Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Local Reporters of the Press Miss Bertha Williams was a F. E. David, formerly o f That­ Portia id shopper Friday. cher, and now living in Arleta, FOR S A L E —40 stands o f bees. was a business visitor in Forest Grove Saturday. F. A. Everest,Gaston,Ore. 41-6t Will Gerish, o f Portland, who R. A. Phelps and w ife visited with friends in Hillsboro Sunday. was formerly in the music busi­ ness in this city, visited friends Mrs. Robert Bellinger visited in the Grove Saturday. with friends in Hillsboro,Friday. Playing marbles is all the rage, John Bernards and wife, o f and the Kids “ fudge” just as Roy, were shopping in the Grove much as they did in those fa r­ Friday. away days when we were kids. Sheriff Hancock was up from the county seat, Friday, on offici­ Notice to Farmers—Bring in your chickens, eggs and butter al business. to W. F. Schultz and get cash E. S. Burlingham was attend­ in exchange. Produce o f all ing to business matters in Port­ kinds wanted. tf land Saturday. Wheelock Marsh, formerly a Josh Adkins, ranching in the newspaper man and postmaster Glenwood section, was a Grove o f this city, now a clerk in the visitor Saturday. Federal Court, Portland, visited Robert Banks, o f the town of with Grove friends the past week. that name, was a business visitor Gain knowlege by correspond­ in the Grove Monday. ence. Learn t o d o something Charles Dixon, alias “ Windy worth while; $75 scholarship cer Jim” , o f Gaston, was a business tificate in Internat’ l schools for visitor in the Grove Friday. sale at $50 cash. P ress office, tf Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Porter Hubert Bernards, o f Verboort and littWi Gertude Miller were, and McMinnville, was in the county seat visitors Saturday. Grove Saturday. Mr. Bernards Young Reiling, a solid citizen isapolitican from ’way back, and o f Roy, was attending to business is always on hand election day. matters in the Grove Saturday. Oscar Baldwin, formerly o f ( stoves H I N MA N ’ S STOVES) I HARDW ARE STORE The cold weather demands proper protection within doors as well as without. You can secure indoor comfort at a low cost in fuel by using the right stoves. We have them. The “ A U R O R A ” , a handsome heating stove, with bronze urn and full nickle trim. Swing top. able front panel with nickle screw. and Hot Blast Attachment. Remov­ Draft Register Nickle foot rail. A splendid heater which will give sure satisfaction. The “ C H A R TE R O A K ” range is carefully m a d e throughout of “ Hammered Planished Stee ” , the finest grade that is made, manu­ factured especially f o r these stoves. The oven is strong and rigid and i t s construction such as to insure the best possible results in baking, i he flue box is cast iron, extra large, with ample opening; the damper is very sire pie and impossible to burn out; reservoirs are porcelain lined. All ranges are full nickle trim and will STAND THE TEST OF W EAR. mm ili \ 1 .«a m » . aa Charter Oak and Peterson, the grape and prune this city, now superintendent for raiser o f David’s Hill, was a an engineering and construction business visitor in town Friday. company in Portland, spent the John Vanderzanden, senior, a week-end with friends in the prosperous farmer o f the Verbort Grove. “Wood” Superior H E A T E R S Bernard Ortman, living on the section, was a Grove visitor Sat­ urday. Ira Purdin farm two miles north­ west o f town, was in the Grove A complete stock o f home-made Saturday, a n d says six acres candies can now be had at Prick- yielded eight thousand pounds of ett’ s confectionery. A l w a y s dr.ed prunes. fresh. 45-3t Harry Levy passed thru town Tom Todd, o f the Oakhill sec­ Saturday with a fine bunch o f tion, and one o f the directors o f beef cattle, which he was taking a local bank, was in the Grove to the head camp o f the United Saturday. Railways company, on the Port- Ula Hanna and wife,and Oscar land-Tillamook line. Alstiom and wife, have returned A1 Mayfield, a California ac­ from a week’s pleasant visit to quaintance o f J. A. Brown, the ■ the coast. Pacific Avenue livery man, visit­ Now is the time to purchase ed him the past week. Mr.May- For scientific horse-shoeing go that range you want. The best field novy makes his home in Jack- to Bryon Markham, Main S treet that are made can be had at son county, Oregon. He guarantees results. tf Hinman’ s. tf C. B. Campbell, o f the W att’s John Hayne, who suffered a district, who was seriously injur­ serious injury to his foot some ed by his cultivator a couple of I weeks ago, is able to hobble about weeks ago, is able to come to the ' on crutches. Grove occasionally, but has been Dick Holscher, a prosperous compelled to use a crutch. young grape raiser o f the W att’ s Aaron Wells who was formerly section was a business visitor in in business in this city, but now- i the Grove Friday. living in Portland, and connected Stand at the head of all com­ petitors. Give a greater a- mount of heat at a lower ex­ penditure for fuel. Come in and examine t..em. HINMAN’S HARDWARE STORE ( MISS my The Drs. Nixon have returned from the Nehalem mountains, Jwhither they went to look after I their timber holdings. with the midnight mission, spent the week-end with his father and sister, Mrs. John Williams, in the Grove. FINDS y ■ ■ ■ ■ a m m i -nmrmmmmm A WALTER ROSW UR M E MOULTON Roswurm & Moulton Successors to Roswurm & Co. Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances, Ice, Coal and Wood Forest Grove Oregon The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Ass’n Arthur Reeher o f Wilson river, Hinman has a full line o f of and heating stoves in was in the Grove the fore-part o f Make your selection now. the w eek, and took over a load of provisions. He will do the haul­ “ Charter Oak” . tf ¡¡J Writes the Most Conservative Line of Commercial and ing while his father, James Reeh­ Mrs. Edward Bates,of Gaston, Dwelling insurance of Any Mutual Company in the er, is on a vacation trip to Penn­ hvas shopping in the Grove Sat- State. It will Pay You to Protect Your Prop­ sylvania. furday. Mrs. Bates, as Miss Etta erty with One of Our Policies Why burn $4 wood when you |B< ar, formerly lived in this city. can buy a ton o f Mendota coal for I Attorney and Mrs. W. B. Shiv- $7.50. delivered. Little soot and |ely, o f Portland, spent Sunday in little ash. Keeps an even fire. iis city.the guests o f the latter’s No splitting, no sawing, equals rents Mayor and Mrs. M. Pet- two cords o f wood. Give it a trial son. Roswurm and Moulton, Forest J. B. Matthews wishes to show Grove. tf Edward Seymour, Mgr M du the new "U nion” jack: for Come in and fet your share p ftin g , setting tires, stretching How to Swap and tnce and many other uses. A l­ Come Out Ahead of the GOOD THINGS ways handy. tf How would you like to swap TfiEM C. L. Iranges (stock. |Bee the HERE Everyday we're making Forest Grove, Oregon Oregon Land & Trading Co. FOOTPRINTS Farm and City Property Miss Jessie Greer a n d Miss ok were among the Fores: ove people who attended the k irch Conference at Hillst km • liuav ewning. your old soft-wood floor for var­ nished hardwood? Give me $2. 50 to boot and I ’ll trade. Find me at Geo. G. Paterson’s and Bee my samples. C h i -N a m e l . In DRY GOODS BARGAINS Both Phones Forest Grove, Oregon Hofhran and Allen Company Subscribe for the PRESS, now