22c do«, for fresh esrtrs. 12We lb. for dreaecd Pork. 11« lb. for dressed Ve*\. 12c lb. for livo chickens. Smith pay» th» above price«. He never charge« you commlaeion. You aret A L L of your money when you «hip to Smith. Address F R A N K U S M I T H M E A T CO. 'T l t fh t l n * t h « B e e f T m a t” PO R TLAN D , OREGON Dr. B. E. Wright Have your teeth out ar.d plate and bridge work done. For out-of-town patron» we finish plate and bridge work in one day if necessary. PRICES: ■•MCnnei 22*BriikeT«* $5.00 $3.50 U dF & p......$l* U M w . $1.00 _ — « « v r s Abu ut Ua, Lst not care and humdrum desde* «a to the wonders and mysteries amid wh,'ch we live, nor to the splendors and glories. W e need not translate ourselves In Imagination to some oth­ er sphere or state of being to find the marvelous, the divine, the transcend­ ent; we need not poetpone our day of wonder and appreciation to some future time and condition. The true Inwardness of this gross visible world hanging like an apple on the bough of the great cosmic tree, and swelling with all the juices and potencies ol life, transcends anything we have dreamed of superterrestrlal abodes.— John Burroughs. U S E A L L E N ’ S F O O T -T A B S S lig h tly Modified. Little Viola had dleveloped the habit of holding her thumb In her mouth, even while eating. Mother had re­ sorted to all sorts of methods to correct the child and finally In despera­ tion said: “ Viola, the first thing you know yon will swallow your thumb, and then what will you do?” “ W ell, mother, I should hate to swal­ low It because I’d have a heaven of a time without I t ” “ Why, Viola," said the astonished mather, “ where did you hear an expres­ sion like that?" “ Well, well,” hesitated the little girl. “ I didn't hear It exactly like that mother, but I thought -t would sound better." ___________________ Antiseptic Tablets. Instantly reliev* Pettit’s Eye Salve. Good Robber PtaSa $5.00 smarting, swelling, sweat ng o f the feet Healing to sore spots. The - urative prop No matter how badly the eyes may ‘ ‘ pJE “f * !. . $7-50 erties ot A lle n ’s Foot-Ease (the nmisejv Punless EitradMe 50c tic powder) are me ii< inall - combined n be diseased or injured, restores normal A lle n 's Foct-Tabs tor the Foot-Bath conditions. A ll druggists or Howard BEST METHODS Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge Positive relief for hot. sweating, sore feel Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot and quickly remove ttie* odor o f perspira get better painlesa work anywhere, no matter tion. "Foot-Tabs for Foot-Tabs.” Al' Belgium ’s Fine Sea Front. now much you pay. Drugg sts, Xoc. Sample FREE. Allen S The Bea front of Belgium, which ex­ A ll W ork TuMy G u a ra n teed fo r fift e e n Y e a r s Olmsted, Le Rov, X. Y. H w n fe i 50c m Dr. B. E. W rig h t C o. 342 J Washington S t., Portland, Oregon Take ear at depot and transfer to Washington St. BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHfNblllK'&TENTH STS.. PORTLAND Oellcats Irony. M&kart, the great Viennese painter, was taciturn to a fau lt It Is related o f him that once at a dinner party he sat next to Mme. Gallmeyer for a whole hour without uttering a syllab le, when hie fair neighbor playfully nudged him with her elbow and said: "Come, Herr con Makart, let us change the conversation." She Deserved a Lathering. Mrs. Hashlelgb— Something wrong with your glass of water, Mr. Boarder? Boarder— There’s a hair In the ice. Mrs. H.— Impossible! I shaved that tee myself. How Matches Are Made. Certain kinds of matches are ahaved with the grain from sawed blocks; others are cut both ways by saws. In still further varieties the blocks are boiled to make them cut easily. By some machines a boiled or steamed log Is revolved on Its own axis, and a shaver the thickness of a match is cut round and round. This shaving j is at the same time cut into lengths and split into match sticks. It may be said that there is hardly a limit to the varieties ot methods employed. Round matches are made by forcing them through dies.— Harper's Weekly. C For A Infants S T and O Children. R IA The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o f 1 Grand Scenery In Arizona. Arizona has some of the grandest scenery in the world; the famous Grand Canyon of the Colorado and the wonderful Chalcedony forest, with trunks four feet thick, cracked Into ex­ quisitely colored blocks, being promi­ nent Dog Forsook His Chum. tends about 40 miles, stretching from Holland to France, 1s paved almost en­ tirely for the entire length, and forms one huge, wide ocean boulevard. And this, by the way. Is the moet pro­ ductive of public works In the king­ dom. APPETITE GONE -BEWARE It is a sure sign of some inward weakness when the appetite commences to lag and you have that M don’t care” sort of feeling at meal-time. It is something that needs immediate at­ tention, for neglect only brings on more trouble and often a long illness. Re­ store the appetite and keep it normal by the use of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit­ ters. It is for Poor A ppe­ tite, Indigestion, Dyspep­ sia, Costiveness and M a­ laria. Policemen were summoned by the loud howling of a dog to the rescue of another dog that had fallen Into the river at Yarmouth, England. The sec­ The Lost Straw. ond animal was saved, and the first John Smith fell down the cellar then refused to leave the policemen, stairs the other day and broke his left and spent the night at the station. leg, his right arm, two ribs, his nose, R e d , W e a k , W e a r y , W a t e r y B yea. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try one finger, and cut his scalp, sprained Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will his ankle, and put his shoulder out of Murine. It Soothes. 60c at You« Joint. But he didn't really begin to Trains for success in the Industries. Like Druggists. Write For Eye Books. FTsa Provides practical and liberal educa­ Murine E y e Remedy Co.. Chicago. feel bad about It till his wife asked tion. Strong Faculty. Modem Equip­ him If he waa hurt.— Exchange. m ent Offers courses in Agriculture, W here the Leap Came lit. Forestry, Domestic Science and Art. Fair Arrival— But why do they call Engineering, Commerce and Pharmacy. this unplctureeque spot under a craggy tree ‘Lover's Leap?" Fall Term Opens Sept. , . Her Friend— Probably because yon Illustrated literature, giving full in­ can’t sit here five minutes without “ I find Cascarets so good that I -would formation, sent free on application. a caterpillar dropping down your neck not be without them. I waa troubled a Address the Registrar, Corvallis, Ore. great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar­ On the Installment Plan. One day Robert Bald, "Uncle Bill tic I feel very much better. I shall cer­ tainly recommend them to my friends as how much do you want for those the best medicine I have ever seen.” pups?" “ Oh, about $X apiece,” was Anns Bazinet, the reply. “ B u t Uncls Bill,” said Osborn Mill No. s, Fall River, Maas. New. Handsome, Instructive. Up* Robert, "what could I do with a piece to-Date, describing Pleasant. Palatal»«. Potent. Teste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Woe ken or Gripe- of pup V —The Delineator. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE LAZY LIVER 23 1910 NURSERY CATALOG FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES, t SHRUBS, VINES, ROSES. BERRY PLANTS, ETC Free on request W rite now, men­ tioning this paper. J. B. P IL K 1 N G T O N , Nurserym an P o rtla n d , O re g o n Drink Cured in Three Days “ The N ea l T J ~ U i 4 - Cured M e " 1 1 U O i l N o Hypodermic IntecUona. ON'S WITCH HAZEL SOAP V **■*#=* Make A uh l U r m G uerw lm a U a .la l»K KM ! » « . 0 0 Ua SOctofl ..........I »7.J» » » irlth afl t U b Sees nef < 406 Lewis NATIONAL GOVERNMENT NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST ENGINEERS W IL L BUILD. C O TTO N CROP COMES LA TE ; Canal Builders Will Also Erect Forti­ Falling O ff in Ginners’ Reports is N o fications at Panama. Regarded as Serious. Washington — The construction o f the fortifications along the Panama canal is to be done by the same en­ gineering organization which is build­ ing the canal itself. Such a decision has been reached by President Taft, Major General Leonard Wood, chief of staff o f the army, and other officials interested. In commenting on the de­ cision, General Wood said it was de­ sired to avoid duplicate organizations o f engineers in the same territory. A reduction o f several millions of dollars in the total estimates for ap­ propriations for the m ilitary estab­ lishments, including rivers and harbors expenditures, as compared with the es­ timates o f last year, has been deter­ mined on by the W ar department. Major General Wood laid the final draft o f the estimate before President T a ft at Beverly last week. General Wood, said that the president had ap­ proved o f the estimates, with a few changes, and that they were now ready for submission to congress through the secretary o f the treasury. One fea ­ ture o f the estimates calls for the con­ struction o f permanent buildings in the Philippines for the use o f the army, rather than temporary structures, such as have been the rule. Washington— The number o f bales o f cotton ginned to September 1, from the growth o f 1910 was 356,824 bales, round bales counted aa half bales, ac­ cording to the report o f the census bureau just made public. The 1909 total was 388,242 bales, the 1908, 402,229 bales and the 1907, 200,282. Statisticians o f the census bureau do not consider the fallin g off in the fig­ ures o f the first ginning report to East­ ern states as significant as they m ight appear. They attribute the decrease to the lateness of the crop rather than to any cause which in the end would affect its volume. Without having any other definite information, they expect a material improvement in the future reports. The season has been unusu­ ally good in Texas, which fact accounts, for the prospective larger crep there. Purchases o f Egyptian cotton by American manufacturers fo r the first half o f the present year were only about half the amount taken during the corresponding period last year. The figures o f the foreign trade o f Egypt, just received from Consul D. R. Birch, o f Alexandria, show that the cotton exported to the United States aggre­ gated only $3,945,012, as compared with $7,208,732 for the flrstaix month* o f 1909. The other important item » o f exports to this country ail showed substantial increases. SEEKS RATE C ASE IDEAS. Panama - - In an interview Richard O. Marsh, charge d’ affaires o f the American legation at Panama, inti­ mated that i f the Panaman govern­ ment should ignore the wishes o f Washington, the United States would be compelled to occupy or annex the Republic o f Panama. Mr. Marsh’s statement was made as a consequence o f the evident intention o f the Liberal praty. which has a ma­ jority in the assembly, to elect as the next vice-president, to fill the unex­ pired term o f the late President Obal- dia, an anti-American citizen. The assembly was recently occupied with a very heated discussion o f the matter. Mr. Marsh made this statement; “ In view o f all that the American government has done for Panama and its great interest present and future on the governmnet should resistently re­ fuse to accede to the clear wishes o f the American government, that gov­ ernment can only Bdopt such means a* occupation and annexation.’ ’ The foregoing has stirred up some­ thing o f a sensation. Commissioner Prouty to Hear ticism at Spokane. C ri­ Washington, D. C. — A ll parties having criticisms or suggestions to offer with reference to the tentative decision of the Interstate Commerce commission in the Spokane rate case and the Portland-Puget Sound back­ haul case w ill have full opportunity to be heard before Commissioner Prouty. Beginning September 13, Commis­ sioner Prouty w ill conduct bearings open to shippers, railroad officials, commercial organizations and anyone else interested in these two big rate cases and hearings w ill be continued until all who desire have been heard pro and con. It 'may require a week or more to dispose o f these hearings. Commissioner Prouty says it is his purpose to collect all new evidence, protests and complaints relative to these two decisions, so that when the commission takes up these cases next winter for final decision it w ill have a full and complete record before it and w ill understand the attitude o f all in­ terested parties. F L A TH E A D LAN D S OFFERED. Government Will Give Opportunity to Take Left O ver Claims. Kalispell Mont. — Offices are being established by the reservation land locators and the holders o f numbers first drawn have already put in their appearance here to be ready for the opening to special entry o f the last o f the Flathead Indian reservation lands. 10 c, 26c, 60c. Never «old in bulk. The gen- nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to The earliest arrivals have been fre ­ cure or your money tack. quenting the land office and asking In­ formation, but their number is not large. Government officials do not ex ­ pect a large proportion o f those who O f the first P IU M — TOBACCO have chances to appear. K e e l e r »b it» P o B lt D e l / C u re d , 3,000 names called In June, only about nly a u t h o r is e d K e e l e r I n * ilu t e i n O r n o o n . Write 10 per cent came, and not all o f them n tr a to d c ir c u la r . < u r e | E r J M 11 lo MOTIVITI, accepted claims. Those fam iliar with TH. l i t » » . the reservation persevere in their P o r t l a n d .O R E G O N II assertions that a great area o f land as desirable as any that has been taken still remains to be had. ALCOHOL W. L. DOUGLAS HV r O c Ì 86 ED S H O E S Fire-Fighters Receive Aid. Washington— Brave firefighters who risked death «nd suffered injuries in protecting life and property in the TH E STANDARD Northwest, and whose small wages FO R 3 0 YEARS from the fight stopped when they be­ They ere absolutely the moet popular and beatali.*« came incapacitated in line o f duty, will for the price in America. receive funds for their immediate They are the leaders every­ needs through the sympathy o f em­ where because they hold ployes in the forest service here, who, their shape, fit better, look better and wear lon­ from directors to messengers, almost ger than other make«. to a man, contributed to give tem­ Ih e y are p ~ . t l v . l y ^ ^ porary re lie f at leas*. most economical shoe* for yos ta boy price Douglas ' are stamped Dougl« aama and tba retail p District Forester J. B. Greeley, at uaran teed. on the bottom — vein« veluejruersi « Missoula, Mont., replying to a message J T T U e t l If your dealer ▼ A K C ______________ NO S U S S T IT U supply ■psly yon you write for M MaU Order Catalog. said; W. L DOUGLAS. I “ Can use 1150 in re lie f o f injured rangers and temporary employee and in sending bodies o f men killed to re­ A TRIP TO PORTLAND FREE latives.” CUT S A T IS IN Between 1150 and 1200 waa tele­ RAINLESS DENTISTRY graphed to Mr. Greeley. K E N ’S *9.00, *2.50, M 00, »3.40, »4.00, M OO W O M EN 'S 68.40, »8 ,*3.40, M BO Y S'$2.00, *2.50 A *3.00 T A L K E X C IT E S PA N A M A . Charge d’Affaires Replies to American Element. Anti- Question May Be Reopened. Washington — A substantial v ic to ry for G n a t Britain in perhaps the tw o most important points, a consolatory triumph for the United States in the other five points, with a prospect o f another arbitration later at the in­ stance o f the United States govern­ ment, is the way the decision o f The Hague tribunal in the Newfoundland fisherie case is viewed here. The decision eliminated the right o f the United States to share in the mak­ ing and enforcement o f “ reasonable regulations" governing the fisheries in the disputed territory, and it is that qualification “ reasonable” that may permit this government to reopen the question. Stats Census Bulletins Soon. Washington—Census Director Dur­ and announced that the census bureau w ill begin about January next the is­ suance from time to time o f a sreiea o f bulletins, each giving certain popula­ tion statistics for a single state and i t » subdivisions. The form of these bul­ letins, which will later be bound up to constitute regular census volumes, marks a very distinct departure from the method o f publishing census sta­ tistics ten years ago. It is one step in the carrying out o f Director Durand’ s aim to simplify and make more ac­ cessible the censue data, so that they can readily used not merely by expert students and statisticians, but by the average citizen. Lakes-to-Gulf Plan Aided. Washington— The initial etep to» ward the co-operation with the state o f Illinois in the lake-to-the-gulf w ater­ way project has been taken. The W a r department has announced the appoint­ ment o f a board o f diatinguised en­ gineers to pass upon the proposed es­ tablishment o f navigation from Lock- port, III., to the mouth o f the Illin o i» river. P e ln le .« K « t r a c t i o n .......F ree Silver K illin g s ................ SO« Ooirf PiKmae................... 7S< 2 * K. Gold C r e e s e ................ «1 Tsst Eastern and Western Coal. P o r « « l. ln C r o w n « ............. S3 Washington— W ith a view to test­ M olar Gold Crown. ...........B« B rid e« W o r k , M K G o ld . . . S3 ing Western coel in comparison with In la y Pills, P u r . G o l d ........ SJ the Eastern article, the armored cruis­ Very Niee Rubber P I « « « ___ *4 ■net Rubber Flats on Berth............... *1 er* Maryland and W est Virginia, now A L L THIS W O R K ■ O U AR AN TK K D . at Mare Island, have been ordered to Don'« threw pear meeey ewny. A Seller eeved One vessel w ill be provided Is two defier, earned. Our erlgleel relleble Medem re-coal. with Western coal and the other with Eastern. Should the Western coal R ^ f ó ^ H T C I S R s a . r . r 'l gÜ L? ; pro— food, a mine fo r naval use will M I M t o r t l U . K I» m tavw « « 4 . | bt 0OQffbt 3f--S’ O rder Given to Kill Talk. Washington — Instructions prom ptly and quickly to repudiate th* Interview he le alleged to have given at Panama, were cabled to Richard O. Marsh, the American charge d’ affaires, by A c t ­ ing Secretary o f State Wilson. Portland Bank Would Be R epository Washington- -The Security S avin g* A Tru.it company, o f Portland, has ap­ plied fo r postal savings bank funds.