Live Items of Local Interest H I N M A N ’S Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling HARDWARE Local Reporters of the Press Tom Todd o f the Oakhill sec­ Miss Joy Smith visited with tion, was a business visitor in Newburg friends several days the past week. town Friday. Virgil Waterman o f the Mt. Mrs. Nellie Adams o f Portland Hood country is visiting home was the guest of Mrs. E. W. folks in this city. Haines last week. Attorney George Bagley of Now is the time to purchase Hillsboro was attending to busi­ that range you want. The best ness matters in the Grove, Fri­ that are made can be had at day. Hinman’ s. tf The cold weather demands proper protection within doors as well as without. You can secure indoor comfort at a low cost in fuel by using the right stoves. W e have them. The “A U R O R A ” , a handsome heating stove, with bronze urn and full nickle trim. and Hot Blast Attachment. Hinman has a full line of Henry Hocking o f this city has and heating stoves in gone to Grants Pass, where, if he Make your selection now. likes the surroundings, he w ill' “ Charter Oak” . tf make his future home. Gtoige Marsh, Clerk of the Mrs. Adolph Eilers, o f Port­ Federal Court at Portland, ac- land, visited with friends in this by his wire, was visit­ city, Saturday. Mrs Eilers is ing friends in the Grove la. t the granddaughter o f Levi Smith. week. I Planished Steel”, the finest grade that is made, manu­ factured especially these stoves. fo r The oven is _________ strong and rigid and i t s Ira Purdin and daughter, who formerly lived on a farm North of town, but who now make their home in Portland, were visiting friends in the Grove the past week. ! nicHe trim and will STAND THE TEST OF W E A R . Jerry Walker, a graduate of Paci.'c University, who e home is in Washington, was visiting fri nds in the Grove the past week. Mr. Walker is a nephew o f S. T. Walker i f this city. Because two large plate glass windows w>ere broken at Ander son’s Tues ay, dint l h>k th t he has raised on the price of clothing. Selling at h same old price. Miss Minnie Heidel, who stud­ ied last year in the Boston ¡School o f Expression, is now visiting her parents in Hillsboro. She was ^ resting old friends at the reception here Friday night. Mrs. James Dempsey, who for­ merly made her home in this city, now living in P r and, visited this week with her father, Levi Smith, and her sister, Mrs. Fan­ nie Clark. George Neil and wife, o f Port­ ia spent the week end with the form er's mother in this city. “ A l” used to be one o f the star players o f P. U. foot ball team, and is now a rising young con­ tractor o f the Rose city. Mrs. Earl Hamilton of Seattle was the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hami t n of this city last week. Mrs. Hamilton was on- route to Eureka, Calif to visit her mother who is quite ill. Mrs. Prater, who formerly lived in this citv, now making her home with her daughter in Portland, visited relatives in the Grove this week. Mrs. Prater is a v. ur widow, her husband hav­ ing lost his life while defending the stars and strips in the Civil war. She is the grandmother of Mrs. Miles Watrous. of this city. At the Congregational church Sunday, the topic for the morn­ ing sermon by Rev. Thomas will be “ Jesus Misunderstood” . An illustrated lecture ‘ The Life of Christ” , will be given in the eve­ ning. and “ The Holy City” , il­ lustrated, will be sung by M ?s Goldie Peterson. The giving of the illustrated lecture will depend on whether there is electric cur­ rent for light. A throughout of “ Hammered C i'; k ^Jtokesbei ry received a message from his old home in Iowr. r:otify;ng him o f the ser- ioi ; ill ess o f his aged mother, ai d departed Friday evening to be w iti. her. I construction such as to insure the best possible results in baking. The flue box is cast iron, extra large, with ample | opening; the damper is very simple and impossible to burn I out; reservoirs are porce ain lined. All ranges are full r I « 1 A " ! Charter Oak and “ W ood ” Superior H E A T E R S Stand at the head of all com­ petitors. Give a greater a- mount of heat at a lower ex­ penditure for fuel. Come in and examine them. HINMAN’S HARDWARE STORE | Why burn $4 wood when you For scientific horse-shoeing go can buy a ton of Mendota coal for to Bryon Markham, Main Street. tf 87.50, delivered. Little soot and He guarantees results. little ash. Keeps an even fire. No splitting, no sawing, equals two cords o f wood. Give it a trial Roswurm and Moulton, Forest Grove. tf Bob Weatherred o f Hillsboro signed up for a nine months en­ gagement as student with Pacific University Friday last. Bob and Horace McCoy recently returned from a joyous hunt and fishing trip South o f Newport. They got a five point buck. Mac will not be in school this year. Nickle foot rail. made I C. B. Davis o f Gaston and John Var.dezanden. w h o formerly made his home in this city, spent several days the past week in Vancouver, Washington. Mr. Davis contemplates the purchase o f a farm near Dilley for a con­ sideration of about sixteen hund­ red dollars. Draft Register The “C H A R T E R O A K ” range is carefully Archie Clark and wife left Sat­ urday for points down the Colum­ bia river, where Archie will work with a railroad surveying crew. John Bryant, a real estate man o f Portland and a former student o f P. U. was in the Grove last week. John was a member o f the last legislature and was re­ nominated by the Republicans at the recent primaries for re-elec­ tion. John is an advocate of Statement One. Remov­ splendid heater which will give sure satisfaction. Wheelock Marsh, formerly a Notice to Farmers—Bring in nev,\-'-:iper man and postmaster J your chickens, eggs and butter o f t.:is city, now a clerk i i the \ to W. F. Schultz and get cash Fe ityul C^urt, Portland, visit d | in exchange. Produce o f all tf with Giove friends the past week. | kinds wanted. “ Dad” Moulton returned to this city Saturday, after having spent several months as a fire warden in the timber o f Col- urn1 ia county. “ Dad” was com­ pelled to fight a number o f fires, but did not let any o f them get beyond his control. Swing top. able front panel with nickle screw. C. L. ranges stock. See the J. B. Matthews wishes to show you the new “ Union” jack; for lifting, setting tin s, stretching fence ard many other uses. Al­ ways har.dy. tf STORE A . E. M O U L T O N W ALTER ROSW URM Roswurm & Moulton Successors to Roswurm & Co. Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances, Ice, Coal and Wood m iss CMISOE FINDS * THEM HERE When going to the post-office, take a tumble to yourself, and don’ t stand directly in front of Everyday we're making the boxes while the mail is being distributed. Some people like to stand and peer into their boxes Come in and fet your share to see if the postmaster will hand of the GOOD THINGS them anything, or if not that, to stand and gossip with a friend so In DRY GOODS BARGAINS near the boxes that others wish­ ing to get their mail must crowd in front o f them with seeming rudeness. Exercise the spirit o f fair play. Forest Grove Oregon The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Ass’n of Forest Grove, Oregon Writes the Most Conservative Line of Commercial and Dwelling Insurance of Any Mutual Company in the State. It will Pay You to Protect Your Prop­ erty with One of Our Policies Oregon Land & Trading Co. F O O T P R IN T S Edward Seymour, Mgr Farm and City Property Both P hones F orest G ro v e , Oregon Hoffman and Allen Company P R E S S . now