Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 13, 1910, Image 3

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Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
General Resume o f Important Event!
Presented In Condensed Form
fo r O ur Busy Readers.
L atest estim ates of casualties in the
Minnesota forets fires place the death
lis t as high as 2,000.
A W alla W alla groceryman has had
his 15-year-old daughter arrested for
burglarizing his store.
A girl highwayman, dressed in men’s
clothes, was captured by an intended
victim at W allace. Idaho.
T aft and Roosevelt have expressed
opposite opinions on many points of
the conservation question.
A fifty-cent rate on lumber from
the Coast to S t. Paul is upheld by the
United S tates Circuit court.
W ith the therm om eter near 100, the
52 delegates to Arizona’s constitutional
convention have begun their work.
A S eattle woman is taking a full
course in pharmacy a t the university,
w here her son is also a prominent stu­
There is g reat activity among Span­
ish revolutionists a t Barcelona, owing
to the complete success of the Portu­
guese uprising.
Colonel Roosevelt declares th a t the
governm ent should do all it can to re­
claim the v ast swamp areas of the
M ississi^ u valley.
Mother Bids Sad Farewell
to Faithful Followers.
Lisbon—-Authentic reports of the
flight of the sovereigns show th a t the
Queen mother, Amelie, who was a t the
palace of Cintra, followed, through
| telephone communication with the Ne-
the tumultuous
course of the revolt. H er anxiety in­
creased until she was informed th at
King Manuel had left by automobile
for Mafra.
Hurriedly g ettin g together a few of
her personal effects the Queen mother
fled to M afra and joined her son. In
the meantime, according to arrange­
ments made by the revolutionists,
Prince Alfonso had em barked on the
im perial yacht Amelie of Caacaes.
The Amelie sailed for E riceira, where
it arrived a few days later.
Presently automobiles occupied by
King Manuel and the Queen mother
dashed up to the beach and were es­
corted by a squadron of cavalry and
accompanied by the Queen’s ladies of
honor, who were dressed in deep black.
The Queen and her ladies entered one
rowboat, into which fishermen also
placed two small trunks. K ing Man­
uel, who was wearing a su it of cheviot
and green hat, took his place in the
second boat. He appeared downcast.
As he turned his eyes from the shore
he waved his band and said slowly:
“ Adieux fo rev er.”
A heavy sea was running when the
little craft put out and one of the fish­
ermen made bold to suggest th a t the
Queen mother should not lean upon the
gunwale, as it was dirty. Amelie re­
plied indifferently:
“ T hat is of no consequence.”
H er last words to the faith fu l who
had gathered on the beach w ere:
“ I t is an infam y. A u re v o ir!”
The group on shore rep lied :
“ We will aw ait your re tu rn .”
Death List Grows Hourly-
Bodies In Piles.
Four Towns Wiped Out By Onrush-
ing Blaze— Hundreds Escape on
Special Trains.
Warroad, Minn., Oct. 10.—D eath ’s
toll from forest fires now sweeping
N orthern M innesota in the Rainy R iver
d istrict may reach 400. General Su­
perintendent Cameron of the Canadian
Pacific railway, says this estim ate will
be larger.
Four towns have been wiped out by
the flames.
Hundreds of settlers are missing and
the death list grows hourly. Bodies of
98 dead have already been gathered.
Thousands of refugees fill Warroad.
The town is in great danger from
forest fires which are gradually ap­
proaching the town.
Two special
trains le ft W innipeg over the Cana­
dian N orthern railway with fire hose
and apparatus. Roosevelt is safe af­
te r an all-day fight, but the town is
crowded w ith refugees.
The fire is spreading and is now only
seven miles from Sprague, Manitoba,
which is 20 miles Northwest of here.
A fire is also coming down from the
north of Sprague, where it has burned
the g reat quantities of cord wood, tel­
ephone and telegraph poles aw aiting
The forest fire is the greatest since
the Hinckley, Minn., horror of 15
years ago. I t is almost impossible to
estim ate the number of missing, but
messages sent out by private individ­
uals indicate th a t 100 relatives, most­
ly from around Beaudette, have not re­
General Superintendent Cameron, of
the Canadian Northern, places the
number of deaths a t 400, but admits
th a t it may be larger.
The towns of P itt, Spooner, Grace-
tow s and Beaudette were burned F ri­
day night. The fire was^heralded by a
shower of sparks and (burning brands,
which sw ept across the Beaudette riv ­
er, and the inhabitants barely had
tim e to reach the special train th a t
was w aiting (before both towns were
on fire.
1 Sick people, apparently by the score,
appeared and were carried or assisted
to points of safety. |T here were five
patients in C arrigan’s hospital who
had been burned.
A special train is w aiting to take
the people to some other point in case
the fire should get a fresh s ta rt The
town is not yet entirely free of dan­
The buildings of the Shevlin-Math-
ieu Lumber company are practically
the only structures standing in Spoon­
er, not a tree, fence, nor a foot of side­
walk being left. There are not even
the heaps of debris th at usually remain
after a fire.
The property loss in Rainy River,
Beaudette and Spooner alone, includ­
ing the R at Portage Lumber company’s
plant and yard at Rainy River and the
yard of Shevlin-Mathieu Lumber com­
pany at Spooner, will total about $1,-
500,000. It will be some tim e before
the loss of life is known even approxi­
Wagon loads of human bodies are
being brought into the railway station
a t Beaudette. It is reported th a t many
settlers, f-razed with g rief at the loss
of families and property, are roaming
the woods, and searching parties are
looking for the injured, the dead and
tjie demented. One fam ily of nine,
one of seven and one of five are known
to have perished.
At 8 :30 p. m. Saturday a tornado
of fire struck Beaudette and Spooner,
and within three minutes after the first
alarm every building was ablaze
Within half an hour they were but
heaps of ashes. The people of these
two towns had just enough tim e to get
out of their homes with w hat they had
on their backs. They were loaded on
a passenger trsin that was standing at
the depot and taken to Rainy River,
A m ysterious v isit of four Union
leaders of San Francisco to Los Ange­ Caution Preached in Face of $20,-
4 2 5 ,7 8 4 Profit.
les may furnish a clew to the perpe­
tra to rs of the Times dynam ite outrage.
Chicago—“ U nsettled economic con­
D escriptions of the men suspected ditions” chiefly in regard to the pend­
o f blowing up the Los Angeles Times ing ruling of the in te rsta te commerce
have been sent all over the world, as commission on the petition of W estern
th e police have practically given up railroads on an increase of freig h t
rates, will make it necessary for the
catching them on the Coast.
directors of the Santa Fe to “ proceed
Clarence Mackay, a well known pat­ w ith caution” for the rem ainder of the
ron of the U niversity of Nevada, will year, according to the 15th annual re­
ta k e the entire student body to Cali­ port of th a t road.
fornia to witness the coming football
Mr. Ripley, the president, precedes
gam es between the university of Ne­ this statem ent however, w ith the as­
vada and the Californians.
surance th a t the property is in excel­
Cholera cases in New York are on lent condition physically, and has made
ample provision for its present finan­
the increase.
cial needs.
System atic expulsion of the monks
The income statem en t shows th a t
from Portugal is now under way.
while the total income increased $12,-
A Tacoma policeman had his pockets 119,158 since the previous report, yet
picked and lost nearly a m onth’s pay. because of increased expense, the net
income was only $7,794 greater.
A German sailor sold a Stradivarius
The total operating income is given
violin to a Tacoma pawn broker for $1. for the year* as $104,993,194.67, the
I t is now held a t $2,500.
total income from all sources as $107,-
Ricfiard Diener, a gardener near San 543,250.16 and the total operating ex­
Francisco, has developed a geranium penses $751,33,314.54. Fixed charges
am ounting to $11,984,151.36 added to
bloom six inches in diam eter.
A viator Hoxsey in a W right biplane, the operating expenses bringing the
flew from Springfield, 111., to St. net income down to $20,425,784.26.
Louis, a distance of 104 miles, making
a new Am erican record for a single
flig h t
Tugs have failed to pull the big More than Fifty Lives Believed Lost
in Colorado Horror.
tram p steam er D am ara off the rocks at
the entrance to the Golden Gate, San
S tarkville, Colo.—A t least 52 men
Francisco, and it is feared the vessel are entombed in the Starkville mine
w ill be a total loss.
of the Colorado Fuel & Iron company,
An explosion in the coal mine of the while, in the approaches to the mine,
Colorado Fuel & Iron company at hundreds of th eir fellows w ith oxygen
S tark v ille has entombed over 50 min­ helments, movable rotary fans and
ers and there is little hope th a t any picks and shovels are striv in g sim ul­
taneously to open the living tomb and
will be found alive.
to draw from it the poisonous gases
Two convicts aj the Santa Ana peni­ with which it is a t least partly filled.
te n tia ry in C alifornia a t the close of
The men have been imprisoned and
religious services took the ja ile r and a the rescuing parties have toiled since
m issionary by surprise, threw them 10:50 Saturday, when an explosion,
into a cell and escaped, well armed.
porbably caused by coal dust, shook the
Spain refuses to recognize the Port­ earth for a radius of seven miles, de­
stroying the main entrance to the mine
uguese Revolutionists.
and sealed the hapless toilers w itin it.
A business block in the h eart of Chi­
Because of the vast ramifications of
cago sold for $6,500,000.
the mine and its connections w ith
Many provinces of Portugal are still other mine-workings it is hoped th a t
loyal to the king and further trouble is perhaps half the men may be rescued.
An attem p t will be made to open up
the sealed passages.
The strik e of thousands of bricklay­
ers and kindred workers in the E ast
Wrecked Steamer is Doomed.
has been amicably settled.
San Francisco— A crowd of several
Judge Hand, of the United States thousand interested people watched all
T aft’s Life M enaced.
court in New York, declare« he will day from the shore opposite the Gulden
Millbury, M a s s .— An alleged scheme
not again let sm ugglers escape with a Gate the efforts of tugs to pull off the
for the assasination of P resident T aft
fine, but will sentence them to jail.
British tram p steam ship Damara from was unfolded to Mrs. D elia C. Torrey,
Indoor gymnasium work has been
aunt of the president, by a stranger
discontinued a t F ort Steveme, Ore., about 200 yards from old F o rt Point, who called at her home here.
and the soldiers will hereafter take nowjcnown as F ort Winfield Scott. man, who refused to give hia name,
their exercise in the open air, regard­ For five hours five tugs hauled and declared he overheard the plotters
strained on huge wire cables, but w ith­
less of weather.
while in Boston. Aa he departed, he
out budging the big ship.
Five hun­
Nineteen members of a dinner party dred tons of barley were lightered and threatened to return and kill Mra. Tor­
given a t Pendleton, and also the hotel much coal thrown overboard, but noth­ rey if the m atter got into the newspa­
pers. The man went away from Mill­
proprietor, may be indicted under the ing seemed to do any good.
bury as suddenly and aa mysteriously
local option law because wine was
aa he had come, and there is no clew to
served a t the feast.
Standard Oil Sued.
hia whereabouts.
Topeka— Three suits for dam age for
A laborer attem pted to cross Sno-
qualmie river in a row boat, but lost alleged violation of the an ti-tru st laws
A m bergris Lump Found.
one of his oars and was carried over of the sta te of Kansas w ere filed sim ­
Olson, a laborer of
Snoqualmie falls and dashed to pieces
company in Montgomery, Wilson and Valdez, recently found on the beach
on the rocks 300 feet below.
Saline counties by Attorney-General near th a t tow n.a lump of am bergris
An educated Chinaman was arrested F. S. Jackson. The suits ssk damages weighing 220 pounds and valued at
a t San Francisco ju st as he was draw ­ sggregationg $162,800 and interest $4,400, according to advicea received
ing a revolver to fire oo Prince Taai thereon, or $100 per day for the viola­ by steam er. Whaling men sey this is
Hsun, uncle of the em peror of Chins, tions, which ars alleged to have ex­ the largest pieee of the precious sub­
stance ever found.
tended over a period of $44 days.
who is visiting in this country.
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