W ALTER ROSW U RM A E M OULTON Roswurm & Moulton Successors to ( Simpson’s Poems Bound Roswurm & Co. Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances, f Robert Banks, a business man For Recorder o f Conveyances Additional Local Items I o f the thriving little town o f the ____ __ , . . . I hereby announce myself as a . of General Interest * same name, was a business visi- candidate o f the Republican par- f tor in the Grove Friday. ty for Recorder o f Conveyances of Washington County, subject to the approval o f the voters at Mrs. W. M. Pollock was a Port­ the Primary election on the 24th. land visitor last week. day of September, 1910. L e o P e r k in s Tom Todd, o f the Oakhill sec­ The poem’s of Sam L. Simp tion, was in town Monday. son, Oregon’ s greatest poet.have For The Legislature ' Miss Josephine Baber was a been published in book form un- der the title of “ Gold Gated , , , Saturday visitor with friends in Wosi.i y- ________ . 1 hereby announce myself as a Portland. ____ _ party __ ’ ' e of _______________ candidate o f the Republican Don’ t forget that vou can gel t!*"Se rare ‘f ' ¡ ^ whoar^hornto for the legislature for Washing' S in ir n O lintrV S nn of the voters at the Primary Anderson’ s. will haunt and charm 1 lection on *-**■ the o f ___ Sept. i poems in H m s w m r iM iin i a n ti n n u rn i t ------------------ »■' 24th^(iay^ _ W. H. H ollis . John Lawrence, employed by countless succeeding generations, Ice, Coal and W ood Forest Grove O re g o n The fibers & Merchants Mutual Fire Assn of Forest Grove, Oregon M frit-s the Most Conservative Line o f Commercial and [Dwelling insurance of Any Mutual Company in the State. It wilt Pay You to Protect Your Prop­ erty with One o f Our Policies zr^a: .„--jiar a Portland Trust company, was Dr. C. L. Large of this city, who For County Treasurer a week-end visitor with his moth- was an intimate friend o f Mr. er in this city. Simpson, was doubtless the first 1 hereby announce my9elf M a H. E. Witham, formerly cash- person in Washington county to Republican candidate, for the ier in a local bank, now making order a copy o f the lamented office of County Treasurer of Portland his headquarters, was a poet’s works. Dr. Large’s moth- Washington County,^ subject to the endorsement of the primary visitor in this city the past week er and her four sistèrs,daughters election to be held Saturday,Sept. „ _ ., . .. . I o f Daniel D. Bayley, an Oregon 94 VqTn iH . G. K ing . Garfield Macrum, a civil engi- pioneer _____ o ~e f 1845. y arinoimce myself as a pointed adminstrator o f the es- large peach farm. .Mr.LaFollett wvv. WX, |1U 4 t fM _m lovl| VlVw'WWfli nd dollars worth sold twe ■ ho w unci vVashi rton c -n o aonars ooiiars worm c o n n 0f ()f W ash f Z‘ ton h County, ° f subject t at e o f Je ns P Hansen, deceaf o ..„ . *,y the County Court o f Oregon, I o f logar lierrie» from three acres, to the endor. en ent i ° I * ne J” 1' for Washington county and has | this year. mary election. t< oep-^(juaiifled aH such administrator. Forest Grove M eat Market Mr. ard Mrs. .Archie ( lark j f j am nominated and elected All persons having claims against ■ :e s h and Salted Meats. Hom e Made Pork Sausage “Just T have returned ¿0 this City, after I will during my term o f office, said estate ar<* hereby notified to prese *t same, verified as by law ® Like Dad Used to Make ‘ Down on the Faun.’ " eve.a! (lm -8 spent at the Shep- faithfully and impartially dis- ^ quiredi to e at the office of herd hot Springs, in the White charge the duties thereof, and Untf)ey & Son, Fore81 (; rovef W . E. Prickett ? H bls S P aid f o r H id es H im and Po t HONES IND 801 BELL 241 Freth Fish Every Thursday M O O R E & W IL H E L M 3 0 N BROUGH TICKETS EAST ELECTRIC RA1LT ON SA LE D A ILY V IA st e ffortM ^ tbe Meridian, has filed notice o f in- recoid Saturday in an automobile people o f Washington County a tention to make Final five year run from Portland to Tillamook, progressive,businesslike and eco- Proof, to establish claim to the covering the distance in five nomical administration of county land_ above described, before the I 1 M_ mim,t,.c afTairs. I favor the building of Register and Receiver o f the ' perman*oit rock roads, a uniform United States I .and Office, at al running time. The car was a gy„tenl (tf r«md building, and in Portland,Oregon.on the 28th day Franklin six-cylinder 42 horse- getting permanent returns for o f September, 1910. power, and was driven by C. H. the money expended, and will _ Claimant name* as witnesses: Williams and D. S. Du Bois. of work to that end C arl ILER. o f Timber, Oregon, o, u/t 1 Homa !<• a Mv m«)tto is, Businosslike ad- R oy N eighbor , o f Timber, Ore. Portland. Mr. Williams is a ministration fmrmanent rmdlti W illiam R oberts , of Kist Ore. newspaper rr.an o f the wm* Ci ty. an