Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 06, 1910, Image 1

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F orest G rove P ress
Vol. I
6, 1910
j sooner shall we be able to make
Middle West Looks to fa
Memorial Services in Honor
effective protest against its reali­
cific Coast for Fruit Supply zation.
of Harvey W. Scott Held
had produced were the late Har­
vey W. Scott and the late George
H. Williams.
“ I say the new doctrine is rev­
Judge Charles E. Wolverton in
address characterized Mr.
H. C. Atwell o f this city, Pres­
Memorial services in honor of
The Ladies’ Working Society
w i t h Horace Greeley, of the Congregational church of
ident o f the Oregon State Horti­
the late Harvey W. Scott, first
cultural Society, and who with Federal Government holds its graduate of Pacific University Charles A. Dana, Murat Halstead this city to the number o f about
Henry Watterson. Mr. thirty gave a Bazaar in the par­
Mrs. Atwell has been traveling | u r appropriated public lands in and for more than forty years a n d
for several weeks in the East, j trust for the people of the new the Editor o f the Oregonian, Scott’s editorials appealing for a lors of the First Congregational
expresses confidence in the fu­ states—a theory heretofore uni­ were held last Thursday after­ sound National standard o f fi­ church in Portland, Friday, The
formly held in dealing with the noon in Brighton chapel. The nance during the silver craze, party left for the Rose City on
ture of Oregon fruits.
In an interview with the Press i public lands—the theory under­ services were beautiful and im­ were recognized everywhere as the eight-forty Oregon Electric
Mr. Atwell said: “ The middle lying the admission of new states. pressive, and were attended bv the most able productions on the car, laden with numerous boxes
“ Unfairness of the doctrine ¡s' a large audience composed of subject.
west looks to California and the
and suit cases. The Bazaar op­
Edgar B. Piper, managing edi­ ened at two o'clock, p. m., and
Pacific Northwest for its supply apparent, when we consider that townspeople and men prominent
o f Pears, Prunes and Plums, and its application will result in pre­ in the affairs o f the state from tor o f the Oregonian, spoke of the ladies from this city had a
as our shipping season follows venting these natural resources other sections of Oregon. Many his long association with Mr. number o f tables on which were
that of California, there is no from ever coming within the gray-haired men and women who Scott, and of the magnificent in­ aprons, home-made candy and a
great competition between the taxing powers of the State Gov­ were co-workers with Mr. Scott tellectual power, force of charac­ variety o f other things for sale.
two markets. Commission men ernment, thus withholding from in the task o f transforming the ter and uniform kindness to The Portland ladies who assisted,
assured me that there had been the people of Oregon a vast pros­ wilderness into an abode o f civil­ those under him, of his late chief. many of them former students of
little cause for complaint in re­ pective source of contribution ization, were present at the ex­ Ex-Governor T. T. Geer in his the college here, served refresh­
cent years as to condition of our toward maintenance of their in­ ercises, and were deeply affected address said that at the close of ments oonsisting of ice cream and
fruit upon arrival. Our dried stitutions.
when some special incident of Mr. Scott’s life it could have cake and coffee and sandwiches.
“ Conservation, as regards wid­ pioneei life or some prominent been truly said that he had filled The parlors were prettily decor­
Prunes have become staple, and
are generally preferred to the est field for its application, is a trait of the late editor was re­ a larger place in the history of ated with native flowers and
question of local Government and ferred to in the eulogies.
Oregon than any other man. He ferns, P. U. banners and oriental
sweeter variety.
“ If our apple shippers continue of individuals. If municipalities
Following Chopin’s funeral graduated from Pacific Univer­ rugs.
to prr.ct^pe their superior meth­ and states exercise their prero- j march by Professor Frank T. sity in a class by himself, and
Mrs. R. G. Ebert, o f Vancou­
ods of grading and packing, they gatives, the field for, and need Chapman, Rev. C. E. Cline, D. had remained in that class during ver, Washington, assisted at the
will have no difficulty in retain­ of, Federal Conservation will be D., of Portland, delivered the in- his entire career.
Bazaar, and had for sale many
Dr. T. L. Elliot, o f Portland, hand embroidered articles which
ing the preference o f the market. greatly reduced. The theory o f vocation. Rev. Cline thanked
The institution o f the auction our political system is to reduce God for death, inevitable, be spoke of the religious side o f Mr. she had collected in the Phillipine
method o f selling western fruits, to a minimum interference of cause beneficent; an ordinance of Scott’s life, saying that he al­ Islands, and which she donated
in leading eastern cities, is a general Government in local af- Nature, an indisputable part of ways took a kindly interest in to the Society. Mrs. Ebert is
great gain to the shipper. In­ fairs. Abandon this theory, and this organic world—a provision religion, and was broadminded the daughter of the late Harvey
stead o f being carted to the store our system must be recast along o f an all-wise Providence. Pres- in his interpretation of religious Clark, who was one o f the first
o f the commission man, and European lines. Our national Ferrin who presided, spoke of thought.
settlers of Forest Grove, and who
Hon. W. D. Fenton, of Port­ gave the campus and much o f the
there exposed for sale to those founders, though but dimly an- Mr. Scott’s connection with the
who may chance to drop in, the ticipating our present greatness University, first as a student and land, said Mr. Scott had in townsite to the Pacific Univer­
fruit is offered next morning and geographical extent, pre- graduate, and then as a trustee fluenced the age in which he sity. She was born in the log
after arrival, for sale at auction, ferred local government by states and benefactor o f the institution lived for great good, and that cabin which stood for many
where competition is active, and to unlimited Federal jurisdiction. Dr. Ferrin said that in his opinion the final estimate o f the man years as one of the last land­
the goods paid for on the spot.” How much stronger their prefer­ the two greatest men Oregon cannot be made until a later day. marks of pioneer days at the
He was a part o f the woof and corner of Fifth street and Fifth
Mr. Atwell intends this winter ence, had they realized that our
o f our lives. He was a Avenue, South. She graduated
to plant more fruit on his ranch
many-sided man, from Pacific University in 1877,
near Forest Grove. Speaking of
of industry and and is the wife o f Dr. R. G.
the recent Conservation Congress
“ This is too big a nation to be
Mr. and Mrs. James Hocking chivalry were united in his blood. Ebert, an Army Surgeon sta­
at St. Paul, which he attended governed entirely from one capi­
At the close of the exercises, tioned at Vancouver.
as a delegate from Oregon, Mr. tal. Curtailment, rather than entertained Friday in honor o f
Atwell said:
The Bazaar was not only very
enlargement, o f the province o f Mr. Alfred Davison, who has Mrs. Pauline Miller-Chapman
“ Those who attended the Con­ Federal legislation is demanded, been visiting relatives in this sang, in her pleasing manner, successful financially, about one
gress, in anticipation of hearing in the interest of good govern­ city, and who will soon return to “ God’s Promise.” Members of hundred dollars being cleared,
grave economic questions dis­ ment. Strengthen Federal au­ his home in Webber, Kansas. A the Scott family present were but the ladies report a very
cussed, were disappointed. The thority as to foreign and inter­ large crowd o f friends and relat­ Miss Judith Scott and John, Les­ pleasant time socially, having
met many former friends and
gathering bore all the ear-marks state relations, but bid it hold ives were present at the affair, lie and Ambrose Scott.
made new ones. The Society ex­
o f a political convention. It was aloof from intra-state affairs, ian<^ a very pleasant time was en-
tends their thanks to all those
a frame up’ 'to secure endorse­ As to natural resources within a joyed by all. The guests brought
who so kindly assisted at the
ment of certain men and certain state, the dissenting delegates to well-filled lunch baskets, and
theories of conservation. Party the Conservation Congress main­ after luncheon several hours
Miss Earn ham received cards
lines were disregarded. The ve­ tained that the State was entitled were spent in social conversation.
hement Republican Governor of to the revenues arising from uti­ Mrs. Tolman of Portland, came last week announcing the mar­
Kansas, and the fiery Democratic lization, and should be permitted, out to enjoy the occasion, which riage o f Mr. Victor E. Albright
Ex-governor o f Louisiana, vied under proper safe-guards against was partly in honor o f her birth­ to Miss Georgia H. French on
Sept. 20. After Oct. 1 they are
The W. C T. U. will hold a
with each other in denunciation waste and monopoly, to adminis­ day.
home at the University of “ Rally Day” meeting with Mrs.
o f all suspected of favoring ter such resources.”
Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Mr. D. T. Thomas at the Congrega­
states-rights as against federal
will be remembered by tional Parsonage, Friday after­
control o f natural resources. The J
the students as head noon Oct. 7th at 3 o ’clock.
deliberations o f the Congress
Miss Maggie Blum, daughter
speaking depart­
Every new member, every old
would have delighted the soul of
of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Blum, of
University in member and every woman in
Sheriff George Hancock receiv­ Beaverton, died at the home of
the most ardent Federalist of our
Forest Grove is urged to come to
ed word Saturday from one of the her brother, John Blum, ten miles 1905-6.
early history.
“ By resolution o f the Conven­ railroad camps on the P. R. & N. South of this city in Yamhill
features of the meet­
line, about thirty county, Wednesday morning at
tion, the natural resources of Tillamook
the address o f the
one third of the State o f Oregon miles from this city, that there 12:30 o’clock, of typhoid fever.
Mrs. Rachel Hos-
B him w as term in Yamhili
—its water-power sites, its for­ was a laborer there who had gone
The first regular meeting o f the
young lad­
ests, its oil fields, its mines— I crazy, and the crew wanted him cotmty twenty-one years ago.and Woman’s Club o f this city will be
there continuously un- held at the home o f Mrs. W. W.
were declared common property taken into custody. Deputy Sher- < ^a(j
tw0 year8 aff0, when shemov- McEldowney, Monday Oct. 10, at
o f the people o f all the states; i'. Emmet Quick and J. A. Frown ;
to Beaver- 2:30 p. m. Previous to the regi • The officers o f the Union desire
and the Federal Government was the liveryman of this city, made ed with her
woman lar session the executive board all the help possible to carry on
voted the lawful and logical ad­
work for the Oregon Dry Cam-
ministrator of those resources, the man, and found wh*m they ^ lovable qualities, and her early wiil hold a meeting, which is call
with leave to turn into the Fed-
death is greatly deplored by a ed for 2 p.m. prompt. The work
I eral Treasury the resources de- feller who had bane on av spree, wide circle of friends. Besides of the club this y< ar will be de­
Frank Meresse received a ship­
Irived from their utilization. The by yimminy” , and during the her parents she is survived by voted toward securing a “ city
■revolutionary character o f this wind-up <.f his debauch he had three brothers, James, John and beautiful” , and every effort will ment o f elk horns the fore-part
M octrine, its unfairness to west­ been steingthings ’. He proved Gecil Blum, and one sister, Mrs. be exerted to this end. A large o f the week from Colorado.
ern states, and its dangerous to the officers that his think tank Martha Tucker, o f Beavertonf gathering is expected at the ini- Frank gathered up the horns,
services were held today, tial meeting and results anticipa- which had been shed by the ani­
ndency were not, I think, fully was only beclowded by the fumes
interment in the Hill ceme- ted.
mals near the Yellow Stone Park
ppreciated by its advocates, of old John Barley-Corn,and was
and will have them polished and
he sooner, however, we of the not on the blink, and was allowed tery
--------------------- Henry Scott, a young fanner
mounted. They are magnificent
est come to appreciate the sig- to remain in the wild.
ificance o f this new policy re-
George Bacon of Hillsboro, was and noted hunter o f Patton Val- specimens, and will make fine
Subscribe for The Press, now. up yesterday.
ley. was in the Grove Wednesday. hall ornaments.
. ^ ...» . _„i c domain, the
Working Society Holds
Very Successful Bazaar
Enjoyable Time Held Friday
Former P.U.Instructor Marries
____ »
W. C. T. U. Rally Tomorrow
Beaverton Young Woman Dies
Sweede Fellar On Souse
Woman’s Club to Meet