I ^ ^ A d d it io n a l L o ca l Item s o f G en era l Interest E. G. Mills was in Portland on - business Wednesday. I Subscribe for The Press, now. Walter Purdin o f Hillsboro was a Grove visitor Wednesday. D. D. Sage of the Oakhill dis­ trict was in the Grove yesterday. L. L. Hollinger and son o f Cor­ nelius were transacting business in the Grove Tuesday. Abraham’s 4th. Annual Sale 4th. Sample Underwear & Sweaters E HAVE something exceedingly good to offer you at this sale. The goods were bought at two-thirds o f regular price and will be sold at the same rate. I 250 garments, no two alike. All grades are represented, * W every one of them a genuine bargain and they are worthy o f your consideration. them before buying your winter underwear. Be sure to see The sale begins Thursday morning the 15th of Sept, at S g I I C cr Abraham ’s i Home Baking Co. Finest o f B read and Pastry B a k e d E v e ry D a y W e sell 6 loaves of bread for 25 ft F re e D elivery to A ll Parts o f th e C ity Pacific Avenue I Forest Grove YOU AU TO Try our invigorating and refreshing Porter Tupper o f Dilley was a visitor at the Game Warden’ s with pure crushed fruits for flavoring. office yesterday, and deputy You are not limited to crushed fruits, how­ ever. O ur C hocolate I ce C ream S odas Wirtz issued him a license to fish for the festive trout. and N ut S undaes are simply delicious. Dan Parkins, a farmer o f Gales Creek, came to the Grove Tues­ F orest G r o v e day, and returned home with a new riding plow, with which he will turn over the sod this fall. W . E. Prickett Pacific A v e . The State Game Warden's Miss Pearl Stevenson is atteni- office in this city is receiving a ing High School at Forest Grove. fresh coat o f paint. School will begin Oct. 10 jn. Harold Jensen, the Banks mer­ stead o f Oct. 3 as previously chant, was a business visitor in stated. the Grove yesterday. F. Blackman, who has been at Henry Shorb has returned from Hood River on business, returned a two weeks’ visit in the East­ Sunday. ern part o f the state. Mrs. R. M. Bisbee came out Ferd Hartrampf o f Hillsboro, was from Portland Monday on a busi­ in the Grove Wednesday looking ness trip. after business affairs. Dr. Tucker was called to M. Knighten’s Monday morning to S pecial S a l e of Silk Um­ attend a sick child. brellas at Booths Jewelry Com­ Wilbur Harper, o f Gales creek visited with friends in Hillsboro and Portland, last week. pany. 25% off. This week WANTED- Good, sound driv­ Bill Wilkes, a farmer o f the ing horse, 900 to 1000 pounds. Dilley section, visited the Grove M. J. Crunican, Gaston. tf on business bent Wednesday. J. M. Hamblin o f Timber was Tom Sain, a prosperous farmer a business visitor in the Grove o f Scoggin’s valley, was looking the fore-part of the week. after business matters in this Peterson, the grape and prune citv yesterday. grower o f David’s Hill, brought Norvel Atkins, Portland Agent in a load o f product Tuesday. o f the Oregon Electric railway Mrs. W. R. D o u g l a s and company, was calling on Grove daughter, o f Gales Creek, were friends Wednesday. shopping in the Grove Saturday. Henry Kreider, who formerly Jack Shaw, who has been work­ lived in this city, but who is now ing the past summer at Buxton, connected with a logging camp is visiting in the Grove this week. in Yamhill couny, visited friends Watches, clocks and jewelry re­ in the Grove this week. paired in the right way at right Mr. and Mrs. E. Meresse re­ prices. Arthur Shearer, Main turned to their home in this city Street. tf Tuesday, having spent the sum­ Rev. E. C. Brackenbury, o f mer in their cottage at Seaside. McMinnville passed through the Mrs. Meresse was quite ill for Grove Wednesday on his way to several weeks, but has regained the Rose city. her health. WANTED—Girl to learn type­ The Nonpareil Club met Friday setting. Must have good knowl­ evening at t h e home o f Miss edge o f grammar and spelling. Mamie Loomis. Business mat­ Apply PRESS office. ters were transacted, after which Umbrellas, Cravenetts, Over­ the members spent a delightful coats, Rain Hats and Caps, Slick­ evening in social conversation. ers, Sweaters, Mackinaws and Dainty refreshments were served Flannel Shirts at Anderson’s. the guests by Miss Loomis. Walter Sears and Charlie Wal­ Gordon Brown, who graduated ker are traveling in Southern from P. U. last June, and who is Oregon, sizing up the towns and taking a course atO. A. C.,learn­ villages o f that section o f the ing the scientific method o f fruit state. culture, writes the P r e s s that SODA Dr. Chas. Pollock left Sunday afternoon for Glendale where he will locate, having purchased the practice o f a Southern Oregon Dentist. Dr. Charles will be the only tooth carpenter in that city. ON SALE D A IL Y V IA OREGON ELECTRIC RAILT A N D C H O IC E O F BEYOND ------------------------- St. Paul St. Louis Chicago ROUTE PORTLAND to ------------------------- Denver Boston New York And Other Eastern Points For rates, sleeper reservations, and full information address A. L Ruff. A. G. F. & P. A. J. E. Fanner, Agent Oregon Electric Railway Ore. Elec, Ry. Portland, Ore. Forest G r o f if c Ore. The lecture at the church was put off until some future time,on account o f the rainstorm Sunday. Mrs. I. P. S en gerof the Grove entertained Mrs. F. Blackman and children of this place Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Chloe Shepard and baby son o f Portland spent the week end with the baby’s grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dilley. The Pacific Monthly’s Special Introductory Offer The Pacific Monthly, of Port­ land, Oregon, is a beautifully ill­ ustrated magazine which gives very full information about the resources and opportunities of the country lying West of the Rock­ ies. It tells all about the Gov- ernment Reclamation Projects, free Government lan# and tells about the districts adapted to fruit raising, dairying, poultry raising, etc. It h a s splendid stories bv Jack London anti other noted authors. The price is $1.50 a year, but to introduce it we will send six months for fifty cents. This off­ er must be accepted on or before February 1, 1911. Send your name and address accompanied by fifty cents in stamps and learn all about Oregon, Washington, Idaho and California. Address, The Pacific Monthly, Portland, Oregon. 47-4t Legal Notices with a ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE thous£ Notice is hereby given that the enter­ undersigned has been appointed enthu­ by the County Court of Washing­ ton County as Administratrix of the estate o f George W. Parker, John Bergeson, whose home is deceased, and all persons having in Scoggin’ s Valley, died Monday bills against the said estate fire evening, Oct. 3rd. about 6 o ’ clock hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, accord­ at the home o f F. F. Lahaie at ing to law, to me at the office of Verbort. Mr. Bergeson was born Langley and Son in Forest Grove, sixty-four years ago in France, Oregon, before the expiration of came to Oregon a number o f six months from the first publi­ years ago and has lived in Scog­ cation o f this notice. Fanny Parker, gin’ s Valley for about ten years. Administratrix of the estate He was ill only a few days. In­ o f George W. Parker, deceased. terment occured Wednesday,Oct­ Dated September 29. 1 10. ober 5th at the Verboort ceme­ 47-5t Langley & Son, Alt’ys. tery. school opened at Corvallis rush, and the nearly two and students enrolled are ing upon their work with siasm. R. O. Stevenson o f this city, State Game Warden, returned Tuesday from a trip to The Dalles, Union, Enterprise and other Eastern Oregon points, which he Mrs. Challacombe and daught­ visited on business pertaining to er Vida visited Mrs. W. Hughes his office. Wednesday. Edgar Meresse, a talented Miss Tessie Pederson o f Port­ young newspaper man, returned land was visiting her parents yesterday to take up the daily over Sunday. grind on a local sheet, after hav­ ing spent a week gathering in­ J. W. Hughes. J. W. Pollock spiration from the sad murmur- and families took dinner at Dan- ings o f the ocean at Seaside. vagar’s Sunday. Ike Ripperdan.of Buxton,while School has been closed for the loading a car with piling last week on account o f a light case week, suffered the fracture of o f diphtheria in the district. one leg near the ankle and had Mrs. C. A. Broderson and hi r the toes on his other foot crushed friend Viola Pederson attended by one of the timbers falling Memorial services at Marsh Hall from the car and striking him. Thursday. Misses Liola House and Marie Mat Pehl who has been employ­ Wood and Messers Earl House ed in the Forbis dairy the past and Dwinell Clapp returned Tues­ year resigned to accept a position day from Eastern Oregon, where in Portland. they gave a series of musical and dramatic entertainments. They Mrs. Lingan gave a tea Wed­ appeared at Grass Valley, Wasco nesday for the benefit o f the and Moro. meeting with gratify­ Ladies Aid Society. A v e r y ing success. pleasant afternoon was spent DOINGS AT DILLEY THROUGH TICKETS EAST WEEKLY NEWS Or « „,l0 FINAL NOT CE Notice is hereby given that M. E. Dilley, the Administrator of the estate o f W. P. Via, has filed to final report and Monday,October 10th, 1910 at 10 o ’ clock a. m. ha been set for the hearing of a objections to said report, rft r which date, if no objections ap­ pear, said estate will be closed of record. M. E. Dilley Administrator o f the estate of*V- P. Via,deceased. Manche Langley, 44-5t. Att’ v for estate. The Press Prints Letter Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Calling Cards, Statements. Bill Heads. Circulars. Anything else that can be l 10" duced with ink and paper. Let us have your next oroer. will deliver you a satisfactory A n Artistic Jcb