, Oct. 13.— The strike o f the
railroad men, which
threatens to
spread throughout France, was de­
nounced today by Premier Briand as
“ an insurrection, purely, built upon
English Coast Feels Storm.
criminal foundations.”
London— The English coast is strewn
The premier declared that the strike
was called while negotiations were go­ with wreckage as the result o f a storm
ing on for an adjustment o f grievances that has continued for two days. The
and he promised that the instigators of casualty list is a long one. Bodies of
five seamen from the coasting steamer
the strike would be prosecuted.
The river Seine, which in January Cranford were picked up off Hartle­
threatened to destroy Paris, looms up pool. It is believed the vessel, which
in the role o f saviour.
The govern­ carried a crew o f 20, foundered, and
ment has made arrangements to rush that the men were attempting to reach
food supplies to Paris from the sea, shore in a small boat when they were
Elgin Watches are Unsurpassed requisitioning all boats to meet the lost.
Some of the wreckage coming ashore
in Accuracy & Quality Features crisis and ease the food market, which
indicates that a sailing ship met a like
is already hard hit.
Lifeboats from many points
The employes o f the Eastern and the fate.
Sold by
Paris, Lyons & Mediterranean rail­ were out and in some instances effect­
roads have not to any appreciable ex­ ed rescues. In other cases they were
tent responded to the strike call and unable to reach distressed craft.
the government’s weapon o f mobiliza­
tion has induced some o f those employ­
Steamer Cannot Make Port.
ed on the Northern road to return to
Tampa, Fla.— A^message from the
their posts. Nevertheless, the North­ wireless station at Key Westat 7:20 p.
ern and Western railroads are prostra­ m. reported the steamship Olivet just
ted. The call to the colors has been outside the bar unable to make port on
ignored by the large majority and at account o f heavy seas. The wind is
mass meetings today the strikers re­ blowing 50 to 60 miles an hour.
iterated their determination not to steamship Comus, spoken 40 miles
respond to the call.
west o f Tortugas, is proceeding.
J. A. Brown, Prop.
Much destruction has been wrought dications are that the storm is swerv­
on the Western system, on which the ing eastward and will strike the Flor­
strikers and their supporters have held ida coast in the vicinity o f Tampa,
up and derailed trains, blocked tracks, slightly to the northwest. The barom­
destroyed signals, ripped up rails and eter is reading 29.94.
cut telephone and telegraph wirea.
Spscial Conveyances Over the The government has ordered the arrest
o f a score o f strike leaders and in­
Wilson River Route
structions have been issued to the
to Tillamook
troops to use severe measures wher­ Wealthy Art Patrons May Have to
Turn Over Treasures.
ever occasion requires.
Thousands o f person living in the
New York— An anonymous note sent
suburbs and employed in Paris massed to William Loeb Jr., collector o f the
Horses Bought, Sold
this evening around the depots. These port o f New York, precipitated a sen­
they found closed and silent, with mil­ sational raid on the Fifth avenue es­
and Exchanged
itary campa in front. Then, with true tablishment o f Duveen Brothers’ art
Parisian gaiety, they laughingly set galleries and the arrest o f two mem­
out to walk home, perhaps a distance bers o f the firm, Benjamin J. and
Ind. 744
Pac. 33 o f five or ten miles, or stormed the Henry J. Duveen, cLarged with con­
tramways, cabs automobiles and other spiracy to defraud the government of
Forest Grove, Ore.
more than $1,000,000 by undervalua­
The losses to commerce already are tion o f imports.
Scores o f trains have
In the event o f fines being imposed
been stalled along the roads, many o f or duties recovered from the firm or its
these carrying food supplies, which members, the informant will be in line
have become unfit fo r use.
The pas­ for the reward offered by the govern­
sengers on the steamship Oceanic, who ment for evidence resulting in such
took the train at Cherbourg for Paris, conviction.
are blocked at Mante-Sur-Seine, about
I f the alleged frauds prove as exten­
36 miles from Paris.
sive as customs officials have stated,
Many Americans have been com­ this reward will probably be between
pelled to remain in this city or pay $100,000 and $500,000.
fabulous sums to reach the coast, so
The United States government has
that they might embark for England. warrants out for the remaining mem­
M. Jaure, leader o f the Socialists in bers o f the firm, who have art gal­
the chamber o f deputies, today an­ leries in the leading capitala o f Eu­
swered Premier Briand, charging that rope.
the railroads o f the government were
Millions o f dollars’ worth o f paint­
responsible for the present crisis.
He ings and art work have been sold to
declared that the scheme o f militariza­ millionaire art patrons in this country,
tion was dangerous, as it was certain and it was suggested that the customs
to weaken military discipline and in officials may invade these art collec­
crease anti-militarism.
tions and temporarily hold the master­
The Southwest express ftad a narrow pieces pending an adjudication o f the
escape from being wrecked on its ar­ alleged frauds.
rival here today.
The brakes failed
District Attorney W ise said he be­
to work and subsequent investigation lieved that fraudulent valutions have
showed that the \ air pipes had been been carried on systematically for
cut. The train dashed into the Auster- years.
litz station at a speed o f 60 miles an
Hurricane Rages in Cuoa.
It was stopped just before
reaching the Dorsant terminus.
Havana— The provinces o f Havana,
Bois Colombes the strikers held Matanzaa and Pinar del Rio have been
That’s the verdict of those up At
a freight train and, smashing in the in the grip o f the aeverest storm of
who patronize
doors o f the cars., freed a cargo o f recent years aince Thursday.
cattle. Heavy consignments o f fruit highest velocity of wind was 80 miles
and vegetables destined for Belgium an hour. The rain probably was un­
and Northern France are stalled and precedented, and has wrought great
O ur Stock Is Complete
ruined. Prices o f fish, eggs, butter damage to sugar cane and tobacco
O ur Clerks A r e C ou rteou s
and milk have jumped 25 per cent. Exit from and entrance to the port
O u r Prices A r e L ow
The merchants are arranging for the have been closed. Dredges and barges
transportation o f vegetables from the working about the battleship Maine
A ll
suburbs by automobiles.
were compelled to seek refuge,
but one dredge got away safely,
crew o f the dredge was rescued.
Search for Gold Ended.
Ind. Phone 701 Main Street
and Steward, hardly less known in the
Makes Call in Aeroplane
Pac. States 2 6
Forest Grove world o f adventure than himself,
Washington— Claude Graham White,
reached this city with the personal the English aviator, stopped at the
effects o f Dr. Charles P. Holt, of White House door in hia aeroplane,
Santa Ana. the distinguished journal­ after a flight o f about six miles. He
ist, scientist and explorer, who died of landed where the slightest deviation
fever, alone in a far-off port of Colom­ from the course would have impaled
bia, South America, with wealth with­ him on the spikes o f an iron fence at
in hia grasp. The lure o f gold had hia right, or smashed him against
Letter Heads, Envelopes,
drawn Dr. Holt to every part o f the granite walla at hia left. Admiral
globe where the precious metal is Dewey was on the spot to extend con­
Business Cards, Calling
found. He was among the first that gratulations.
An hour later White
invaded Alaska.
Cards, Statements, Bill
ascended from the spot where he had
landed and returned to his starting
Heads, Circulars, and
Argentina Heads Sworn.
point, the Bennings race track.
Buenos Ayres— Señor Roque Senas
Anything else that can be pro-
Pena and Dr. Victorino de la Plaza
|Two Fall Into Boiling Dye.
duced with ink and paper, Let were Inaugurated respectively as pres­
Utah— Two employes o f the
us have your next order. We ident and vice president o f the Argen­
tine Republic.
President Pena de­ Knighta Woolen Mills fell into a vat
will deliver you a satisfactory and clared in his message that hia interna­ o f boiling dye while scuffling on its
tional policy would be directed with brink. H. D. Jonhson died soon after
friendship toward Europe and fratern­ being taken out and his companion.
John H. Nebaker, cannot live.
ity for Aasarica.
M eans
Right on Tim e
Canned Goods
Indian Hurricane Headed for
Florida Coast.!
W . F. Schultz
M arket and Grocery
■i mmmmmmmmmmammm
Call or Telephone Your Orders
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats
Fish and Vegetables of All Kinds
Free Delivery to All Parts of City
Both Phones Pac. Ave Forest Grove
Will Save You
plumbing fixtures installed, or repairs made,
get in touch with the practical plumber
Shop 431
—■ 14 » ........ .........*
Independent Phones
Pacific Avenue
Residence 4525
Forest Grove, Oregon
If the hoofs o f your horse need to
be shod. I have the metal, the
knowledge, the skill and the will­
ingness to put your horses right
when they need a firm footing.
I also do General Blacksmithing,
anything and everything.
Joe Lenneville
Home Baking Co.
Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day
W e sell 6 loaves o f bread for 25^
Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Pacific A venue
Forest Grove
Try our invigorating and refrerhiaf
The Press Prints
A n Artistic Job
M ore Than 25 Per Cent
If you want up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy
Let Us Please You, Too
Forest Grove, Ore.
V ratTiAnoostcen
T h e B ig S t o r e
Pacific Avenue
H. T . Giltner
Booth Jewelry Co.
The Main St. Jeweler
Commercial Trade Solicited
Cash Paid for A ll Farm Produce
Arthur Shearer
•/ strength
with pure crushed fruits for flavoring.
You are not limited to crushed fniitk'®**'
ever. O ur C hocolate I ce C ream S ow *
and N ut S undaes are simply deli«***-
W . E. Prickett
f i f e
acific A ve.
Forest Gro»<
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