This is an age of imitation, but “When the fact is recognized months, the council hired a man that nearly one-third the area of whose sole duty it was to keep you must copv, copy from a mas­ Published & Edited by PROFESSIONAL Oregon has been included in fed- the crossings clean. Many gold- ter. G. E. S E C O U R DI R E C T O R Y eral reserves, which it is now pro en encomiums were won by the in the City of F o rest G ro ve , O reg o n , posed perpetually to keep under c i t y dads by reason of their Any one can make a living but THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. federal control, with no contri­ thoughtfulness, and it is highly so few have learned to live. bution to the expenses of our probable that they will repeat the I n d epen d en t P hones W. M. Langley & Son same stunt this coming season. If a man warns you against O f f i c e 505 R e s id e n c e 231 state government it can be read­ ily seen under how heavy a hand­ But it would lessen the cost of his competitor, ask to see his own Law yers Entered a t the poet office a t Forest Grove, Osm icap the future developement of keeping the crossings cb an and rent receipt. as mail m atter o f the second class. also add much to the comfort of Forest Grove, Ogn. our state is placed. T e r m s of S u b s c r ip t io n the users thereof, if they were ‘ ‘It is wrongly assumed that so- CASH IN ADVANCE Every cloud has a silver lining, called federal conservation of the built in the proper manner so as j but the same can’t be said of J. N. Hoffman One Year $1.00 - Six Months 75 Oregon timber on the federal re­ to prevent the collection of so A ttorney-at-Laiu Display advertisements for publica­ serves tends to lessen the cost of much mud upon them. The par- j every pocket. C ollectio n » a n d a ll b u s in e s s e n tru s te d to m tion in the PRESS must be in this office R iven p r o m p t a t te n t io n . A tto r n e y for F otS r ticular crossings of which w e , _ G ro v e C o llectio n A grency. r,f8C not later than Tuesday evening to in­ lumber. The fact is directly con­ speak, though made of substant- Aside from the lack of cour- Ojfce-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. trary to this assumption. There sure appearance in current issue. many men have really Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove are millions of feet of timber in ial material enough, are constru- aiie the federal reserves of Oregon cted in the manner in which the stronli characters. To Our Patrons that are ripe, that are deteriorat­ Oregonian loves to build his roads H. W. Vollmer, M. D. The man who knocks is like a ing, that ought to be cut and that viz: flat as possible, and a little Physician and Surgeon The PRESS is published with could be cut without in any way below the surface of the surround- motor that does the same thing— Office in Abbott Bldg. the constant aim of best serving: diminishing the future possibili­ ing territory. The result is that he needs repairing. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. our advertisers and subscribers, ties of forest production. when it rains, which happens ---- ■ We believe they are interested in “This wasting resource would quite occasionally in this section I t’s the hills that prove a car— the publication, and we shall be be utalized under state control. of Oregon, the moisture gathers the upgrade pulls that demon- O. W. Humphrey pleased to receive any suggestion “ As it is, the withdrawal of at the lowest level, which is a strate the man. Automobia jdttorney-at-Law looking towards its improvement. the timber and its withholding characteristic of water, becomes J ■ ■ —— Office- K. P. Bldg. Phone 644 If you know any news items of from market has had the effect of mixed with the dust, and the re- It is not the high cost of living, » Forest Grove, Oregon interest, such as visitors to or raising the price of lumber, be­ suiting compound is something but the cost of high living that from the city, weddings, social cause practically all the timber that causes dirty footwear and js ailing the country.—Jas.J.Hiil. Dr. O. H. Scheetz gatherings, births, deaths, new outside the federal reserves is in bad language. Build new cross- ------------------- improvements, fires, accidents, the hands of big corporations. ings, and build’em up. Chiroprattic Spinologisl My! My! Such a howl. Won­ S p e c ia lis t in n e rv o u s d is e a se s, lu n * trouble, etc., either in town or country, Timber rose in price as soon as der where he secured the dope r h e u m a tis m , in f a c t a ll d ite a s e s . phone them in. make a note of the government policy was estab­ A Good Move: that packed the pipe that caused Office next to LaCourse’s store the occurances and hand in at the lished, so that the federal gov­ Push It Along the dream. office, or tell Mr. Ed. S. Sparks, ernment has unwittingly played W. H. Hollis The action of the city council who is reporter for the PRESS, into the hands of the timber syn in instructing the street commis- Every small boy should remerr- about it. Your kindness will be dicates, to the detriment of the A ttorney-ct-Lau} appreciated. When you have citizens of Minnesota, as well as sioner, at the last regular session \ her that a sister is a nice thing to of that body, to serve legal notice have just to take cake away from, read your paper, kindly hand it to those of Oregon. Forest Grove, Ggn. on a number of property owners if nothing else. some one not a subscriber. If he to repair their sidewalks, is to be reads a copy we will land him. Something Lessons learned in the school W. Q. Tucker, M. D. commended, and the P ress hopes Loyally yours, Physician and Surgeon About Influence the city fathers wil keep up the of experience are to be paid for at THE PUBLISHER. Diseases of Women A ¡specialty Ind. phones: Office 505. Travel the world over, and those good work until every sidewalk their full value. There are no Dr. Brown’s Old Office Residence 285 or 231. “ bargain days.” whom you find in the front rank in town is in good condition. Main Street, Forest Glove, Ore. It should not be necessary for of affairs; those who exert the The bachelors of one town in greatest influence over their fel­ the council to exercise their per- Home Rule Victor H. Limber lows, whether it be in the busy ogative in demanding of the citi­ Oregon organized a club and ad­ For Natural Resources Funeral Director and Emkahner vertised for wives. Now they Homer C. Atwell, Pres’t of the marts of the teeming city or in zens that they repair their walks, wish they hadn’t. Modern Equipments Oregon Horticultural Society, who the quiet village, are those who as personal and civic pride should be sufficient incentive for them to C h a p el, b o rest Grove take a stand for the right, and was one of the delegates appoint­ act on their own initiative in the Live and let live, is a mighty have the courage to proclaim their ed by Acting Governor Jay Bow- matter, yet if continued careless­ good motto, but some there are Dr. C. E. Bockmann erman to represent the state at convictions. ness and delay follow a known who kick like a mule because the Some there be who prate air­ the Conservation Congress which Chiropi actor duty, the council does well to com­ other fellow exists. ily of lack of influence thru want met at St. Paul, gave the follow­ Consultation Free ing interview to the St. Paul Dis­ of an audience, yet one determin­ pel the property owners to “get| Office next door to Forest Grove Press H o m e office: 151 E a s t 2o S t., P o rtla n d patch, in which he outlined the ed man, tho he speak to a lesser a move on” . More power to the j In the mire of adversity our eyes get full of mud—instead of views of the minority members of number, will, by the very force council. Why people living in a munici- seeing its advantages we only the Oregon delegation in regard of his courage, have accomplished W. J. k . B ea ch pality should hope to receive all feel its inconveniences. a greater good than the nerveless to the national or state control of Fire and Life Insura, ce ------------------- natural resources: ‘ ‘The position of mollycoddle who may h a v e the benefits of city life, and as- Written sume none of its burdens, is one p oetg w#aW do pretty wel, |f the world for an audience, yet the people of our section, who seek to place limits on the broad doc­ who shouts his inanities at indiff­ of those mysteries past finding | there were morp word, that If you don’t insure with me trine of federal control of natur­ erent ears. It sometime happens out, yet such is the tact.and quite rhyme will “ iove” Th» sunny WE BO iH LOSE al resources, is greatly misunder­ that people will have do decided frequently only the strong arm skieg above» need a rest. stood in the Middle West and opinions on any given public mat­ of the law will bring them to time. North First Street, near Main in the East,” said Mr. Atwell. ter, and this applies more partic­ This paper feels that its agitat­ Some men are always looking F o r e s t G rove, Ore. “ It is, in my opinion, much to be u l a r to the matter of politics. ion for better sidewalks has for pearls in their oyster soup. regretted that our view of the You frequently find country edi­ created a sentiment among the As for us. we would be satisfied CARL HOFFMAN question was given no adequate tors i n this class. It i s well townspeople that will be shown if we could find the oyster. opportunity for presentation at enough in that case for them not soon in a class of walks that will Sanitary Plumbing this congress. It is still more re­ to take a stand one way or the be a credit to Forest Grove. There are minds so narrow and Heating grettable that those that have other. But when you find the t h a t they must “suspect.” Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges editor of a country sheet, who, in A Good Man participated in its proceedings reasonable. Basement Hoffman tuild- They couldn’t understand if you his weak way, would espouse a For Justice of Peace have chosen a position which we J did explain so they will just keep inK' phone 502. do not hold, and therefrom to political system—as the assembly A number of citizens of this 0n “suspecting charge us with advocacy of state’s plan of nominating candidates precinct have urged Mr. Edward _____ JOHN WUNDERLICH rights and with antagonism of for instance—yet who lacks the R. Wirtz to place his name before So live that when age comes nerve, thru fear of losing his the principles of conservation, the voters at the primary election upon you, you will be like the Funeral Director “ We yield to none in loyalty to “ trade” to even print the speech­ for Justice of the Peace for this mighty oak, sound at the heart, and Embalmer..... those principles; but we think es of the opposition in his news precinct, but as he is a non-parti- rather than like the hollow lind j : , there may honestly exist a diff­ section, you will not have to go zan, his name could not be put on rotten at the core. far to learn the quality of his Prompt Attention Given to erence of opinion as to the proper the official ballot. Those who “ influence” . People of all class­ Calls. Modern Equip- agencies and details for carrying wish to see Mr. Wirtz nominated es, both the business men and cit­ Oregon Electric Time Card ment. out those principles. Briefly, we to the office may write his name izens in general, will give you believe in home rule as applied to on the ballot when they go to the LEAVES ARRIVES natural resources, wherever it is their characterization of him,and polls to vote. We believe Mr. Forest Grove at Portland in most cases they will say he is Oregon Banks 6:50 a m practicable. We believe that the Wirtz possesses all the necessary 8:00 a m a spineless shrimp. 8:40 a m 9:50 a m rugged yeomanry of the Pacific qualifications for the office, and 10:30 a m 11:40 a m 12:20 p m Northwest is fully able to conser­ that his nomination and election 1:30 p m 1:40 p m 2:50 u m New Cro»»walks ve its resources. would meet with general appro­ 4:10 p m 5:20 p m The Press Prir ts 8:10 p m 7:00 p m val. “ We believe that the income Are Certainly Needed 9:45 p m 10;50 p m from those resources wisely con- Not only are there many side- Letter Heads, Envelopes. Do you lead where others fol­ served and utalized. should bede- walks in various parts of the city ARRIVES LEAVES Business Cards, Calling Portland Forest Grove voted to lessening the burden of that need repair, but there are low? Repair your sidewalks. Cards, Statements. Bil' 7:06 a m taxation in the state where the aiso a number of street crossings 8:15 a m 8:30 a m 9:40 a m Heads. Circulars, ^ resources are located. that call for attention, probably Have you the gift of visualizing 10:20 a m 11:30 a m 12:10 p m the future? Then eradicate the 1:20 p m “We believe that we should be the worst ones being those at the Anything else that can be pi0- 2:10 p m 3:20 p m allowed an opportunity to repeat intersections of Main street and weeds in your front yard. 3:30 p m 4:40 p m duced with ink and paper, i* 5:30 p m 6:40 p m the brilliant example of Minne- First Avenue, north. — us have your next order, *♦ 8:25 p m 9:35 p tn •ota, whose mineral lands have Last winter, after the citizens Why is it that anything any- will deliver you a satisfactory & become. without waste of resour- of the town and strangers com- body else has always seems more Saturday Orni, L r i Portland 11:30 p m - A r . F.O. 1Î J 6 a m an immensely valuable asset ing in looking for a location, had valuable than when you have it Sunday only An Artistic Job to her people. waded thru the mud for several yourself? 1*1 F -G . k l» » i»— A t . at P n r tla iA 4 40 „ m F o r est G rove P r e ss