Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Local Reporters of the Press Gordon Brown was a business visitor to Portland, Monday. Abraham’s Professor Lester B. Shippee and wife ariived in Forest Grove Tuesday evening. J.S.Semones.of Caldwell, Ida., visited his brother, Dr. Semones, Rev. Gould was in Portland Jonnie Zenor is working on the o f this city, last week. Monday. j new Methodist church. The yourg daughter o f J. W. Dr. Semones has moved to 217 FOR SALE—40 stands of bees. Brown, the liveryman, who has First St. Ind. Phone 311 45-2t F. A. Everest,Gaston,Ore. 41-6t been seriously ill, is reported to Dr. Walker is superintending Professor Joseph Marsh and be much improved. the wiring o f the new Methodist wife were Rose city visitors Wed­ Miss Bertha Williams came up j church. nesday. from the beach home at Seaview Mr. and Mrs Barger and Mrs. Arthur Reeher, a fire warden Monday and spent a few days at, Zenor were visiting in Dilley Wed­ of the Wilsoy river country, is in the residence here nesday. the Grove. Charley and Roily Walker have A sister of Mrs. Zenor arrived For scientific shoeing go to returned to the Grove, having Friday night from Iowa to make Harris & Markham. They guar­ closed their dancing pavilion at j an extended visit. antee the results. tf Newport for the season. One of John Heisler’ s children Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen were Victor Brown, son o f ^Jvin | at Gales Creek, is reported to be in Portland Wednesday attending Brown, one o f Forest Grove’s I sick with appendicitus. the Pure Food Show. earliest pioneers, was in town Byron Lamont and Wife, living George Boose the Grove’s first!Tuesday from his Wilson River: in the section West o f town, were mayor, was in town from his Gas- ranch. Tuesday visitors to the Grove. ton rock quarry Wednesday Miss Eva Bellinger, of Dallas, A complete stock o f home-made Miss Katherin Myers left this who has been visiting with! candies can now be had at Prick- week for Los Angeles, where she friends in this city and at Banks ett’ s confectionery. A l w a y s will resume her cburse in osteo­ for several days, returned to hei , fresh. 45-3t home Tuesday. pathy. Jennings and Van Doren are John Taylor, William Smith,and Geese have been observed fly-1 putting down six hundred feet of Frank Ramsey are building a ing South the past week, which | concrete walk at the Lincoln play shed on the High school indicates that the summer is school. nearly gone, and winter chill and grounds. drear will soon be our portion. Now is the time to purchase Mr. and Mrs. George Spillman thav^knge you want. The best spent Sunday with Mrs. Spill-1 that are made can be had at man’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ' Notice to Farmers—Bring in j your chickens, eggs and butter Hinman’ s. tf W. Scott. to W. F. Schultz and get cash ' Miss Joy, a teacher in the Pub­ Yes the weather is getting in exchange. Produce of all tf I lic school and her brother and sis­ quite “ fally” a n d t h a t good kinds wanted. ter, have moved into rooms in the warm underwear at Anderson’s Hoffman tenement. Ben Taylor, step-son o f Mr. will make you comfortable. MacGreer, who recently moved C. L. Hinman has a full line of Miss h ranees Meyers went to ^ere f rom Antelope,Oregon,came ranges and heating stoves in Portland Sunday where she has a out to the Grove Tuesday, after stock. Make your selection now. position as instructor in one of several weeks in a Portland hos­ See the “ Charter Oak’ \ tf the South Portland schools. pital with typhoid fever. Prof. Taylor and Dr. Bean left E. D. Baker and wife of Port­ John Hoyt and wife, o f Blue Friday morning for a walk to land, visited several days the Mound, Missouri, are visiting this Tillamook. They are expected past week with Mrs. Baker’s sis­ week at the home o f W. J. Good, « back some time this week. ter, Mrs. F, T. Miles in this city. in his city, Mr. Hoyt is being hALL 1910 OPENING Sept. 16th and 17, the newest ideas in Hats and Millinery goods at Mrs. A. E. Dixons, Main St. Forest Grove. 44-2t. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman and daughter Aileen were in Port­ land Monday and Tuesday the guests o f Prof. Staley on Po: tland Heights. J. B. Matthews wishes to show you the new l nion jack; for lifting, setting tires, stretching fence and many other ¿.ses. Al- ways handy. tf £)r Semones. Hop picking in the Buchanan yard was completed today, and by the end of the week most of the yards will have finished pick­ ing. Several yards report a yield below the average on ac­ count of light hops, but taking the state in general, the yield will be as good as last year. Sample Underwear & Sweaters E HAVE something exceedingly good to offer you at this sale. The goods were bought at two-thirds of regular price and will be sold at the same rate. 250 garments, no two alike. All grades are represented, W every one of them a genuine bargain and they are worthy of your consideration. them before buying your winter underwear. Be sure to see The sale begins Thursday morning the 15th of Sept, at Corner Store Abraham’s Comer Store The best stock of Perfumes, Talcum Powder and Toilet Creams in Town Kodaks and Camera Supplies Prices Right Dr. Hines’ Drug Store STOVES ALL SIZES & STYLES AT HINMAN Homeopathic , ‘shown” by his former neighbor pySjcjan and Oculist. ®Does no Good, and the chances are he surgery. O ffice at residence. will locate here. 319 North A street. Ind. Phone C.P. Reil and wife, o f Creston, tf 3625. B. C., visited with Father Buck Asa Wells, a childhood resident the fore-part of the week. Mr. of this city and Cornelius, now Reil. who is a disiant relative of m the real estate business in Louis Reil, the Lanadian martyr, Portland, was in the Grove on intends to locate in Oregon in the very near future. business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W W. F. Schultz Why burn $4 wood when you Mr. and Mrs. and gon p auj visited Sunday and | can buy a ton of Mendota coal for Monday at the home o f Mrs. A. $7.50. delivered. Little soot and N Larsop> o f Woodburr, who is little ash. Keeps an even fire. a sigter o f Mrs gchuk*. No splitting, no sawing, equals Gain knowloge by correspond- two cords of wood. Give ita trial enCe. Learn t o d o something Roswurm and Moulton, Forest tf worth while; $75 scholarship cer­ Grove. HARDWARE STORE The “ W ood Superior” , Mr. and Mrs. John Bernards, of the Roy section, were visitors to the Grove Monday. John was a pleasant caller at this office, and says he will bring the P ress the finest watermelon he has in the patch. coacs and margaruites. T. J. O. We hear “T. J. O.” , — by the way, “ T J. 0 . ” has become a household name in Forest Grove— is to have an exhibition of bread H. M. Waller and wife, the lat- made from “T. J. O.” Flour. ter a sister of John Williams.and • Mr. Thatcher tells us this flour is Miss Emma Williams, his neice, made from a combination of wheat all of Kansas, who have been vis- originated by himaelf in the east iting at the Williams home on Certainly the bread made from it First avenue, south, have gone to is very choice. Walla Walla. Wash., for a visit We wish him success in hisex- with relatives there before re- hibition. Notice later as to date turning home. j *nd conditions. an Air Tight Heater for W ood, cannot be excelled. Heavy cor­ rugated Ventilated Linings, Extra Large Feed Door, Deep Corrugated Ash Pit. Heavy Nickle Trimm­ ings. A Stove of Utility and Beauty “ Charter O ak ” Ranges are acknowledged supreme. W e carry a first class line from Smallest to Largest. These ranges are constructed thruout of steel, have porcelain lined reservoirs, s p e c if y constructed ventilated ovens, and are handsomely Mr. and Mrs. Jack Latta and Roscoe Vaughn, departed l a s t week for a visit o f several weeks with relatives and friends in Kan­ tificate in Internat’l schools for L. F. Barin and aunt, Mrs. sas and Washington, D. C. sale at $50 cash. P ress office, tf Harding,of Portland, visited with Captain Barnes Saturday. Mr. Elmer King, o f Greely, Colo­ William Abernethy o f this city, Barin is not yet twenty-one years rado, and Mrs. Wiliiam Daly and and one o f Oregon’s earliest pio- o f age, yet he has one o f the Miss Eva Knight, of Nebraska, neera. suffered a paraletic stroke ° a ’ „hmitinv arms Cantain visited this week at the home of Sunday visiting nis his aau. dam r 1- arma ftunaay, while wniie visiting . 3tron* Barn(,s e9t sh(f he n* eVer saw, CaPta,n using their uncle. Jesse Knight, on ter near Welshe’ s Hotel. He is! a 64 pound bow. Fourth street. rapidly recovering. . .. , i> , * M.„ _____ _ The Standard Bearers, a miss- Mr. and Mrs. Will Gerrish and : , . _ _ ¡«nary organization o f the M eth-! young son visited this week at the Kirkwood,Will Martain and Char­ c hurch, held a social m eet-! home of Dr. Nixon in this city. ley Auterson are taking a tramp ing last Friday night at the home Though the little chap doesn’t over to Tillamook. Arthur took of A. G. Hoffman in honor o f the weigh much, Billie says he would over a load of apples and expects honorary members. R e f r e s h - ! not take a million for him. to bring back a load of fish. ments were served consisting o f W. A. Williams, the district manager of the Continental Ir - surance Co., left Tuesday for the east, where he will spend a week in Iowa visiting his mother, and will attend the Irrigation Con- ^res8- 4th. Annual Sale 4th. nickled trim. Stand the Test of W ear A full line of General Hardware, Paints and Oils. W agons, Buggies, Carriages and Farm Implements. Tin and Granite Ware. H IN M A N ’S H A R D W A R E S T O R E Pacific Avenue f Forest Grove New Fall Millinery For the Trade The Latest Shapes and Newest Col­ orings in Millinery M aterials Velvets, Pluahea, Beaver Cloth. Fancy Feathers, W ings and Millinery Novelties Now Being Displayed M rs. A . EL Dixon Forest Grove