Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 22, 1910, Image 6

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Live Items of Local Interest
An Open Letter.
To The Editor:
J. W. Goodin, now serving his
first term as Judge o f this county,
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
has announced himself as a can­
didate for renomination, subject
Local Reporters of the Press
to the wishes o f the voters at the
primary election. As a voter and
•«■ •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ »«■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •a
v: „
... tax-payer who has made his home
Mr. Gould was in Portland Mon­
Miss Nena K ing visited with ¡n Washington county for a great
relatives in Portland Sunday.
many years, and who has fol-
closely the official life o f
Anderson’ s for M en’s Furnish­
„ . „
, ,, .
Judge Goodin and his predeces-
E H A V E something exceedingly good to offer you
ings, Trunks, Suit Cases.
K A.Everest,Gaston,Ore.
41- > sors in office, I advocate his re-
at this sale. The goods were bought at two-thirds
Miss Hazel Hughes, o f the Dil- nomination at the piimary elec-
Mrs. Belnay visited with Mrs.
o f regular price and will be sold at the same rate.
ley section, was shopping in this tion next Saturday, and his re-
A. G. Hoffman Tuesday.
no two alike. A ll grades are represented.
election at the general election
next N ovember.
Dr. Semones has moved to 217 city Monday.
George Chapman and w ife o f
During Judge Goodin’s incum-
First St. Ind. Phone 311 45-2t
Gales Creek, were business visi- bency o f the office o f county
Miss Grace Dickinson spent
j judge he has done more, in my
and they are worthy o f your consideration. Be sure to see
tors to the Grove, yesterday.
opinion, for the cause o f good
Sunday at her home near Dilley.
them before buying your winter underwear. The sale begins
Now is the time to purchase1 roads, than any one other man
Kingsley Livingston has gone i
that range you want, The best who has ever served the county
to Wisconsin to attend the State
that are made can be had at ' n ^hat capacity. Judge Goodin
is not only an advocate o f good
t f | roads, preaching the gospel o f
Fay Templeton gave a little
Philip Porter, ranching in the better highways at every oppor
party Saturday afternoon in hon­
Gales Creek section, was looking tun‘ ty>. >ut he has followed his
' ’ preaching by practice, and lm
or o f her ninth birthday.
after business matters m tne prove(j roads in all sections o f the
A complete stock o f home-made Grove Wednesday.
countv give evidence o f the good
candies can now be had at Prick-1
Haskell Perrin was in Portland work he has accomplished.
e tt’s confectionery.
Included in the good roads
Saturday, going dow n to attend which have been built during
a reunion o f the Mazamas, the Judge Goodin’ s tenure o f office,
Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Via, o f mountain-climbing club.
which is o f especial interest to
Buxton, visited with the form er’ s
the people o f this section o f the
mother in this city the forepart „
/ »n m e Clark visited ,n county, are about four miles o f
o f the week.
Portland Saturday with
her road in Forest Grove and envir­
Perfumes, Talcum Powder
daughter Alma, who is attend- ons; the roads between this city
and Toilet Creams in Town
J. E. Loomis and family return- ¡nR gt M ary-S Academy
and Scoggins Valley, which have
been graded and rocked for the
ed from Salem Saturday night.
Kodaks and Camera Supplies
J- B- Matthews wishes to show entire distance with the exception
Mr. Loomis had some cattle at
you the new “ Union” jack; for o f about two miles; several miles
the State Fair.
Prices Right
lifting, setting tires, stretching o f road leading to Gales Creek,
C. L. Hinman has a full line of fence and many other uses. A l­ and the road between this citv
and Hillsboro, with the exception
ranges and heating stoves in ways handy.
f a little over two miles. Judge
stock. Make your selection now
Mrs. August Kinney and son Goodin has been an earnest ad
See the “ Charter Oak” .
Maurice, o f Astoria, arrived Mon­ vocate o f special road tax assess- “
Edna Vincent, o f Gales Creek, day night and wiil visit fo r some inents, and has by his efforts in 1
is in town for the winter to at­ time with her parents, Mr. and that direction been largely in­
strumental in the building o f
tend High School. She has rooms Mrs. J. T. Buxton.
good roads in the various dis­
in the Hoffman apartment home.
tricts o f the county. It was
largely through his influence that
The Misses Margaret Wheldon,
the timber lands o f Washin ton
o f The Dalles, and Blanche Harbi-
to W. F. Schultz and get cash County were cruised, and about
son, o f Hood River, were guests
in exchange. Produce o f all one-fifth added thereby to the
o f the Hoffman’s at Green Gables kinds wanted.
assessable valuation o f the county.
The matter o f better highways
Oregon is just at this time one
Mrs. J. T. Shannon and daught­
Mrs. Samuel E. Todd, left for
o f the most vital questions be­
Portland Tuesday, and Mr. Todd er Katheryn, v. ith Geo. NcGee, fore the people, and Washington
will go in a few days. They w ill returned Saturday from a two County, which is o n eo f the lead­
take up their residence there for weeks camping outing on Upper ing counties in natural wealth
and resources, must, to preserve
the winter.
her prestage, take a leading po­
Gain knowlege by correspond sition in building improved roads.
Kingsley and Will Livingston
returned home Friday night after | ence. Learn t o d o something The building o f good roads is a
matter o f money, and Judge
spending the summer workingon i worth while; $75 scholarship cer Goodin has proceeded as rapi iy
the United Railways. Kingsley 1
in the work as the funds avail­
was time keeper.
sale at $50 cash. P ress office, tf able would allow, and has spent
an Air Tight
it in the improvement o f the
Mrs. Maud Voss, who has been
A t the Bob Porter hopyard
roans in various sections o f the
Heater for Wood, cannot be excelled. Heavy cor­
visiting in this city the past twoj northwest o f town the yield was county with impartiality.
rugated Ventilated Linings, Extra Large Feed Door,
weeks with her mother, Mrs. tfreater by thirty-five hundred
It is customary, when an offi­
Ambrose Porter, has returned to Pounds of dried heps, than the cial has given satisfaction to the
Deep Corrugated Ash Pit. Heavy Nickle Trimm­
her home in Portland.
: vield last ye a r on the same people, to return him to office for
a second term. This is not only
. ..
, „ ,,, , amount o f ground.
Mrs. A. B. Thomas left Wed­
as a testimonial to his favor in
nesday for an extended visit with
Vv by burn $4 wood when you the eyes o f the voters, but more
friends and relatives in Portland, can ' ,l*y a ton of Mendota co,d for particularly because it is felt that
are acknowledged
Maine. She will also vis t in
delivered. Little soot and the knowledge ho lias gained
m a
supreme. W e carry a first class line from Smalert
little ash. Keeps an even tire. while in office should be used
numlier o f other states.
further in advancing the w elfare
Largest. These ranges are constructed thrvcut
No splitting, no sawing, equals o f the people he serves. Judge
Hugh W alter Sparks, the car­
of steel, have porcelain 'ined reservoir?, specially
two cords o f wood. Give it c trial Goodin has administered all the
toonist-entertainer, will give his
constructed ventilated ovens, and are handsomely 8
Roswurm and Moulton, Fort st duties o f his office during his in
entertainments during the com­
cum bency in an honest, impartial
nickled trim.
ing sea on under the auspices of
and conscientious manner. He
Dick Baker, who was raised in has given satisfaction toa major­
a San Francisco Lyceum Bureau.
Forest Grove, and who was the ity o f the tax|layers o f Washing
Blaine Hoskins, who has been
A full line of General Hardware, Paints and
proprietor o f a threshing machine ton county, and it follows natur­
employed in Portiand, has re­
Oils. Wagonr, Buggies, Carriages aiiu Farm
but who is now with the Arnold
return him to office.
turned to his home in this city,
Implements. Tin and Granite W are.
Amusement Company, writes a
While I am in favor o f return­
and will have charge o f the
friend in this city that he is now ing an official for at least a sec­
clothing department for a local
at Heppner, Eastern Oregon, at d ond term as a tribute to his
that he likes that country in spite work, where he has given satis­
faction, I take a more selfish
Mrs. Gould entertained t h e o f the sand and sage brush.
o f the matter than this, and
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
members o f the Maximum Class
Mr. James Dixon, o f N iw look more to the benefit that will
last I riday evening. Games were
York City, visited Tuesday at the accrue to the people whom he
Pi »yeti until ten, then a business
home o f his sister, Mrs. 0. Brow n serves. In the case o f Judge
Goodin, I feel that the taxpayers
meeting was held. All reported
in this city. This was the first o f Washington county cannot at
a splendid time.
time in over thirty years that the this time afford to dispense with
Ed. Seymour and brother, o f brother and sister had met, yet his services. The building o f
Lincoln, Nebr., A. G. Hoffman Mrs. Brown knew him at once good highways and bridges will
For the Trade
and Chas. 0. Roe started on an Mr. Dixon le ft Wednesday to undoubtedly be the mast vital
automobile trip Monday, to be visit a son in British Columbia. thing in the affairs o f this county
for the next four years. Judge
gone several days. They will vis­
Mrs. Sarah McGillivary, aged Goodin is the one man in the
it McMinnville, Dallas, Corvallis,
seventy-four years, died at her county who is best qualified by
Newberg, Albany and Salem.
four years o f study into the
Velvets, Plushes, Beaver Cloth, Fancy Feathers, VA ini*
home iq Portland. Sunday. Mrs.
Miss Minnie Allen, who has McGillivery came to Oregon in problems o f better road building j
and Millinery Novelties
nr«i'iii>ai experience
experience as the -
______ .
• »
* ---- , v
................ « nnH
the past year in Los An- 1841 with her parents, wholocat- head o f the work already accom­
will her
8«les, is
is visiting
visiting with
parents ed in Washington county,
here plished, to continue the good
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Allen, and they lived on a donation land work.
C. L. H inman .
will leave in atx>ut ten days for claim for
She is
. t , Adams county, Waah’ n, where survived bv ason and twodaught
•ne will teach during the winter, ers.
Subscribe for The Press, now.
4th. Annual Sale 4th.
Sample Underwear & Sweaters
every one of them a genuine bargain
Thursday morning
the 15th of Sept, at
The best stock of
Dr. Hines’ Drug Stçre
The “W ood Superior”,
A Stove of Utility and Beauty
“Charter O ak” Ranges
Stand the Test of Wear
New Fall M illin e r y
The Latest Shapes and Newest Col­
orings in Millinery Materials
Now Being Displayed
Mrs. A. EL Dixon M“n Fo^'t g ««
, ’ *