m SINKS; CURRENT EVENTS CAR FERRY 30 PERSONS TAFT WOULD PERISH OF THE WEEK LOCATE LEAKS Ludington, Mich, Sept. 10.— Thirty lives were lost today when Pere Mar­ quette ferry No, 18, bound from Lud­ ington to Milwaukee, went to the bot­ tom o f Lake Michigan. The dead in­ clude Captain Peter K ilty , o f Luding­ ton; S. F. Sezepanek, o f Chicago, General Resume o f Important Events purser and wireless operator, whose President to Find Out Truth o f Ald­ signals o f distress brought assistance Presented In Condensed Form rich’s Statement That $300,- to the sinking steamer, and two mem­ 0 0 0,000 Can Be Saved. fo r O ur Busy Readers. bers o f the crew o f car ferry No. 17, who lost their lives in an effort to res­ Beverly, Mass.— A force o f experts Colonel Roosevelt has finished his cue the crew o f No. 18. Western tour. E ly Colbean, o f Saginaw, Mich., a w ill be put to work shortly in the de­ Roosevelt compliments Pittsburg for member o f the crew o f No. 18 , would partments o f the government at Wash­ make the 31st victim , but it is believ­ ington to locate the “ leaks” . putting the “ higher-ups” in jail. T a ft ed he was not on board when No. 18 wants to know how much o f the $300,- The total attendance at the L iv e ­ foundered. stock show in Portland was 46,000. The steamship company issued a list 000,000 that Senator Aldrich says he Mrs. Seligman, w ife o f a prominent o f 45 names o f survivors o f the wreck, could save the government by conduct­ N ew York merchant, w ill sing in grand all ‘ members o f the crew, most of ing it on business lines can really be whom were brought here tonight on saved. opera. P ere Marquette No. 17. E ight bodies Adm iral Eavns, endorses San Fran­ I f it is possible to conduct the go v­ were recovered. cisco as the place fo r the Panama ex­ Today’s disaster is one o f the worst ernment on the lines o f a well-run bus­ position o f 1916. in the history o f navigation on Lake iness establishment, the president Nine men were killed by fallin g rock Michigan. The car ferry Pere Mar­ wants to know it. I f not, why not. in an open cut which the E rie railroad quette No. 18 was the flagship o f a E very department is to be gone is making at Jersey City, N . J. fleet o f six steel car ferries owned and operated by the Pere Marquette R ail­ through minutely. The wastes are to The Eucharist congress which has be noted, lost motion located, duplica­ road company. just adjourned at Montreal chose V i­ The boat was valued at $400,000, tions marked and a rational economy enna as its next meeting place. and the cargo, which included 29 load­ made the watchword. A prominent St. Louis man, a de­ ed cars, at $100,000 to $150,000. The A t a m eeting o f the cabinet, which scendant o f a wealthy fam ily, w ill total loss w ill exceed $500,000, which w rite a book exposing St. Louis so­ is fully covered by insurance in Lloyd’s has been called fo r September 24, and ciety. in England. which w ill be succeeded by a series of “ Ferry No. 18 sinking. H e lp !” was such meetings from day to day, fo r a Lorim er has resigned hiB member­ brought ship in the Hamilton club, o f Chicago, the wireless message that week, the matter o f economy w ill be and a great loss o f membership is the first news o f the disaster to this one o f the subjects discussed. The city about 5 o’clock this morning. scheduled to follow. The flash was repeated continually fo r president is looking to the development Gold bars to the value o f $57,500 nearly an hour, but was unsigned. o f some practical plan whereby the end disappeared in transit from Fairbanks, The cause o f the disaster is a mys­ Alaska, to Seattle, and lead bars were tery. Among the survivors the con­ which he has in view may be accom­ found in their place. clusion seems to be^that the car fe r r y ’ s plished. doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. The mother o f Alfonso, o f Spain, threatens to abandon the country per­ manently, on account o f the tactics o f Premier Canalejas in the religious con­ troversy. Oscar Hammerstein w ill build the world’s finest opera house in London. Pope Pius X takes extra precautions against the growth o f modernism in the church. The servants o f the shah’s palace at Teheran, Persia, have gone on a strike for wages due. An American diplomat declares this country may be forced to occupy or annex the Panama canal country. A Jap at Chehalis, Wash., paid a fine o f $525 to avoid going to the peni­ tentiary for an attempted burglary. Three men are known to be killed, several injured and many missing as the result o f an oil explosion on the battleship North Dakota. An Alaskan miner was overtaken and devoured by wolves. Another man was pursued by them fo r two weeks, but finally reached a settlement. The Texes legislature has instructed its congressmen to work for the repeal o f the Fourteenth amendment, which confers the righ t o f franchise upon negroes, Escaped convicts from a road camp near Lyle, Wash., set file to the tim­ ber to prevent pursuit by bloodhounds, and serious forest fires have started as a result. The county treasurer at Tacoma, Wash., is selling $153,526 worth o f delinquent tax certificates against the property o f the Weyerhauser Lumber company. Systematic Effort Will Be Made to Cut Down Expenses A fte r the manner in which he went about selecting a stocks and bonds com­ mission, the president is proceeding carefully in the organization o f such a corps o f experts that w ill enable him to g e t the best results with the $100, 000 appropriated by the last congress. He already has had experience in forc­ ing economy in the executive depart­ ments o f the government. He lopped off $10,000,000 from the navy estimates last year, without in­ juring the standards o f the navy, and the army establishment underwent a sim ilar cut. He has enforced economy in other departments, and is constantly urging upon members o f his cabinet the necessity for holding down their expenditures. So fa r as is possible, it is desired to g e t some capable and efficient offi­ cial in each o f the departments to offer a comprehensive plan fo r reform. It A C C U S E D BRIBER C LE A R E D . is not meant that this man shall be a spy. But from his experience in the W eeps With Joy at Verdict and Em­ department it is believed he ought to be able to point out where there are braces Lawyers. duplications, waste or other loose bus­ Chicago — Attorney L ee O ’N eil iness methods. Browne, o f Ottawa, 111., legislative minority leader, charged with bribery $ 5 7 ,5 0 0 D IS A P P E A R S in connection with the election o f W il­ liam Lorimer, o f Chicago, to the Uni­ ted States Senate, was acquitted by a Gold Bullion From Alaska Replaced By Lead Bars. jury in Judge Kersten’s division o f the criminal court. The jury, which took Seattle— Gold bullion valued at $57,- eight ballots, was out 21 hours. On 500, part o f a shipment o f $170,000 the first ballot the jury stood eigh t to from the Washington-Alaska Bank o f four fo r acquittal. The final juror Fairbanks, Alaska, to the Dexter- standing out for conviction was won Horton national bank o f Seattle, on over to sign the verdict o f acquittal at the steamship Humboldt, was stolen in 2:35 in the afternoon. transit and lead substituted in the The verdict was returned in open strong box that had contained the bul­ court a few minutes before 3 o ’clock. lion. Immediately the courtroom was in an The gold when it le ft Fairbanks on uproar. It was ten minutes before a Yukon river steamer fo r Dawson and bailiffs stopped the cheering. W hite Horse was contained in three a fter water compartment filled through an open or broken deadlight, which was followed at the last minute by a burst­ ing o f bulkheads. Leaving Ludington at 11:30 o ’clock last night with a fair, but stiff, wind, and carrying 29 loaded cars, the ferry made good weather fo r five hours on its course to Milwaukee. A t 4 :30 o ’clock word was sent to Captain K ilty that his boat was rapid­ ly making w ater aft and that the pumps were unable to keep even with the inflow. K ilty headed his ship with all speed toward Sheboygan on the Wisconsin shore, and as the water gained nine cars were dropped off the stern o f the ferry to lighten her, but this gave the vessel only slight and temporary relief. A t 7 :30ja. m. the boat’s buoyancy could no longer sus­ tain it, and she plunged beneath the water. Investigation shows that graft money was paid to N ew Y ork legisla­ "H ush” Fund Discovered. tors through brokers, who gave the recipients generous opportunities to N ew York— The charge that thou­ speculate. sands o f dollars had been deposited to Roosevelt refused to sit at the table his credit by representatives o f street- with Senator Lorim er, o f Illinois, at a railway interests was made before the banquet at Chicago. Lorim er ia ac­ investigation committee o f the legisla­ cused and practically convicted o f ex­ ture against ex-Senator Goodsell, o f Extracts from the tensive bribing In the state legisla Orange county. ture. Roosevelt also thoroughly books o f the brokerage firm o f Elling- grilled the legislature in a speech be­ wood & Cunningham showed that in less than five years $24,800 was placed fore the Hamilton club. to the credit o f the ex-senator and that The International H arvester com­ at least $13,300 o f this amount had pany has been declared a trust by the been furnished by officials o f street Missouri courts. railw ay companies. It is believed Secretary Ballinger w ill be vindicated by the conservation investigating committee. Governor Crothera, o f Maryland, promises some startling disclosures in connection with the cocaine business in Baltimore. A brilliant meteor passed over Northwestern Oregon Sunday, and re­ ports are that pieces o f it w ere picked up near Wood burn. California legislators cheered at the reading o f a constitutional amendment to allow the state to raise money fo r the San Francisco fair. A lone robber shot a flagman and then robbed the passengers in a Pull­ man car while the train was passing through the yards in St. Louis. Two men were drowned in the St. Lawrence river by the overturning o f their motor boat, while their wives stood helpless on shore but a fe w feet away. - - - - H onor Given to Stork. Tulsa, Olahoma— Official recogni­ tion o f the anti-race suicide tendency o f the people o f Tulsa county, where the birth rate since statehood was es­ tablished has overwhelm ingly exceed­ ed the death rate, was taken when the county commissioners adopted the stork as the emblematic bird o f the county. A heroic statue o f the Roose- veltian bird w ill adom the facade of the new courthouse, which is to be built at once. Balloon G oes 265 Miles. Topeka, Kan., SepL 10.— Word was received by telephone tonight from E. S. Cole that he and H. E. Honeywell, who went up in a balloon here at dark last night, landed at 10 a. m. today ten miles north o f Panther, Oklahoma. The distance from here to Panther is 265 miles. The trip was made at the rata o f a fraction more thann 18 miles an boor. - - Sherman Mlay & Co, ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS M O R R I S O N S T ., P O R T L A N D , O R . S IX T H , We want you to try this Piano /TV YOUR H O M E FREE. W e want you to try it at our expense because— A t the end o f thirty days the Piano IT S E L F will convince you o f the following facts: I t ’s the best value on earth fo r the price ($275). I t ’s M U S IC A L L Y and M ECH ANICALLY right! We know there is so much real value in this Wellington Piano— w e ’re selling fo r $275— on easy payments— that w e ’re willing to let it be IT 'S O W N SA LESM A N . It will tell it's own story to you—in your home— If you’ ll send us the coupon. Please senu me full particulars concerning this unusual Plano offer. Name.............................................. Address. R e v e r ie . Reverie, like the rain of night, re­ stores color and force to thoughts which have been blanched and wearied by the heat of the day. W ith gentle fertilizing power It awakens within us a thousand sleeping germs and, as though In play gathers round us ma­ terials for the future and Images for the use of talen t Reverie Is the Sun­ day o f thought, and who knows which Is the more important and fruitful for man, the laborious tension of the week, or the life-giving repos* of the Sabbath— Amlel's Journal. Mothers w ill find Mrs. W m ilo V s Soothing Byrup the b*- s t rem edy to use foi their children lu r in g the teeth in g period. To a Certain Sweet Extent. “ Do you wholly trust me, darling?’’ murmured the young man to the fair creature who was sitting beside him on the front seat of the trolley car. “ I do to a certain extent.” she re- «ponded after a little hitch of hesita­ tion, "W hat extent?” he asked, anxiously. "W h y,” sho explained, “ I would trust you to the extent of not being afraid of there being any poison in a box of candy you might send me by mall.’’ The children of an Infant school In Wales are taught very much by signs. The hand of the teacher sloped sig­ nifies "oblique;’’ the hand held flat, horleontal;” the hand upright, “ per­ pendicular." One of the Welsh bishops was preaching one day In behalf of the school, when, observing several children whispering together, he held bis hand upright In a warning man­ ner, meaning thereby to Impose st- lonce, on which almost the whole school. In the midst of the sermon, shouted, out, "Perpendicular!” L im it on M a r r ia g e . H O W A R D E. B U RTO N - AaMrer ona Chemie, ■ ■ LeadvilIe,__Colura(io^ Specimen price«: GolaJ Silver, Lea