E. X. Harding, the flour man­ Frank Vandehey, farming east of Gaston, was in the Grove Mon- ufacturer of Gaston, was attend- ^^A dditional Local Item* I i g to business matters in ffie lay. of General Interest A. D. Harper, a farmer of the Grove Monday. Perfume*, Talcum Powder Gales Creek section, was a busi­ Ralph Emerson, who had the and Toilet Cream* in Town Dr. Sheetz was a Sunday visit­ ness visitor in the Grove Tues­ misfortune to break his right arm Thursday of last week while play­ day. or to the Rose city. Kodak* and Camera Supplies ing at school, is improving rapid­ Thad. Stevenson, of the W att’s J.W.H. Adkins of Gales Creek, Price* Right ly. distiict, has been shipping his was in town on business Monday. grapes from this city the past Miss Manche Langley was a week. The Pacific Monthly’s Special business visitor to Portland Fri­ Introductory Offer Miss Florence Hicks of Por - day. The Pacific Monthly, of Port- land, visited Friday at the home Miss Freerkson, of Thatcher, of her sister, Mrs. C. L. Large, and, Oregon, is a beautifully ill. ustrated magazine which ¿j\ es was shopping in the Grove Mon­ in this city. very full information about the day. Elder G. W. Pettit occupied resources and opportunities of the George NcGee is assisting with the pulpit of the seven day Ad­ country lying West of the Rock­ .hj extra work in the County ventist Church in this city Satur­ ies. It tells all about the Gov­ ernment Reclamation Projects Surveyor’s office. day and Sunday. free Government land and tells Ezra Kiits, of ihe Kansas City about the districts adapted to Some f r i e n d remembered H section, was a business visitor to * Buzz” Jennings and gave him a fruit raising, dairying, poultry raising, etc. It h a s splei did this city Monday. vote for constable at the primary stories bv Jack London and other E HAVE something’ exceedingly good to offer you noted authors. Chantecler and Cloth of Gold election Saturday. at this sale. The goods were bought at two-thircl.* The price is $1.50 a year, but are the new creations in men’s Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carmack to introduce it we will semi six of regular price and will be sold at the same n : . ties shown at Anderson’s. M (nee Hazel Aldrich) have return­ months for fifty cents. This off­ 250 garments, no two alike. All grades are represented, R. N. Baker of Portland spent ed from their honeymoon trip, er must be accepted on or before Sui day i;i this city, the guest of and will make their home in this February 1, 1911. Send your name and address accompanied iiis sister, Mrs. F. T. Miles. city. by fifty cents in stamps and b arn and they are worthy of your consideration. Be sure to see WANTED—Good, sound driv­ Miss Pearle Page, a nurse in a all about Oregon, Washington, them before buying your winter underwear. The sale begins ing horse, 900 to 1000 pounds. Portland Sanitarium, has been Idaho and California. Address, spending her vacation at the home The Pacific Monthly, Portland,’ tf VI. J. Crunican, Gaston. 47-4t of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Volmer in Oregon. Wilse Davison, a farmer of the this city. Manning section, was transect ing business in the Grove Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bryant of Gaston were shopping in the day. Grove Monday,and visiting at ti e ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Comer Watches, clocks and jewelry re­ home of Mrs. Bryant’s mother, Corner < < » . •’•A Store Store Notice is hereby give« that the paired in tiie rignt way at right Mrs. Eunice Walk* r. undersigned has been /appointed prices. Arthur Shearer, Main The publisher of the P ress re­ by the County Court of Washing­ Street. tf ceived a vote for the office of ton County as Administratrix of Jim Harper scored a vote in constable at the primary election the estate of George Wr Parker, the primary election Saturday for Saturday. Our thanks are ex­ deceased, and all persons having hills against the said estate are the office of County central com­ tended to the unknown friend. hereby notified to present the mitteeman. properly verified, accord­ The Misses Lydia and Addie same, Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day ing to law, to me at the office of Attorney L. L. Langley of Port­ Taylor have returned from Dallas Langley and Son in Forest Grove, land was in Hillsboro on business where they spent three weeks Oregon, before the expiration of ^ Friday and spent Saturday at picking hops, and will visit the six months from the first publi­ Forest Grove. coming week with friends in Port­ cation of this notice. Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Fanny Parker, WANTED—Girl to learn type­ land. Administratrix of the estate setting. Must have good knowl­ Ben Taylor, son of Mrs. McGreel of George W. Parker, decreed. edge of grammar and spelling. of this city, who has been in the Dated September 29, 1910. Apply PRESS office. Langley & Son, Att’ys. Grove the past two weeks, recov­ 47-5t ering from an attack of typhoid Mrs Ciarey, of St.Joseph,Mo., FINAL NOT CE visited the pas week with Mrs. fever, has returned to his home T r y o u r invig oratin g a n d r-jfr» s l i n g in Eastern Otegon. Notice is hereby given that M. C. V. B. Russell in tins city,whom E.Dilley.the Administrator of the Col. Stewart Fuller,of Wallace, she knew twenty years ago in SODA of W. P. Via, has filed his Idaho, who was in this city aoout estate Iowa. final report and Mon day, October w ith p u r e c r u s h e d f r u i t s for flavoring. You a r e n o t lim ited to c ru sh e d fru its , h o w ­ Albert Hartrampf.Miss Boscow a year and a half ago, and dis 10th, 1910 at 10 o’clock a. m. has e v e r . O u r C h o c o l a t e l e a C hk . a m S o u a s and Mr. and M rs. \V. W. Boscow, posed of several thousand dollars been set for the hearing of any to said report, aft r Hn d N u t S u n d a e s a r e s i m p . y d e l i c i o u s . of Hillsboro, came up to Forest worth of mining stock to local objections which date, if no objections ap­ people, was in town the foi«.- Grove Sunday afternoon for an pear, said estate will be closed of part of the week. auto spin. record. M. E. Dilley Miss Wanda Todd has returned Administrator of the estate of W. Pacific Ave. Forest Grove James Robb, a farmer of the to her home in the Oakhill section P. Via, deceased. Centerville section who formerly Manche Langley, after several weeks spent with 44-5t. A tt’.v for estate. lived in this city and attended relatives in Ridgefield, Washing­ Pacific University, was transact­ ton. Miss Wanda will not attend ing business in the Grove Mon­ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pacific University tnis year, hut day. will teach school in the Buxton Notice is hereby given that E- Fresh and Salted Meats. Home Made Pork Sausage “Just Miss Bertha Ruffner, of New B. Catching has been appointed neighborhood. Like Dad Used to Make ‘Down on the Farm.’ by the County Court of Washing- York city, is vi iting with Miss Walter A. Dimick, a former con County, state of Oregon. Manche Langley this week. student at the college here, and a Administrator of the estate » Miss Ruffner just completed a C ash Paid fo r H ides son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John Benj. F. Catching deceased, and F r e s h Fish trip thiough Yellowstone Park and P elts E v ery T h u r s d a y Caples, of this city, was nomin­ all persons having hills agat * and will go soutn itom here to said estate will present them ® ated on the Republican ticket for the said E. B. Catching, at spend several weeks at Califor­ M O O RF. & W 1 L H E L M S O N PHONES s t a t e senator for Clackamas office of Langley & son in rores nia resorts. county at the primary election, Grove, Oregon, properly venfl<> 0. H. Wilson,a well-known far­ Saturday. He deieattd his op­ according to law, before tne w* mer of the Oaahul section, was ponent by over three hundred mination of six months from date of this notice. a visitor to the Grove Saturday. votes. Dated September 1st, 1910. He called at this office and went O. R. Downs, a former w’ell E. B. Catching. Administiator of the estate» thru the necessary formula which known resident and Republican Benj. F. Catching. dt