Subscribe for the PRESS, now New Fall Millinery For the Trade The Latest Shapes and Newest Col­ orings in Millinery Materials Velvets, Plushes, Beaver Cloth, Fancy Feathers, W ings and Millinery Novelties Now Being Displayed Mrs. A . E. Dixon Forest Grove HIGH COST OF LIVING THATS THE NOISE NOW AROUND THE TOWN Everything in fmniture i. i e had at Roe and Co. Come i i ai d inspect the goods. tf Sheriff George Hancock was up from the county seat on officia Rockers—all kinds at Roe and business yesterday. Co. tf “ Superior” stoves and ranges A. G. Hoffman and daughter have no superior. Sold by Hin were Portland visitors Thursday. man, the Hardware man. tf R. E. Bateman, o f Thatcher, Harry French, living in east placed a large bear among the Forest Grove, has sold a fine has-beens yesterday. two-year-old colt to Will Thorn­ A fine line o f brass beds, plain burg, o f Banks. and ornamental at the furniture The public schools have such a house o f Roe and Co. tf large attendance that it has been Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Galloway, found necessary to order more o f Banks, are the proud parents chairs and seats. o f a baby girl, which arrived yes­ Leroy Needham and family, terday. with his father, will leave for Another carload o f cement has Nebraska Monday, and will make been received for the new Meth­ their home in that state. odist church and work is progres­ The Royal Theatre is present­ sing rapidly. ing a most .varied program each Dr. Edgar H. Brown is the evening and their up-to-date mov­ proud father o f an eight pound ing pictures are attracting the girl which arrived last Friday. crowd. We smoke, o f course. I ÍH IS Thro’ Elgin Time Means Right on Time F or R ent — Seven-room house, Elgin W atches are Unsurpassed Dr. J. P. Tamiesie o f Hillsboro large basement, Corner Third St. in Accuracy & Quality Features reports the three-year-old child and Second avenue South. Ten Staehr says it was Jack Wright o f Fred Adolph, Blooming, to be dollars per month.—Inquire Dr, Sold by that heard Frank Barns say that sick with infantile paralysis. Mat Peterson told him, chat Dan Geiger. 47-2t Arthur Shearer Dr. Semones. Homeopathic Parson said that Dr. Hines told Charles Cady, the young son Pysician and Oculist. Does no him that Harry Giltner said it o f W. F. Cady o f this city, fell was no doubt that Charlie Roe surgery. O ffice at residence. from a platform at Laurelwood, said that Charlie Miller thought 217 First st. Ind. Phone 311. tf Monday, and suffered the frac­ that Burton believed that it was M. L. Atkins has relieved J. ture o f his right arm at the wrist. Dr. Large ‘ attending“ that said E. Farmer as agent at the Ore. Miss Kirkwood is now ready John Thornburg reckoned it was Elec. Depot. It is understood for fall trade with an extra fine Wilbur McElldowney that heard Mr. Farmer goes to Hillsboro. assortment o f the latest creations Willis Goff intermate that Pater­ Always a positive feed to the in millinery. Plenty o f help and J. A. Brown, Prop. son had said in plain terms that Parker “ Lucky Curve” Fount­ he heal’d Parker the harnessman ain Pen. Go to Shearer, the prepared to handle all orders, tf say that his friend Carl Hinman Main St. Jeweler, and get one on One o f the windows o f the Booth tf was postive that Henry Hamilton 10 days trial. Jewelry Co’ s store contains a had worn D r . R eeds Cushioned H. W. Scott made an auto trip most attractive display o f hand­ Spscial Conveyances Over the soled SHOES and could recomend to Eugene Friday, but owing to some and unique novelties in W ilson River Route them to any one suffering feet; I want to say right here that there muddy roads was compelled to brass which is attracting consid­ to Tillamook is but one D r .R eeds , and sold ONLY AT THE FORESTGROV return to this city by train, leav­ erable attention. SHOE STORE. Hows this, boys, my first type sticking since ing his machine behind. A three-year contract has been spring of 1865; rah for TAFT and good Shoes. Yours Truly, Horses Bought, Sold $50 cash buys a paid up certif­ signed with tte University o f C. V. B. R ussell . icate o f scholarship in the Inter­ Idaho for a dual debate to be and Exchanged W e are ready and will give you the lowest prices national Correspondence Schools held the latter part o f January. for solid shoes ever offered, quality considered. of Scranton,Pa.,good for any $75 Each school will be represented nd. 744 Fhones P kc . 33 course. Inquire P ress office, tf by two teams consisting o f two A Special Line of School Shoes Forest Grove, Ore. Ralph E. Meyers and son Al- men. One team will debate at Our 9 o ’clock School Shoes are the sensation o f the day—and Forest Grove and one at Moscow mon, o f Shepherd, Mich.,are vis­ well they might be, for they are beauties. iting with the former’ s sister, the same evening. Questions 5 to 8 $1.50, 8i to 11 $1.90, 12 to 2 $2.00 to $2.25 Mrs. E. Rivett, west o f town. were submitted yesterday by Id­ Boys High Cuts, $1.75 to $4.50 As G ood as Made They will likely remain for the aho upon which the council will The PRESS pass at once. These debates will Bergman’s Portland Made Shoes winter. mark the first intercollegiate re­ A. A. Cutter Heavy Shoes T h e infant child o f George lationship between Idaho and correspondents. W. L. Douglass 3.00, 3.20 and 4.00 “ Best Made on Earth” White o f Cornelius was badly Pacific. If you can write for publi­ So says Mr. Douglass, “ and he is no liar, either” burned about the body Monday, Dr. Reed’s Cushion Soled Shoes for Tender Feet cation, get in touch wit The rally o f the Christian Carbolic acid having been used are another o f the good shoes we carry churches o f Washington county this office. W e have an by mistake in bathing the child Thats all there is to it. We want your trade, you held at the local edifice Thursday offer which will positively for some infantile disease. want our shoes. We will do the best we can to fit evening and Friday was well at­ prove interesting. Drop a and please you if you will CALL. The Bible class o f the Metho­ tended, and much enthusiasm in Terms cash and good treatment assured at postal or call in person. dist church met at the residence the meetings was manifested. o f J. A. Elder Tuesday evening. Leaders in the work from vari­ The class will purchase a memor­ ous sections o f the state gave ial window for the new church addresses. The sermon for next C. V. B. Russell building which is to cost approx­ Sunday morning. Rev. E. V. imately $100.00. Stivers, pastor, will be “ Predes­ tination and Fore Knowledge.” Dr. C. L. Large reports a son In the evening the pastor will born to the w ife o f Louis Hering speak by special request on the o f Patton valley last Sunday. Parties wishing the attendance topic “ God’s Eternal Purpose in the Salvation o f Men.” o f Dr. Large in this class o f cases, and Mrs. Angeline F. Catching, will greatly oblige him, if con­ venient, by engaging his services aged eighty-five years, and a pic- neer settler ;>f Wa mi gton ■.\>u - two or three months prior to the ty, died in Portland Friday, and expected event. funeral services were held in the Christian church in this city Sun­ Last Saturday on the local day, Rev. E. V. Stivers officiat­ at the gridiron the P. U. boys took the ing, with hurial in Union ceme starch out o f the Portland Acad­ tery. Mrs. Catching, whose emy football squad to the tune o f maiden name was Yates, crossed eight to nothing. Next Satur­ the plains from Missouri in 1845, day there will be a game between and she and her hueband. Wil­ liam W. Catching, settled on a the college boys and the Alumni donation land claim in this sec­ Mill W o rk of A ll Kinds o f P. U. There will be seven ex­ tion. Mr. Catching aied mar captains in the Alumni lineup, years ago, and his widow h d and the game promises to be ex­ lived in Portland for the i ast twenty-five years. When the citing. couple first came to Oregon Pori O U R GROCERY Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cem ent, land consisted o f six log cabins O u r S tock Is C om plete A MAN W AN TED O f thirteeen children born to O u r C lerks A r e C ou rteou s Lime and Sand. Doors, W in ­ O u r P rices A r e Low W anted — A man who has fin­ Mr. and Mrs. Ca ehing, the fol­ lowing survive: Mis. R. C. B ished a house with adulterated dra, Hillsboro; B. F. Catchi; Let Us Please You, Too dows and Sash. Paints Varnish. When he builds again Wardner, Idaho; Mrs. A. C. Lev- he will inquire for me at Geo. G. ens, Portland; W. A. Catching H . T . Giltner and and Oils Paterson’s store. and Charles H. Catching. Mis­ Ind. Phone 701 Main Street CHI-NAMEL soula. Montana. Pac. States 26 Forest Grove The Main St. Jeweler FASHION STABLES Commercial Trade Solicited w a n ts Forest Grove Shoe Store ALW AYS PLEASED Apple Boxes - Grape Boxes Boxes Made to Order Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. That's the verdict of those who patronize