Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 15, 1910, Image 6

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    ¡section harrow, brand new; 2 14
j inch plows; 2-horse cultivator; 1
¡horse cultivator; new oak tripple
of General Interest
land roller; hay rack; 125 feet ^
hay rope and fork complete; gar
j den seeder; grain drill; crosscut L. T. Barin, of Portland, ¡stak­
1 0 A. M. SHARP
saw; sledge and wedges; 16-foot ing instructions in Archery of
4 Miles S. E. Hillsboro, 1 Mile log chain; set single harness; set Captain Barnes today.
double driving harness; two sets
South o f Rood Bridge.
“ Superior” stoves and ranges
work harness; spring tooth har
have no superior. Sold by Hin-
row; kitchen range; heating
We will offer at Public Sale:
man, the Hardware man.
Bay mare 9 years old; sorrel stove, milk cans, 2 iron bed
0 . M. Gardner has been doing
horse 9 year old; black horse 6 steads, milk cooling tank, 2 iron
carpenter work at the P ress
years old; 3 year old bay mare; kettles and household goods too
this week, putting the build­
3 year old buckskin mare; 2 year numerous to mention.
ing in shape to withstand the ra­
old colt; 14 month old colt out of
vages of winter.
Boge’s Chadrol; 23 well bred Jer­
Horses sent for and delivered
sey cows, age from 4 to 8 years,
to any part of the City. Ind-
some fresh, and about half, fresh
Phone No. 322 Harris & Mark­
this fall; 6 heifers; 3 döz."chick-|cent bankable note. 2 per cent ham.
ens; brood sow with pigs; brand discount for cash on sums over
new Milwaukee 7-foot binder; 5- $ 10 .
will open September 19, with
foot cut Milwaukee mower; Vic­
the following teachers, E. W.
tor hay rake, 10 foot; top buggy
J. C. KURATLI, Auctioneer; FRED Thomas, principal; Miss Anna
with shafts and pole; 3J Mitchell
Newman, Miss Nettie Thomas
wafion; 2-seated hack; disc; 3 ROOD, E. SHUTE, Clerks.
and Miss Lea Good, assistants.
Wednesday, Sep. 21, ’10
Latei^John brought the v'ater-
Always a positive feed to the
Parker “ Lucky Curve” Fount­
ain Pen. Go to Shearer, the
Main 4it. Jeweler, and get one on
10 days trial.
C. A. Dickison, a prosperous
farmer from near Dilley, was in
the Grove Tuesday having a con­
trary tooth extracted. Mr. Dick­ Thro’
ison’s father accompanied him.
Miss Kirkwood is now ready
for fall trade with an extra fine
assortment of the latest creations
in millinery. Plenty of help and
prepared to handle all orders, tf
$50 cash buys a paid up certif­
icate of scholarship in the Inter­
national Correspondence Schools
of Scranton,Pa.,good for any $75
course. Inquire P ress office, tf
The citizens of Forest Grove
and adjacent territory are cord­
M eans
ially invited to attend the open­
Right on Tim e
ing exercises of Pacific Univer­
A laborer working on the Unit­ sity next Wednesday morning at
ed railways’ line,two miles south­ 10 o’clock.
Elgin Watches are Unsurpassed
east of Banks,at Porter Brothers’
Accuracy & Quality Features
John Germain, the main street
camp, was struck on the head barber, announces it as his in­
yesterday by the shovel and re­ tention to leave soon for Fjprida.
Sold by
ceived a severe scalp wound. Dr. Joe has traveled in every state in
A rthur Shearer
W. B. Munford took several stit­ the Union, and the Wanderlust is
ches i n the man’s scalp, an 1 again upon him.
thinks he will make a rapid re­
Mr. Clark, driving a span of
T ed Roosevelt, with covery.
mules on the Forbis ranch near ------------------------------------ --- —
Bessie, the six-year-old daugh­
all his big speeches, has ter of George White, a teamster Dilley, Tuesday morning, exper­
ienced a tunaway with the long­
not devised any m eans of Cornelius, was thrown fiom a eared animals, wlierin he was
wagon as it rounded a street cor­
spilled off a load of prunes aud
o f giving relief.
ner at that place, Tuesday after
received an injury to his back.
and the wheeels passed over
But the Forest Grove noon,
Herman Cook, who formerly
ler head, fracturing h e r skull.
Shoe Store will give The little one died the same eve lived in this city, but who has
you require for the hot days
ning at 9:30 o’clock. Funeral been working in t h e logging of July and August should be
you som e relief in the services were held today at the camps i n Washington for the purchased now.
Adventist church, with burial in past several months, visited
A complete line of hammocks
w ay o f shoe wear with Cornelius
friends in the Grove the fore-part porch swings, rattan chairs, etc.
an excellent large line Mrs. Kinzer entertained a num­ of the week, leaving here for are here for your inspection.
ber of friends Tuesday afternoon Wallace, Idaho,
We have a nice assortment
of factory m ade shoes in honor of Mrs. John Wilson Walter Devlin, who has been of these
essentials to coolness and
you will find them most inviting.
working in salmon canneries in
to order.
Our experience tells us that
from Spokane. The afternoon Alaska for the past six months,
was very pleasantly spent a t returned to his home in this city, we may safely trust the people
W e are ready and will give you the lowest prices
Five hundred, Mrs. W. B.Haines Monday. He reports that he liv­ to pick out the good points of
for solid shoes ever offered, quality considered.
anything in this line.
winning first prize and Mrs. Wil­ ed on canned goods during his
A Special Line o f School Shoes
bur McEldowney the consolation. stay in the far North, and he is R O E 8c C O M P A N Y
About twenty-five ladies were glad to get back to mother’s cook­
Our 9 o’clock School Shoes are the sensation of the day—and
well they might be, for they are beauties.
present, guests from out o f town ing. The ship he was on coming
5 to 8 $1.50, 8J to 11 $1.90, 12 to 2 $2.00 to $2.25
were Mrs. Clyde Aitchason and out to civilization, was ice-bound
Boys High Cuts, $1.75 to $4.50
Mrs. Lytle, of Portland. Delici­ for eight days.
The PRESS wants
As Good as Made
ous luncheon was served and the
Judge George H. Burnett, of correspondents.
Bergman’ s Portland Made Shoes
affair was one of th° most enjoy­
Salem, who will be a candidate
A. A. Cutter Heavy Shoes
able of the season.
for nomination on the Republican If you can write for publi­
W. L. Douglass 3.00, 3.20 and 4.00 “ Best Made on Earth”
A former resident of this city ticket for Supreme Judge at the cation, get in touch with
So says Mr, Douglass, “ and he is no liar, either”
now making her home in New- coming primary election, was in
Dr. Reed’s Cushion Soled Shoes for Tender Feet
this office. W e have an
burg, writes the P ress an inter­ the Grove, Tuesday, shaking
are another of the good shoes we carry
which will positively
esting letter concerning the thriv­ hands with his many friends.
Thats all there is to it. We want your trade, you
ing little Quaker City. The for­ Judge Burnett while circuit Judge prove interesting. Drop a
want our shoes. We will do the best we can to fit
and please you if you will CALL.
ty-thousand dollar High school is has won the confidence of the postal or call in person.
Terms cash and good treatment assured at
fast approaching completion. A people because o f his knowledge
thirty-thousand dollar addition is of law and wise decisions, and
being constructed, and a t w o his election to the Supreme bench
story cold storage plant is well will very likely be the natural re­
C V. B. Russell
under way. Ground has been sult.
broken for a new bank building,
and many new dwellings are be­
ing built. Newburg needs a lib­
rary similar to ours, the one they
N. A. Frost had his farm sur­
have being up a long flight of
last week.
stairs, and only open three hours
per day. A fire occured in the
Hop picking was finished in the
Methodist church there Septem­ Reuter yard Tuesday.
ber 11 but the building was saved
J. O. McHale and family have
with small loss. Rev. Hiram
moved on a farm near Beaverton.
Gould, pastor of the local Metho­
Alice Wilson, Esther and Wal-
dist church, was formerly pastor
Dilley, are picking up prunes
at Newburg.
at,R. O. Stevenson’s.
Notice to Public
Mrs. R M. Bisbee returned to
t k m 'i nothing life# »
As there are several cases o f Portland Monday after a week’s
Columbia Craphopbono
whooping cough i n town, the visit with relatives and friends.
school board has requested that
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Buxton and
I call attention to the regulations
of the State Board of Health re­ sons, Oliver and Maurice, are at­ That's the verdict of those
garding the disease. These are, tending the State Fair at Salem.
who patronize
by Paying only
that no one with whooping cough
shall attend any school or public
J. C. Ash recently disposed of O U R
gathering. Children in families his ranch near Clearwater creek,
Our Stock I* Complete
where whooping cough is present The sale was made thru the Ore-
Our Clerks Are Courteous
Stop in. Exam ine Them , Listen to Their Beautiful,
should also be kept home. A
Our Prices A re Low
Clear T one and Y ou W ill Not be Happy Until You
whooping cough may develope the
Mrs. Hickox, daughter, and Let Us Please You, Too
H a re O n e o f Y our O w n. Easiet o f Term s.
disease at any time within two children, came out from Reedville
weeks o f the last exposure.
Saturday and spent two days with
H . T . Giltner
Ind. Phone 701 Mein Sheet
Both Phones
U p-to-D ate Druggists
City Health Officer.
the Adams place.
I crest Crove
Pac. States 26
The Main St. Jeweler
Forest Grove Shoe Store
You Can Have One
$1.00 a W eek
Forest Grove Pharmacy