W ALTER ROSW U RM A. E. M O U L T O N Roswurm & Moulton Successors to Roswurm & Co. Dealers in R eal Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances, Ice, C oal and W o o d F o re st G rove O re gon The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Ass n of Jr orest Grove, Oregon Writes tr e ivies’ C c i'fc iia tn e Line o f Commercial and OweHirjj Insurrrce c f Any Mutual Company in the State. Ft will Pay You to Protect Your Prop­ erty with Or.e c f Our Policies 3 i '2 g o n Land & Trading Co. Edward Seymour, Mgr Farm and City Property B o th Phones Forest Grove, Oregon H o m e B a k in g C o . Mark Cox, a prominent farmer o f Gales Creek, was looking after I Additional Local Items | his property interests in the * of General Interest Grove Monday. D1 . i , . , , Blakely, the photographer, who Emmet Hover o f Dilley, was a has spent the past summer at the business visitor in the Grove Sat- Shipherd Hot Springs, has return- urday ed to the Grove, and again assum- p m c f tv, t l *■ u ed charge o f his studio. G. N. Spencer o f the Thatcher section was a business visitor to J- N. Hoffman, the well-known the Grove Monday. attorney o f this city, who is out „ . , , . as an anti-assembly candidate for r or scientific horse-shoeing go . . . . . . . . . . . , to Bryon Markham, Main Street. the leinslature, has just completed He