wm Will Boos, who has b en n J. E. Woell a rancher cl al <.ve Portland this summer has eturn- Gales Creek was in tt.t Luc^e Additional Local Items I ed to the Grove. Saturday, and “ came t hi i ui h” Fall plowing and seeding is go- School began Monday, 29 pil­ for fifty-two copies o f the Pi t-ss At the Congregational Church of General Interest * ing on in general. pils enrolled. Sunday morning, Rev. Thomas Mr. Woell makes a specialty of John Parson is baling his boun- Mr. Taylor and son were in will take for his text “ Pure O f­ raising cabbages, but says his crop this year is making a poor tiful crop o f hops this week. Portland one day last week. E. S. Sparks was a Portland ferings” . In the evening, if j showing. lights are available, the illustrat­ Miss Elsie Dennis, o f Gaston, Mrs. Ethel Stevenson is enjoy­ visitor Tuesday. ed lecture “ Tne Life o f Christ” ; is visiting here with her cousin. ing a visit from an aunt and Will Billinger was in the Rose will be given, in connection with The Pacific Monthly’s Special Will Rieling o f Hillsboro is vis­ uncle. city on business Tuesday. the “ Holy City” sung by Miss Introductory Offer Miss Nellie Gilman o f Haynes iting with his father this week. H. S. Brown and wife made a Goldie Peterson, and illustrated is spending the week with Mrs. Mrs. J. D. Hiltz, who has been The Pacific Monthly, of Port­ with lantern slides. trip to Portland Tuesday. ill for some time, is slowly im­ Adams. land, Oregon, is a beautifully iff. Now is the time for winter un­ George Trageser has returned proving. To Poultry Raisers—Highest ustrated magazine which gives derwear. Anderson. very full information about the Mont Griffin has purchased a from Washington to stay with Herb Smith, of Gales Creek, cash prices paid for chickens, resources and opportunities of the fine young team which he expects his sister Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Harvey Rogers and baby was a business visitor in the eggs and butter by the Schultz country lying West o f the R o c k ­ to break this fall. Grove Saturday. ies. It tells all about the Gov­ market, Forest Grove. tf L. M. Kuder, o f Ashland, was I daughter spent a few days re- ernment Reclamation Projects Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yoder of | cently with her sisters here. greeting old friends in our neigh­ free Government land and tells Portland, visited with friends in Mr. Wan hope, state organizer Miss Laura Knighten, who has borhood last week. about the districts adapted to the Grove Saturday o f the Socalist party, addressed Louis Roy was transacting bus­ been visiting relatives in Wash- fruit raising, dairying, poultry a small gathering of Forest Grove 1 ington for some time, is at home Anything and everthing in iness and visiting relatives in raising, etc. It h a s splendid j and has entered school. hardware, buggies, carriages and citizens Monday night at the cor­ stories bv Jack London and other Hillsboro this week. ner o f Pacific avenue and Main tf noted authors. John McCale, of Beaverton, wagons at Hinman’s. Miss Rieben has some splendid street. moved the family and household Squire Stephens o f Dilley was The price is $1.50 a year, but pictures o f the new M. E. church i goods of his brother to a farm attending to business matters in to introduce it we will send six which she took herself. SCHOOL NOTES 1 near Beaverton Saturday. the Grove Saturday. months for fifty cents. This off­ G. L. Fields spent the last of Our school now numbers 451. er must be accepted on or before H. W. Scott, wife and daught­ the week at Roy putting in a new Send your R E M E M B E R -D r. Booth guar­ er, visited with friends in the High school enrollment 78 and February 1, 1911. concrete floor at the Catholic par­ name and address accompanied antees all glasses for 1 year, tf Rose City Saturday. still more to follow. sonage. by fifty cents in stamps and learn When you buy your new wagon Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cady and Every available space in the all about Oregon, Washington, W ANTED—Good, sound driv­ son Clarice; and Mr. and Mrs. B. jack, getthe “ Union.” Simplest, ing horse, 900 to 1000 pounds. Central building is being used. Idaho and California. Address, F. Whited and daughter Helen, stongest and most useful. Once M. J. Crunican, Gaston. tf The Pacific Monthly, Portland, Twelve more new desks were were guests at the Ryal’s home used .always used. J. B. Mat­ Oregon. 47-4t ’ Harry Bradley, a young farmer added to the High School room thews, Agent. tf Sunday. Saturday. o f the Banks section, was a visit­ or to the Grove Saturday. The Manual Training boys are Legal Notices working with a right good will Mrs. W. A. Williams and helping to make furniture for daught jr Bertha were shopping school use. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE in the R se City Saturday. Our High School rooms are Notice is hereby givea that the Tom Todd of the Oakhill sec­ crowded to overflowing. One undersigned has been appointed tion, attended to business mat­ room now has 44 in it and there by the County Court o f Washing­ and ters in the Grove Saturday. are still a few more to come. ton County as Administratrix of The students o f P. U. are or­ There is no doubt now that the the estate o f George W. Parker, ganizing a band. The first pub­ public school band will be a suc­ deceased, and all persons having lic appearance was made Monday cess. The boys expect to begin bills against the said estate ?.re evening. work as soon as lights come on. hereby notified to present the at the Pupils who are absent from same, properly verified, accord­ That gasolene stove you need school will be required by the ing to law, to me at the office of can be purchased at Hinman’s, two and three burners, with or teachers to make up the part lost Langley and Son in Forest Grove, while absent. This will insure; Oregon, before the expiration of without ovens. tf no breaks in the work o f the six months from the first publi­ cation o f this notice. WANTED—Girl to learn type­ year. Fanny Parker, setting. Must have good knowl­ The first County Teachers In­ Administratrix of the estate edge o f grammar and spelling. stitute will be at Hillsboro Sat­ o f George W. Parker, deceased. Mill W o rk of A ll Kinds Apply PRESS office. urday and our teachers expect to Dated September 29, MO. Arthur Prideaux, a graduate of attend. This shows the true Langley & Son, Att’ys. Pacific University, now o f Port­ school spirit on the part o f the 47-5t land, was an interested spectator teachers. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cement, o f the football game Saturday. An order was passed this week Dr. Semones. Homeopathic that pupils, when dismissed from Lime and Sand. Doors, W in ­ Pysici n and Oculist. Does no school, should go home and not I surgery. O ffice at residence. stop to play in the school yard. dows and Sash. Paints 1217 First st. Ind. Phone 311. tf Many parents want their chil­ I never said that 1 dren at home and for this reason Don’ t get glasses from the all are required to go unless they and and Oils inexperienced street fakir. See have permission to remain. Dr. Booth who nas had 18 years is the best flour Tardiness seems to be a beset- j experience arid guarantees his ever made, but I ting sin in our school, and ,n or- i | work. tf did say that I be­ Miss Reba Hoffman is again der to encourage pupils to be on ■ time, a picture is offered to the at her desk in the Hoffman-Alien lieve ‘iT. J. 0 . ” is room with the few est marks. ! [Store, after a week’ s vacation A'nv room keeping the picture as good a flour as spent in the Rose city with three months in succession may j friends. is made or sold retain it permanently. The fol- [ ON SALE DAILY VIA in all the state The band boys were hard at lowing rooms have no tardy practice Monday evening, and a marks this month so get pictures. of Oregon. i decided improvement i n t h e Central Building, Miss Todd’s Stalley’s. Lincoln quality o f harmony produced is and Miss school, Miss Martin’s. noticable. ROY HAPPENINGS WEEKLY NEWS OF WATTS f — I — - - - - - ’Y A pple Boxes - Grape Boxes Boxes Made to Order Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. I Never Said it!! T. J. 0. THROUGH TICKETS EAST OREGON ELECTRIC RALLY AND CHOICE OF ROUTE BEYOND PORTLAND to St. Paul Denver St. Louia Boston Chicago New York And Other Eastern Points For rates, sleeper reservations, and full information address A. L. Ruff, A. G. F. & P. A. J. E. Farmer, Agent Oregon Electric Railway Portland, Ore. Ore. Elec, Ry. Forest Grove, Ore. New Fall Millinery For the Trade The Latest Shapes and Newest Col­ orings in Millinery Materials Velvets, Plushes, Beaver Cloth, Fancy Feathers, Wings and Millinery Novelties Now Being Displayed Mrs. A. E. Dixon 1 ** Main Street Forest Grove T. J. O. Always a positive feed to the Parker “ Lucky Curve” Fount-j ain Pen. Go to Shearer, the Main St. Jeweler, and get one on 1 10 days trial. tf TVECTAR Ojf THE GODS < • ■ ■ V ■ . % W. J. R. Beach made a trip to Portland Tuesday, and perfected arrangements f< r participation! ' I in the monster temperance pa- fh i i : rade which will be held in that city Oct. 22nd. Mr. Beach will lead the procession. Charlie Walker and Walter* Sears, who have been visiting Southern Oregon and California towns the past two weeks, will THE MOST return the latter part o f this week. They visited San Fran­ SKILLFUL NURSE or the most famous physician cisco in their travels. will be o f no avail if the medi­ J. L. Vankirk, who cut his left cine ordered is not exactly as hand above the fore-finger with ! it should be. an ax early in September, and who went soon afterward to vis­ THE DRUGGIST it relatives in Ohio, returned to MUST WORK this city Friday. Blood-poison­ in perfect harmony with the ing set in soon after he left the doctor and he has an equal re­ Grove, and J. T. came near losing We compound his hand, but it is nearly well j sponsibility. now. prescriptions with absolute ac­ Doesn't compare with “ Dad” Moulton and R. M.Ste­ curacy and faithfulness. Have vens were Portland visitors Fri-1 yours put up here so as to be day, going down to hand in their absolutely sure they are right Come in and t^y it reports as fire wardens the past summer. Mr. Moulton will re­ Forest Grove Pharmacy ALL FLAVORS turn to the Bitter Root Valley, T H E U P -T O -D A T E O E U O O l I T t Montana, next March, where lie Ottice Shearer Bell 231 lad was employed last spring i n I’ HONCS planting orchards. F R E E DELIVERY Main Street For«** r*- SODA WATER