Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 15, 1910, Image 9

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    Supplement to the Forest Grove Press, Thursday, September 15, 1910
Fourth Year
Forest Grove
VII. Books I, II, III o f j ENEAD. Special study o f Mythology and
Greek constructions.
VIII. Books IV, V, VI. Sight reading and metrical translations.
Public Schools
O. M. Gardner, Superintendent
Department of History
High School Course
Manual Training
Domestic Science and A rt
Board of School Directors
Greek History, with a survey o f Ancient Orientals.
II. Roman History.
III. Mediaeval History. Reference work summarized.
IV. Modern History. Reference work summarized.
V. and VI. English History. Collateral reading.
VII. and VIII. Channings History o f U. S. Growth o f Political
institutions and industrial development emphasized.
N. B. Maps, diagrams, note books and reference work
required in all history work.
A . G. Hoffman, President,
Mrs. Dorothy Seymour,
Department of Mathematics
A. T. Buxton,
L. J. Corl, Clerk I.
Algebra to fractions.
II. Algebra to theory o f exponents.
Department of English
III. Algebra complete.
Geometry I.
First Year
ir s t
S em ester
Books I and II with three-fourths the originals.
Books III, IV, V, with three-fourths the originals.
Geometry, solid and spherical.
Higher arithmetic complete.
1. Elementary English Composition, (Scott and Denney to
Chapter 4.) Grammar, Punctuation, Letter writing, Description.
Department of Science
2. English Classics, two days each week. Sketch book, and
Lay's of Ancient Rome.
Physiography. This work continues through one year and requires
a considerable amount of supplementary work. Pupils
3. Spelling one day each week.
will have access to the physical laboratory, and will be
{ S eco n d S em e ste r
required to do much field and observation work.
Composition, (Scott and Denney completed). Narration, Physics, I and II. An excellent physical laboratory is maintained
Explanation, Letter writing, Figures of Speech.
by the school. This contains sufficient apparatus for the
first years work in physics. There are at hand also
_a£ English Classics two days each week. The Deserted Vil-
many applications of physics, such as a gravity water
igeTand The Iliad.
system, telephone system, electric cuirents from both
3. Spelling one day each week.
steam and water power. One year is given to physics,
and pupils to enter, must have completed Algebra and
Second Year
Geometry I, in order to understand the mathematical
parts of physics.
F ir s t S e m e s t e r
1. Composition, (Herrick and Damon), to part II. Themes.
Manual Training Department
Our schools have maintained a Manual Training Department for three years.
2. English Classics, two days each week. The Vision o f Sir
Last year 150 students took work and over 400 pieces of work were finished.
Launfal, and Joan o f Arc.
This year the course will be remodeled and systemetized so that a real
3. Spelling one day each week.
J course leading through the grades will be carried.
S econd S em ester
1. Composition, (Herrick and Damon) completed. Usage,
2. English Classics, two days each week. The Merchant of
Venice, The First Bunker Hill Oration.
3. Spelling one day each week.
Third Year
A Manual Training course having been added to the High School, pupils
I will be allowed to do more work and will be given credit as in other work.
In the higher work Mechanical Drawing will be a part o f the Manual
Training work.
A fter having examined carefully into other Manual Training schools we
feel certain that we are on the right system and hope soon to have our work
thoroughly outlined.
The aim in this department is to train the hand to do things; not to teach
trades, but to be handy with tools and to be able to do the many little things
j which come to the student in life work.
ir s t
S em ester
Manual Training will commence in the Fifth grade and be carried through
1. English Literature to Chapter 15. Exposition, Letter
the High School.
2. English Classics, two days each week. Julius Ciesar,
Domestic Science and Art
Faerie Queen.
A course in Domestic Science and Art has been added to our schools this
3. Spelling one day each week.
I year.
One hour each week in all grades above the fourth grade will be given
j to this department.
1. English Literature, completed. Narration, Exposition,
To some extent the work will correlate with Language and Geography in
the Grammar grades, and reference books have been added to the Library for
Letter writing.
2. English Classics, two days each week. Silas Marner, Sir i use in the Domestic classes.
The following course is planned for this work, but is subject to change:—
S e c o n d S e m e s t e r
Roger DeCoverly Papers.
3. Spelling one day each week.
First Semester
SupL O. M. Gardner
Whtn Compared With Other Roughage
It It Far Superior.
After a Dum ber of experiments at
the Nebraska Agricultural college the
feeding vulue of corn eusllnge was
found to be fur iu per tor to any other
roughage. This should convince the
farmer that a silo on the farm will
fend to improve It wonderfully The
experiment shows that—
Oue ton of ensilage equals one ton
sugar beets.
Three tons of ensilage equal one ton
clover hay
Three and one-lmlf tons o f ensilage
equal one ton alfalfa hay.
Two and one-fourth tona o f ensilage
equal one tou marsh hay
Three and one-lmlf tons o f ensilage
equal oue tou prairie hay.
One-half tou of ensilage equals one
tou pumpkins.
Below he gives bis estimate of the
cost of putting up ensilage and hay
and the number o f cubic feet occupied
by each:
One ton of ensilage cost to put up
83 cents. One tou of hay cost to put
up $1.50. Oue tou of ensilage occupies
50 cubic feet. One ton of hay occupies
500 cubic feet.
To this statement he adda the fol­
It will be seen that ten times more
space Is required for hay than ensi­
lage. and It ts hardly possible to con­
struct even a cheap hay shed, to say
nothing of a barn, for the price re­
quired to store for same quantity of
ensilage. With the ordinary hayloft
In a good dairy barn the cost of stor­
age space would be three times that
of the silo. The table also gives a
comparison between the cost of har­
vesting corn ensilage as compared
with hay. It will be seen that corn
ensilage can be pul up for almost <>ne-
thlrd the cost o f hay These figures
do not allow for Interest on money In
vested In machinery or storage. While
hay Is about three times richer In food
elements. It Is still an expensive
roughnge as compared with ensilage.
Until the feeder can find a food
equal to corn ensilage for even twice
Second Semester
Coarse Crocheting,
Durning and Patching
Fourth Year
Plain Sewing,
Hem Stitching
Plain Sewing with Buttonholes,
Fancy Stitching
F ir s t S e m e s t e r
Plain U nderwcar,
Lace and I nsertion set in
in raffia and reed
1. American Literature to chap. VII. Argument, Letter
work will be given to the boys and girls o f the Fourth Grade.
As this is the first year for the sewing,' some classes may do more or less
2. English Classics, two each week. Autobiography of the same work, but it is intended that the work will prepare for a future graded
Franklin: Speech on Conciliation with America, Burke.
Spelling one day each week.
High School Course
S econd S em ester
1. American Literature completed. Argument; Debate.
2. English Classics, two days each week. Macbeth; Ameri­
can Poems.
3. Spelling one day each week.
N. B. Frequent written exercises are given in class.
themes are required thruout the four years.
Department of Latin
Fuat Year
I and II
F irst S emester ; First Latin Book to page 98.
S econd S emester ; First Latin Book completed to part III.
Second Year
III. Caesar. First 29 chapters o f Bk. I and Bk. II with prose.
IV. Ctesar, Bk. Ill and IV and Bk. I, chapters 30-54. Prose on
three books. Special attention to Subjunctive Mood and
sight reading.
Third Year
Orations against Cataline; L IL III. Review o f construction».
Proee on three orations.
VL Cataline IV, Archiaa and Manilian Law. Proae on orationa.
Sight reading on Manilian Law.
First Semester
Plain Machine Sewing,
Plain Cookery,
Plain Cookery,
Second Semester
Plain Machine Sewing
Plain Cookery
Plain Cookery
Because of no equipped kitchen the cookery class will be conducted large-
| ly by lectures and note-book work. The practical demonstrations are to be done
at home ami results reported to the instructor. Special attention will be given
* U L B alls»
to nutritive values o f foods; good reference books have been provided for the the coat be bad lietter seriously con­
use o f pupils.
sider the silo
L'mler present condi­
For the benefit o f those in the third and fourth year, who wish to take tions at least one-fourth of all the
farmers keeping stock In the corn belt
sewing, arrangements will be made to accommodate them. The sewing will be
taught by piece and not by sample, each pupil to furnish her own material. will find the stlo an economic equip
Care will be taken to make the expense light, and to make articles that are use­ inent An acre o f corn put In the silo
Is valued al about *T>5. while the same
corn standing In the field and husked
It is hoped that a class in "House-Construction” may be organized the lu the usual manner Is valned at t'S I
second semester of the Senior year, but definite plans have not yet !<een com­
This Is accounting for all cost o f har­
vesting. Then an acre lu the tile Is
This course as planned, was laid before Dean Greer of the Domestic Science worth two In the field, or. putting It
and Art Department o f O A. C. and received her full approval, and a promise another way. the alio doubles the valoo
on her part to visit our schools at the close of the year.
of the corn crop.
Department of German
FIRST Y E A R Wenckebach's Deutsche Spraehlehre, Huas's Germs
Reader, Conversation.
SECOND Y E A R Joynea-Meiaaner's German Grammar. Reading o f text».
Oral production of anecdotes.
THIRD Y E A R - Joynea-Me.saner's German Grammar, W.thclmTeli, S f i t
o f Conversational German.
FOURTH Y E A R Goethe'« Iphigeme. Talks onQ— an Life «adCua.o. ..
(given in German,!.
H aw to Riafcla Butter.
Cover with strong brine and heap In
• cool place. The tab or jar must be
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected be­
fore the batter goes Into tt. Barn sal
pbur In a pan and turn the tub or jar
oxer It for half an boar. After It baa
cooled off it will be ready for the
brk,e Rom» butter needs disinfecting
as wed aa th* r e eptucie