Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 06, 1910, Image 2

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help bear the expenses of mak­ loved ones the fruit of the strug­
ing a n exhibit o f everything gle; and at last, when the su­
grown in Washington county; preme moment arrives, calmly
not only livestock, but fruits, goes to his eternal rest, content
grains and vegetables. One of
the principal reasons for holding posterity an unsullied name, and
the State Fair is to make known that the world is a gainer because
W . M. Langley & Son
to the outside world the resources of his having lived.
—Col. Wm. C. Hunter.
of the different sections of Ore­
gon, and unless Washington
Forest Grove, Ogn.
countv makes a united effort in
properly representing this region,
it will be left behind in the race
J. N. Hoffman
One Year $1.00 - Six Months .75
for new settlers and resultant
A ltorney-at-Laro
Keep On
Pungent Paragraphs
Display advertisements for publica­
Collections and all business entrusted to m
With Your Walk* and Crossings further development o f t h e
triven prompt attention. Attorney for Fore«»
by the
tion in the PRESS must be in this office
Grove Collection Agency.
not later than Tuesday evening to in­
The question of better side­
Press Man
Oifice-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
sure appearance in current issue.
walks and crossings i s still a
Ind. Phone 502
Forest Grove
More Than Acts
matter of moment to the citizens
An Idaho woman, finding a
of Legislature Required
From Cradle
of Forest Grove, as, while con­
pair of woman’ s shoes in her hus­ H. W . Vollmer, M. D.
And now Seattle is stirred up
siderable improvemet has been
To The Grave
band’s closet which did not fit her
the problem of race inter­
Physician and Surgeon
feet, divorced him. Might they
E s s a y o n L i f e b y R o b e r t G. noted the past few weeks, there
Office in Abbott Bldg.
not have been Cinderella’s slip-
I n g e r s o l l , a n d r e g a r d e d a s is still much work to be done be­
Both Phones
Forest Grove, Ogn.
fore we will have any cause to
h is m a s t e r p i e c e .
“ point with pride” . The council a law forbidding mixed marriag­
Born of love and hope, of ecs- instructed the street commission­ es, the particular occurence which
The P ress prints nothing of a O. W . Humphrey
tasy and pain, of agony and fear, er to serve legal notice on sever- has caused the excitment being
sensational character merely for
of tears and joy dowered with the “ ¿ "0~ ‘r t y ownere to repair th ir the union of two white girls to
the purpose of stirring up its
v'ealth of two united heat ts held waj({S( an(j ¡n order that no dis- Japanese. Law may be effective
Office- K. P. Bldg.
Phone U44
readers, and we aim to get the
in happy arms with lips upon life s crjrnjnation may be charged,every in staying the mixing of the ra­
Forest Grove, Oregon
drifted font, blue-veined and fair jowner of property in the city ces for a time, but other things facts before we present a news
item to our subscribers.
where perfect peace hndspei ect shoul(j recejve a like notice, where will have to operate against what
Dr. O. H. Scheetz
form—rocked by willing feet and his walks are in need of repair.
is now looked upon as a disgust­
Returning from the African
Chiropratlic Spinologist
wooed to shadowy shores of sleep
There i s constant complaint ing practice by the general run of jungles, Teddy is showing the , Specialist in nervous diseases, lung trouble
by siren mother, singing soft and about‘loose’ boardr'in sidewalks,'
people. In the case of the Japa­ stand patters that his practice I rheumatism, in fact all diseases.
low -lookingw ith wonders wide and the
la b ilities are
are that nese we see a race which has
Office next to LaCourse’s store
on elephants in the wild has im­
and startled eyes a t common sometime there will be something only in the past fifty years brok­
proved his aim, as witness the
things of life and day —taught by
more than a verbal complaint en the bounds of their isolation spots he is knocking off the hide W . H. Hollis
want and wish and contact with,
Someone wi„ receive a of thousands of years, yet in that
I of the old G. 0. P. animal.
the things that touch the dimpled j bad fall and injury one of these short time they have come to the
A tlorney-at-Laui
flesh of babes—lured by light and
Two women and a man dropped
days, and a suit for heavy dam front and are even now beating
Forest Grove, Cgn.
flame, and charmed by color’s
ages will be the natural outcome. the white race at the game of be­ into the PRESS office and “ coughed
wondrous robes—learning the use
The city will certainly gain noth­ ing “ civilized” . White girls who up” , for the price of a year’s sub­
of hands and feet, and by the
ing in the way of favorable adver have married Japanese claim that scription, yesterday, saying they W . Q. Tuclcer, M. D.
love of mimicry beguiled to utter
Physician en d Surgeon
tising by having the news scatter­ they are more industrious,saving couldn’ t do without the P r e ss .
speech—releasing prisoned thots
of Women A Specialty
ed broadcast that our walks are and cleanly than the American “ That’s what they all say” ’
from crabbed and curious marks
Dr. Brown’s Old Office
in such bad condition that the man, and more devoted as hus­
Forest Grove, Ore.
on soiled and tattered leaves—
Snider Snooze and Weary Walk- Main Street,
citizens of the town are being bands, and when a girl sees a
puzzling the brain with crooked
disabled as a result of walking- chance of winning a happy home, I um, two Knights of the road,
numbers and their changing,tan­
over them. It is the habit of | what can stop her? Instead of were in the Grove last week on Victor H. Limber
gled worth -and so through years
Funeral Director and Embalmer
metropolitan papers to magnify putting up a howl against the ! their way to Tillamook, and their
of alternating day and night, until
Modern Equipments
such stories coming from smaller Jap, let the American look to his
the captive grows familiar with
towns, and while there is usually ! laurels, and if he measures up to
Forest Grove
the chains and walls and limita­
some basis for most of the stories the proper standard and develop-
tions of a life.
A young lady o f Forest Grove
printed in the news columns of es the qualities which are neces­
And time runs on in sun and
made twenty-seven dollars Dr. C. E. Bockmann
the dailies, those papers are fond sary as the successful head of a
shade until the one of all the
hop-fields this year,when
of enlarging. The property own­
world is wooed and won, and all
ers o f Forest Grove would better come a national trait of the Am­
Consultation Free
the lore of love is taught and
hops were used for, said she thot Office next door to Forest Grove Press
keep their walks in repair,and no erican girl.
learrted again. Again a home is
they were used to make “ east” .
Home office: 151 East 28 St., Portland
opportunity will then be given
built, with t h e fair chamber
for the outside papers to take a Black Man
wherein faint dreams, like cooland
whack at the city.
In The W ood Pile?
W. J. R. Beach
shadowy vales, divide the billow­
A man in an eastern state owns
In the matter of better cross­
Is it not singular that auto­ a hen which has five toes on each
ed hours of love. Again the mir­
Fire and Life Insurance
ings, this lies directly with the
mobile riders of Portland should foot, and which he says can out­
acle of birth —the pain and joy,
city council, and where there is
find most of our bad roads in the run anything in the hen line in
the kiss of welcome and the era
need of new crossings the city
If you don’t insure with me
Eastern section of the county? his state. Let him come to Ore­
die song drowning the drowsy
fathers should see that they are
Once in a while they will throw gon and we will show him some
prattle of a babe.
put in. It may be diverting to
a buquet at the mountain roads in people with webs between their
And then the sense of obliga­
watch the pedestrians walking
North First Street, near Main
the western section of Washing toes and moss on their backs who
tion and of wrong—pity for those
the car track, with arms out-
Forest Grove, Ore.
ton county, but for the most part can out run wild horses—politi­
who toil and weep tears for the
thrown like tight rope performers
it is the roads closest to Multno­ cally.
imprisoned and despised love
to keep out of the mud, as has
mah county that come under con­
for the generous dead, and in the
been the case since time imme­
heart the rapture of a high re­
morial at the intersection of Main
Could it be that the agitation w’ hile in a pessimistic mood told
Sanitary Plumbing
street and First avenue. North,
And then ambition with its but it does not conduce to the to slice off a portion of Washing­ the P r ess man the other day
and Heating
lust of pelf and place and power, comfort and Christian frame of ton county on the east and add it that he believed four-fifths of the Satisfaction guaranteed. Charge»
to Multnomah county could have people would go out of their way reasonable. Basement Hoffman build­
longing to put upon its breast dis­ mind of the foot passengers.
any thing to do with “ knocking” in order to get “ stung. ” Had he ing'. rhone 502.
tinction’s worthless badge. Then
our roads at the present time? been inclined to fall into verse he
keener thoughts of men,and eyes
If this is so we think the knock­ would probably have expressed Mrs. M. A . Thomas
that see behind the smiling mask County Appropriation
ers may wear their hammers himself thusly:
of craft—flattered no more by the For State Fair
Fashionable Dressmaker
smooth without its availing them
obsequious cringe of gain and
Count that day lost,
Washington county s h o u l d
Cor. 2nd. S t’ and 1st. Ave. South.
greed—knowing the uselessness make an appropriation for the anything. We think the voters
Whose low descending sun,
Forest Grove, Oregon
of hoarded gold, of honor bought purpose of being properly repres­ of Washington county are as a
Sees not some grafter “ in” ,
from those who charge the usury ented at the annual State Fair at majority opposed to giving up
Some sucker “ done.”
of self-respect.of power that only Salem. A number of enterpris- any portion of the county, and
Oregon Electric Time Card
bends a coward’s knees and for- ing livestock owners of the county that the work they are now do­
There is a feeling among the
ces from the lips of fear the lies exhibited at the fair this year and ing will result in the proposition peoole living on the Pacific Coast
at Portlaad
Foreit Grove
of praise. Knowing at last the carried off several of the blue being turned down at the coming that there is no very great cause
8:00 a m
6:50 a m
unstudied gesture of esteem, the ribbons. They are to be com­ election.
for alarm in the fact that we
9:50 a m
8:40 a m
11:40 a m
10:30 a m
reverent eyes made rich with mended for being not only up-to-
have no war fleet in the Pacific
1:30 p m
12:20 p m
honest thought, and holding high date in the matter of raising the
Character is found in the tor­ waters to protect our coast line,
2:50 p m
1:40 p m
5:20 p m
4:10 p m
above all other things—high as better class of livestock, but also rents of life. He who listlessly as, if the peoples of the Orient
8:10 p m
7:00 p m
hope’s great throbbing star above for their enterprise in making an drifts with the tide, yielding to should take a notion to take a fall
10:50 p m
9:45 p m
the darkness of the dead-the exhibit at their own expense for every appetite or passion, will out of us, we would "do ’ em up”
a r r iv e s
love of wife and child and friend. the purpose of advertising the very soon dash, a broken wreck, in short order. One of the great­
F or eit Grove
Then locks of gray, and grow- countv. But the effort to make a on the sullen, jagged rocks that est faults with the American
8:15 a m
7:05 a m
ing love of other days and half re­ showing o f the resources of the lurk unseen in the river of life.
people is that they do not realize
9:40 a m
8:30 a m
membered things holding the county should not be left to in­
11:30 am
Happy is he who is so constitu­ the power and fighting ability of
10:20 a m
1:20 pm
12:10 p m
withered hands of those who first dividual e f f o r t Washington ted that with a steady eye on the the Japanese, and for that reason
8:20 pm
2:10 p m
held his, while over dim and lov­ county lays claim to being one of compass, a strong hand on the til­ are indifferent to the warnings
4:40 p m
3:30 p m
6:40 p m
5:30 p m
ing eyes death softly presses the wealthiest counties in natural ler, reinforced by a determined given by army men who are in a
9:35 p m
8:25 p m
down the lids of rest.
and developed resources in the will, he guides his craft past the position to know whereof they
And so, locking in marriage state, and in order to prove our hidden dangers, and finally an­ speak. There will be a sad and
u*>, « - A r . r o.
vows his children’s hands and claims, there soould be an annual chors safely in some quiet harbor astonishing awakening one of
Sondar only
__ . . . . .
Lee r..G . S:S0 p m— Ar. at Porti»-«! «•« •
crossing others on the breasts of appropriation made which would in a position to enjoy with his these days.
peace, with daughters’ babes up­
on his knees, the white hair min­
gling with the gold, he journeys
G. E. S E C O U R
on from day to day to that horizon
in the City of
F orest G r o v e , O regon ,
where the dusk is waiting for the
THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. night. At last, sitting by the
holy hearth of home as evening’s
I n d e p e n d e n t P hones
embers change from red to gray,
O ffice 505
R esid e n c e 231
he falls asleep within the arms of
Entered at the post office at Fo< est Grove, Oirn
her he worshipped and adored,
as mail matter of the second cla-s.
feeling upon his pallid lips love’s
T erm s o f S u b s c r i p t i o n
and holiest kiss.
F o
r e st G rove P ress
Published & Edited by