Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 29, 1910, Image 5

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    Canned Goods
H. W. Burk is visiting his
brother at Vancouver.
W . F. Schultz
Oliver Buxton is taking music
lessons o f Mrs. F. Blackman.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holscher
spent Friday at Forest Grove.
iu i
Market and Grocery
Call or Telephone Your Orders
Free Delivery to All Parts of City
Both Phones Pac. A ve Forest Grove
.> i
1 1
A 0 M
REMEMBER—Dr. Booth guar­
M. S. Allen was a Portland vis­
antees all glasses for 1 year, tf itor Wednesday.
J. 0 . McHale and w ife were
Wnen you buy your new wagon
Gravel is bring placed in the
here from Beaverton last week. play shed at t h e Central High jack, get the "Union. ” Simplest,
stongest and most useful. Once
School will begin here Monday,
used always used. J. B. Mat­
John Kostur of the Buxton sec­ thews, Agent.
Oct. 3rd, with N. A. Frost as
tion, was a business visitor in
Senator E. W. Haines and as­
town Tu; sda.v.
sociates iiave sold the Haines
G. H. Burk and M. Monnerand
Rev. Poor, o f Sellwood, occu­
families spent Sunday at the pied tne pulpit of the Methodist power plant to an eastern syndi-
c a i e
U A U iia u rijr
s i A i kv
Elkhorn farm.
church last Sunday.
thousand dollars.
Anything and everthing in
Mrs. Monner, o f Portland,
The Sunday School Rally o f (lie
spent the past week visiting her hardware, buggies, carriages and Methodist church takes place this ;
wagons at Hinman’s.
Sunday. An excellent program |
son’s, M. Monner’s family, and
s has been prep .red and an attend­
also among many friends.
this week nclude men’s night­ ance of 400 is being worked for.
A lecture will be given Sunday shirts, pajamas, and Mackinaws.
The Christian church in this
night. Oct. 2nd., at the Watts
The I..DEX, tho Pacific Univer- city will soon be equipped with
church by Mrs. Emily Banks isity weekly, will be published at an up-to-date kitchen, the necess­
who has just returned from the | lh> P ress office this school year. ary tunds for the purpose having
Congo where she has been en­
Mr.-,. E. V. Stivers returned been donated bv several active
gaged in missionary work. A Monday evening from a visit of membeis.
cordial invitation is extended to several days with friends in Eu­
Judge W. M. Langley has sold
all to attend.
his residence to George Sage, who
Mr. and Mrs. Stamm of Clin­ recently arrived in the city' from
Dan Deaville lias bought the50 ton, Iowa visited last week with South Dakota. Judge Langley is
foot tract in the warehouse dis­ Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kinzer of having the cottage on the corner
of 3rd Ave. and B street remodel­
trict near the car barn, from Miss this city.
ed and will move to the new home
Munche Langley. This tract is a
Dr. and Mrs. Bean entertained next week.
part o f the property owned by a number of the college students
LOST—On Pacific Avenue, be­
Ca 'well.
j . or day
evening. A splendid
tween my livery barn and resi­
time was had.
dence. Open face, nickle case
Mrs. M. A . Thom as
That gasolene stove you need Waltham watch. Has sunk dial,
can be purchased at Hinman’s, | and leather strap attached to
^Fashionable Dressm aker
i ay ■; anti thr e burners, with or guard ring. Its return will be ap­
Cor. 2ha. St' and 1st. Are. South.
without ovens.
preciated as it was a present from
F orest G ro v e , O re g o n
Tony Garstens, a prosperous my son Alvin, who died last win­
farmer o f the Banks section, was ter, and is greatly valued on that
J. A. Brown, tf
a business visitor in the Grove account.
Tuesday and made this office a
Herman Cook, who left for the
pleasant call.
! Idaho mines last week, writes the
O R photographic film
Don’t get glasses fftim the j P rkss that the forest fires wiped
and printing paper,
inexperienced street fakir. See 1 out about a third of the town of
cameras, pure chemi-
Wallace, Idaho, and one million
Dr. Booth who has had 18 years and a half dollars’ worth of pro­
cals and supplies or all kinds,
experience and guarantees his perty was aestroyed. Herman is
com e to this store and you
employed m the Morning mine at
will be certain o f depend­
Mullan, Idaho, and is working in
able quality. W e sell the (jgt
A. G. Hoffman and wife, ac­ a tunnel three miles hack in the
companied by their little daught | mou tain. He says to forward
er, Aliene, were in attendance at his P hess as he can’ t do without
the Hillsboro conference Sunday, lit. “ ¿hat’s what they all say” .
a d took dinner with Mr. and
«label, the five-months o';
M'\ Emetick.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Holscher, of Cornelius, died Mon­
i T o Poul ry Ra'.sers—Highest day, and was buried in the Cor­
which makes truer, better-
I cash prices ^aid for chickens, nelius Cemetery yesterday, Rev.
balanced negatives, and
‘ eggs and butter by the Schultz Dousher oflfici ting.
C yk o Paper for deeper,
Councilman John Thornburgh
j market, Forest Grove.
is in favor of having the Forest
softer, clearer prints.
Let us show you our
Rev. E. E. Violett, an evange­ Grove Transportation Company
list o f Birmingham. Alabama, lo. er their track which crosses
splendid a s s o r t m e n t of
will occupy the Christian church li e sidewalk near the west end
cameras. Pure chemicals,
of AbiaiianTs store, on Pacific
pulpit the first Sunday in Nov­
ail photographic supplies.
Ave. ue, so that the track will bo
ember. Rev. Violett is said to be
flush with the top of the walk,
Developing and printing
a speaker o f much force and elo­
but it is a question whether the
done. Reasonable ciia
rest o f the city dads will endorse
Ij^ f SUMI». '
h Jiewel n - / Co. ■
T h e B ig S t o r e
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Ore.
> f ik
the proposition.
Eli. A. Smith, the Alaska
Musher, and his 3 original dogs
P h on es
W ill appear at the Royal Theatre i
for t ree nights, commencing!
tonight. Mr. Smith’s entertain­
ment is highly spoken of by the
Mrs. Corella Bunce, who form­ press c f the country and the ex
erly lived in the Thatcher section, hihition is high-class throughout.
where she made her home for
Mr. a. d Mrs. Burlingham en
several years, will he joined in t rtained a few friends Monday
the holy bonds o f matrimony to evening at five hundred. Mrs.
Mr. Murry Dean, o f Clatskanie, i Wilbur McEldowney and Mr |
the happy event to occur October i Pnilip Kinzer were awarded first j
prizes and Mrs. Hines and Mr.
What do you think o f the type- Erigar Meresse gained consola­
sticking ability o f C.V.B.Russell, tions.
the Main street shoe dealer, as
Mrs. John Wilson Macrum en­
shown in his ad. this week? C. tertained a number of friends
V. B. had not tot ched a type since Tuesday afternoon at the home
1865, but he came down to the | of her mother, Mrs. L. Watt.
PRESS office a d “ put up” his Five Hundred was played, Mrs.
clever little write up in about an W. B. Haines capturing first
hour. Going some, eh?
prize and Mrs. W. W. McEldow­
ney being awarded the consola­
Mr. and Mrs V. S. Abraham
tion The decorations were ferns
have gone t o Eastern Oregon
and roses, delicious luncheon was
points for the benefit of Mrs.
served. Among those present
Abrahan’s health, the object be­
were: Mesdames L. Watt. John
ing t o find a higher altitude. Wilson Macrum. Phillip Kinzer,
They may goto Denver, Colorado,
Arthur C.Caples, August Kinney,
during their trip and the length
o f Astoria. Frank J. Miller,
o f their stay will depend on the Charles Hines. Elmer E. Williams
improvement of Mrs. Abraham.
Burlingham, William M. Pollock,
Frank Gordon. Willis Goff, Hen-
Doesn’t compare with onr
George Jackson o f this city will rv Goff, W. B. Haines, Frank
leave soon for Eugene to enter Meresse, Charles 0 . Roe. Mayne
the State university. George will J. Abbott, (Jerald Volk, Raleigh
Come, in and try it
study music and evangelistic sing­ Peterson, Frank White and A.
ing. and Eden will take the mi- Hinman; Misses Margaret Hin-
nisteral course. Eden is troubl­ man, Minnie Myers. Manche
ed with an affection of the ear. Langley, Bertha Ruffner of New
Ottice Shearer
and will undergo an operation York City, and Katherine Shan­
Main Street
Forest Grove after reaching Eugene.
The big seventy-five foot flag
’ ol s v ere raised at both the
U P -T O -D A T E O R U G G IS T S
Cent -al and Lincoln schools last
He!: 231
Ind. 901 week, and now old glory floats to
She breeze from each one and in­
spires patriotism in the breasts of
young America.
t Greve P harmacy
W ill
Save Y ou
M ore Than
25 Per
If you want up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy
plumbing fixtures installed, or repairs made,
get in touch with the practical plumber
Shop 431
Independent Phones
Pacific Avenue
R esidence 4 525
Forest Grove, Oregon
If the hoofs o f your horse need to
he shod. I have the metal, the
knowledge, the skill and the will­
ingness to put your horses right
when they need a firm footing.
I also do General Blacksmithing,
anything and everything.
Joe Lenneville
¡Pacific Universityj
Offers thorough instruction in college and
preparatory courses.
Its Laboratories are well equipped for
science teaching.
Conservatory gives superior instruction
in Music.
Typewriting, Stenography and Commer­
cial Branches are taught by competent in-
Clean athletics and various student activ­
ities are encouraged.
The new gymnasium, fitted w ith all mod­
ern appliances, including a fine Running
Track and Swimming Pool, is added to the
equipment for the coming year.
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